Noob to IM I have 200$ in pay pal where do I start?

25 replies
I just like to say hello! I am a college grad who has had trouble finding work and I have a decent amount of student loan debt. I have earned 200$ in Paypal by doing paid surveys. Since there are so many scams out there, I am flooded with information and don't know where to start. What products or advice would you recommend to turn 200$ into several thousand in less then 6 months? Much appreciated, I look forward to learning as much as I can on here. Thank you All.
#200$ #domain #noob #pal #pay #start
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Originally Posted by technotroubadour View Post

    I just like to say hello! I am a college grad who has had trouble finding work and I have a decent amount of student loan debt. I have earned 200$ in Paypal by doing paid surveys. Since there are so many scams out there, I am flooded with information and don't know where to start. What products or advice would you recommend to turn 200$ into several thousand in less then 6 months? Much appreciated, I look forward to learning as much as I can on here. Thank you All.
    Start with using the "Search Feature" on this forum

    People post variations of your question multiple times per WEEK on the Warrior Forum

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Originally Posted by Jeff Lenney View Post

      Start with using the "Search Feature" on this forum

      People post variations of your question multiple times per WEEK on the Warrior Forum
      when Jeff says Multiple he meands hundreds


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author AffiliateWaves
        To OP and all others those have money but don't have any idea what to do .

        Please give me your all money ,and start with zero .

        Take time to read this forum posts ,they are many ideas worth millions.

        Honestly spend at least one month on this forum ,you will get clear idea ,where to start and how to do it perfectly.

        I seriously need money for my venture so if you guys don't know how to spend ,just donate it to me.

        I am not begging here just solving rich guys problem


        Need high Quality Expired domains click here to see now

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    There are a lot of trusted internet marketers out there. You just have to find them and also have to realize that you will need to invest money to make money.

    There are a lot of great threads here in the forum which you can use to search and find many answers to your questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    The worst thing you can do on this forum is advertise that you are a newbie with money to spend. If it hasn't happened already, you are going to be swamped with offers of every magic formula available.

    I suggest you give some thought to niches/markets that interest you (camping, fishing, baseball, etc).

    Once you've settled on a niche that you enjoy and know something about, identify products that you can promote to people who enjoy the same niche.

    After identifying products to promote, go get hosting and a brandable domain name (no keyword domains!!!) and setup a nice looking website using Wordpress.

    Begin blogging about your topic every day. You'll need no more than an hour per day to do this.

    After a week or two of blogging, setup a matching facebook page and begin sharing your website content on it. After a week or so, launch a facebook like campaign to build an audience for your Facebook page.

    If you target properly, you can build upwards of 1000 real fans for under $100.

    Once you have the fan base, publish a new blog post everyday and share it on your Facebook page, using the boosted post option every now and again, throwing 5 bucks at it.

    As your engagement grows, your reach will grow. As your reach grows, your website traffic will grow. You will also be establishing trust with your readers.

    You can then start promoting products to your readers while growing your audience.

    It's not a silver bullet but it's about as close to it as you can get because when executed properly, it amazingly effective.

    Shoot me a PM if you have any questions.

    Tom Mitchell
    Wolf Web Marketing
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author technotroubadour
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      The worst thing you can do on this forum is advertise that you are a newbie with money to spend. If it hasn't happened already, you are going to be swamped with offers of every magic formula available.
      Yeah I figured as much after the fact, I am sorry for coming off as spammy. I have been researching for several weeks and all of it can be overwhelming. Those of you who answered honestly I do appreciate the forwardness. I will be exploring the forum in depth over the next week . I'll try not to come off as irritating next time. Thank you for your encouragement and help.
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    • Profile picture of the author Synnuh
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      The worst thing you can do on this forum is advertise that you are a newbie with money to spend. If it hasn't happened already, you are going to be swamped with offers of every magic formula available.
      You take the fun out of being a WF marketer. ;/

      To the OP, learn how to promote a product. Find something that a lot of people need outside of making money online, and promote it.

