the topics and domain name are different

9 replies
hey, warriors, i need an advice I had a domain about nutrition it's OK to write about weight loss and rank for some long tail keywords in Google
#advice #domain #topics
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Not really. You can register a new domain for a couple of bucks when they go on sale. Don't unnecessarily confuse your audience.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author TheNewJames
    Based on all the info you've provided ... I'd say having a domain about nutrition and writing stuff about weight loss is perfectly acceptable.

    90% of weight loss or gain comes from what you eat (nutrition).
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    • Profile picture of the author iamhamzazoubir
      thanks TheNewJames like you said weight loss come from what you eat diet,calories,fat so it's OK to write about weight loss and nutrition
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  • Profile picture of the author Silentkiller1
    There is not much difference between them but I would suggest getting a different domain name altogether if you haven't launched the website or have less traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    It is going to depend heavily on what your domain name is. would be a terrible name to start promoting weight loss on. - Would be incomplete without some weight loss information.

    Stop and think about your domain name and evaluate whether it makes sense or not. Since you did not share the name, none of us can give you a good answer, we can only speculate.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    I think it is okay. Since the topics are related.

    You can definitely rank for long-tail keywords in the weight loss niche.

    You have to learn how to eat healthy and the right way, if you want to lose weight the right way, right?! haha

    Yeah you are good to go! ..... just make sure you offer a lot of value in these niches!

    Share unique, and high quality posts. So the search engines love your content and present it to the right audience.

    I hope this helps!

    Keep up the great work!
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  • Profile picture of the author Highway55
    Even better if you offer a lead magnet that shows how what you eat affects how you look.

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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I am absolutely shocks at some of the answers to this. WHO FREAKIN CARES WHAT THE URL IS? did Google care? what the hell is a google? ( I know its a math term 1 with 100 zeros at the end of it )

      or a Zazzle? or a facebook? think what the heck you all are saying.

      you have a domain that is about nutrition and you want to write about weight loss? F yeah go for it.. they go together.. you can lose weight without proper diet right?

      your domain could be and you could write about widgets.. but if you are going to write about weight loss now.. why not? make sure you use some type of related post plugins and everything will be alright!

      I swear!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author BradfordHatch
    You best segmentize your sub niches and create separate properties instead of piling everything up in one place..
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