Stop the BS-- Why The HECK Arent You Successful Yet!?

44 replies
Hey guys,

The title isn't meant to be offensive, but it is really meant to give you that little kick in the butt...

I haven't made many posts recently because I have been EXTREMELY busy with my own business (I now have one of the biggest marketing firms in the Los Angeles/Beverly Hills area... with the most satisfied clients ), as well as other things that take up my time.

Anyway, I recently had my 19th birthday, which means that I have been doing Internet Marketing for 5 years, and offline marketing for 3...

It took me about 5 years to reach "that" level of success, but I feel that I have reached it and that I have the power to reach more.

But again, this is NOT supposed to be offensive and it isn't meant for me to sit on a high horse and talk about myself...

RATHER, it is meant to be a bit of inspiration to all of you who are on the fence, or trying hard but seeing no results, or giving up... You get the idea.

Instead of giving you all a list of tips, etc. as to how to tackle problems, I am going another route. There are already a LOT of great tips, but I feel that this avenue hasn't been covered yet...

And My Responses To YOU...
  • "I don't have any money..."
    I feel that this is the most common misconception as to "making it" in the internet marketing community. Frankly, it is HARD not to get sucked into that mentality! We are constantly bombarded by emails and posts that tell us their product (or the one they are promoting) is a GODSEND. That it has that one last bit of information that will get you the millions of dollars. Not true.

    Bear in mind: I never spent ANYTHING when I first started. I was 14 LOL! I couldn't... Frankly, I believe that was a main reason for my success... I didn't have time to a) waste tens, hundreds, and thousands of dollars on various products, and b) I didn't jump around from one idea to the next.

    The great thing about IM is that the costs of starting, and the costs of reaching success are NEGLIGIBLE. You don't even NEED a website! (But it helps )

    Lesson: There is NO reason for you to spend money on products, especially when you first start. There is enough free information out there to help you reach success. Start spending money when you have MADE money.
  • "I don't have enough time..."
    Time is a major aspect of achievement... but it isn't as big of a thing as you may think. Remember, Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, Mozart, the Wright Brothers, Galileo, and Martin Luther King ALL had the same number of hours in a day that YOU have!

    In a similar sense, I had 24 hours when I first started too. But 8 of those hours were dedicated to school, and another 4 a night were dedicated to homework. That was 1/2 of my time GONE the second I got home.

    Lesson: Time is important, but if you want it bad enough... you WILL make time. Make the sacrifice of NOT seeing that movie and instead spend three hours on your business... You'll find it worth it later!
  • "I don't know enough about the niche..."
    Then LEARN.

    Lesson: There is no reason to stay in the dark... Like I said knowledge is totally FREE. The internet makes that POSSIBLE.
  • "I've tried so many things... none work..."
    One of my mentors, Mike Filsaime, gave me a GREAT lesson when I told him the same thing... and now I will try to pass it on to you.

    I am going to try to explain it as efficiently as he did, but I may not succeed...

    In short: There is a fox, and there is a hedgehog. The fox knows MANY ways to hunt, the hedgehog knows only one way to survive. The fox tries those many ways to catch the hedgehog... never honing his skills, never learning from his mistakes... The hedgehog does the same thing each time: Rolls up into a ball and sticks out its spikes.

    The fox never gets the hedgehog for that very reason.

    Lesson: You don't want to be a fox... Be the hedgehog... hone your one skill to perfection.
  • "It's hard to keep motivated when you fail..."
    This leads me to some of my favorite quotes:

    "Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather, it is the judgment that something is more important."

    "Do today what others won't, so you can live tomorrow like others can't."

    "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're RIGHT."

    Yeah... Everyone will fail. Some fail a lot. Some fail a little. But failure is what helps us grow and reach success. How many times did you fall of your bike before you learned to ride it? How many times did you mess up that recipe before others started asking you for it? How many times did you try to go out with different people before you found that one person?

    I personally tried IM for about 7 months before I made any REAL money from it. Seven months is how long it took to get that first sale for an affiliate product. I also spent 7 months creating a complete product and it failed miserably... but from that product I found my path to success...

    Lesson: Everything in life has failure as part of it... The best ones have a lot: That's why not everybody reaches them.

Like I said, please do NOT take this as me acting holier-than-thou. I had lots of people give me this EXACT talk and I feel that it REALLY helped me get to where I am now. Please take all of this as a bit of inspiration.

With that said, I love all of you!

Best regards,
Ali Maadelat
#heck #make money online #newbie #stop #success #successful #tutorial
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Thayer
    You forgot the most common one:

    "I'm going to do it later... but first I need to {read this forum, watch this video, learn another method that I'll never actually try}."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1035408].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
    Hi Ali,

    Although there is truth in your post, and I know your marketing "angle" is the fact you got a maserati when you were 16 (good for you), could you stop bragging about it? It is getting kind of annoying. I know it is a great marketing angle, but other people really, really, don't care.

    I did, out of curiosity, sign up for your "newsletter" whenever you 'launched' your website (to see if you had any fresh perspectives), but all you do is send out e-mails bragging about how you got a maserati, with no real value. While it is a nice ego boost for yourself, please contribute something of real value.

    Your website (in your signature) is misleading, you don't "teach" anyone, you simply either brag about your maserati (probably how you got it in the first place), or why you are so great (and I'm not so sure your "story" is 100% truthful either in your e-book, because parts of seem to be cut & pasted from other sources).

