Best CPA/CPL Affiliate Places to Start?

by Jaekas
17 replies
Hey all!
I'm new to affiliate marketing and was wondering where the best place would be to find some CPA or CPL offers? I've looked at Affiliaxe (mix of good and bad reviews) and Peerfly, but are there any other trustworthy groups (good with paying on time, support, etc)?

#affiliate #cpa or cpl #places #start
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    Hi J,

    I got the best results with Peerfly, so I really recommend to at least give them a shot. Also, make sure to talk with your affiliate manager, because he can really take you to whole new levels with the insider information he has about high converting offers.

    You can see who's your affiliate manager inside your account, so get in touch with him/her.

    Hope that helps...
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Peerfly and cpalead is good option to start with and gain some result from it.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Richy Burns
    Hey dude,

    I mostly use Maxbounty. Their support is top notch and my affilate managers have ALWAYS been very responsive with me. I like that above all other qualities when it comes to a good CPA network. Having said that, its probably best to join a few to diversify. Doing this will also allow you to find offers that are paying more than the same offer on another network. Use Offervault to do this.


    Richy Burns

    Want 50% Open Rates and 30% Click Rates with All Your Emails?? Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    I third PeerFly.

    If you're new, you really only need one decent network. I tend to recommend PF to my students, since you have a wide range of good offers, including PPL, PPS, and recurring.

    Cheers - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author gurpreetdhillon
    If you are looking for best CPA network i suggest you to go with Maxbounty.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jaekas
    Thanks for the advice guys! It was really helpful

    Best wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    One more vote for Peerfly here.

    MaxBounty is also good.

    For PPL in the MMO niche, James Jordan has a good program and pays on time, etc. He usually pays $2.50 per lead (double opt-in) and some months will offer $3.00 as an extra incentive...Go0gle him if you are interested.
    Free 40-page eBook "How To Earn With CPA Offers"
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Jaekas View Post

    Hey all!
    I'm new to affiliate marketing and was wondering where the best place would be to find some CPA or CPL offers? I've looked at Affiliaxe (mix of good and bad reviews) and Peerfly, but are there any other trustworthy groups (good with paying on time, support, etc)?

    I have Been with Maxbounty for 7 years and really have nothing but good to say about them. They have an excellent assortment of cpa offers to choose from.

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    For people just getting started with CPA, definitely go with Peerfly.

    Just be honest when you apply. Let them know that you are new to CPA, don't try to fake it like you are some expert already.

    They will probably deny you at first. They do this for everyone (at least they did years ago when I first got started.. not sure if they still do it that way though.)

    If they do, just call or email them to get approved.

    FYI - vertical means niche. This will come in handy when you go through the application process.

    Once you have some experience with CPA, apply to Maxbounty. Awesome network and all of their offers have banners, instead of just some/most of them like on Peerfly.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
    Thanks for all the kinds words about MaxBounty guys!

    As some others have mentioned, Jaekas, MaxBounty can offer you a great place to start if you're looking to get into CPA. We're quite newbie friendly as long as your honest and have a clear plan as to how you'll promote offers if you're accepted into the network. We also have a $1000 performance bonus that we offer all new affiliates as an extra incentive. Our top quality campaigns and payouts as well as our responsive Affiliate Management team might be the best reason to apply though.

    When you think you're ready to do so, just head over to MaxBounty - Best CPA network for affiliate marketing programs

    Good luck, and let me know if you have any other questions.

    Increase your revenue and earn a $1000 bonus as a new affiliate at!

    For additional advice and industry happenings, head over to MaxBounty's Blog!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    MaxBounty is a great start. CPA is an easy thing to do - especially if you're getting paid for (example)... generating a double opt-in lead. They're first in my mind. 2nd is Peerfly.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobertDonohoe
    Maxbounty, peerfly, cpalead, all are great, which niche you want to go after btw?
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  • Profile picture of the author TexasSteve
    Peerfly is good. I have an account with MaxBounty but it seems like I never get the correct numbers with them (always on the lower side...hmmm). Start with PeerFly.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevefox88
      I recommended PEERFLY. You should try it out

      Give Up? Do it now so that you regret later

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  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    Appreciate all the PeerFly recommendations

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  • Profile picture of the author John Moore
    Peerfly is great! Maxbounty is also a good alternative
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    I recommend you start with Peerfly, they give quick approval and have a wide variety to choose from.
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