Are we too late to the party?

by Andoni
67 replies
Hi all,

Do you remember the first day you decided to look into Internet Marketing? You were all newbies on these few days of your first steps. But you might have taken these steps many years ago like early 2000's or a few years back. I think people who took action at that time were the luckiest, since every single day the competition is increasing dramatically in this industry.

The same can be said today, if I start an affiliate website today I have a better chance of success than next year. But do I really??

The number of websites is going to exceed a whooping one BILLION this year (2015). And almost all of them out there are trying to grab a piece of the big pie. You and me want to squeeze in among this billion crowd and snatch a piece too, but what are our chances?

Almost all WSO's get you hyped like its few clicks and cash is gonna flow. The truth is patience and hard work. So for someone who is willing to put in a lot of time and energy in this, is it possible to make a decent income starting now in 2015-2016?

Please share your opinions and experience on the matter.

#late #party
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I think you're making excuses.

    MySpace dominated before Facebook. Where's the logic in first come is the winner?

    What about Kickstarter, tons of new startups banking today & next year.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    Yes I remember it well. It was well over a decade ago. Finally it has all payed off.

    No you're not too late.

    But you need to be smart! The world of IM is awash with schemers and scammers and people who never made anything but who will sell you ebooks and courses on how to get rich. Get real. Deep down inside you know this to be true. I myself fell for the gurus and courses, many, many times.

    Even the stuff that does 'work' (perhaps less than 1% of everything IM out there) is only temporary and weak.

    Here's my advice: your possible future online is not just a function of the time you spend, part time or full time. Much, much more important is The Business Model you choose to pursue. I can tell you flat out, of the dozens of different business models for online business very few of them actually work in making a decent full-time living.

    I was lucky (i'd like to think i was smart, but I was lucky) I found it for me. I now run a substantial online business that bring in over 6 figures a month, on average. It's real, long-term, sustainable, ethical and creates a valuable online business asset.

    So, spend your time investigating the various business models. This is WAY more important to understand than the number of hours you clock up working or worrying about are you too late to the market place. First, the business model needs to be right. Only then is it a function of time and effort spent.

    I hope everything works out for you. Don't lose hope but get very real, very quickly.

    My genuine best wishes to you.

    NB by business models i mean - affiliate, advertiser, merchant, infomediary, subscriptions, broker, etc.
    Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

      Yes I remember it well. It was well over a decade ago. Finally it has all payed off.

      No you're not too late.

      But you need to be smart! The world of IM is awash with schemers and scammers and people who never made anything but who will sell you ebooks and courses on how to get rich. Get real. Deep down inside you know this to be true. I myself fell for the gurus and courses, many, many times.

      Even the stuff that does 'work' (perhaps less than 1% of everything IM out there) is only temporary and weak.

      Here's my advice: your possible future online is not just a function of the time you spend, part time or full time. Much, much more important is The Business Model you choose to pursue. I can tell you flat out, of the dozens of different business models for online business very few of them actually work in making a decent full-time living.

      I was lucky (i'd like to think i was smart, but I was lucky) I found it for me. I now run a substantial online business that bring in over 6 figures a month, on average. It's real, long-term, sustainable, ethical and creates a valuable online business asset.

      So, spend your time investigating the various business models. This is WAY more important to understand than the number of hours you clock up working or worrying about are you too late to the market place. First, the business model needs to be right. Only then is it a function of time and effort spent.

      I hope everything works out for you. Don't lose hope but get very real, very quickly.

      My genuine best wishes to you.

      NB by business models i mean - affiliate, advertiser, merchant, infomediary, subscriptions, broker, etc.
      mind to share which niche bring you 6 k per month?

      is it selling real products?
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      • Profile picture of the author TorinoGray
        I think he said 6 Figures not 6 K.. I too would be interested to hear about the 1.2 million dollar a year niche. Or should we visit the Facebook group for the ASM?
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        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
          Originally Posted by TorinoGray View Post

          I think he said 6 Figures not 6 K.. I too would be interested to hear about the 1.2 million dollar a year niche. Or should we visit the Facebook group for the ASM?
          Correct, 6 figures per month, on average.

          It's a merchant business model. Ecommerce. Physical products.

          I have my own brand.

          Not a niche though, more a whole category covered.
          Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

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        • Profile picture of the author zackzick
          Originally Posted by TorinoGray View Post

          I think he said 6 Figures not 6 K.. I too would be interested to hear about the 1.2 million dollar a year niche. Or should we visit the Facebook group for the ASM?
          Yeah i'll bet you would. IF the poster is genuine and smart (seems both) he'll never let anyone know about it.

