Is There Anyone Here Drop Out From College To Pursue Internet Marketing?

54 replies
Hi warriors,

I just come cross to my mind that since everyone can learn internet marketing and you don't particularly need a degree in doing it, is there anyone here drop out from college and pursue their internet marketing as a career?

I have heard that there are many around here quit their daily job to do internet marketing, then what about student drop out from college?

I'm asking because I'm curious to know this.

Feel free to respond.
#college #drop #internet #marketing #pursue
  • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
    No, you would be the first one.

    'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
    -Muhammad Ali

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    • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
      Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post

      No, you would be the first one.
      Nah, i'm probably the first. I left Clemson University in November of 2004 to pursue an online business. I went there for computer engineering. But whether i graduated and received a high paying job, or decided to work at Taco Bell... it would be the same 40 hours per week - and i only want to work 3 hours a day.

      1 hour for marketing. 1 hour for food. 1 hour for my lady.

      I learned the hard way, but i dont regret it.
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      • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
        Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

        and i only want to work 3 hours a day.

        1 hour for marketing. 1 hour for food. 1 hour for my lady.
        .....and that, there, is the problem with people who want to become online marketers - they don't want to work.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Some have done this. Mostly idiots though.

    I'm sure one of them will come along and tell me how Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg did it but my answer is always the same - for every 1 exception like those two, there are thousands of people who failed.

    Go to school. Do IM on the side. Quit school if you are wildly successful - and only if you are wildly successful. Even then, id say stay in school if you can.
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    • Profile picture of the author iyzuan87
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      Some have done this. Mostly idiots though.

      I'm sure one of them will come along and tell me how Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg did it but my answer is always the same - for every 1 exception like those two, there are thousands of people who failed.

      Go to school. Do IM on the side. Quit school if you are wildly successful - and only if you are wildly successful. Even then, id say stay in school if you can.
      Well Said Sir
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    • Profile picture of the author crunchor
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      Some have done this. Mostly idiots though.

      I'm sure one of them will come along and tell me how Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg did it but my answer is always the same - for every 1 exception like those two, there are thousands of people who failed.

      Go to school. Do IM on the side. Quit school if you are wildly successful - and only if you are wildly successful. Even then, id say stay in school if you can.
      you should say there are billions who failed.
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  • Profile picture of the author QTeeKitty
    Masterqif, I agree with everyone about staying in school!!

    I never got to finish for different reasons and I always wished I had the chance to.
    No matter what you decide to pursue in life, you will always have that degree to fall back on and get you a job! If you want to do IM on the side, go for it. You can still be successful at IM without having to drop out of school! Take advantage of receiving an education right now, there are many people who are praying to go to college! Think and invest in your future as long term and not quick cash satisfaction. If you do it that way, it will save you a lot of grief!
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  • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
    I double that, don't place your future on a plan that has yet to succeed. IM is not an instant money making machine, otherwise why would anyone bother to work if all you had to do was sign up an account with clickbank and stick the link onto a webstie?

    A lot of hard work with trial and error will be involved in it. At the start, you may even get zero results and consider giving up on it.

    Try it out first and if you are able get a stable income over several months, only then would i advise to you consider dropping out.

    All the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexFortin
    I dont have a college degree, everything i know i learn it from book or from people. Almost all the goal i had written down last year have been achieved. Everything i earn is from streams of online passive income. i live in S-E asia and I wake up every morning doing the thing i want.

    If your goal in life is to become accountant, sure getting an accountant degree will get you closer to your goal. This is called a defer life plan and this is the path most often choose by people that buy in the script of: go to school, get a good job, buy a house, take 2 vacation per year, retire when you are 60 and start doing the thing you love when your life is almost over.

    I speak to countless successful online entrepreneur that says that getting a degree was a total waste of time. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on acquiring outdated knowledge from professors that never applied what they know, strive to gain a self-education by yourself. Read books, join or create mastermind groups, purchase course and mentorship from the very best in the industry... Invest in yourself.

