Stop the BS-- Why The HECK Arent You Successful Yet!?
The title isn't meant to be offensive, but it is really meant to give you that little kick in the butt...
I haven't made many posts recently because I have been EXTREMELY busy with my own business (I now have one of the biggest marketing firms in the Los Angeles/Beverly Hills area... with the most satisfied clients ), as well as other things that take up my time.
Anyway, I recently had my 19th birthday, which means that I have been doing Internet Marketing for 5 years, and offline marketing for 3...
It took me about 5 years to reach "that" level of success, but I feel that I have reached it and that I have the power to reach more.
But again, this is NOT supposed to be offensive and it isn't meant for me to sit on a high horse and talk about myself...
RATHER, it is meant to be a bit of inspiration to all of you who are on the fence, or trying hard but seeing no results, or giving up... You get the idea.
Instead of giving you all a list of tips, etc. as to how to tackle problems, I am going another route. There are already a LOT of great tips, but I feel that this avenue hasn't been covered yet...
And My Responses To YOU...
- "I don't have any money..."
I feel that this is the most common misconception as to "making it" in the internet marketing community. Frankly, it is HARD not to get sucked into that mentality! We are constantly bombarded by emails and posts that tell us their product (or the one they are promoting) is a GODSEND. That it has that one last bit of information that will get you the millions of dollars. Not true.
Bear in mind: I never spent ANYTHING when I first started. I was 14 LOL! I couldn't... Frankly, I believe that was a main reason for my success... I didn't have time to a) waste tens, hundreds, and thousands of dollars on various products, and b) I didn't jump around from one idea to the next.
The great thing about IM is that the costs of starting, and the costs of reaching success are NEGLIGIBLE. You don't even NEED a website! (But it helps )
Lesson: There is NO reason for you to spend money on products, especially when you first start. There is enough free information out there to help you reach success. Start spending money when you have MADE money. - "I don't have enough time..."
Time is a major aspect of achievement... but it isn't as big of a thing as you may think. Remember, Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, Mozart, the Wright Brothers, Galileo, and Martin Luther King ALL had the same number of hours in a day that YOU have!
In a similar sense, I had 24 hours when I first started too. But 8 of those hours were dedicated to school, and another 4 a night were dedicated to homework. That was 1/2 of my time GONE the second I got home.
Lesson: Time is important, but if you want it bad enough... you WILL make time. Make the sacrifice of NOT seeing that movie and instead spend three hours on your business... You'll find it worth it later! - "I don't know enough about the niche..."
Lesson: There is no reason to stay in the dark... Like I said knowledge is totally FREE. The internet makes that POSSIBLE. - "I've tried so many things... none work..."
One of my mentors, Mike Filsaime, gave me a GREAT lesson when I told him the same thing... and now I will try to pass it on to you.
I am going to try to explain it as efficiently as he did, but I may not succeed...
In short: There is a fox, and there is a hedgehog. The fox knows MANY ways to hunt, the hedgehog knows only one way to survive. The fox tries those many ways to catch the hedgehog... never honing his skills, never learning from his mistakes... The hedgehog does the same thing each time: Rolls up into a ball and sticks out its spikes.
The fox never gets the hedgehog for that very reason.
Lesson: You don't want to be a fox... Be the hedgehog... hone your one skill to perfection. - "It's hard to keep motivated when you fail..."
This leads me to some of my favorite quotes:
"Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather, it is the judgment that something is more important."
"Do today what others won't, so you can live tomorrow like others can't."
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're RIGHT."
Yeah... Everyone will fail. Some fail a lot. Some fail a little. But failure is what helps us grow and reach success. How many times did you fall of your bike before you learned to ride it? How many times did you mess up that recipe before others started asking you for it? How many times did you try to go out with different people before you found that one person?
I personally tried IM for about 7 months before I made any REAL money from it. Seven months is how long it took to get that first sale for an affiliate product. I also spent 7 months creating a complete product and it failed miserably... but from that product I found my path to success...
Lesson: Everything in life has failure as part of it... The best ones have a lot: That's why not everybody reaches them.
Like I said, please do NOT take this as me acting holier-than-thou. I had lots of people give me this EXACT talk and I feel that it REALLY helped me get to where I am now. Please take all of this as a bit of inspiration.
With that said, I love all of you!
Best regards,
Ali Maadelat
The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.
Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."
American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements
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American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements
***Click Here to Join My 86k+ Followers on Twitter***
The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.
Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."
American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements
***Click Here to Join My 86k+ Followers on Twitter***
How To Write And Profit From Hot Romance (Kindle Product)
Nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
"If you don't quit, you can't fail"
Success will follow.
nothing to see here.
~ Zig Ziglar