          All these jack a*** opening up their $150k+ businesses for you to copy...LOL what a joke"!
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        • Profile picture of the author ajaxmike
          Originally Posted by TorinoGray View Post

          I think he said 6 Figures not 6 K.. I too would be interested to hear about the 1.2 million dollar a year niche. Or should we visit the Facebook group for the ASM?
          That facebook group was created over a year ago. ZanyZebra is the only member.
          If I helped you, please thank me.
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          • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
            Originally Posted by ajaxmike View Post

            That facebook group was created over a year ago. ZanyZebra is the only member.

            That's because it's a temporary facebook group only for those who want to ask questions in private (if you look at the site sub-header you'll see that is what it indicates).

            The latest intake, ASM5, have already asked their questions and have now moved fully and permanently onto the ASM site proper (a big site for members only with a full community all communicating with each other on their businesses).

            After they have been on the temp facebook group for a few weeks, having asked all their questions, they move and everything is cleared out until the next intake. The temp facebook group then is goes fallow and into hibernation until ASM is available again. ASM training only gets released once or twice a year, and then only very briefly (just a few weeks in total). So, the reason that there is only one member on the temp question facebook site is because it is me, the moderator, awaiting the next intake.

            There are currently 153 people waiting in the "queue" for the temp facebook group awaiting the next release so that they can then gain access and ask their questions directly of me, in privacy.

            Use the wayback machine and you can go back in internet time and see that there are short periods, lasting a few weeks or so each, when there people in there, asking questions. Then, as I said, everything gets cleared again. That's why you see what you see.

            Good luck with your venture.
            Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10196860].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
              The world evolves as does internet marketing.
              There are always gaps in the marketplace. and someone willing to fill them

              Some of the sites mentioned earlier are great examples.

              Yet, some of the biggest product launches in history have occurred in the last year.

              In my opinion, it's not worth worrying too much about whether the good times are over
              and instead think about what YOU CAN DO, and HOW YOU CAN HELP the market.

              People are always looking for help. That never changes.
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    • Profile picture of the author zackzick
      Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

      Yes I remember it well. It was well over a decade ago. Finally it has all payed off.

      No you're not too late.

      But you need to be smart! The world of IM is awash with schemers and scammers and people who never made anything but who will sell you ebooks and courses on how to get rich. Get real. Deep down inside you know this to be true. I myself fell for the gurus and courses, many, many times.

      Even the stuff that does 'work' (perhaps less than 1% of everything IM out there) is only temporary and weak.

      Here's my advice: your possible future online is not just a function of the time you spend, part time or full time. Much, much more important is The Business Model you choose to pursue. I can tell you flat out, of the dozens of different business models for online business very few of them actually work in making a decent full-time living.

      I was lucky (i'd like to think i was smart, but I was lucky) I found it for me. I now run a substantial online business that bring in over 6 figures a month, on average. It's real, long-term, sustainable, ethical and creates a valuable online business asset.

      So, spend your time investigating the various business models. This is WAY more important to understand than the number of hours you clock up working or worrying about are you too late to the market place. First, the business model needs to be right. Only then is it a function of time and effort spent.

      I hope everything works out for you. Don't lose hope but get very real, very quickly.

      My genuine best wishes to you.

      NB by business models i mean - affiliate, advertiser, merchant, infomediary, subscriptions, broker, etc.
      This is spot on...using the Internet to aid your real business is great. Selling get rich quick s*** to newbies...not stable nor good.Keep out of the w.s.o. section. Imagine it's like going into the ghetto looking for a good business man.
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      • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
        Originally Posted by zackzick View Post

        This is spot on...using the Internet to aid your real business is great. Selling get rich quick s*** to newbies...not stable nor good.Keep out of the w.s.o. section. Imagine it's like going into the ghetto looking for a good business man.
        So true!
        I do work "offline" - using the internet.
        I admire people who have viable internet biz selling things online, stores, etsy, ebay etc

        the "wso" writers? I think a lot of them are worthless. I don't see how they even have time to "work" their so called money making businesses when they constantly are putting out new "reports" or pushing a buddy's newest. It is a fools game

        Worst is the "dun for ya" ...should be "overdone for you"
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  • Profile picture of the author richpeasant
    A while ago one very experienced information marketer
    suggested a combination of offline/online marketing worked
    better than trying to batter your way through the internet.

    He was marketing information well before the internet
    and found his response was greatly improved.

    You also need to remember the so called big names out
    there just pay for everything to be outsourced. They aren't
    sitting at home alone tapping their feet wondering what to write
    next. Everything from the website to the newsletter is bought
    and paid for and sent to a list, also bought and paid for with cash
    or jvs.

    And a massive percentage fake it till they make it - if they ever do.

    It doesn't happen the way you think. Find out what goes on
    behind the curtain.
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisnos
    The problem today is not just the competition, it's the advancement of the system.