    Having a "job" to fall back on is simply an excuse you can give yourself to accept failure. REFUSE failure, chase your dream and don't let anyone talk you out of your dream because they already give up on theirs.
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by AlexFortin View Post

      I dont have a college degree, everything i know i learn it from book or from people. Almost all the goal i had written down last year have been achieved. Everything i earn is from streams of online passive income. i live in S-E asia and I wake up every morning doing the thing i want. ETC ETC ETC...
      Sorry to disagree but you are spewing Complete Garbage....
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    awful advice Alex. Awful. U mention "outdated knowledge". So many "entrepreneurs" lean on this and it exposes them.

    Getting a degree isn't all about knowledge - it's largely about showing that you can complete something that you started.

    You haven't spoken to "countless" entrepreneurs. You've spoken to hundreds. Maybe thousands (if you are lucky). As I mentioned in my earlier response, far more people fail in this industry than succeed. Selling the pipe dream of "invent yourself" and "passive income" does a disservice to people.

    Calling a job and "excuse" for failure is insulting.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I speak to countless successful online entrepreneur that says that getting a degree was a total waste of time.
      The only people I've met that say that - are the drop outs. I don't know a single person WITH a degree who thinks it was a waste ot time.

      You posted elsewhere you earn $3k a month- and moved from Canada to Vietnam. In Canada - or U.K. or U.S - $3k isn't a great income and most marketers aren't anxious to move to Asia for a lower cost of living.

      REFUSE failure, chase your dream and don't let anyone talk you out of your dream because they already give up on theirs.
      It's great to pursue your dreams - but also good to have a backup or exit plan if you don't catch those dreams.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author TopTier Profits
        If you drop out of college to pursue IM - You better be ready to treat IM like you would your degree.

        You see, college and IM are quiet similar.

        Depending on the what you study etc etc it takes around three years to get your degree. That's three years of hard work and study.

        Internet Marketing is very similar. Most people will struggle for the first year(s) or so. It's because they are at the learning stage.

        Most places around the world require some sort of contribution towards your education - but for some reason, people online are generally unwilling to spend the same amount on buying courses, products, coaching etc.

        For example, you must learn and study a method of traffic generation. Then you need to learn how to convert that traffic.

        So for example, you might want to learn about email marketing. That's money you need to spend on autoresponders, training materials/coaching and of-course, traffic.

        The only real difference between college and internet marketing is that when studying for a degree, everything is basically THEORY until you graduate and then enter the job market, where you will need to apply what you've learnt.

        IM is learning and APPLYING that theory from day one. Most of the people 'struggling' or failing online are stuck in the 'EDUCATE' phase. They learn, learn some more but never implement.

        As others have said, being widely successful with internet marketing is the exception, not the rule. There are people who will make a few hundred per month. Then there are people making a 'considerable' income of X,XXX - XX,XXX per month. But getting to that next level is, for many, insanely unrealistic.

        So, in short - if you do drop out, you better be ready to grind twice as hard. I know that the only reason I am where I'm at today, is due to the 18 hours days which I put in at the beginning.
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      • Profile picture of the author kk075
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        The only people I've met that say that - are the drop outs. I don't know a single person WITH a degree who thinks it was a waste ot time.
        Then you obviously don't know too many people...because I can easily name a dozen who are buried in student loan debt, working outside of their field of study and seriously regret spending 4-5 years training for a career that doesn't exist.

        The AVERAGE cost of an education these days is pushing $120,000 for a four year degree. That's more than the average starter-home. And let's face it- most 18 year old students have no idea what they want to be in life. But even worse, they have zero knowledge on the potential job market, they don't have a solid work ethic yet and they get caught up in extracurricular activities. The dropout rate for college freshmen is over 50% in the United States. The graduation rate is under 30%. Yet we keep telling these lies- go to collage and you'll be something someday!

        The founder of Wordpress- college dropout.
        The founder of DropBox- college dropout
        Facebook- a dropout made it
        Tumblr, Mashable, Spotify, Code Academy, Blogger- all founded by dropouts

        So to say you have to have a college degree to be successful is truly foolish....especially when you likely use IM tools from dropouts every day of your life.

