Warrior forums in 10 years

by Zodiax
36 replies
Will it still be here?
#forums #warrior #years
  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Statham
    Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post

    Will it still be here?
    It will be here. It ranks on first page on google for a lot of SEO stuff people search for.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I'm sure people asked the same question years back.

    WF is still at the top of the heap.


    Other IM forums discourage 'newbie questions' and allow for rude 'I know more than you' or 'I've been around longer' or 'I know the right people' attitudes.

    Not surprisingly, those forums don't get anywhere near the traffic WF gets.

    WF will continue to be the Internet's premier IM Q+A board.

    There is no such thing as a PERFECT BOARD. WF has its shortcomings. Depending on what you're looking for, WF will continue to provide SOLID VALUE long into the future.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      I'm sure people asked the same question years back.
      Not saying it didn't happen, but I don't remember one question ever asked about the future of the WF in the distant past. There was no question it was #1 and growing. There was no reason to doubt or to question whether it would survive.

      The questions have only recently (last couple of years) come up. And they are coming up with increasing frequency.

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  • Profile picture of the author AntonioSeegars1
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      It's hard to say. It's no guarantee, especially if it keeps heading in the direction it's going. It seems to be playing it safe. Like a football team timidly holding the ball and playing to keep from losing as opposed to a team confidently driving hard and playing to win.

      Some new, hungrier upstart with deep pockets or another established corporation with more money may see it as a "vulnerability or weakness" opportunity. Then come in and either swipe some of their market share, knock them off or crush them entirely. Or market conditions could eventually do it. For example, marketers who actually buy ads (that keeps them in business) may taper off, spend less or stop coming because of lower response/conversions.

      Those are the things that can easily happen when a company runs out of new ideas to excite their established (seen it all) member base. In addition to being slow to adapt to changing market demographics and hesitant to listen to their established member base or to react/respond. It 's much like a wounded animal in the jungle other predators haven't noticed or had time to be bothered with yet. But that could change.

      And it wouldn't be the first "this company/website will be around forever example" that couldn't or wouldn't keep up with market changes. My guess is the owners will sell it (even at a loss) long before any of those things would happen though. Right now it's still "coasting" on past reputation. But leaning on past reputation can't last forever (pardon the pun).

      One thing for sure, if it's still around in 10 years it won't feel like it does now. Let's hope (or pray) the owners listen more to their established member base and respond before it's too late. It's gonna need a lot of the members that left or is about to leave back.
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      • Profile picture of the author AffiliateWaves
        Yes it will be here for long time and i have valid reasons

        1) It is now owned by a famous company not a single person ,and they are improving it slowly

        2) There are many genuine members here who are ready to advise you on various topics without charging any bucks.

        3) Goldmine of information for every IMer ,i have learned a lot form this forum .

        Need high Quality Expired domains click here to see now

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        • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
          Originally Posted by AffiliateWaves View Post

          Yes it will be here for long time and i have valid reasons

          1) It is now owned by a famous company not a single person ,and they are improving it slowly

          2) There are many genuine members here who are ready to advise you on various topics without charging any bucks.

          3) Goldmine of information for every IMer ,i have learned a lot form this forum .
          That's nice and all. But unfortunately none of those reasons has anything to do with increasing revenue, satisfying established/experienced) members who spend the most on ads or retaining experienced/established members who spend the most on ads. They keep the doors open and lights on here.

          In fact, more of the experienced/established members are tapering off, not visiting as much or have left entirely. Not a good long term scenario you must admit.

          This site or any site can't keep going just because it has a famous company, have people willing to give free advice or have a lot of free information. It has to attract paying advertisers who make money/conversions.
          Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
          "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
          "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
          And I have valid reasons it could fold tomorrow:

          Improvements have been mostly in the technical area. While they are very much welcomed improvements, a community is made up of much more than just how fast the web hosting is.

          Their attempt, which was welcomed by many, to clean up the WSO forum backfired because a lot of people left. It is now a ghost town compared to before. And even though they have started marketing some of the WSOs themselves, there just isn't a lot of activity here. Without the funds to pay their paid moderators and administrators it won't last long.

          They are focused on numbers of posters and not the quality of posters. They've promised for many months to work on the quality of the discussion. So far they haven't made any progress whatsoever. People that know anything about anything are leaving and they are left, more and more, with people copying and pasting junk from their PLR and claiming it is discussion or giving the equivalent junk answers.

          They are too focused on the marketplace, forgetting that it's always been the discussion that made the marketplace and not the reverse. In other words because there was a lot of good discussion, there were a lot of buyers and sellers of WSOs. Now that the discussion is gone so are the sellers and the buyers.

          You have no clue as to how genuine the members here are. Most don't know anything about anything related to marketing and are struggling themselves. It's more the blind leading the blind than anything else.


          Originally Posted by AffiliateWaves View Post

          Yes it will be here for long time and i have valid reasons

          1) It is now owned by a famous company not a single person ,and they are improving it slowly

          2) There are many genuine members here who are ready to advise you on various topics without charging any bucks.

