Turning 50k to 700k in 1 year?

32 replies
Is it possible?
With some prior experience in online marketing, but been out of the industry since 1.5 years due to college studies.

Need 700k asap for something very very special,something that will change my life forever.

I can get 50k from my dad.

I know I'm asking this on an IM forum, but ANYTHING that can get me there in a year or so will work

Any suggestions welcome,thank you very much
#50k #700k #turning #year
  • Profile picture of the author David Rosa
    Hire a coach for 10k, Get VERY good at 1 skill and teach it in group coaching format for 5-12k (depending on value)

    Create an automated webinar funnel, or video series explaining more about what you do. Then jump on the phone with them to close sale.

    then teach and deliver the class over an 8 week period while helping on the phone. One group call a week for closer interactions.

    Have leads constantly in your pipeline from paid traffic.

    Don't let people make you believe it's impossible.
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  • Profile picture of the author samelliss
    I believe that is very possible, you just need the right strategy in place to be able to pull something of this magnitude off...

    For example my mentor generated 500k leads and $400,000/MO from Zero ad spend, to me this shows the true power behind having the right strategy in place!

    I agree with the above comment as well, having a mentor is critical for your success, if you really want to make this happen then you need to learn from people that are already having success online.

    The great thing is that with 50K you have room to test and tweak, and have enough money to get all the tools you will need as well!

    I wish you the best of luck man!
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    There's possible and there's realistically possible. I don't think this is the latter especially as you say you need it asap.

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    • Profile picture of the author Joshua P
      Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

      There's possible and there's realistically possible. I don't think this is the latter especially as you say you need it asap.
      Well, its okay if I get it in 2 years, no problems....but anything more than that my dream will disappear.

      I posted 1 year just so that I can keep that in mind and progress accordingly, since we are creatures of procastination(at least I am..)
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        You won't find that kind of return (1400% in one year) in Internet marketing. There are no magic buttons in this industry. You'd better head to Vegas.

        Oh, and be sure to let your dad know you lost all his money.


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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        • Profile picture of the author salegurus
          Please OP don't take clowns like this seriously... You will end up throwing your Dads hard earned money down the toilet with nothing to show for it...

          Originally Posted by samelliss View Post

          I believe that is very possible, you just need the right strategy in place to be able to pull something of this magnitude off...
          I wish you the best of luck man!
          Originally Posted by David Rosa View Post

          Hire a coach for 10k, Get VERY good at 1 skill and teach it in group coaching format for 5-12k (depending on value)

          Create an automated webinar funnel, or video series explaining more about what you do. Then jump on the phone with them to close sale.

          then teach and deliver the class over an 8 week period while helping on the phone. One group call a week for closer interactions.

          Have leads constantly in your pipeline from paid traffic.

          Don't let people make you believe it's impossible.
          I would love to see you turn 50K into 700K in one year... In fact i would bet my beach house that you can't....
          Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

          ― George Carlin
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          • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
            Man I wish my dad could give me 50k to waste like that.

            'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
            -Muhammad Ali

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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            Joshua -

            Here's what I think you should do:

            Go back to 2013 and 2014 and read the threads you started here. You are a smart (and seemingly privileged) young man who thinks about things and has dreams.

            Unfortunately your dreams are not goals. You've posted about "challenges" to yourself more than once here - but then seem to immediately move on to something else.

            You thought IM would be easy for you and it wasn't - and I think that was a shock to you. Your main dream has been 'not working for someone else' but that is a negative goal.

            Focus on working for yourself instead - being a tough boss and a great employee who gets things done. That is the reality of "self employed". I think a lack of real world work experience shows. If anything, working for yourself is harder than working for someone else - at least in the beginning.

            If the money is real - take it (NEVER turn down free money) but save it. Use a small amount to test out your ideas for business methods and products - say $5k over 6 months. Set a work schedule and stick to it day after day. Choose ONE niche or ONE idea and run with it - skip everything else and focus until you either KNOW it can work or KNOW it won't work.

            Keep the rest of the money until you find the method that YOU can succeed with long term and until you have a small but reliable income with that method....then use more of the money to ramp up ads and content, etc to make more money.

            You can take $50k and blow it or you can use it to create a sold platform that grows and diversifies into a long term, profitable business. Use it wisely.


            Is it possible for YOU to turn $50k into $700k in 12-24 months?

            Not with what you know now and with how you work at this time. Anyone posting that it's possible...hasn't done it.

            However, if you stop focusing on "what I can get for me" and look at that money as "my one opportunity to create value for customers"...you could have a long and successful business career.