    Back then you put up a sales page, put it on PPC, and people came and bought.

    Today, to compete, you need email newsletters, a blog, a sales letter, free content, videos, and everything else just to be at the level of everyone else, so in a sense, yes, we are too late to the party for the golden age of online success.
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  • The best time to plant a tree was a year ago, the second best time is now - Chinese Proverb

    I believe that should explain enough
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Personally I think the "Golden Age" is now! For those who are prepared. Yes, the golden age of ... find a successful program or person, then slap up a me-too website and make millions (or in many cases any money at all) is over. Plus, other old school (horse and buggy) methods you see others sadly still trying to "make" work.

      But now a quiet paradigm shift is happening. Now the rules has changed.
      Now it's the "Golden Age" if you can ...
      • Find your own untapped, under-served or ignored niche market. (Whether you're a product creator or affiliate marketer)
      • Capture it in a targeted list.
      • Feed (over-deliver) your target list with unique content and "related" follow up products.
      • Know how to access influencer's (people and platforms) to spread your message horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
      Those are small examples, there's a lot more, but you get the idea.
      The more you can do the above consistently, the more you'll be able to take advantage of "this" Golden age.
      Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10195549].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Terry Gunn
      Originally Posted by Internationalwealth View Post

      The best time to plant a tree was a year ago, the second best time is now - Chinese Proverb

      I believe that should explain enough
      Wow! That is good! Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10195868].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Goff
    There is definitely still plenty of opportunity out there, it's just a matter of finding it.

    A lot of the stuff preached in the more popular IM courses is actually great, the problem is that people just copy and paste and expect to get great results.

    There is a HUGE ongoing collision of the offline and online worlds. Many businesses still have not made the transition to doing things the "online way". Many businesses are not leveraging international resources effectively. Many businesses are not using online marketing effectively, even though their goods and services are solid.

    And yes, even if a marketer wants to do affiliate offers only, where all they manage is traffic and offers, there is still money to be made. It's just a lot trickier than it used to be, because there are LOTS of people out there doing the same thing, and some of them are really clever.

    Need WordPress support? Tilden Tasks has you covered!

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    • Profile picture of the author Improbable
      Originally Posted by Matt Goff View Post

      There is definitely still plenty of opportunity out there, it's just a matter of finding it.

      You nailed it! Imagine a woebegone Texan prospector in 1900 saying this" "Dagnamit, they found alla the oil in Oklahoma. That's all there is. Lordy, I'd better switch to another line o' work 'cos those lucky so-and-sos found all the dagnum oil in these United States."
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  • This year the will be first timers who will start this year and make money and so will next year brand new people SO IT'S NOT TO LATE! It's just not easy that is really the problem for most people.

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10195593].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      You don't have to worry about being late for any party. You can make or bring your own party.

      If you ...
      • Know how to find untapped needs (niches) in the market.
      • Know how separate yourself from the crowd of competition.
      • Do those customer pleasing things your competitor's don't like to do.
      Then back everything up with 'fanatical' customer service.
      Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10195754].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Reed
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    Hi all,

    Do you remember the first day you decided to look into Internet Marketing? You were all newbies on these few days of your first steps. But you might have taken these steps many years ago like early 2000's or a few years back. I think people who took action at that time were the luckiest, since every single day the competition is increasing dramatically in this industry.

    The same can be said today, if I start an affiliate website today I have a better chance of success than next year. But do I really??

    The number of websites is going to exceed a whooping one BILLION this year (2015). And almost all of them out there are trying to grab a piece of the big pie. You and me want to squeeze in among this billion crowd and snatch a piece too, but what are our chances?

    Almost all WSO's get you hyped like its few clicks and cash is gonna flow. The truth is patience and hard work. So for someone who is willing to put in a lot of time and energy in this, is it possible to make a decent income starting now in 2015-2016?

    Please share your opinions and experience on the matter.

    Go back 10 years and you'll find this exact post. And in 10 years you'll see it again.

    The only thing I'm seeing are amazingly good URL's still available.

    Sell More ...Faster!

    The ultimate CRM / Autoresponder & Sales Automation System - The Online Coaches Dream Team

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10195764].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zackzick
      Originally Posted by Tom Reed View Post

      Go back 10 years and you'll find this exact post. And in 10 years you'll see it again.

      The only thing I'm seeing are amazingly good URL's still available.
      I thi nk what OP really means and it seems to cater for 99% on here.

      Scamming gullible newbies is so much harder these days than it was pre 2006.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elvis Michael
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    Hi all,
    So for someone who is willing to put in a lot of time and energy in this, is it possible to make a decent income starting now in 2015-2016?

    Please share your opinions and experience on the matter.