      Legitimate offer + Traffic that wants it = $$$
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    No, you didn't come off as spammy at all. I was letting you know that by telling everyone you are new and have money, you can find yourself inundated by "magic beans" offers from sharks that smell blood.

    You set yourself up as a target - fresh meat, if you will.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    you should invest them in a guide that explain you how to use google AdWords / Facebook Ads.
    After that open a website/blog and start promotinf Affiliate products, I suggest you to sell Ebbok/video/ services throught clickbank/JvZoo and similar.

    A method to earn without invest in PPC is to open a Blog connected with an AdSense Account.
    Choose a niche that passionate you and start write articles!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author imsirigiri
    Become a WAR Room member and absorb as much information you can. Make notes and decide on at least ten activities that sound good to you and in which you believe that you can spend time and love doing them.

    There are tons of free resources being poured out in War room, so make use of them - get a website done and start working on those ten points you made. Work on each one of them for a week and analyse pros and cons and calculate your energy levels.

    Follow the ones which you are really enjoying doing and make some moolah.
    Need a Technical Support VA on an Hourly Basis? || Need AdSense Microniche Sites Research and Development? PM me.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Good post and you should probably pay up hosting for a niche site for at least a year or two and use the rest of it to buy content if needed. Start using as much social media as you can and boost your posts on Facebook about once a week. With some luck, you may make some sales from this in about 6 months but the 1st year is always the toughest in order to get any free traffic from Google. Just use this forum, learn more everyday and keep adding new content. Traffic = sales and you can't make anything without it, but if you never quit it will happen for you eventually


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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    And ignore people who have nothing of value to offer except to say "use the search feature of the forum". They assume you are stupid and that you don't deserve a personal answer.

    Just about every question that could be asked, has been asked, and answered multiple times, but that doesn't mean we need to turn this forum into a search engine.

    You can ask any question you want, and thankfully not everyone here is an arrogant asshole.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

      And ignore people who have nothing of value to offer except to say "use the search feature of the forum". They assume you are stupid and that you don't deserve a personal answer.

      Just about every question that could be asked, has been asked, and answered multiple times, but that doesn't mean we need to turn this forum into a search engine.

      You can ask any question you want, and thankfully not everyone here is an arrogant asshole.
      Wow. Tell us how you really feel

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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  • Profile picture of the author RecessionPROOF
    Originally Posted by technotroubadour View Post

    I just like to say hello! I am a college grad who has had trouble finding work and I have a decent amount of student loan debt. I have earned 200$ in Paypal by doing paid surveys. Since there are so many scams out there, I am flooded with information and don't know where to start. What products or advice would you recommend to turn 200$ into several thousand in less then 6 months? Much appreciated, I look forward to learning as much as I can on here. Thank you All.
    Leverage is the only way to make your $200. work for you, but you have a lot to learn before you jump into internet marketing arena. My advice is to start with an affiliate program with mass appeal, new niche, used by everyone, and most important, free to start so you have money to invest in advertising. Starting your search is the most important step you can take, so congratulations on your first step to success.

    Success to all,
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    You can use the search feature on this forum to find loads of information on this topic
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  • Profile picture of the author RR4111
    My suggestion is to understand the landscape of IM. What would you like to do....there are a ton of ways to make money in about these, find one that you like and go after it.

    One of the worst things to do is to keep chasing opportunities and hopping from one to another. Treat this like a business that is focused on one service / product to begin with. Once you are successful at any one thing, you can scale it and make a good amount of money.

    So, in essence, start by reading about different ways to make money in IM, pick one that you like and go after it like mad. Successful marketers do not keep dabbling from one thing to another...just remember that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Riki Stein
    I'm not sure that you've really gotten any smarter from all these responses, some of which may be good but not necessarily able to point you in the correct direction for you.

    My .02: do a little research about the different methods out there that people are earning money from. See which one "speaks" to you, and then go from there.