            Forget the dreams and drama - you are in real life now. Make every day and every hour count. Set a realistic goal, make a plan and maintain a strict work schedule - and get started now.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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          • Profile picture of the author DRP
            Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

            Please OP don't take clowns like this seriously... You will end up throwing your Dads hard earned money down the toilet with nothing to show for it...
            Be sure to add Dan Dasilva to your list of clowns. His responses were amusing to read. I like how he said his "mentors" are worth as much as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are. (~600 million) This kid is just full of pipe dreams...and evidently suffering from mania or delusions of grandeur.

            Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

            I would love to see you turn 50K into 700K in one year... In fact i would bet my beach house that you can't....
            Agreed. I'd bet my personal aircraft that he can't.
            I'd rather tell you an ugly truth than a pretty lie.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dasilva Marketing
          Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

          You won't find that kind of return (1400% in one year) in Internet marketing. There are no magic buttons in this industry. You'd better head to Vegas.

          Oh, and be sure to let your dad know you lost all his money.

          I am about to break this statement right here.

          I started ACTUALLY working on my business this January. I went offline for a few years and ended up with nothing. I came back online with $30 to my name and 7 months into it I have hired 1 coach for $10,000 and I went (and currently writing from) a yacht mastermind by Andrew Fox, Peter Parks and Com mirza and that was $25,000 for 3 days.

          So when you say you cannot take $50k to $700k in one year, that is a limiting belief. If you believe you can't, you won't.

          As for OP, you can easily achieve that. Without a doubt in my mind. I know because I am on track to doing over $1m my first year back in the game.

          Some advice I can actually give

          1- treat it as a real BUSINESS. This isn't a joke. This can be way bigger than you ever expected. I know some affiliates who are in internet marketing and make over $8MM per year. That is serious. That is a business.

          2 - never put all your eggs in one basket. You will need to learn conversions before you learn traffic. Why? Traffic is everywhere. Learn to build a relationship with your list, perhaps use NLP with videos (ethically that is), and so many tactics you can use.

          3 - If someone tells you that its impossible, turn it around and show them nothing is impossible. You are your own worst enemy. If you ever need advice (as much as I know at least) than reach out.

          Enjoy my friend
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          • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
            Dasilva marketing.

            Maybe you can help this guy out and reference him to your mentor?

            I am sure that he will be able to afford it.

            'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
            -Muhammad Ali

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack107
    If I could turn 50k into 700k in my first year, I would probably ditch my dream and spend the next year trying to turn 200,000k into 2.8M.

    I worry for people who look to take the fast route. Things never seem to work out. BUT, you have a huge amount of money to invest so if you are smart and play your cards right, anything is possible I guess. Would love to hear how you go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale

    Here's the first thing to learn about starting a business...

    If you have to ask someone else (especially people you don't know - and who don't know you) then whether it's possible, or not... YOU can't do it.

    Most startup businesses fail in the first year. Even more of those fail in the second year if they stick it out until then. And just think about this - NONE of those businesses got started based on someone else's belief in the possibility.

    To succeed, not only do YOU have to believe in it... YOU have to want it and be committed to making it happen.

    Sid Hale
    Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    You can do this in just 9 easy steps.

    1) Go to a Roulette table.
    2) Place $50K on black (or red, your choice really, but Wesley Snipes told me to always bet on black).
    3) Win.
    4) Place $100K on black or red.
    5) Win.
    6) Place $200K on black or red.
    7) Win.
    8) Place $400K on back or red.
    9) Win.

    Now you have $800K. Congratulations. You have exceeded your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    As the other serious people in this thread have noted, it is utterly unrealistic to expect you can get that kind of ROI, particularly in year number one.

    Honestly, you should find another way to fund whatever this $700k dream is. IM is not going to do it. A bank is unlikely, but maybe an angel investor or VC will see the potential and get behind you if you have a realistic chance at success, some collateral and a willingness to share ownership.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Call Jay Abraham. He'll show you how to turn that 50k to 700k in 1 hour LOL.
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    • Profile picture of the author mtpm3737
      Remember that rarely do you "not work for someone else". Even as an internet marketer (or self-employed business owner of any type) you need to work at keeping your buyers (or clients) and prospective clients (email list) happy. If they aren't happy and don't buy from you (whether it is your own product or an affiliate product) you don't make money.

      This concept was taught to me almost 30 years ago by a friend who was a Pharmacist and owned his own pharmacy. I commented to him one day that it must be nice to "be your own boss" and he pointed out to me that he had thousands of "bosses". Literally everyone who walked in his store was his "boss" because he had to do his best to make them happy. He also pointed out that a happy customer only occasionally shares why he/she is happy with others, but an angry customer will tell an average of 10 other people about their "bad" experience.