    Here's the thing, Andoni...
    While we may have 1 billion websites, those numbers are also including the millions of useless, abandoned, utterly outdated ones. So when you really think about it, the real number is far lower because you don't ever need to worry about some blog that only has 1 blog post since 2011.

    Then, to make things even easier for you, every website is obviously divided into categories, sub categories and niches. Out of these, you will still find millions of abandoned properties as I said above.

    Then, to make things super duper easier for you, other people don't necessarily have great internet marketing/promotional/advertising knowledge. But you could have this knowledge - because you're part of the Warrior Forum family.

    Do you see the great advantage you have when you analyze the situation differently? Especially if you take into account every other reply above me - particularly from The Niche Man and Yukon.

    So, don't look at raw numbers the way you did, because that's a surefire way to needlessly scare yourself into failure and obscurity.
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  • Profile picture of the author createarena
    The plateaus are never ending, once you think it can't get any better, things get outdone.This field is always evolving, there is no pie, just unlimited space and pockets of potential, it's up to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Improbable
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    Hi all,

    ... The same can be said today, if I start an affiliate website today I have a better chance of success than next year. But do I really?...

    Every person just getting in has grist to think that (s)he's late for the party. Case in point: Bitcoin. The people who first bought or got some in 2012 had lots of rationale to kick themselves for not getting into The Big 'B' in 2011. Same goes for those who got in sometime in 2011: they had ample rationale to pine about not buying/mining in 2010.

    Except for Satoshi Nakamoto himself, every Bitcoiner in the cryptocurrency's history has a pretext for worrying that he got in too late!

    The moral: The best time to get in? It's the time that you're both resolved and committed to do what it takes to succeed. It's that simple!

    Really, you're fooled by your hindsight bias. We've all been fooled that way to one extent or another. Hindsight bias cleans up the past - hence its prevalence - but it also airbrushes the past. I can say flatly that becoming an "instamillionarire" by buying a lot of Bitcoin in '10 or '11 was in fact very hard. There were lots of "mistakes" and scams along the way, and there was always the ever-present temptation to do the sensible thing and sell your Bitcoin for what would have been a huge rate of return for another kind of asset.

    For the insta-millionaires, which I'm not, it was a long, slow, hard journey up to insta-millionaire status. Sounds a lot like life everywhere else, doesn't it?

    The lesson: our built-in hindsight bias always makes something look a lot easier than it actually was. 'Struth.
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  • Profile picture of the author gabelumagui
    I think NOW is the time!
    It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
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  • The party is just getting started.
    Premium WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins $10/ea. or FREE With Membership.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    Hi all,

    Do you remember the first day you decided to look into Internet Marketing? You were all newbies on these few days of your first steps. But you might have taken these steps many years ago like early 2000's or a few years back. I think people who took action at that time were the luckiest, since every single day the competition is increasing dramatically in this industry.

    The same can be said today, if I start an affiliate website today I have a better chance of success than next year. But do I really??

    The number of websites is going to exceed a whooping one BILLION this year (2015). And almost all of them out there are trying to grab a piece of the big pie. You and me want to squeeze in among this billion crowd and snatch a piece too, but what are our chances?

    Almost all WSO's get you hyped like its few clicks and cash is gonna flow. The truth is patience and hard work. So for someone who is willing to put in a lot of time and energy in this, is it possible to make a decent income starting now in 2015-2016?

    Please share your opinions and experience on the matter.

    Don't think of it like that. There is going to be competition within any niche where there's opportunity to make money. However, competition just means that there are more products to promote, so each time a new product comes out, you have a chance to get your foot in the door. Just go for it.

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  • Profile picture of the author felisitie
    I think now is as good a time as ever. Anyone can make money on line. I beleive like everything else it takes focus and a lot of practice and perseverance and an attitude of never give up!
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    • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
      Originally Posted by felisitie View Post

      I think now is as good a time as ever. Anyone can make money on line. I beleive like everything else it takes focus and a lot of practice and perseverance and an attitude of never give up!
      What it takes, in my opinion, is figuring out who to listen to. Nobody was born knowing everything, so learning is essential. But given that most people here peddle a lot of non-sense, and that many people's business is teaching others how to make money - without them knowing how to make money - it's no wonder the failure rate is so high.

      So the first step is weeding out all the garbage and finding reliable sources of information. Only then will one be able to really go down the path of IM.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10196253].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        What it takes, in my opinion, is figuring out who to listen to. Nobody was born knowing everything, so learning is essential. But given that most people here peddle a lot of non-sense, and that many people's business is teaching others how to make money - without them knowing how to make money - it's no wonder the failure rate is so high.

        So the first step is weeding out all the garbage and finding reliable sources of information. Only then will one be able to really go down the path of IM.
        Good points. It also is not just about "knowing how to make money".

