Increasing traffic to website

33 replies
Any of you guys have any ideas on how to increase website traffic?
My website is Internet Marketing Expert
#increasing #traffic #website
  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Hey there. This forum is one of the better ways to get free traffic to your site as well as blog comments, social media and just adding a ton of great content. It takes time to get any love from Google and you can learn a lot just from reading posts here and networking with people that have done it


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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Why are you presenting yourself as an IM EXPERT when you don't even know how to drive traffic to your own website????
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author John Moore
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      Why are you presenting yourself as an IM EXPERT when you don't even know how to drive traffic to your own website????
      It's not like he's the only one doing it. Pretty darn stupid to be asking questions like that, I would be ashamed
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    My idea is to take down your site if the information you are sharing isn't working. If you can't follow your own advice and make money, how is anyone else expected to follow your advice and make money.

    Figure out something you CAN do and learn the basics there instead of being part of the blind leading the blind brigade.


    Originally Posted by necomanis View Post

    Any of you guys have any ideas on how to increase website traffic?
    My website is Internet Marketing Expert
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraDLaurean
    You can get traffic to your website by implementing some techniques like SEO,SMM,SEM,Email marketing .This technique help you to drive traffic to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraDLaurean
    You can use some techniques for drive traffic to your website.SEO,SMM,SEM,Affiliate marketing are some best taechniques to drive traffic to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author buisao
    I think he want to promote his website.
    His domain name is bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnsams364
    Originally Posted by necomanis View Post

    Any of you guys have any ideas on how to increase website traffic?
    My website is Internet Marketing Expert
    There are many ways to increasing your site traffic. Such as SEO. You can do Forum posting, book marking, blog commenting, article submission, Rss. Nowadays the Social Media site is going to more popular. You also use the Social Media Site. Thanks a lot.
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    • Profile picture of the author miradisplays1

      As per my views you can run PPC for instant result for your business promotion. or one more thing you should buy advertising products like Banner, Display stands or brochure holders which help you to promote your business locally.
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    Your question is a SHAME!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Burritt
    I'm sure you can find a wso or two on traffic techniques
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  • Profile picture of the author Mdilley92
    you should submit your website with google/webmasters. Your submitting your website to Google through google. Most big search engines will find you with crawlers if you have good SEO. If your SEO isnt that great, plus for the hundreds of little search engines out there, use something like
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  • Profile picture of the author news2cash
    Internet Marketing Expert ??? Doctor Heal thyself. Do you know what SEO Is? Do you have any tools which you are using? I will suggest Moneyrobot & Backlinkbeast. Next move into learning about video submissions for fast ranking. You could also use fiverr "Get traffic' gigs to help you out.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    you an alleged IM expert, and your in a forum asking how to get traffic.

    Do you think that sends a good message?
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardSalinas
    Have you tried paid traffic yet? if so, what were the results?

    But quite honestly, if you are unable to generate traffic for yourself, it's kinda pointless....
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by necomanis View Post

    Any of you guys have any ideas on how to increase website traffic?
    My website is Internet Marketing Expert
    Get out of this niche... for your own sake.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveSenior
    Originally Posted by necomanis View Post

    Any of you guys have any ideas on how to increase website traffic?
    My website is Internet Marketing Expert
    Like anything else in this world, IM Quality Traffic too comes at a Cost

    So , Do you plan to spend money OR just depend on 100% Free Traffic ?

    Rule of Life = Money Attracts Money

    Incase you are looking for FREE honey, I will agree with Randall Magwood - Quit right now
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  • Profile picture of the author nmwf
    From your own website: Getting More Website Traffic
    Write comprehensible articles on *any* topic in seconds with First Draft...
    First Draft's: Download | Add-Ons | Templates | Purchase | Support | Affiliates
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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057

    If you’re going to work the affiliate marketing niche, you really need to consider picking a specific niche within that market. Just pick ONE and run with it.

    Here are some ideas:
    Traffic generation for affiliate marketers
    Social media for affiliates - perhaps a specific social media site like Google+ would be good. There’s plenty to talk about there!
    Helping affiliates find niches

    You get the picture. You’ve got to focus on one or two things like a laser. This will make your work a whole lot easier because you won’t be trying to cover a million bases at once. Marketing to everybody is marketing to no body…fer shure!

    About your website. What is the purpose of your home page? Is it to get people onto a list? Is it to sell something? Your page needs to be about something very specific, just like your niche.

    UnBounce has an awesome FREE eBook about this subject, and it would make an great resource for your library. It’s called “The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Centered Design”. You can get it here: Unbounce Marketing Resources

    One of the best things I’ve ever read. I hope this helps!

