Why does my site not show for some people?

by 4 replies
I just got a message from someone in Germany who told me he had been promoting my site, but the site wouldn't show.
On my end, it shows up like it should, in IE, Firefox and Chrome.

Here's what he sees:

and here's what I see:

It's a site built in WP, using the Rapidbuilder theme

I simply have no idea where to start looking for a solution, since I have no idea at all what could be causing this...

Does anyone have any ideas?
Is there a way to check how sites show up in other parts of the world, maybe?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #people #show #site
  • Has the guy promoting tried viewing your site in different browsers?

    Next I would find out if this is happening for other users in Germany to see is this is geo specific issue.

    This is loading fine for me here in the UK using Chrome.
  • Use proxy servers to check your site on different locations. I think you have caching issues. Get some expert advice if problem not solved.
  • It could be AdBlocker if your photo is Banner or an AD.

    Also it could be caching issue, and you should contact your hosting provider.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for the tips.
      He just mailed me to say it was ok now.
      Don't know what went wrong, but luckily it's solved now

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