          3) Goldmine of information for every IMer ,i have learned a lot form this forum .
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  • Profile picture of the author alias2002
    Within this 10 years warrior has reached a milestone. Congrats!
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    • Profile picture of the author @tjr
      Originally Posted by alias2002 View Post

      Within this 10 years warrior has reached a milestone. Congrats!
      This. This is what will be left in 10 years at the current rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post

    Will it still be here?
    Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge.

    Lao Tzu


    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author ShannonWhite
    Warrior Forum is the best of it's kind. You will not find more valuable information anywhere else on the net about how to run your own internet business. It's a sure bet that it will be here in 10 years and beyond. Even if it's not, implement the info on this forum over the next few years and you'll be well on your way to successful income online either way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    It will still be here, regardless of the quality of posters. Unless Freelancer.com would mysteriously fail.

    How can I be so sure? Two little letters of a competing forum, DP.

    If they continue to thrive, then the Warrior Forum will, too.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author kilgore
      In 1999, Geocities was the third most visited website in the world. In that same year, they were bought by Yahoo for $3.57 billion in stock. Almost exactly 10 years later, Yahoo shut down Geocities (though the Japanese Geocities subsidiary is still currently active.)

      This example raises two points:
      1. As Frank Donovan quoted above, prediction is a fool's errand. And being number one today is no guarantee of even existing in 10 years. Moreover while being bought by a large company can help, it's certainly no guarantee of anything. Especially in this case, since I really don't see how the WF really fits into Freelancer's core business. Still, there are plenty of examples of small companies thriving and growing after acquisition by bigger ones, so I'm certainly not making any predictions...

      2. It shows how innovation is so important. Yes, I'm sure Yahoo was able to get some "passive income" from their acquisition of Geocities. But my guess is that looking back, they would rather have put more into it and still have the third biggest website in the world than milking a few bucks off of it while they ran it to the ground. Yet for some reason the dream of "passive income" -- which is essentially amounts to working really hard to build something up only to watch it die a slow and tortured death -- is the dream of many on the WF. I just don't get it...
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      • Profile picture of the author writeaway
        Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

        In 1999, Geocities was the third most visited website in the world. In that same year, they were bought by Yahoo for $3.57 billion in stock. Almost exactly 10 years later, Yahoo shut down Geocities (though the Japanese Geocities subsidiary is still currently active.)

        This example raises two points:
        1. As Frank Donovan quoted above, prediction is a fool's errand. And being number one today is no guarantee of even existing in 10 years. Moreover while being bought by a large company can help, it's certainly no guarantee of anything. Especially in this case, since I really don't see how the WF really fits into Freelancer's core business. Still, there are plenty of examples of small companies thriving and growing after acquisition by bigger ones, so I'm certainly not making any predictions...

        2. It shows how innovation is so important. Yes, I'm sure Yahoo was able to get some "passive income" from their acquisition of Geocities. But my guess is that looking back, they would rather have put more into it and still have the third biggest website in the world than milking a few bucks off of it while they ran it to the ground. Yet for some reason the dream of "passive income" -- which is essentially amounts to working really hard to build something up only to watch it die a slow and tortured death -- is the dream of many on the WF. I just don't get it...
        Besides Geocities, there are other once popular sites that FELL OFF.
        Digg, MySpace, and Friendster come to mind.

        What Geocities and all those other sites have in common is that they were SUPERSEDED by NEW TECHNOLOGY.

        Little chance of that with WarriorForum. WF provides an open space where people can ask basic and not-so-basic questions. You can get banned at other forums for asking the questions you can ask here. That fact alone explains why WF is the premier destination of people just starting off in IM.

        That's not going to change anytime soon considering what's happening to other forums. The only IM forums that are growing are BH forums.

        Also, the changes in the WSO section's rules only ensure that WF will be around. If it retained the old rules, it might have exposed itself to all sorts of legal liability IMHO.
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        • Profile picture of the author JonathanGutierrez
          Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post

          I don't think anything else will come around as easy as Internet Marketing. It really is unique in that you can start with pennies and scale it up to a small fortune.
          Well, Warrior Forum and Internet Marketing are not one and the same, right? Even if the forum does disappear, why should we assume that online business opportunities will be gone too? Two separate questions.

          Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

          Yet for some reason the dream of "passive income" -- which is essentially amounts to working really hard to build something up only to watch it die a slow and tortured death -- is the dream of many on the WF. I just don't get it...
          This sentence has left an impression on me, since so much of the talk about online business opportunities revolves around "passive income." I remember one of the founders of Stompernet talked about this in one of their free videos (by the way, whatever happened to them?). He said most aspiring entrepreneurs imagine the internet lifestyle as living on the beach and checking their Paypal accounts periodically. I, like most others I presume, have taken some time to figure out that this IM game is a real business.

          I guess early retirement is what most are after, and I don't blame them. But is their really a purely passive income stream to be had? Perhaps the better goal should be to build a big business over time and then sell.