        Now, I'm not knocking a college education by any means here. I'm just saying that it's not the amazing indicator for success that people make it out to be. The above people succeeded because of their intelligence and desire....and taking American Literature 101 was not going to factor into what they were doing one way or another.

        In fact, you cannot even receive an "Internet Marketing" degree in 2015 from any major college. So if we believe the prior advice given here that people can't do anything in life without a degree, then you wouldn't see a single ad online anywhere. Because everything you see online today certainly didn't come from a classroom education.

        Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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        • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
          Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

          The founder of Wordpress- college dropout.
          The founder of DropBox- college dropout
          Facebook- a dropout made it
          Tumblr, Mashable, Spotify, Code Academy, Blogger- all founded by dropouts
          These few people you've noted are called "exceptions to the rule".

          There are millions of college dropouts. How many do you think dropped out to start a business, online or locally?

          Unfortunately, the media glamorizes the few successful college dropouts who have made a killing with an IM-related business, and doesn't discuss the many thousands who have attempted it and failed.

          Quitting college is a bad idea - not for all, but for most.

          Finishing college - regardless of your major - gives you years of training in mental focus, research, analysis, deduction, persistence, etc.., skills that can be applied to IM right out of the gate, making success in IM more likely.

          Quitting college trains your mind to - um - quit.
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            Then you obviously don't know too many people...because I can easily name a dozen who are buried in student loan debt, working outside of their field of study and seriously regret spending 4-5 years training for a career that doesn't exist.
            Good point. Most who have asked here about college and dropping out say they are supported by parents and are not accumulating debt. Recent graduates in my own family have worked, had scholarships and grants, etc so very little, if any, debt.

            It is true if you are piling up debt for living expenses and for your school expenses - it doesn't make sense unless you have a specific goal/plan/career in mind and that career is one that requires the degree and could be hiring.

            Looking at the OP's post - could be a curiosity question anyway.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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            • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
              What happens if you skip college and several years later you are not making enough money, to survive in IM? Or what if you get bored with it, still not living the dream life and want to do some thing else ?

              Here is a Challenge to the OP.... Get out the Classified ads in the Sunday paper or go to the Jobs Section on Craigslist. Look at all the jobs being posted, most will require one or two things. First a College degree or 3-5 years work experience in a technical field. Do you think they will want you, when they get resumes from other people with either a degree or both.

              You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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          • Profile picture of the author kk075
            Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

            These few people you've noted are called "exceptions to the rule".

            There are millions of college dropouts. How many do you think dropped out to start a business, online or locally?
            I agree, there are millions who drop out of college and do nothing with their lives. There are also millions with college degrees working outside their field in menial positions as well. That's all I was trying to say- there is no GUARANTEE that college will make someone successful in life.

            But the OP didn't ask about that; he asked if anyone had dropped out of school to pursue IM. I gave him a list of people who did, and somehow it was twisted into an anti-college speech. That wasn't my intention.

            Go-getters seem to succeed with or without college. Practically the entire United States, including almost every business that's 25+ years old, was built by people without college degrees. Up until 20-30 years ago, the vast majority of the US was not college educated and I think this young nation turned out just fine when compared to many other countries on the planet.

            So telling people that they have to go to college to dream big and succeed is simply a lie...there are literally millions of success stories that say otherwise. And we can twist pro-college statistics all we want, but that does not make it true.

            Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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            • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
              Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

              I agree, there are millions who drop out of college and do nothing with their lives. There are also millions with college degrees working outside their field in menial positions as well. That's all I was trying to say- there is no GUARANTEE that college will make someone successful in life.

              But the OP didn't ask about that; he asked if anyone had dropped out of school to pursue IM. I gave him a list of people who did, and somehow it was twisted into an anti-college speech. That wasn't my intention.