    While right now, age is an extremely effective marketing tool ("LOOK AT ME! I CAN TURN ON A COMPUTER AND IM ONLY 14!!!" and adults gasp at the amazement, reminds me of another 14 year old a few years ago who "made" a flash website (actually a very, very, stupid site), but whose parents were fairly smart and "spun" it as there 14 year old 'whiz' kid had his own business, and due to press actually did turn it into a 6 figure business 'overnight') (the kid had no talent, but his parents used him as a marketing tool), when you get a bit older, you are going to need a bit more substance.

    While you do seem to have some elements of marketing down, and getting accolades is nice, you should take it to the next level in which you are truthful as well.


    PPS - Be careful that you don't fall into the trap of believing your own press. It is a nice ego boost, but you need to keep your feet on the ground.

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    • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
      Originally Posted by Johnathan View Post

      While you do seem to have some elements of marketing down, and getting accolades is nice, you should take it to the next level in which you are truthful as well.

      Did the time or two that you got tagged for being insulting to members not sink in? You're calling the man a liar, in public. You'd best know what you're talking about.

      Oh. PPS. I'm assuming from your condescending tone that you're much more successful than Ali is. If you aren't, maybe you ought to hold your tongue until you are.

      The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

      Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1035589].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MouseandMice
        Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

        Did the time or two that you got tagged for being insulting to members not sink in? You're calling the man a liar, in public. You'd best know what you're talking about.

        Oh. PPS. I'm assuming from your condescending tone that you're much more successful than Ali is. If you aren't, maybe you ought to hold your tongue until you are.
        Thanks. I think that the people who saw me start from scratch right here on the forum will vouch for me too. As well as all the "gurus" that people like Jonathan look towards for guidance that know me personally.

        Oh well, every forum has its trolls.
        Forbes-Listed: "Ten Consultants Who Avoid the Bullsh*t"
        American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
        Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements

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        • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
          Originally Posted by MouseandMice View Post

          Thanks. I think that the people who saw me start from scratch right here on the forum will vouch for me too. As well as all the "gurus" that people like Jonathan look towards for guidance that know me personally.

          Oh well, every forum has its trolls.
          Lol, nice way of avoiding addressing my points Ali. No, I do not look to guidance from you, because you haven't actually offered anything of actual substance or value, yet (via your website, or in general how your promote yourself). Not saying that the kid angle doesn't work -- it does -- but please, try something else. You are getting older, and it is only going to work for so long.

          P.S., you also need to learn how to take critism, and address it, rather than getting upset and hiding your head in the sand. Sending me an e-mail/infraction, and basically saying "I'm right you're wrong nyah nyah nyah" is not the best way of approaching things.

          But at the moment, you are very effectively riding the marketing angle that 'you' got a maserati very well.
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      • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
        Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

        Did the time or two that you got tagged for being insulting to members not sink in? You're calling the man a liar, in public. You'd best know what you're talking about.

        Oh. PPS. I'm assuming from your condescending tone that you're much more successful than Ali is. If you aren't, maybe you ought to hold your tongue until you are.

        Hi Steve,

        Ali still has not addressed my points that I brought up. He's avoided answering it. I call a spade a spade. Have you signed up for his newsletter and/or read the associated press coverage he has received? Have you read his e-book on his life?


        Ali, perhaps you can can clear the air then:

        1. Why in your website, where you supposedly "teach" people, have you done nothing but "spam" and send out e-mails as an ego boost? Here is your latest "teaching" e-mail

        E-Mail #1 (in reverse order of receipt)

                                                     From:                                                                        <img id="P___1257030953" webimdisplaystyle="inline" style="display: none;">            on behalf of Ali (                 
         I just wanted to shoot you an email!
        I started this website about a year ago in an effort (as you no
        doubt know) to  get to the point I am at now.
        I decided I wasn't going to charge for the information I give out,
        but instead was going to make an active effort to sincerely help
        But I didn't think that I would lose all my time the second I was
        ready to start!
        You see, I was nominated "2009 Marketer of the Year" by the
        American Business Awards!
        Read the press release here:
        As you can imagine, it took up a GREAT deal of my time!
        Oh, and my Maserati was rear ended and is now in the shop with,
        what, about $65,000 worth of damages!
        Either way... I just wanted to appologize for the wait and let you
        know that I am going to be hoisting you up to success VERY soon!
        All the best,
        Ali Maadelat
        PS- I'll show you pictures of the damage soon... LOL!
        128 N. Swall Dr. #103, Los Angeles, California 90048, USA
        E-Mail #2 - Promoting various affiliate products (no "teaching")