        A lot of this stuff does take some skills - or a large amount of money to hire others, and I on't mean hire people on fiverr.
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      • Profile picture of the author ajaxmike
        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        So the first step is weeding out all the garbage and finding reliable sources of information. Only then will one be able to really go down the path of IM.
        And there's the challenge: weeding out the garbage and the BS artists. I haven't figured out how to do that yet.
        If I helped you, please thank me.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10196795].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kathy331
        Originally Posted by Lucian Lada View Post

        What it takes, in my opinion, is figuring out who to listen to. Nobody was born knowing everything, so learning is essential. But given that most people here peddle a lot of non-sense, and that many people's business is teaching others how to make money - without them knowing how to make money - it's no wonder the failure rate is so high.

        So the first step is weeding out all the garbage and finding reliable sources of information. Only then will one be able to really go down the path of IM.
        Excellent point Lucian. It's easy to become despondent when you read threads like this. As a relative newcomer to IM (1yr) and a "mature" student it's a steep learning curve. However, I am committed and learning to weed out the BS!

        The flip side of the coin to the amount of people now doing IM is the growth in people using the Internet, even my 84 yr old Mum now buys online. I reckon there's a piece of the pie for everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author SamKane
    plus you have to remember, people retire and people die.
    opportunities will always be around. You just need to be ready.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenmuise
    I started doing this 7 years ago....blogging, creating sites, wanting to earn, etc. I was impatient. I gave up early or got disgruntled. I.E. I let a blog making $60 per month just expire instead of trying to get some money for it on Flippa. I was an idiot.

    Now, after years (yes, I'm a slow learner) of learning (so, so important to learn) and doing what I've learned from my failures and other's successes, I'm actually making a little bit of money. Not a lot. But it pays the car. My next goal is to pay the mortgage. I want succeed more than I want to make money. I hate to quit. I hate to fail. However, in the end, you love the failure that you're currently earning from.

    Just my two cents from a guy who is not a success but is starting to "get it"... Patience. Study. Delivering to a needy market. Then delivering more.



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  • Profile picture of the author mkellerman
    It is a good idea to find a kind mentor who is actually making money and follow their advice precisely and carefully.
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    • Profile picture of the author ajaxmike
      Originally Posted by mkellerman View Post

      It is a good idea to find a kind mentor who is actually making money and follow their advice precisely and carefully.
      I tried that but was unable to duplicate his results. So either he was BSing his results, not telling everything, or selling a system that once worked but no did. When I brought that to his attention and asked for help, he unfriended me on facebook, banned me from the support site, banned me from the FB support group, and got his sponsor to do the same.

      I still think that is the best way to go, but you need to find an honest, responsible mentor.
      If I helped you, please thank me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10196803].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vic Hutchinson
    Absolutely NO.. The trouble is you keep getting the same crap everyone is getting on how to get rich online. None of that crap works no matter how many fake screen shots they show you.

    I just put up a new product last week and so far have made $49,000 (profit) from it right under 7 days and sales keep coming in daily.

    You have to pick a product that you KNOW everyone could use and then you need to start building you some relationships online. Do that first. ( you guys call it building your list )

    I call it building relationships ( getting new friends )

    Talk to them just like you would a real friend and let them talk to you via email, skype or grab a conference room. I use meetcheap for my conference room. It's cheap.

    Then after you get around 500 or so or less friends, start recommending products to them.

    Not the same BS that everyone gets in their emails.

    If you do that, then you are nobody special and they will know you simply want money from them.

    Create your own products if you can. Learn how.

    My new product made $49,000 in less than 7 days last week. This is not unheard of.

    Any newbie can do this, but you got to have patience. It takes time to build a loyal friend list.

    I know this is a useless post, because everybody is still thinking there is some MAGIC get rich quick button. Nope. Just good ole Online Entrepreneurship will do it.

    Find you a mentor is my biggest advice.

    Someone already where YOU want to be and then do everything he/she tells you.

    My other advice is try and become a High Performance Online Marketer.

    That is someone that gets everything done.

    They don't sit around and think about it. They just get it out there.

    Let your prospects be the one to tell you if your product sux or not.

    My last advice. Become more SPIRITUAL.

    You will need that more than anything. Anybody can build a product and a website and get traffic to it, but it takes someone very spiritual to really BELIEVE their product is of value to the world and the world will flock to it and buy it.

    1% conversion. You better get used to that being a FACT or get out quick.

    I wish you success.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    The number of websites is going to exceed a whooping one BILLION this year (2015). And almost all of them out there are trying to grab a piece of the big pie. You and me want to squeeze in among this billion crowd and snatch a piece too, but what are our chances?