              Go-getters seem to succeed with or without college. Practically the entire United States, including almost every business that's 25+ years old, was built by people without college degrees. Up until 20-30 years ago, the vast majority of the US was not college educated and I think this young nation turned out just fine when compared to many other countries on the planet.

              So telling people that they have to go to college to dream big and succeed is simply a lie...there are literally millions of success stories that say otherwise. And we can twist pro-college statistics all we want, but that does not make it true.
              It isn't that friend.

              It is what I said earlier.

              The people who went to college want everyone to accept their path.

              It's the old atheist and religious arguments.

              An atheist will try to convince everyone that God isn't real, and a religious person will try to prove the opposite.

              It is all a matter of perception and ego.

              As soon as someone talks about dropping out of college, people's egos are hurt.

              The same is true with people staying in college. People's egos are hurt.

              Even if you are right or wrong, it won't matter, people's preconceived notions will always bring them to contradict you.

              They are right in their own mind, and that is good enough for them.

              'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
              -Muhammad Ali

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            • Profile picture of the author Lance K
              Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

              Go-getters seem to succeed with or without college.


              Edit: If you have to ask strangers for advice on an internet forum, you're likely not a go-getter. Stay in school.
              "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
              ~ Zig Ziglar
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              • Profile picture of the author @tjr
                Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

                Edit: If you have to ask strangers for advice on an internet forum, you're likely not a go-getter. Stay in school.
                Forums = broken
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        • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
          Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

          The founder of Wordpress- college dropout.
          The founder of DropBox- college dropout
          Facebook- a dropout made it
          Tumblr, Mashable, Spotify, Code Academy, Blogger- all founded by dropouts
          .... and all founded by people who had already been in the business for many years.

          People like David Karp of Tumblr are exceptional. He started learning HTML when he was only 11 and began working on Tumblr when he was 20. Those 9 years in-between are full of rich professional expirences that 99.9% of university students could only have dreamed of. David Karp's situation is not normal.

          Read this article to put him into perspective:
          Tumblr CEO David Karp’s Wild Ride from 14-Year-Old Intern to Multimillionaire | MediaShift

          And I'm guessing the others have stories with a similar spirit behind them. These people didn't just decide one day to "make money online" and go do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Awesome points Kay King.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourBizAid
    It's all about determination, focus and guts. Many successful Internet Marketers like Dan Kennedy, etc didn't go to college at all.

    You can succeed whether you have a college degree or not if you're willing to work harder than the average person.

    That's where the problem lies - MOST PEOPLE are not willing to WORK. They will rather watch TV and play around all day than work.

    WORK, WORK, and WORK. You will neither know failure nor the fear of failure if you learn to work harder than every other person.

    All successful people are HARD WORKERS who grind it with JOY.

    Do you think Bill Gates built Microsoft working just 3 - 8 hours per day?

    I'm sure he must have worked 16 to 20 hours per day for decades to get to this point.

    Learn to WORK HARD and you will never fail neither will you ever experience the fear of failure.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    People who drop out of college to become entrepreneurs HAVE IT ALL WRONG.

    College is NOT a place where you learn skills to do a JOB.

    That's what ON THE JOB TRAINING is for.


    College is for something else.

    It's all about learning critical thinking, critical analysis, and honing your empathy across a wide range of CULTURAL and ECONOMIC barriers.

    You do this in an ENVIRONMENT where you are challenged to think past your comfort zones and you are TESTED.

    You are CHALLENGED to persevere. You are forced to be ACCOUNTABLE.

    People can claim they can learned all of the above through the school of hard knocks but that school doesn't grade on a curve. That school is also completely self-paced. That school also allows you to FAKE your transcripts. LOL.


    There's a reason why people with a college degree, on average, beat high school diploma holders hands down over the long term. It's all about STRUCTURED character and discipline development.

    Now, I'm sure there will be lots of hand wringing and crying and drama over this but it is WHAT IT IS.

    That's another thing I learned from college: Deal with reality the way it is instead of wishing it was otherwise.