      I think it is important what Kay said above. Work for yourself and be the best boss and the best employee you could possibly be. Focus on serving others first and the income will come. Focus only on getting rich and you could be sorely disappointed and leave a trail of unhappy people that could make your life miserable.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Call Jay Abraham. He'll show you how to turn that 50k to 700k in 1 hour LOL.
      I'm pretty sure Mr. Abraham would charge like $20k just for the privilege of talking to him.

      30k to 400k-ish in a year maybe? That would be an interesting call to listen in on lol
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  • Profile picture of the author fantrom
    While nothing is impossible, this falls under highly improbable.

    But if you do find a way, make sure to make a WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author JawadAshraf
    Interesting thoughts & ideas for turning 50K into 700K in a year, which looks almost impossible, but anyway! keep them coming.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ripster
    Anything is possible, with hard work, there's no obstacle!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dasilva Marketing
    P.S. Telling the warrior forum world you have $50k to invest is asking to be scammed and robbed man.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anthony La Rocca
      Bingo! Run far awayyyyyyy

      Originally Posted by Dasilva Marketing View Post

      P.S. Telling the warrior forum world you have $50k to invest is asking to be scammed and robbed man.
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      • Profile picture of the author wealthy20
        Originally Posted by Anthony La Rocca View Post

        Bingo! Run far awayyyyyyy
        Best advice ever given in a forum. Wise words sir.

        @OP don't say you haven't been warned. There are sharks literally closing in around you right now, and maybe you're too naive to see it.

        If you buy anything, use something like escrow. Don't invest in what you don't fully understand.
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    1400% return in one year) is possible.
    Generate sales for 650k is harder.

    First you must learn very very well IM, test it with a small investment.

    After that you must create your own products line!
    My advice is diversificate and open sites in differents niches!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Don't forget about taxes. So if you use it for starting a business and generate income, you will need to make upwards of $1.2 -1.3mm net after expenses to walk with $700K depending where you live. If you invested it and only had to pay capital gains would lower it, but getting that type of return on an investment is probably as likely as winning the lotto. So over the next 2 years you need to average out to $50K+ net per month. Which is about $1700 per day. Everyday you fail to do this, you will need to add the underachieved amount back in and have some stronger days/months.

    So now that you know what you are up against, how do you make it happen?

    I pretty much preach one thing on this board and that's CPA lead generation combined with list building/buying.

    With leads there is nothing to buy (no credit card required), all you need to do is get people to fill out a form, So conversion rates tend to be higher. I typically stick with leads that have a make, get or save money angle to them (but not 100% exclusively), because they tend to have mass appeal to the general public, so a high volume of prospects exists. There are many good leads that pay $20-$60 and more depending on the vertical, that work well on front-end campaigns.

    I generate 100% of my traffic through email and simply because building list / buying data gives you an asset that you can market to over and over. I spend zero money, unless it creates the direct collection of email data. This allows me to build large cost effective mailing lists and in the end, every thing then comes down to how many messages do I need to send to break-even on my list acquisition costs, when should I promote a new offer and how aggressive can I get away with being, which all is achieved by closely watching your stats.

    One plus with list generation lists is that you don't have to try and build a relationship with your lists, as it's really not going to make any significant difference in your conversions. So there's less work. You just send offers till they unsubscribe, which I'm sure most think is bad, but a good percentage will stick around for years.At the very beginning I do try and indoctrinate users with preframing the company as an authority on providing the best internet offers and do a couple static things in the message to add some professionalism.

    The biggest downside for anyone just starting out is that most networks want around $1K per week to get weekly payouts, so till you can do that, you will have to be able to front all you expenses until you get paid. Also you want to sign up with many networks, so you can test offers between them and offers that are similar to find which really generate the most income. So this thins out how much you are generating between the networks and makes the $1K each harder. Once your rolling this becomes a non issue.

    The key is rolling your profits back into sources that produce the best data and being able to manage the business effectively as you scale. Do that correctly and you could get to your goal much quicker. Of course this isn't for everyone and there's no guarantees, but everyone I know, that knows what they are doing does 6-7 figures.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    Whilst theoretically possible using a profitable paid traffic method and a high margin sales funnel, only the very best of the best could manage to do what OP is asking.

    Sure, maybe the guy in this thread claiming he is going to do $1mm in his first year is telling the truth. Maybe he isn't.

    But for every person who can make $700K in one year in IM, there are thousands who have tried and failed.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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  • Moderators... How long are you going to allow the value of WF to keep on sinking by not nuking the myriad of utterly absurd threads such as this one?

    I though this was a business-orientated forum...
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  • Profile picture of the author faisalmaximus
    700k can change anyone's life, I am also subscribed to know how it is possible. I personally believe, here are a lot of warriors who are already making such amounts, just waiting to see ideas from these people.

    Thank you
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