        Sorry for being so distant for the past few weeks... I know that I
        was supposed to get started a LONG time ago, but I had some really
        annoying stuff going on.
        First off, remember my Maserati?
        Well, after two and a half years of fun... It had it's first
        A hickup that cost me close to $15,000 and put my baby out of
        commission for a good month and a half...
        ANYWAY! I am going to make it up to you and tell you about
        something that I recently heard about and am in love with ;-)
        There's been a ton of buzz around this system
        over the past few days and if you haven't heard
        about it yet, let me just fill you in...
        It's called the "Commission Blueprint" - a
        radical formula created by Tim Godfrey and Steven
        Clayton that exploits Clickbank and Google in
        such a devious way that the resulting profits
        are in the realms of the *insane*.
        Of course, you will have heard this kinda' thing a
        gazillion times before and to be perfectly honest so
        have I...
        But after checking this out, I can give you rock
        solid confirmation that this is the real deal,
        especially if you want to replicate a simple system
        that generates MASSIVE Clickbank commissions.
        Let me just throw some figures your way...
        - $6,513.04 in one day
        - $153,426.72 in 6 weeks
        - $526,422.83 in 7 months.
        ...and the crazy thing is, these numbers were
        generated by promoting ONE Clickbank product,
        bidding on just ONE keyword...and without ANY
        help from JV partners or even an email list!
        ...not to mention the fact that this simple
        affiliate campaign took just a few minutes to
        set up.
        How was it done?
        Check out the story here:
        This is a VERY VERY different ball game...
        In fact, if you've ever wondered why most affiliates
        struggle to produce a red cent in profit whilst
        others effortlessly rake in unfathomable Clickbank
        commissions seemingly with their hands tied behind
        their back, then sit up and take note, because you're
        about to find out why.
        The Best Thing?
        You need no experience at all because they take you
        through the entire process on screen AND give you
        all the tools to actually make it happen.
        The Weird Thing?
        It's frankly bizarre that they're revealing this stuff.
        If it were me, I would've kept my mouth FIRMLY shut
        for sure.
        These guys do 7 figures a year with Clickbank
        consistently and generate far bigger numbers than
        virtually anyone else on the planet.
        Point being...if you're a suffering affiliate, you
        NEED this material. Badly.
        The Bad News...
        There are only very limited spots available
        and judging by how fast this has spread around
        the net, they'll go ultra fast... possibly
        in the next few hours.
        It has literally just gone live though
        so you should be in time...
        End result?
        Affiliates who FAIL to get hold of this
        information will be left fighting for
        scraps and ultimately will be in a world of
        hurt from now on; that much I can assure you...
        You can't afford to be left out of the loop with
        this one...
        Here's the link:
        I'll talk to you later... And I PROMISE we will get started very
        soon with the informative videos :-)
        Talk soon!
        Ali Maadelat

        E-Mail #3

        Just wanted to give you a bit of an update as to why I haven't been
        sending you info yet!
        I have a good excuse, I promise :-P
        My mom just got a new condo in the 90210 (it is gorgeous, if you
        want to see pics just ask!) so I was in between stressing about
        helping her move, and being excited about being able to do that for
        On top of that, my offline consulting business has been booming for
        the past few months (to the point that I have had to stop taking
        I promise that I will be sending you stuff very soon. And I won't
        be charging you... And you will be VERY happy.
        Talk soon!
        Ali Maadelat
        PS- I know you may not believe this, but if you ever have any
        questions, shoot me an email and I will answer and guide you
        through it... all I ask is that when YOU make it big, you help
        others too :-D

        No where did he provide any "help", but rather sent out e-mails to boost his ego. Commission Junction is an affiliate product that he is promoting. Each e-mail he "promises" to send something out, basically as soon as he stops playing with his masareti.

        Ali -- you need to grow up and be able to take critism. Why not address my points, rather than getting your nose out of joint, and feeling the need to 'give an infraction' (in which you *still* didn't address my points, but basically said "I'm right, you're wrong, people sent me PM's saying im right" -- which, the ones that did, probably don't know your "full" story and are sympathazing with you because, relatively speaking, you are a "kid").

        Why not address my points then, am I missing something? I think it great if someone is successful on merit, but simply bragging about?

        Make money from writing, find out how now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036072].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MouseandMice
          I think that you should really look over the emails again, as well as the post I made earlier, as well as the actual page in which you signed up for the newsletter.


          The site has not launched yet.

          I think that every email I have sent to you also drives that point home... Thus, I am aware of it.

          Which is why at the end of the first email I said to email me with ANY questions you had. So, I looked over my emails and didn't find any emails from you. Learn some acountability. You joined the free newsletter because you wanted to get free information, yet you didn't take the step to actually ask for help past that, even when you were offered the chance to.

          Others have though, and are happy, it seems.

          But I think I get your point Johnny boy, others in the thread have mentioned it too: You haven't achieved anything and are hurt about it. So instead of looking at this thread and the page and a half of things I was trying to open people's eyes to, you tried to convince yourself that I couldn't possibly be successful, because you aren't.

          Like I said, I am not going to fall into a troll's trap. I feel like I have answered your stupid question already and mentioned the avenue you could have used for growth. YOU decided not to go after it.

          Tsk Tsk Johnny boy. Maybe everyone isn't cut out for it? At least you smile!
          Forbes-Listed: "Ten Consultants Who Avoid the Bullsh*t"
          American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
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          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036090].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
            Lol, "johnny" boy?

            No, "ali-boy" (or whatever would be a good nickname for you).

            1. Lol, what do you base "non" achievement on and your assumption? Get your facts straight, "boy".
            2. Um, you are 'telling' me 'my' reasons for joining your newsletter? Lol, no. That's not it.
            3. Actually -- with respect to this post, it is still a bit of a self-aggrandizing post with rehashed content, and not really anything too (personally) original. Sure, you are a "kid", and many kids may not adopt certain attitudes until much later. Even you had to add this into your post: "please do NOT take this as me acting holier-than-thou". If you didn't suspect the post would come across that way, you wouldn't have added it. But, you are excited about some success you've experienced, so I understand that.
            4. Again, if someone calls you on something, is your way of dealing it by saying "Ooh troll! troll! I don't have to answer this question because it is a TROLLING question!!!". Come on, grow up.

            PS. so -- you`ve been in the `prelaunch` phase for the last year? In which every e-mail you talk about your masareti? And... you couldn't perhaps, sprinkle something informative in there?

            Originally Posted by MouseandMice View Post

            I think that you should really look over the emails again, as well as the post I made earlier, as well as the actual page in which you signed up for the newsletter.


            The site has not launched yet.

            I think that every email I have sent to you also drives that point home... Thus, I am aware of it.

            Which is why at the end of the first email I said to email me with ANY questions you had. So, I looked over my emails and didn't find any emails from you. Learn some acountability. You joined the free newsletter because you wanted to get free information, yet you didn't take the step to actually ask for help past that, even when you were offered the chance to.

            Others have though, and are happy, it seems.