    The world only rewards ACTION. It doesn't care about your motivations or intentions.
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  • Profile picture of the author GG2016
    I am a senior in High School and going on to college next year. I don't plan on dropping out because I would like to have something to fall back on.

    Im going to start selling my first digital products online during my senior year to "test the water." I rather pursue my dreams early before I have a family to provide for.

    My main focus is still going to be to get a good education... but I'm not going to give up on my dream either!
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    • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
      What you have here are a bunch of self-proclaimed know-it-alls that think the path they have chosen for themselves is the right one for you.

      The path that is right for you may not be right for everyone else.

      You can post this type of question and you will get a ton of replies from college drop-outs and college graduates alike.

      Each of them will base their perception around what worked for them.

      But their perception is only real to them, and not reality.

      The reality is that each person is different, and the way of other people will most definitely not be the way of you.

      Basically this is a matter of courage.

      Do you have the courage to follow your gut? Or will you cave into the opinions of others.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      You posted elsewhere you earn $3k a month- and moved from Canada to Vietnam. In Canada - or U.K. or U.S - $3k isn't a great income and most marketers aren't anxious to move to Asia for a lower cost of living.
      Where did you get that 3k a month wasn't a suitable income?

      Please state your sources.

      My sources tell me that the average American make $51,759 as of 2014 per year.

      Divide that into months and that is $4312 a month BEFORE taxes.

      Kay, I am really disapointed in you....

      'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
      -Muhammad Ali

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      • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
        Where did you get that $3k/mo isn't a suitable paycheck?
        $3000/month is BEFORE TAXES. Remove 35% for taxes and you are left with under $2000. Factor in medical insurance (unless you expect me to pay for you out of MY paycheck), and you are down to maybe $1800/mo.

        Great for a part time gig. Full time? Good luck with that.

        No "sources" needed. Basic math is sufficient.
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        • Profile picture of the author heavysm
          Eh, I built up my business while concurrently a full time student. It was not easy, but thankfully the drive and ambition to keep the wheels turning on my income - my business - kept me from giving up.

          My university degree was in philosophy. I tend to laugh when I tell others that, not because I'm ashamed, but because it's generally perceived to be so different than doing a startup or running a full business. But I love philosophy and I'm highly driven, so why not pursue both?

          For those unsure if they want to create a business and develop in that direction, go to school first and get that experience in first. If you're still hungry and wanting more perhaps creating your own business is in your path.

          Why do i say go to school first? Because building that business is going to test every part of who you are. If building a business isn't a fired up vision you're not willing to let go up, then maybe a degree and finding an income in that direction is more your path.

          If that business idea is still digging at you on your mind even when after you get your degree, there might be something there that you can cultivate. But you need an incredibly strong mental foundation for everything to work out, which not everyone can handle and for good reason.

          My business $$ paid for my school expenses, by the way, so that takes care of student loan debt or whatever financial problems most people have. From what I've heard my situation is pretty rare though, but it's happened at least once (me - lol).
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Is There Anyone Here Drop Out From College To Pursue Internet Marketing?
    Does dropping out of band camp count?
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    I don't what is the college drop rates these day, but I can assure you, you can multiply that in 10 when it come to IM. Probably if I didn't go for my Master degree, I wouldn't bother go for IM. Yes, I have an M.S. degree, and I still think there is more to learn out of college, and I would probably go for my Phd at some point
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by onegoodman View Post

      I don't what is the college drop rates these day, but I can assure you, you can multiply that in 10 when it come to IM. Probably if I didn't go for my Master degree, I wouldn't bother go for IM. Yes, I have an M.S. degree, and I still think there is more to learn out of college, and I would probably go for my Phd at some point
      But, but....

      Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg!!!
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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      • Profile picture of the author @tjr
        Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

        But, but....

        Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg!!!
        I think Tumblr put it best when it comes to Gates.