    Try baking your own pies instead of trying to fight over scraps. The leaders succeed and the followers fade away


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      There is plenty of room for innovation -- this is like saying that car manufacturing is "dead" because the market is saturated and almost everyone has bought a car.

      Competition is good, that shows you a market is viable. Put your own spin on it, focus on delivering real value and distinguishing yourself from others.

      10 years ago, setting up a website was expensive, arduous and complicated. Today, you have Wordpress and cheap hosting. 10 years ago many were complaining that getting online was difficult and expensive. There will always be something to complain about, there will never be a "perfect" time to start a business.

      Start shifting your mindset toward looking for opportunities instead of finding fault and excuses with the state of the market.

      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Try baking your own pies instead of trying to fight over scraps. The leaders succeed and the followers fade away

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author BartsTreasures
    Often with competition comes opportunity! Yes 10 years ago we had less competition in trying to rank on Google, but today we have other venues that in some cases makes Google irrelevant. I know people who are getting all the traffic they need from just Pinterest or just YouTube alone...10 years ago, these weren't even options!....Today there are a ton of 3rd party sites where we can earn money without ever even needing a website of our own (although it's still recommended). For example, ETSY, Zazzle, Udemy, Sunfrog, Teespring, and more are all money making options that weren't available 10 years ago. What we need to do is remember 2 things...1) We are not "website" marketers, but rather, we are marketers of PRODUCTS...The internet in all its forms is simply a communication tool...2) BEFORE we market our products, we need to do a better job of marketing OURSELVES..Someone else may be able to build another website, but they can't build another ME!

    Once when I was in direct sales, I noticed a peculiar phenomena...The NEW sales people often outperformed the experienced sales people in their 1st few weeks...I asked my boss why he thought this was...He said he KNEW why it was...the NEW people hadn't been around long enough to 'learn the excuses' yet....Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Pettlepop
    No your never too late to join the party
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    • Profile picture of the author ldenning
      I don't think it's too late to join the party, BUT I agree with many of the other posters.

      People have to realize that 6 figures won't happen by next month. They probably will lose money before they start to make it. And there is a lot of crap out there.

      Also, you are competing with people who have built up huge lists over how many years. When they say that they made $20,000 in 2 days with a product, it could be that they have a million people on their list.

      Magic bullets hardly ever happen, like Power Ball tickets seldom win. But there is something to be said for slow, sustainable growth in a business. And I believe that the cream will always rise to the top.

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  • Profile picture of the author startingtrends
    Opportunity doesn't only knock once, opportunity knocks with each brand new day. It's about being innovative and creating your own opportunities. Even if certain industry's or markets get saturated there's always fresh new opportunities no matter when you decide to start your IM venture(s).

    Success and earnings may not necessarily come as quickly as they might have in the early dot-com days but that doesn't mean there isn't always money to be made. It all boils down to how driven, patient and dedicated you are to making it happen. How good you are at networking, branding yourself and creating distinction in a saturated market.

    You'll also have to be willing to accept that you'll probably make a few mistakes along the way but that's okay as long as you learn from your mistakes and that's how you grow. Trial and error, persistence and a lot of hard work will pay off. Online marketing strategies that used to be effective years ago may not apply today but there's always a way.

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    • Profile picture of the author ldenning
      Originally Posted by startingtrends View Post

      Opportunity doesn't only knock once, opportunity knocks with each brand new day. It's about being innovative and creating your own opportunities. Even if certain industry's or markets get saturated there's always fresh new opportunities no matter when you decide to start your IM venture(s).

      This is the best takeaway of this thread. Thanks, Darryl.
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  • Profile picture of the author gtgart
    True, we all wish we started sooner but to think that there are no more opportunities is missing the point altogether.

    Yes as many have posted, markets spring up, early adopters appear and reap the benefits and soon follows the masses, and by then the smart money makers have moved on to the next thing.

    There really is no difference in any hot market in any industry, region or stock. Historically this is how all markets operate.

    Early Adopters Win > Finger On The Pulse Next > Dumb Money Earners In Last > Market Crash - Cycle begins again.

    IM is the same, apart from the crash perspective, this is just how markets work.

    I got in on something in a few years back, wasn't the earliest on the go but now it earns passive income of about $1.8k per month. Only work involves checking the affiliate account, so not entirely passive.

    Is a huge market, been around for years - not going away anytime soon, and still people can get in on it, with the right approach.

    Still the world is evolving and new markets are appearing everyday, just think of Uber and Airbnb - both just a few years back didn't exist - now worth multi billions.

    So look for new ops, keep your ear close to the ground - and use the skills you learn here, to tackle these new fields of opportunity. The same rules apply, develop a quality product (content is product) deliver that to a hungry crowd and the rewards are yours.