            But I think I get your point Johnny boy, others in the thread have mentioned it too: You haven't achieved anything and are hurt about it. So instead of looking at this thread and the page and a half of things I was trying to open people's eyes to, you tried to convince yourself that I couldn't possibly be successful, because you aren't.

            Like I said, I am not going to fall into a troll's trap. I feel like I have answered your stupid question already and mentioned the avenue you could have used for growth. YOU decided not to go after it.

            Tsk Tsk Johnny boy. Maybe everyone isn't cut out for it? At least you smile!
            Make money from writing, find out how now.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036102].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
            PPS, addressing a few of your other comments:

            And I feel that the companies that have hired me feel that I have enough "substance."
            Most likely, like I said, because you've done a good job spinning the kid angle with a masarati.

            Which is why at the end of the first email I said to email me with ANY questions you had. So, I looked over my emails and didn't find any emails from you. Learn some acountability. You joined the free newsletter because you wanted to get free information, yet you didn't take the step to actually ask for help past that, even when you were offered the chance to.
            Actually, although I don't have it front of me, I believe I did ask you a few questions, and your response was something along the lines of "Oh, I'll let you know later, but I got a masarati"

            But I think I get your point Johnny boy, others in the thread have mentioned it too: You haven't achieved anything and are hurt about it. So instead of looking at this thread and the page and a half of things I was trying to open people's eyes to, you tried to convince yourself that I couldn't possibly be successful, because you aren't.
            Lol, actually, I, among probably pretty much everyone else in this forum, have achieved many things. And yes, you are coming across as holier than thou. Just because you are a kid, does not mean that other people haven't achieved great things. While I don't particularly care for a masarati (not my type of car, kind of a 'so-so' car compared to what I like), I look for the value that others have to say. You have provided very little value in your website (although you do promote an affiliate product in one of your e-mails), and many (obviously not all) of your posts are along the lines of "I'm a kid! Therefore I'm great! Listen to me!"

            Like I said, I am not going to fall into a troll's trap. I feel like I have answered your stupid question already and mentioned the avenue you could have used for growth. YOU decided not to go after it.
            Why is a "stupid" question, lol, because you don't like it? It's not stupid, any more than me saying you made a "stupid" post or have a "stupid" website or a "stupid" company, etc, etc. And again, please refrain from the name calling -- "troll"? Because you don't want to answer something, doesn't make someone a troll.

            Tsk Tsk Johnny boy. Maybe everyone isn't cut out for it? At least you smile!
            Lol -- please... Try something different. Not cut for it? Yes, I do smile when you make comments like that I do agree though, I've probably spent way too much time on this post.

            PPS -- is your "story" 100% true? (the downloadable pdf you eventually send out to people, and again, where you talk about your 'car'?)
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036142].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
          Originally Posted by Johnathan View Post

          Hi Steve,

          Ali still has not addressed my points that I brought up. He's avoided answering it. I call a spade a spade. Have you signed up for his newsletter and/or read the associated press coverage he has received? Have you read his e-book on his life?


          Why not address my points then, am I missing something? I think it great if someone is successful on merit, but simply bragging about?

          Nowhere in the OP did I see mention of a Maserati, Ferrari, Yugo, Skoda, or any other kind of car.

          I didn't see, nor do I see on further examination, excessive horn-blowing in the OP.

          I haven't read his autobio ebook. Nor am I going to, most likely.

          You have personal issues with the way Ali treats people on his list. Fine. But this forum isn't the place to air them, especially as a response to a post that attempts to help people.

          I suggest any further posts stick to discussing the merits of the content of the OP, not your differences with the person behind it.

          The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

          Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036488].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MouseandMice
      Originally Posted by Johnathan View Post

      Hi Ali,

      Although there is truth in your post, and I know your marketing "angle" is the fact you got a maserati when you were 16 (good for you), could you stop bragging about it? It is getting kind of annoying. I know it is a great marketing angle, but other people really, really, don't care.

      I did, out of curiosity, sign up for your "newsletter" whenever you 'launched' your website (to see if you had any fresh perspectives), but all you do is send out e-mails bragging about how you got a maserati, with no real value. While it is a nice ego boost for yourself, please contribute something of real value.

      Your website (in your signature) is misleading, you don't "teach" anyone, you simply either brag about your maserati (probably how you got it in the first place), or why you are so great (and I'm not so sure your "story" is 100% truthful either in your e-book, because parts of seem to be cut & pasted from other sources).

      While right now, age is an extremely effective marketing tool ("LOOK AT ME! I CAN TURN ON A COMPUTER AND IM ONLY 14!!!" and adults gasp at the amazement, reminds me of another 14 year old a few years ago who "made" a flash website (actually a very, very, stupid site), but whose parents were fairly smart and "spun" it as there 14 year old 'whiz' kid had his own business, and due to press actually did turn it into a 6 figure business 'overnight') (the kid had no talent, but his parents used him as a marketing tool), when you get a bit older, you are going to need a bit more substance.

      While you do seem to have some elements of marketing down, and getting accolades is nice, you should take it to the next level in which you are truthful as well.


      PPS - Be careful that you don't fall into the trap of believing your own press. It is a nice ego boost, but you need to keep your feet on the ground.

      I'm not going to fall for a troll's trap.

      Also, note that that site isn't launched yet.

      And I feel that the companies that have hired me feel that I have enough "substance."

      Thank you for your concern.
      Forbes-Listed: "Ten Consultants Who Avoid the Bullsh*t"
      American Business Awards: Named one of their "Marketers of the Year"
      Plus: A Bunch of Other Awards and Media Placements

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1035880].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Jealousy is a bitter thing


      Originally Posted by Johnathan View Post

      Hi Ali,

      Although there is truth in your post, and I know your marketing "angle" is the fact you got a maserati when you were 16 (good for you), could you stop bragging about it? It is getting kind of annoying. I know it is a great marketing angle, but other people really, really, don't care.