        Reading the posts of a vast majority of people here how could we not implore them to stay in school?
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    I think that anybody that is thinking IM is an easy way to get out of working is mistaken. The dream of making it big overnight is a joke and anybody that has made it big is obviously very focused on what they are doing. You would probably be better off to get your degree and a good job to secure your future without having to worry about who decides to visit your site anyways. IM is a great way to make an extra income but focusing on it as your main way to retire is pretty risky to say the least. Just saying you know but it can take years to see results


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  • Profile picture of the author Lance K
    Any decision regarding college (going, staying in, dropping out) that is made willy nilly, is asinine. You need a plan that fits you personally. There is no one size fits all advice when it comes to college. There are pros AND cons to both sides of this issue (especially as tuition costs keep climbing).

    There are drop outs and graduates who have gone on to have a successful, fulfilling life.

    There are also drop outs and graduates who have gone on to have a life of constant struggle.
    "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    Nobody is saying you HAVE to go to college to be successful. However, it IS the amazing indicator for success. Studies have repeatedly shown that college degree'd people earn more than a million dollars more in their lifetime than non-educated. It's a statistical fact.

    Naming a handful of outliers (and that's exactly what they are, statistically) doesn't change that fact.

    Are there individual cases where college doesn't pay? Absolutely. Lots of them. However, on the whole, it's been proven over and over that college graduates earn more per lifetime than non graduates.

    And your $120k is also misleading. The average tuition for state school is $9k/yr. That's hardly the $120k you quoted for private school - which is a whole different discussion.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author kk075
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      Nobody is saying you HAVE to go to college to be successful. However, it IS the amazing indicator for success. Studies have repeatedly shown that college degree'd people earn more than a million dollars more in their lifetime than non-educated. It's a statistical fact.
      I'm sorry, but it's not a statistical fact...not even close. From the 2002 Census, only 23% of all business owners in the United States had a 4 year degree. That number raised to 63% in 2012....the first time it has ever been above 50% in our country.

      Here's who doesn't graduate college though- high school dropouts. Criminals in and out of jail. The sick and disabled. People on welfare. You know, the 31% of our country that has never earned a dollar in their entire lives.

      Almost 50% of the nation has a degree and yes, they do make a million more on average over the other 50%........even though only 19% of the 2nd group has ever held a job. So you're not comparing apples to oranges here and it's definitely not a "fact" in the way you're trying to portray it.

      By the way, do you know who came out with that "fact" in the first place? I'll give you three guesses...

      Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    I don't care about who owns businesses and who doesn't. The fact remains - college grads earn more over their lifetime than non grads.. If you want to put the tinfoil hat on and start claiming ulterior motives, go ahead.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    The shortsightedness from many people who frequent this forum is mind-blowing. Dwolfe is right on the money.

    Lots of people selling the pipe dream around here. Shame.
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  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    At the end of the day, it's up to you. Each person is simply different, and success comes in multiple forms.

    For me, I plan to finish college next year and get my Bachelor's Degree (I may or may not go for my Masters after). I started dabbling in IM eight months ago in December. While my priority has shifted more towards my online business, I do not regret going to college one bit. I've met lifelong friends/acquaintances, made connections (in fact, I had a job offer this past April due to a referral from an acquaintance, but since I was still in school, they didn't hire me right away since they only hire graduates), and simply opened my mind to what I really wanted to do (which was entrepreneurship, aka IM).

    I would definitely recommend going to college, though. You'll meet people and make connections, plus, have the security of a degree.
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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    I never even made it to college!! lol

    I'm a high school dropout - and now I'm a blogger and internet marketer!

    If I can do it, I know others can do it too!

    I have met many like me online as well. All you need is a dream, goals, and will power to succeed no matter what!
    At the beginning, I thought making money online with a blog was super super hard. Not anymore. Learn the art of making money online blogging - step by step - HERE.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    I wouldn't use pursuing an internet marketing career as justification to drop out of college.

    There are examples of people who went to college and had a very full roster of activities AND were still able to become wildly successful in internet marketing WHILE still in college, such as Russell Brunson and Jo Han Mok.

    When there's a will, there's a way. Don't use college as an excuse for not being able to succeed in internet marketing. If you really want it bad enough, you can and will be able to do both.