    This always works, even in crowded markets.

    Want to learn SEO from a Pro? Sign Up - Free 2015 SEO Mastery Training Today!.

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  • Profile picture of the author JaySG
    People will continue to buy products and services till the end of time. There is more competition, but also the opportunity is greater as more and more people are buying online.

    The reality is that you have to be a better marketer than 10 years ago, but other than that the opportunity is out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author peria1949
    It's never too late.Of course the competition has increased but so also the opportunities...latter many fold..

    Patience and the skill to spot the right opportunity are keys to success.

    After 8 long years ,finally I have found my passive income opportunity and I am happy about it.

    Never give up.

    Once you give up,it's all over.

    Keep trying hard and eventually you will succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author o1kimi88
    It can be so confusing because there are so many options. And there are so many "experts" out there. I think it is a case of trusting your gut and taking things slowly before you commit too much money.
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    • Profile picture of the author pozas77

      The world of Internet Marketing is very tough.
      And despite much hyped, over promised products that flood your mailbox every day, like many Warriors have said it takes patience and focus.

      I counted 123 different products I paid for and downloaded over the years spending thousands before I actually learned to focus and make some decent money.

      What worked for me was learning from and promoting products by Armand Morin like FreeWebCamp, InternetDotsNow and WP-Webinar.

      There are of course other products and tools that can help you reach your goals but you must focus.

      Here are four steps I recommend you follow if you haven't made any money, or the type of money you were looking for:

      1) Review the products you have bought/signed up to

      2) Unsubscribe from everything else - or if you are like me and think you might be "missing out" (those emails are so damn convincing!!), filter emails so they arrive in subfolders you create in your email provider, and CRUCIALLY NOT in your Inbox.

      3) Focus on one product/programme and give it your 100% attention.

      4) If it doesn't work out after giving a good effort, try the next product/programme in your portfolio.

      Whatever you do don't continue to buy new products as you'll find you have already bought a similar (or worse still, the SAME product).

      Hope that helps and the key is focus on one thing, and one thing only, and unsubscribe from everything else.
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  • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
    If you think about it, the market is always changing. Products that were in trend 3 years ago might be obsolete today. In this sense, the market is always getting refreshed with new opportunities every single day.

    The challenge is not that there are more people doing IM, but how to stand out from the rest of your competitors that are doing it. Also, more people have become exposed to the internet over the years, so although more competition is around, our number of customers have increased as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    The web is certainly saturated these days. Look at YouTube. I like ASMR videos and there are just soooo many!!!!

    But look again and you'll see that the most popular videos routinely have over 1M hits.

    I'm also looking for programming jobs right now and I've been to companies turning over ££££'s online.

    So it is harder to get established now, but IF you are successful the rewards are very much greater.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author stackman
    I've been doing IM since 1998 and it's much more difficult now in 2105 to be successful than it has been even in recent years.

    Not that there are not opportunities but finding those opportunities and making it successful is harder due to the incredible amount of competition that exists for nearly anything you want to do.

    In my case, there was almost no competition in the beginning, and it definitely paid to be first. But, now, there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of copycats that realized my success and duplicated my work, often copying it outright. Many are junk, but they still drain traffic and distract users from my site. So, even if you manage to find a great niche and build a successful site, you'll soon have copycats diluting your traffic.

    Of course, Goggle has made it tougher to get organic traffic. Many of its "adjustments" have been made because of crappy sites and wide-spread black hat SEO techniques that unfortunately made it more difficult for the good guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author meetingle
    why do you think some one would share their success secret here?
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    • Profile picture of the author pjman
      Originally Posted by meetingle View Post

      why do you think some one would share their success secret here?
      They are either loaded with money or had too much to drink. I'm all for sharing, but I'm not going to create a competitor out of someone.
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  • Profile picture of the author arojilla
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    The number of websites is going to exceed a whooping one BILLION this year (2015). And almost all of them out there are trying to grab a piece of the big pie.
    In fact, there are 7 BILLION of people trying to grab a piece of the pie. Will you stop living?

    Life is competition.


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  • Profile picture of the author Improbable
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    Hi all,
    Please share your opinions and experience on the matter.

    One more opinion: If you find that becoming an IM master requires you to traverse the long, slow, hard path - I say go for it! Put in the time & do the work that means taking Massive Action: you will be glad you did.

    Myself, I'm here to learn and I fully expect to slog along the long, hard, slow path myself. Maybe we'll bump into each other when we we're sloggin'
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  • Profile picture of the author robertjones88
    I often think about what it would be like to get started today and how much harder it is today rather than about 10 years ago. The thing is that I got started with my business selling domain about 3 years ago and back then I thought I was too late to the party but looking back on it now I'm glad I did it.