      I did, out of curiosity, sign up for your "newsletter" whenever you 'launched' your website (to see if you had any fresh perspectives), but all you do is send out e-mails bragging about how you got a maserati, with no real value. While it is a nice ego boost for yourself, please contribute something of real value.

      Your website (in your signature) is misleading, you don't "teach" anyone, you simply either brag about your maserati (probably how you got it in the first place), or why you are so great (and I'm not so sure your "story" is 100% truthful either in your e-book, because parts of seem to be cut & pasted from other sources).

      While right now, age is an extremely effective marketing tool ("LOOK AT ME! I CAN TURN ON A COMPUTER AND IM ONLY 14!!!" and adults gasp at the amazement, reminds me of another 14 year old a few years ago who "made" a flash website (actually a very, very, stupid site), but whose parents were fairly smart and "spun" it as there 14 year old 'whiz' kid had his own business, and due to press actually did turn it into a 6 figure business 'overnight') (the kid had no talent, but his parents used him as a marketing tool), when you get a bit older, you are going to need a bit more substance.

      While you do seem to have some elements of marketing down, and getting accolades is nice, you should take it to the next level in which you are truthful as well.


      PPS - Be careful that you don't fall into the trap of believing your own press. It is a nice ego boost, but you need to keep your feet on the ground.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036093].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

        Jealousy is a bitter thing

        Hi Kim,

        No, not jealously. As I mentioned previously, calling a spade a spade. I think young and/or kid entrepeurs are great. But self-aggrandizing, no value substance, periodically sprinkled with rehashed content (without any orginal value added) -- that I can't stand.
        Make money from writing, find out how now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036107].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Learnanew
          Good advice. My biggest problem when I was starting out, was I would just learn and learn and learn and not put any of it into action. I spent quite a bit on courses.

          On the plus side, at least I have quite an advanced know-how now.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036134].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

        Jealousy is a bitter thing

        Exactly what I was thinking.

        And don't forget envy.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimothy777
    I actually like the story about the fox and the hedgehog and will remember that. So thanks. I won't go into my reasons for not being very successful yet. I have more class than to play the blame game. But I will let you know when I become successful...
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  • Profile picture of the author activetrader
    I like your story about the fox. Great story!


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1035728].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Allegro
    But the fox is a predator, living the good life eating all those birds and other small animals. The hedgehog on the other hand only chews his leafes and sleeps all day.

    Nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1035792].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ken_p
    I like the story of the fox and hedgehog, it actually makes sense. I believe its also the same with " jack of all trades, master of none" -kind of analogy.
    Are you sure you're only 19?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1035895].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
    Ah, found it. Actually here is the e-mail (message) I sent you (in January), and here was your reply:

    My question:

    not sure if you are legit (because I did take a look at your site, but there is nothing there)...

    how did you manage to afford a masariti? is that solely from your own work? I would be interested in learning about that...


    And here was your reply:
    Hey Johnathan,

    Yeah, I am as legit as they come If you saw the replies to my "im back" post, I think it would make you sure of that. The reason there is nothing there is because it is an opt-in for access to the site once it launches. The site will be free!

    I do internet marketing and advertising, I have spoken at seminars about it, I do consulting and the such, and I have quite a few successful websites

    I am actually ordering a Ferraro F430 Scuderia soon too
    You basically said nothing, and, also let me know about a different car you were planning on buying. Out of curiousity, have you bought it yet?
    Make money from writing, find out how now.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036148].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Learnanew
      Dear God John, stop posting so much and get back to work! :p

      All joking aside, maybe I should start using the teenager marketer angle too...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036155].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
        Originally Posted by Learnanew View Post

        Dear God John, stop posting so much and get back to work! :p

        All joking aside, maybe I should start using the teenager marketer angle too...
        Actaully, the teenage marketing angle is a very powerful one. As I started mentioning -- actually another 14 year old a few years ago managed to turn a 'really' basic/elementary flash website (seriously, it was horrible) -- into a media frenzy because he positioned himself as a "computer guru". (I saw the 'original' website that the media talked about).

        It had to do with Macromedia (makers of Flash, now bought out by Adobe I believe) a few years ago.

        Basically his parents really pumped him up in the media, and then when he got exposure and clients, his parents hired the right people to actually turn it (fairly quickly) into a six figure business. (Probably since then it has done much more, but I believe the got to six figures within 5-6 months).

        It is a very effective marketing angle, if done correctly.

        Make money from writing, find out how now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036165].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Roger Mayne

    You post makes a lot of sense, so thank for sharing that information. I'm sure many "newbies" can take some advice from you and your post, and it will help them immensely.

    "If you don't quit, you can't fail"
    Success will follow.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036154].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    I made a similar post to this recently -

    It seems to be a common theme that we're great at using rationalisations to justify why we don't do the things we know would create the success we say we want.

    Obviously there's more going on that just what we think we're all about.

    Needless to say - success leaves clues and most really successful people tend not to have a big list of reasons why they can't do things.


    nothing to see here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036187].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yommys01
    Johnathan, Did you lose you job due to the recession or what? You sound like a jobless and annoyed fellow.

    Why don't you invest your time on something profitable instead of tearing down another person.

    Hi Ali, great points there. I was actually ugility of the money aspect. I always believe I will start succeeding when I am about to raise money to outsource.

    Those me 1 year to make my first $100 but I am now a better person and that is due to the fact that I finally agree to get my hands dirty and learn things I hope to know instead of thinking of when I can get the money to outsource.