    God Bless, my friend!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Originally Posted by necomanis View Post

    Any of you guys have any ideas on how to increase website traffic?
    My website is Internet Marketing Expert
    Hahaha wait. So you're a self proclaimed internet marketing expert that doesn't know the ONE thing you need to succeed in internet marketing?

    Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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  • Profile picture of the author joncoates89
    Originally Posted by necomanis View Post

    Any of you guys have any ideas on how to increase website traffic?
    My website is Internet Marketing Expert
    Great question, I was going to say the same thing, commenting and providing great value to niche related forums is almost a limitless way to get traffic. Though forum traffic isn't set and forget, I recommend investing your professional development into video marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author igre123
    Dear there are so many ways. Just google it and you will get the complete tutorials.
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    • Profile picture of the author essmeier
      Why should he Google it? He's here. At a forum where such information is to be found. He's posted his question, and there are people here who can answer it. He's approached this in the correct way.

      The criticism in many of the comments here is shameful. The guy asked for help; that's ostensibly what this forum is for.

      That aside...

      Create content. Meaningful content optimized for things people are actually searching for. Add content daily.

      Use on-page SEO: Make sure your keywords appear at least once on the page in bold, italics and underlined. Use your keyword for the page in an internal link, an external link, an ALT attribute for an image, and in H1, H2, and H3 tags.

      Post the links for your blog posts to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Stumbleupon or Reddit.

      Be patient.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        The criticism is NOT shameful - it needs to happen more often. He/she is a fake. They don't know how to get traffic nor how to market yet they are putting themselves out there as an IM expert.

        This is one of the things that is wrong with this forum and this market - the blind leading the blind. Some poor Joe comes along trying to improve his life and get out of debt and runs into the OP's website. Joe follows the advice and is disappointed when it doesn't work. As a result, Joe keeps going into debt instead of solving his problem. And one of the reasons is that some people here encourage people like the OP to continue their fraudulent ways.


        Originally Posted by essmeier View Post

        Why should he Google it? He's here. At a forum where such information is to be found. He's posted his question, and there are people here who can answer it. He's approached this in the correct way.

        The criticism in many of the comments here is shameful. The guy asked for help; that's ostensibly what this forum is for.

        That aside...

        Create content. Meaningful content optimized for things people are actually searching for. Add content daily.

        Use on-page SEO: Make sure your keywords appear at least once on the page in bold, italics and underlined. Use your keyword for the page in an internal link, an external link, an ALT attribute for an image, and in H1, H2, and H3 tags.

        Post the links for your blog posts to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Stumbleupon or Reddit.

        Be patient.

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  • Profile picture of the author startefl
    Go to the WAR ROOM, there's bucket loads of info on this
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  • Profile picture of the author ssenterprse
    There are many ways to increase your site traffic, you can choose anyone of them. Most of the time I use the Forum posting, Relevant Blog commenting. These two is the best way to get a good result. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author foysolahmed
    There are many ways you can increase traffic on your website, and in today's post, we're going to look at some of them.
    Advertise. ...
    Get Social. ...
    Mix It Up. ...
    Write Irresistible Headlines. ...
    Pay Attention to On-Page SEO. ...
    Target Long-Tail Keywords. ...
    Start Guest Blogging. ...
    Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site.
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  • Profile picture of the author robbert
    Lol. I think you are an expert so you should guide us about traffic generation
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  • Profile picture of the author Highway55
    Tough crowd. It's not a shame to have that site if you want to promote IM stuff, plenty of people do. But you are asking for a beating when you post a thread like this.

    Concentrate on one traffic source. Spend all your time mastering it. Then you'll be all right.

    $1 'Set-it And Forget-it' IM Email Series
    With A Multiple Sales Conversion Guarantee!

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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    I'd highly recommend forum marketing. Just post a single quick post on a forum with a link to your site and then.....Oh wait a minute...never mind.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author fernelis2009
    Enhance more your website with Multimedia

    Upload videos to YouTube and Vimeo
    put a link to your website in the description of the videos.

    Create a facebook fanpage and use it to communicate with your readers
    also conect your blog with twetter, google +

    Link to others blogs and use guest posting.

    Hope that helps.

    Will Design your Info Product Business for you


    Text me.

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  • Profile picture of the author jessdsouza123
    Guest blogging, forum posting, article submission, commenting on another blogs, target log tail keywords are best ways. Also engaging content, promote content on social media attract more visitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChristianLemke
    Read some posts of the Warrior Forum, go on youtube and read some Blogs of really IM Gurus :-P Think about Social Media Traffic and thing about your expert status.
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