    The way I see it is to look at it like this - think of what it would be like to be 5 or 10 years into the future. Chances are if we were in the year 2025 you would have wished that you started today because the competition in 2025 in the internet marketing industry would be hyper competitive.

    So just think about what it would be like in the future, not right now. Yes, people who started 10 years ago had is significantly easier than we have it today but don't focus on them - focus on improving yourself and your life because you'll thank yourself for it 10 years from now.
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  • Profile picture of the author tiffanymika
    I believe we are in an exciting time right now.

    The internet is really coming of age... right now!

    The encouraging thing is that there are so many people who will be looking at how to work from home. Of course the internet marketing niche is growing. There are so many people out there who want to know how... it is an ever growing area.

    You have got to position yourself where the people are.

    So there are a few niches that you can focus on online;

    1. The Home Business - Internet Marketing Niche
    2. Weight Loss & Fitness Niche
    3. Dating & Relationships Niche

    Position yourself as an expert in one these areas and the will be endless opportunities.

    You just have to put yourself in a position where you will get noticed.



    Tiffany Mika

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Its never too late for the Party . As time goes by the more competition develops,,,yes that is true... but guess what also happens ? There are more and more people being born everyday' and more and more people turning into young adults who want to buy new and better products on the Internet. This really seems to balance things out

      And contrary to what many naive business people think competition is good and very healthy

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author koolgal
      Same old, same old and all are over crowded and no longer viable.

      Originally Posted by tiffanymika View Post

      I believe we are in an exciting time right now.

      The internet is really coming of age... right now!

      The encouraging thing is that there are so many people who will be looking at how to work from home. Of course the internet marketing niche is growing. There are so many people out there who want to know how... it is an ever growing area.

      You have got to position yourself where the people are.

      So there are a few niches that you can focus on online;

      1. The Home Business - Internet Marketing Niche
      2. Weight Loss & Fitness Niche
      3. Dating & Relationships Niche

      Position yourself as an expert in one these areas and the will be endless opportunities.

      You just have to put yourself in a position where you will get noticed.


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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Well, the booze is all gone. That said, even the stale salty crackers are gone. However, I do notice a few tiny crumbs on the table, and you are welcome to them if you want any.
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  • Profile picture of the author koolgal
    Be very careful of those answering to this thread that have a footer with a link. It is damn near impossible to make it today if you are a one-person show. The marketing alone can no longer be done by a single individual crouching over your computer late into the night.

    The truth is that the internet has gone corporate and the little person no longer has a chance. I pulled out and closed shop because it can no longer be done. I came back to look at the warrior forum to see if there is anything new happening. Nope, same old bs. Become an affiliate, flip websites, sell here, sell there. On and on. Nothing new. The ones making the money are the ones who sucker you to believe that they have a method that works or they can coach you. Yeah...they are the ones making money off your desire, desperation, etc,.

    As I said, be very careful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Andoni View Post

    I think people who took action at that time were the luckiest, since every single day the competition is increasing dramatically in this industry.

    This is not the thinking of a true entrepreneur.

    Never, in the history of mankind, has there been greater opportunity for a person of small means to break out of his/her circumstance and become a huge business success. In fact, you don't even have to be a "huge" winner to make a very nice income online that will take care of you and your family.

    Look for opportunities - they are everywhere!


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      This is not the thinking of a true entrepreneur.

      Never, in the history of mankind, has there been greater opportunity for a person of small means to break out of his/her circumstance and become a huge business success. In fact, you don't even have to be a "huge" winner to make a very nice income online that will take care of you and your family.

      Look for opportunities - they are everywhere!

      I totally agree Steve.

      Well said.

      I think people ( particularly the younger ones here) do not realize that until he last 10 to 15 years we have never seen the opportunities like this for the "little man" to break out in the fashion that is possible now !

      Its a privilege to be alive in this time period of human civilization
      ( okay thats a little bit of overly exaggerating passion but you all know what I mean lol)

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Tonight I went in my Google Webmaster Tools for the first time in nearly a year.

    So what's the verdict?

    1. Old micro-niche-sites I made in the "write 600 words about each keyword" style are mostly dead, especially in competitive niches like finance. I will soon ruthlessly destroy any of my domains that aren't making more than $10 a year.

    2. I did recover a site from Panda/Penguin (success story here). Executive summary: unpublished low value articles, added some real values to end users. Then waited.. And waited...

    3. Sites with REAL valuable services are still doing well, even sites I launched last year (when the web was supposed to be saturated).
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Today's newbies are late to the party in that the business is almost fully legitimized now. Ten years ago it was possible for a newbie to attain decent success in a year since the standards were lower. Now I'd push that to 3-5 years.
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