    Great post.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036297].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Zach Booker
    Hate to bump this post up to the front again...

    But since when was being cocky a bad thing?

    Not sure about anyone else but i'd rather sign up for a newsletter if it's written by someone who has a nice car than from someone who drives a rusted out 20 year old car.

    So what if he likes to brag? When you get to that point feel free to too.

    This is a total guess...

    But the reason the site probably hasn't been launched yet is because he's been too busy doing other things.

    Something everyone needs to realize is that the MMO niche is not the most profitable by any means. And the level of customer service you have to reply to (@Jonathon) is incredible considering how much money you'll make off them.

    The 'kings' of the MMO niche don't make the most money online, not even close.

    So maybe Ali found that doing his consulting service or whatever he's doing is much more profitable than simply having a site showing people for FREE how to make money online and than trying to turn all those people, who are most likely going to fail anyway, into buyers.

    Just a little reality check...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036509].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Punkaj Dube
    I started earning when I started taking action. It's better to try and fail rather than not trying at all. I wasted 4 years just dreaming about making money. When I lost my job due to recession, I offered my backlinks service in a forum and started making the amount in a week what I was making in a month. And due to the competition in the field, I started with discounted rates, but still made more that what I had expected.

    So IMHO, taking action is the most important factor of success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036571].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      The reason that people aren't successful is the same reason that I am not
      more successful than I am...Desire.

      I've reached the tipping point for my business...the point where I'm
      satisfied with where I am and quite honestly, don't want to have to work
      anymore to get any further.

      When it comes down to it, and I've heard all the excuses, this is what holds
      people back. They realize what they really have to do to get to the next
      level, whatever it is, and they don't want to do it.

      I freely admit it. Why should I shoot for 7 figures a year and all the
      headaches that go with it when my current income is more than enough
      to pay the bills, keep a roof over my head (mortgage paid) and send my
      kid to school (college also paid)

      I don't need to live in a mansion or drive a Porsche or whatever. I'm
      happy with my Honda CRV and a $130,000 home.

      So instead, I now spend most of my days playing video games or recording

      I'll never get any further than where I am now because I don't have the

      I know people will argue that drive is not enough, but the truth is, all
      the other excuses (not enough money, time, knowledge) or whatever
      all comes from not having enough drive to get those things.

      At least that's my opinion.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036633].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
        That Steven is a fantastic post! Success is different for everyone. Success could be not having a mortgage. It could be only work 6 hours a week, or maybe it's to have an 8 figure bank account. I think sometimes people assume success can only be measured by money!


        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        The reason that people aren't successful is the same reason that I am not
        more successful than I am...Desire.

        I've reached the tipping point for my business...the point where I'm
        satisfied with where I am and quite honestly, don't want to have to work
        anymore to get any further.

        When it comes down to it, and I've heard all the excuses, this is what holds
        people back. They realize what they really have to do to get to the next
        level, whatever it is, and they don't want to do it.

        I freely admit it. Why should I shoot for 7 figures a year and all the
        headaches that go with it when my current income is more than enough
        to pay the bills, keep a roof over my head (mortgage paid) and send my
        kid to school (college also paid)

        I don't need to live in a mansion or drive a Porsche or whatever. I'm
        happy with my Honda CRV and a $130,000 home.

        So instead, I now spend most of my days playing video games or recording

        I'll never get any further than where I am now because I don't have the

        I know people will argue that drive is not enough, but the truth is, all
        the other excuses (not enough money, time, knowledge) or whatever
        all comes from not having enough drive to get those things.

        At least that's my opinion.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036665].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yourreviewer
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        The reason that people aren't successful is the same reason that I am not
        more successful than I am...Desire.

        I've reached the tipping point for my business...the point where I'm
        satisfied with where I am and quite honestly, don't want to have to work
        anymore to get any further.

        When it comes down to it, and I've heard all the excuses, this is what holds
        people back. They realize what they really have to do to get to the next
        level, whatever it is, and they don't want to do it.

        I freely admit it. Why should I shoot for 7 figures a year and all the
        headaches that go with it when my current income is more than enough
        to pay the bills, keep a roof over my head (mortgage paid) and send my
        kid to school (college also paid)

        I don't need to live in a mansion or drive a Porsche or whatever. I'm
        happy with my Honda CRV and a $130,000 home.

        So instead, I now spend most of my days playing video games or recording

        I'll never get any further than where I am now because I don't have the

        I know people will argue that drive is not enough, but the truth is, all
        the other excuses (not enough money, time, knowledge) or whatever
        all comes from not having enough drive to get those things.

        At least that's my opinion.
        That's an excellent point. This is so true, it entirely depends on your drive and how desperate you are for success and what success means to you. For some, it is having more money, for some it is spending more time to spend with family, for some it is doing what they love to do in life and for some it is a combination of all.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036755].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        The reason that people aren't successful is the same reason that I am not
        more successful than I am...Desire.

        I've reached the tipping point for my business...the point where I'm
        satisfied with where I am and quite honestly, don't want to have to work
        anymore to get any further.

        When it comes down to it, and I've heard all the excuses, this is what holds
        people back. They realize what they really have to do to get to the next
        level, whatever it is, and they don't want to do it.

        I freely admit it. Why should I shoot for 7 figures a year and all the
        headaches that go with it when my current income is more than enough
        to pay the bills, keep a roof over my head (mortgage paid) and send my
        kid to school (college also paid)

        I don't need to live in a mansion or drive a Porsche or whatever. I'm
        happy with my Honda CRV and a $130,000 home.