          Originally Posted by @tjr View Post

          Hitler wanted to keep the Third Reich going. Didn't matter in the end.
          LOL. Ah, yes, let's hope the Allies don't bomb the Warrior Forum!
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          • Profile picture of the author @tjr
            Originally Posted by JonathanGutierrez View Post

            LOL. Ah, yes, let's hope the Allies don't bomb the Warrior Forum!
            A good liberation may be just what the doctor ordered.
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        • Profile picture of the author @tjr
          Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

          Besides Geocities, there are other once popular sites that FELL OFF.
          Digg, MySpace, and Friendster come to mind.

          What Geocities and all those other sites have in common is that they were SUPERSEDED by NEW TECHNOLOGY.

          Little chance of that with WarriorForum. WF provides an open space where people can ask basic and not-so-basic questions. You can get banned at other forums for asking the questions you can ask here. That fact alone explains why WF is the premier destination of people just starting off in IM.

          That's not going to change anytime soon considering what's happening to other forums. The only IM forums that are growing are BH forums.

          Also, the changes in the WSO section's rules only ensure that WF will be around. If it retained the old rules, it might have exposed itself to all sorts of legal liability IMHO.
          Supercede by new technology...I'm no technology expert but I'm pretty sure the Warrior Forum isn't really revolutionary in that front.

          Regardless, just because the technology (or competition, or whatever) doesn't exist yet doesnt mean it won't in the near future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    As long as i am on here, WarriorForum will always be here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    As long as threads like this (below) continue to be the norm, the future grows more and more dim.

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert King
    Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post

    Will it still be here?
    Nothing is forever.
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  • Profile picture of the author LaunchPurveyor
    The tactics of making money online may change but I can't see the pursuit of making money online ever ceasing frankly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    I got no doubt about it, it will be there in 10, 20 or even 50 years from now as long as the owners want to keep it there :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author @tjr
      Originally Posted by Javisito View Post

      I got no doubt about it, it will be there in 10, 20 or even 50 years from now as long as the owners want to keep it there :-)
      Hitler wanted to keep the Third Reich going. Didn't matter in the end.
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    if it will not be here. Something else will...

    1. Concentrate on making money, while you can make money online,
    2. Invest offline ( in real estate for example - my favorite).

    And if there's no more internet marketing... you will end up with a bunch of land and buildings!

    Why real estate? The earth is not growing, but population is....

    Go and get it! Good luck man!

    Gene Adam

    WARNING: A 50 Million Dollar Man Taught Me His Secret... Which Resulted 6,000 Sign-ups on My Email List.

    "It's easier than you think..."

    => Watch this video here...
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    • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
      Originally Posted by eugenedm View Post

      if it will not be here. Something else will...

      1. Concentrate on making money, while you can make money online,
      2. Invest offline ( in real estate for example - my favorite).

      And if there's no more internet marketing... you will end up with a bunch of land and buildings!

      Why real estate? The earth is not growing, but population is....

      Go and get it! Good luck man!

      Gene Adam
      I don't think anything else will come around as easy as Internet Marketing. It really is unique in that you can start with pennies and scale it up to a small fortune.

      Or invest a fortune and make a bigger fortune.

      Once Internet Marketing is gone I have to start from square 0, which I why I asked this question.

      Warrior Forum is one of a kind. One of those unique things that don't repeat when they are gone.

      'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
      -Muhammad Ali

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  • Profile picture of the author surfer30
    For every business. If you keep things without changes you gonna be down. Do you rememeber adbrite. what happened to that traffic souce they were the best. But they didn't grow things as time passes thats why they lost the game.

    Always keep working hard and add new changes to remain in the game such barcelona football team
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  • Profile picture of the author AhmedFouad96
    There will be:
    "How i make $100 a day"
    "Need money fast"
    "If you have $100 budget, where would you invest it?"
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Look at SitePoint. If you had asked 10 years ago if it would be pretty much dead today, the obvious answer would have been no. Then they broke their marketplaces off onto their own domains (Flippa and 99Designs) and hit the forum hard with paid training materials. They deliberately killed their forum with the redesign and trashing of a decade of threads.

    There are parallels. Ten years from now FreeMarket will be bigger than WarriorForum.
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  • Profile picture of the author inyourway

    Most of my co-workers and former buiness partners started their careers by finding WF. The interest and/or need for extra money came first, WF came second and career came naturally.

    As long as nothing insanely weird and bad happen, it'll be here.


    [ Discover The SECRETS of Creating CASH-PULLING Business ]

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  • Profile picture of the author KMCmarketing
    It will be here. It will maybe spike and get hot like it used to. Who knows!
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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    I wouldn't see why not, it's a great community with a lot of great information for both new and experience marketers.


    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    It depends on the owners. Will they lose money and dump it to a rich moron or keep it and let it wither? Maybe.

    Then again, the forum could rise to greater heights or just stay the same as it is now for 10 years or more.

    Freelancer hasn't owned it a long time and only time will tell.
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  • Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post

    Will it still be here?
    Its been here for 15 years so it will probably survive another 10
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  • Profile picture of the author WilsonHorne
    I think it will still be here, would have gone through lots of modifications though..
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  • Profile picture of the author RaymondPreble
    It must be. where we all would go without it! lol

    but serious, it will most def. will be here
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