Are we too late to the party?
Do you remember the first day you decided to look into Internet Marketing? You were all newbies on these few days of your first steps. But you might have taken these steps many years ago like early 2000's or a few years back. I think people who took action at that time were the luckiest, since every single day the competition is increasing dramatically in this industry.
The same can be said today, if I start an affiliate website today I have a better chance of success than next year. But do I really??
The number of websites is going to exceed a whooping one BILLION this year (2015). And almost all of them out there are trying to grab a piece of the big pie. You and me want to squeeze in among this billion crowd and snatch a piece too, but what are our chances?
Almost all WSO's get you hyped like its few clicks and cash is gonna flow. The truth is patience and hard work. So for someone who is willing to put in a lot of time and energy in this, is it possible to make a decent income starting now in 2015-2016?
Please share your opinions and experience on the matter.
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Tiffany Mika
Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)