Ranking or Grading Internet Marketers & Offers
What do I mean?
When I was actively reviewing up and coming WSO's I came to realize that certain WSO's were more appropriate for complete "Newbies / Noob" etc., while others were good for Intermediate and/or advanced marketers (very rare).
This seemed to help me and those reading my reviews quite well.
Because of the mass disappointments with WSO's generally expressed here on the forum, I feel that much of it can be mitigated by developing better language and ranking of offers based on the "level" of marketer an offer is best suited for.
The definition will help the buyer realize and assess their own strengths and weaknesses in light of the offer and the seller can better assist their visitors in making informed decisions before buying their product - I believe all of us would rather have purchases that do not end up in a refund and enhance our reputations (not to mention restoring some WSO integrity to the marketplace).
So I propose some definitions to help both buyers and sellers. I also wish all warriors to chime in with their opinions and definitions (even funny ones

Newbie (Noob / Noobie, etc.):
noun: newbie; plural noun: newbies
- an inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity.
Seller: newbie; plural noun: newbies
- a person desirous of a positive outcome (usually monetary) directly as a result of purchasing (acquiring) your offer due to their inexperience in most aspects of Internet Marketing in general.
- I am new to Internet Marketing and I do not yet understand the nuts and bolts of this industry sufficiently in order to make an informed estimation if this product or service will perform according to my expectations BECAUSE I may not have the skill set or motivation to do what needs to be done in order to make any good product or service work for me.
Intermediate Marketer
adjective: intermediate
coming between two things in time, place, order, character, etc.
"an intermediate stage of development"
synonyms:in-between, middle, mid, midway, halfway, median, medial, intermediary, intervening, transitional "an intermediate stage in the cell's development"
src - "Google Search Definition - term: intermediate"
Seller: adjective: intermediate
- a person who knows how to find and drive targeted traffic who has developed at least one offer of their own, has at least one website with monthly traffic and is seeking more methods, products or services to enhance their ability to grow their business, maintain their assets and become more efficient overall.
- The intermediate marketer understands the basic mechanics of sales funnels and can develop basic funnels for several niches.
- This person can "guess" what most "Newbie" offers are comprised of on their own although, he/she may be misdirected and enticed by "Newbie" level titles & headlines due to their unwillingness to research, self doubt or a propensity for not staying focused on one method through fruition (success).
- I am not staying on point and since I do not, I am feeling that I am still "missing" something. This drives me to continually seek new "guaranteed" methods for traffic and making money - even if it is in another niche or business format.
- I am yet to understand that I need to stay focused on one thing and make it successful, that I need to master the basics of targeting and driving traffic and ensure that I am able to create a big list at will, before I go on to other things without research which may or may not help my business (this includes testing and ensuring that the product or offering has an accessible and active buying market).
Intermediates should "guess" what an offer is comprised of understanding that with offers that seem to "hide" what it is they are offering, it is usually because you could have discovered it yourself with a little research. Intermediate offers are characterized by clear product description, buyer prerequisites and output (results).
Advanced Marketer
adjective: advanced
far on or ahead in development or progress.
"negotiations are at an advanced stage"
synonyms:state-of-the-art, new, modern, developed, cutting-edge, leading-edge, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, the newest, the latest
src - "Google Search Definition - term: advanced"
Seller: adjective: advanced
- This individual is an innovator and product creator. He / she is, therefore, your peer. Since the advanced marketer can usually create their own solutions, offers must be unique and finely targeted in concept toward platform and business solutions - enterprise level.
- This individual is seeking to keep his business on the cutting edge of any and all advancements in Internet Marketing and/or the niches in which they are involved in. Simply, they need to stay ahead of the pack and require offers that accomplish that with great efficiency - multifaceted technology / software and/or systems are highly prized.
- ROI is the only consideration for this individual and your offer MUST perform.
Buyer: adjective: advanced
- You know who you are. You're accomplished and can start from scratch tomorrow without blinking an eye. You know what you need for your business and you find it or have it made for you (or make it yourself).
- It is usually your solution to buy a business or system entirely (or create one) to solve most of your issues.
- You mainly need "modules" that fit into your business seamlessly that enhance your profitability overall. (Think WF purchase by Freelancer).
OK - now it needs your input, suggestions and whatever. Feel free to rework it, reword it, add to it, take away from it, poke fun at it and what else you can throw at it.
Your opinions add so much to the overall discussion about the industry, the Warrior forum and to everyone's business. Thanks!
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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