        So instead, I now spend most of my days playing video games or recording

        I'll never get any further than where I am now because I don't have the

        I know people will argue that drive is not enough, but the truth is, all
        the other excuses (not enough money, time, knowledge) or whatever
        all comes from not having enough drive to get those things.

        At least that's my opinion.
        While I agree with you here as I'm the same, I think the original post should serve as a kicker for those who aren't in the same boat as you or I.

        Basically, for those people who do actually have those complaints Ali has mentioned.

        And as far as those emails go, there are people who actually do like that type of email.

        Admittedly, I'm not one them - which is why I won't sign up for them, continue to receive them, and then whinge about them.

        If you don't like a certain type of email do what I do - opt out.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036918].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lucky500
    Not trying to add to the fire, but Jonathan, does bring some interesting points that the OP did not addressed.
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  • Profile picture of the author clarissa25
    ok well anyway. for me time is a real issue. and also tech stuff. Like I got off from work and i work overtime maybe 3 more hours. I get home its 11:00 pm at night. then I start to write articles maybe or I spend hours trying to figure out techie stuff liek how to put up a sales page. where i can get an autoresponder for free. Why in the world would i want to pay for an autoresponder when I have no money coming in....wait submitting these articles is taking a lot of I need to look for software to do this.....wait need to do Angelas backlinks....wait....I should create 100s of blogs and squido pages for this one Then its 2:00 am nothings done. Again and again this happens.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037039].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kennethtang
    Don't know Ali from Jonathan. And not taking sides. Thank you for an interesting post, Ali. And Jonathan, thank you for bringing up interesting points.

    Here's my take, if anyone is interested (people rarely are...hehehe...interested in my take, that is). Ali has given some advice about his success...success he achieved with not a little help from the Warriors, I might add. Ali has every right to say what he thinks is helpful to the members here...

    Just as Jonathan has every right to speak his piece. He has raised some interesting points which I personally, as a member, would also like to see addressed. Regardless of his intention, what he posted could help raise Ali's game, if followed.

    Now, I don't see his post as trolling. Nothing in his post has any indication of trolling. He just raised some issues/questions.

    And Ali, there's a Chinese saying that goes "real gold fears not the fire of a red hot furnace". If you believe you're real gold, and many people here think you are, it seems, then you have nothing to fear, yeah?

    So, answer the guy
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037254].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
      Thanks Kenneth,

      Basically what I was saying. And, I like the Chinese proverb you included



      Originally Posted by kennethtang View Post

      Don't know Ali from Jonathan. And not taking sides. Thank you for an interesting post, Ali. And Jonathan, thank you for bringing up interesting points.

      Here's my take, if anyone is interested (people rarely are...hehehe...interested in my take, that is). Ali has given some advice about his success...success he achieved with not a little help from the Warriors, I might add. Ali has every right to say what he thinks is helpful to the members here...

      Just as Jonathan has every right to speak his piece. He has raised some interesting points which I personally, as a member, would also like to see addressed. Regardless of his intention, what he posted could help raise Ali's game, if followed.

      Now, I don't see his post as trolling. Nothing in his post has any indication of trolling. He just raised some issues/questions.

      And Ali, there's a Chinese saying that goes "real gold fears not the fire of a red hot furnace". If you believe you're real gold, and many people here think you are, it seems, then you have nothing to fear, yeah?

      So, answer the guy
      Make money from writing, find out how now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037771].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lance K
    Originally Posted by MouseandMice View Post

    (I now have one of the biggest marketing firms in the Los Angeles/Beverly Hills area... with the most satisfied clients ),
    I find that comment a bit intriguing.
    "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    ~ Zig Ziglar
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037340].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      Who cares?

      There are lessons to be learned here though...

      Ali, it's obvious that there is a segment of your target market that think your full of crap because of your bragging. Does that mean you should stop? Hell no! It's your business, your reputation, and your deal.

      Johnathan, you seem to spend an aweful lot of time pointing out a lot of unproductive stuff. Threads about flogs, fake magazine advertising, and whether or not this guy is the real deal or not. I mean, your entitled to your opinion, but who really cares if he is what he says he is?

      If someone were to question every time someone posted here whether or not they really were as successful as they claim, we would need a whole sub-section to handle it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037360].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
        Hi Jeremy,

        Yes, I`ve posted comments about flogs, fake magazine advertising, etc, etc. And no, it`s not a waste of time. A lot of people new to the IM scene sometimes get burned because of a flog, fake advertising, individual with bogus claims, etc, etc, and then leave with a bit of a jaded view.

        In fact, in light of my extensive experience within the internet (and computer, for that matter) industry, the first time I saw a flog I believed it was real (just for a little bit though). So if someone who is seasoned like myself can get fooled, whether for one minute or one second, I can only imagine what someone with a genuine interest in learning how to be self-sufficient would feel, after they get burned, once, twice, thrice or more.

        Ali has blown a lot of hot air, and while he may have very well bought himself a car, which is very nice, I`m simply asking him to back it up with some substance. Tongue in cheek, I`m half surprised he hasn`t started a website called "How I bought myself a second car by getting people to pay me to tell them how great I am that I bought my first car when I was only 16, because I told people I was a teenager who could turn on a computer and they were amazed!"

        I`m sure he probably does have some marketing skills, and probably has learned a couple things from this forum as well as elsewhere. But so far, his website, apparently is been in pre-launch phase for about a year, where (I`m assuming autoresponder) series of e-mails simply brags about a masarati, my e-mail correspondence with him is basically "Oh yeah, I can let you know later, but i have a new car!", and the press coverage appears to be primarily centered around his age. While the 'teenage marketer' angle is good for press (and in fact, that's pretty much the name of his website/his angle), when I question him about substance, he gets defensive and resorts to name calling, rather than simply answering the questions. So I question the validity of his statements.