    You don't want to find yourself in a situation where you spend all your money on random things (like I did when starting out - although I consider all that wasted money as growing pains to get me where I needed to be), only to have none left when you really need to invest the money in someone or something that will really teach you.
    Are you a newbie who would love to learn how to start making money online? Boy, do I have a free report for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    I offer you another alternative.. cash out the $200. Continue to do the paid surveys. If you are able to consistently earn $200 for paid survey, then come out with a product to teach people how you are able to do it. Reinvest the money to learn how you can release a product then.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    My advice is not to spend the $200 on anything as if you're new most likely you'll just waste it. Spend one month to learn everything you can on a subject and after that start with the and use the money you have. As for what to do exactly, as you haven't given any idea of what you're good at can't really say, what I can say is most methods still work if you actually put the work into it and keep doing it, most people fail here, putting in the effort
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  • Profile picture of the author alweeks
    I don't believe that most of the replies you have had thus far, will be of much practical use to you. When I started out I was in the same position as yourself. I followed some of the advice that has been given to you. Beware - there's always SOMEONE who has the only answer to your question. HE will be right and everyone else will be wrong.

    Don't get swamped by the IM Information Overload syndrome. I got drawn into this and ended up with so much info, I would still be trying to assimilate it all by the time hell freezes over. So how can you solve your problem.

    Well firstly, hang on to your hard earned money for as lomg as you can. You worked very hard on those surveys to earn what you have. Don't spend one penny on any " shiny objects ". Don't be dragged in by the hype of the false prophets i.e. the gurus. That's all they want is your money.

    So where do you start? My personal belief is to folloe two rules and resolve to stick to them.

    a. Get a MENTOR who has gone through evrything before you. Someone who you can rely on and TRUST IMPLICITLY.

    b. Get a PLAN so that all the time you put into your new venture is not wasted

    c. Build your first list. This will be the best business asset you will have over time.

    Forget about affiliate products, websites, and the like. You can deal with all that later. I've been there before you and made all the mistakes possible. My purpose behind this post is to help you and stop you from falling into the traps that I did.

    PM me, if you like and I'll do whatever I can to be of assistance
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Vodini
    In this case the worst thing a newbie can make is to buy stuff constantly hoping that for some magic reason will make money overnight.

    It wont just happen, trust me.

    The first thing you want to do is to educate yourself and ask!

    Once you know some basic (about list building for example) then start doing it. You will fail 100% guaranteed, but failure is just a step to success as i always say.

    Wish u the best mate


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  • Profile picture of the author mohdbd
    According to me you should start where you are expert. Such as if you know how to write, you can but a DOMAIN & HOSTING. Then start writing article. After writing a few article, you will do some SEO to increase your site traffic & Page rank. When you will think the traffic is okay now, then you can start earning by ADSENSE or, AFFILIATE PROGRAM. Even you can sell your own goods if you have. It is a good idea for you if you want. Thanks

    Are you okay?

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  • Profile picture of the author renukoot
    Just use the search above and you will get all the answers on how to start. There may be thousands of post here asking same thing.

    Look for them, choose whats best with you and proceed.

    The forum also full of other topics helping you in dealing with Advertising / Payments etc....

    On the above Best thing you get on this Forum is the SEARCH Button
    Signature - Upto 75% Discount on SSL Certificates & Website Scanner. If you don't find what you looking for, raise a support query and we will get you that SSL Certificate.
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  • Profile picture of the author LaunchPurveyor
    Start a service on Fiverr for quick cash (search for good Fiverr courses on WF). Then once you become successful selling your Fiverr services, create a product around what you've done and sell it here!
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  • Profile picture of the author flyingskill
    If you like blogging then take this route.

    Write compelling content. Promote it on social media.

    Get loyal visitors then monetize your blog/site with contextual ads, affiliate products related to your niche, cpa offers.

    For the long term sustainable business you can take the route of list-building.

    Wish you good luck.

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