Please give a press release idea for a review site

16 replies
I can't think of anything news worthy, but do want to submit the press release...

Do you have any ideas? Templates may be?
#give #idea #press #release #review #site
  • Profile picture of the author ildarius
    Good tip, btw did you have time to integrate the template into your Press Release Generator?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    First, a press release announcing the launch of your new high-quality review site.

    Then, as Justin mentions, a press release for each new product that you review.

    What type of products are you reviewing? Let's say you're reviewing weight loss products. Do a little google research and find out the latest study on obesity statistics - then do a press release using that to create a news angle "The latest xxxxx study reveals that obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions, with xxxxx amount of Americans now considered clinically obese. On (your website link), weight loss product reviewer (your name here) weighs in on the most effective weight loss products available on the market today."

    Et cetera. You get the idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author ildarius
    What type of products are you reviewing? Let's say you're reviewing weight loss products. Do a little google research and find out the latest study on obesity statistics - then do a press release using that to create a news angle "The latest xxxxx study reveals that obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions, with xxxxx amount of Americans now considered clinically obese. On (your website link), weight loss product reviewer (your name here) weighs in on the most effective weight loss products available on the market today."
    This is gold!

    And otherwise right now we are working hard on integrating new functionality into some soon to be tested brand new SUPER-WICKED software (if I say so myself!)
    looking forward to seeing it
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  • Profile picture of the author ildarius
    Keep us posted!
    She said "us" man, don't forget me either
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  • Profile picture of the author kettlewell
    The biggest thing is to make sure that it is newsworthy...

    For ideas, I generally troll the PR sites and search for related products and niches and see what really stands out... then I'll take the ideas, and create my own angle for my own product...

    and voila! like magic, I've got more traffic than I know what to do with....

    For me pernsonally (since I'm slow), I dedicate 2 whole days to researching, writing and submitting a PR -

    Yes, I've found PR to be that important that I will dedicate an entire weekend to it...

    ... now if I could get the process down to 3 hours...
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    • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
      Originally Posted by kettlewell View Post

      The biggest thing is to make sure that it is newsworthy...

      For ideas, I generally troll the PR sites and search for related products and niches and see what really stands out... then I'll take the ideas, and create my own angle for my own product...

      and voila! like magic, I've got more traffic than I know what to do with....

      For me pernsonally (since I'm slow), I dedicate 2 whole days to researching, writing and submitting a PR -

      Yes, I've found PR to be that important that I will dedicate an entire weekend to it...

      ... now if I could get the process down to 3 hours...
      If the submission process takes too long, you can either use submission software or hire a virtual assistant. I've done both.

      As for writing, honestly, it does get faster once you have more experience. Press releases are like news articles, and the structure of the press release is pretty much done to a formula.

      First paragraph - announce your news. Second paragraph - a little background info. Third paragraph - a quote from you about the product, service, or event that you are announcing. Et cetera.

      If you read press releases on PRWeb or the free sites, you start to get into the rhythm and it becomes really easy.
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      • Profile picture of the author ildarius
        Wrote my first PR using the advice in this thread:

        A study performed by the American Psychiatric Association reveals that pet assisted therapy can significantly reduce anxiety in patients with various psychotic and mood disorders.

        Study performed by Sanda B. Baker, Ph.D and Kathryn S. Dawson, Ph.D involved 230 patients who underwent therapeutic recreation sessions involving pets. The results show a significant reduction in anxiety and stress levels in the vast majority of patients.

        Ylda Hakimo, creator of a popular animal products review web-site, MYSITE, strongly believes in the results of the study: "If pets can help mental patients reduce anxiety levels without resorting to drugs, you can just imagine the type of effect a pet can have on mentally stable individuals like you and I. For me personally nothing is more relaxing than watching my cat slowly stroll around the house without a worry on her mind."

        Results of the study explain the popularity of pet therapy in various health care settings, such as retirement homes and mental hospitals. Pet therapy can also prolong the life span of heart patients. A study at the City Hospital of New York examined patients who were discharged the previous year and discovered that pet owners had a significantly higher survival rate than those who didn''t own pets.

        Ylda Hakimo believes that it does not matter what type of a pet you own: "it doesn''t matter if you own a fish or a tortoise, as long as you''re interested in the pet and it brings you joy. The only requirement is that you carefully choose the right kind of animal that fits your lifestyle otherwise you might create even more stress in your life".
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  • Profile picture of the author ildarius
    Great ideas everyone.

    Interesting to note that I just purchased the PressBot and am currently reading Dana_W's
    guide on how to write press releases that came with it. It's some well written, meaty stuff!

    and voila! like magic, I've got more traffic than I know what to do with....
    that sounds pretty interesting... do you write Press releases for Review web-sites?
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  • Profile picture of the author ildarius
    I was wondering if anyone tried submitting "news stories" to news web-sites, like for example may be the above press release would be worthy of a news web-site? I see a lot of plain garbage "news" article on portals like MSN for example.

    Would be interesting to know what Dana_W thinks about this
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