        I guess, Ali, here are my questions (reposted) for you:

        1. If you care to share, how did you get yourself in the position to purchase a masarati?
        2. In your website, when do you plan on actually 'launching' it? It has been about a year.
        3. Is "your story" 100% true? I question that, because I have seen similar stories elsewhere. (The one which essentially you say you wanted a car real bad, but had a litany of hardships, so worked real real hard and got it).

        And then just as a general commentary:
        1. Be careful not to believe your own press. It's nice, but only you know whether you can really back it up.



        Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

        Who cares?

        There are lessons to be learned here though...

        Ali, it's obvious that there is a segment of your target market that think your full of crap because of your bragging. Does that mean you should stop? Hell no! It's your business, your reputation, and your deal.

        Johnathan, you seem to spend an aweful lot of time pointing out a lot of unproductive stuff. Threads about flogs, fake magazine advertising, and whether or not this guy is the real deal or not. I mean, your entitled to your opinion, but who really cares if he is what he says he is?

        If someone were to question every time someone posted here whether or not they really were as successful as they claim, we would need a whole sub-section to handle it.
        Make money from writing, find out how now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037763].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      I'm going to take a stab at psychoanalyzing Ali, just from my own personal
      experience as a father and observing human behavior.

      In a nutshell, young people have no idea about the concept of humility and
      being humble.

      In short, they love to brag. It goes back to the days of when I was a kid
      and every one of my friends was like, "Mine is bigger than yours."

      To adults, it's not a very attractive quality. I personally have learned to
      live with it. I understand where Ali is coming from. When I was a kid, I had
      nothing to brag about. I was poor, untalented and had very little to even
      be happy about.

      Had I had his success at his age, I would have been impossible to live with.

      As it is now, I have had my moments of being a pompous ass...and I'm not
      really all that successful if you're going to compare me to people like Frank
      Kern, John Reese or even Ron Douglas who was just on Fox news recently.

      We don't all handle success the way we should. Some of us are humble
      and some of us are, well, not.

      Ali is just in that "not" stage right now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037362].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Johnathan
        Hi Steven,

        I think there is truth to what you said. And actually, I don't really mind if someone is a 'pompous ass', as long as they can back it up.



        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        I'm going to take a stab at psychoanalyzing Ali, just from my own personal
        experience as a father and observing human behavior.

        In a nutshell, young people have no idea about the concept of humility and
        being humble.

        In short, they love to brag. It goes back to the days of when I was a kid
        and every one of my friends was like, "Mine is bigger than yours."

        To adults, it's not a very attractive quality. I personally have learned to
        live with it. I understand where Ali is coming from. When I was a kid, I had
        nothing to brag about. I was poor, untalented and had very little to even
        be happy about.

        Had I had his success at his age, I would have been impossible to live with.

        As it is now, I have had my moments of being a pompous ass...and I'm not
        really all that successful if you're going to compare me to people like Frank
        Kern, John Reese or even Ron Douglas who was just on Fox news recently.

        We don't all handle success the way we should. Some of us are humble
        and some of us are, well, not.

        Ali is just in that "not" stage right now.
        Make money from writing, find out how now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037768].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kennethtang
    but who really cares if he is what he says he is?
    Some people do, Jeremy. Some people do.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      Originally Posted by kennethtang View Post

      Some people do, Jeremy. Some people do.

      I guess that is my point....why?

      If your not doing business with the guy, then what difference does it make?

      It's obvious Johnathan isn't going to be a customer of his.

      I don't know Ali and don't really care for all the "look at my car" stuff either, but in cases like that, why waste your time debating a point?

      Honestly, there are so many people running around trying to disprove this claim and that claim, that I'd venture to say a lot of money is being lost - And not on the part of the person that is being questioned.

      How many people do you think have subscribed to the newsletter just to see what it says? Ali should probably be giving Johnathan commission at this point
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1037421].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Josef_Benjamin
    Johnathan, let it go man.

    M&M likes to talk about the lifestyle he's enjoying, why should he not flaunt
    much as he wants?

    If M&M wants to talk about his wealth than he should...because I like talking about
    my lifestyle to. It's awesome, and I'm not shy to express it to those who FREELY

    Catch my drift? He did not TELL you to sign up to his list, b/c it's obvious what he's
    talking about isn't your cup of tea or is not what YOU EXPECT of the typical email
    sharing strategy.

    Who the hell made up the rule of "giving value" anyways to make money? You can
    make money out of nothing if you wanted, this is all just a game.


    I like to brag about the fact I'm at home doing what I love to do making great money
    and not having to rely on the "wage slave" to live the life I want.

    What your essentially asking him to do (indirectly), is to stop talking about the good
    life and do what YOU want HIM to do.

    You have no PROOF that no one else want's to hear him talk about his masareti being
    broken down, but secretly, alot of people would love to have that problem. It's
    inspirational in a lot of ways.

    This thread he created is really no different than some of the emails you blasted on
    this guys thread (grow up) doesn't have much of strategy...but if you want
    strategy, look around's all over the freakin' place. There's no shortage of it.

    And lastly, ask yourself...

    Who are you REALLY trying to defend?

    Your beliefs?...Or the well being of the "others" on his mailing list?

    Just because you don't like to talk about your lifestyle (whatever that may be),
    doesn't mean you have any right to protest and ruin a great thread.

    Some people choose to live frugally and not talk about their life, and some people
    do (like me) it ego? not likely...I see it as appreciation and sharing that appreciation of what I have with anyone who'd listen.

    and rather you believe it or not, alot of people enjoying listining or reading
    such stories.
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