    I think it'd be a real shame if someone dropped out of college for the sole reason of pursuing internet marketing.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
    Stay in school. If you can squeeze some IM in while attending school, great, but do not drop out for this unless it has already made you very wealthy and you really don't want to be there any more. Even then consider finishing a degree, however.
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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  • Profile picture of the author giotheinternetboy
    There's a $100k grant for any kid audacious enough to skip school by Peter Thiel.

    P.S Peter Thiel is an early investor of facebook....a billionaire drop out of the so numerous.

    See the thiel fellowship....
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  • Profile picture of the author Makabongwe Maseko
    I'm I a college dropout? Maybe

    I lost interest in my engineering degree doing my 4th year (2005) all because I joined some network marketing business that paid me on weekly bases. My plan was to make money on the side while completing my degree, but it took over me.

    Later that year things started going mess with this network marketing business which is when I found myself doing some online marketing.

    I built my first site and applied for Adsense in 2005 and decided to go full time doing internet marketing.

    NOW, to let you know it wasn't an easy journey, my life took a down hill. I had no family/friends support, no side income, just a few hundred dollar checks from Google Adsense which was just enough to pay for my rent and internet connection.

    For 5 years (till 2010) I was working all night and day trying to make it big online. My friends who I attended college with had completed their degrees and used to come over (when they remembered me) to show me their new cars and expensive lifestyles. And all I could do is put my head down in shame cause I didn't complete my degree and my life wasn't as roses as theirs.

    But I was determined to make it big and show everyone that the decision I made was a "calculated risk" lol.

    Here I am now in 2015 I'm living a lavish lifestyle, far better than what I would if I was an engineer. All my engineer friends envy the way I live.

    I'm my own boss, I travel where ever I want to and when I want to. The only work I do is check my customer support email, check out some outsourced work and transfer money from my Paypal to my bank account, with Clickbank it's auto done every Wednesday, so no transferring work required there, lol.

    The money I make from my online business is my tool to make more money like investing in real estate, which is where I'm focused now. And obvious I've got a lot of business proposal's from people who want me to invest in certain business.

    Should you do the same and take the root I took? I wouldn't advice you to.

    But if you do find yourself in dropping out of college don't think you done, there is still hope doing internet marketing.

    JUST note that making it big doing internet marketing is no different than getting a college degree. You will have to WORK WORK WORK. Infect I've worked so hard setting up my online business than I did when studying for test/exams in college.

    Do I regret not pursuing my engineering degree, a big HELL NO. It was one of the greatest decisions I've ever made.

    But now don't get me wrong and dropout of college. If you do find yourself in college, complete your degree cause making it online is no child's play.

    As for me I've made a lot of connections from people I met in college and the experience of being in college is exciting as well.

    And I've not brushed out college all together, I still want to do some economics and get a law degree. This is some knowledge I'd like to have in my life journey that I can't get from internet marketing.

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  • Profile picture of the author James3013
    I guess You might have got your answer by now.
    But here's my story.

    A couple of months ago, I had the exact same thought.
    But then I discussed it with my family and they made me realize that I was wrong.
    I am an Engineering student and i am pursuing it because I am passionate about it, the same with Internet Marketing.
    So I finally decided not to give on my degree and to continue both of them simultaneously.

    Yes, you can do both of them successfully and simultaneously , but management is the key.

    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author @tjr
    Some more food for thought: college could very well point you towards the business (niche, whatever you're calling it) to focus your entrepreneurial efforts on.

    You know what a college degree gives you? Legitimate standing in that field as well. That just might be useful.
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      and i only want to work 3 hours a day.

      1 hour for marketing. 1 hour for food. 1 hour for my lady.
      And i bet you're making millions

      Originally Posted by masterqif View Post

      Hi warriors,

      I just come cross to my mind that since everyone can learn internet marketing
      NO! not everyone can learn IM (Or succeed at it) some people just don't have the intellect...

      Originally Posted by FreedomBlogger View Post

      I have met many like me online as well. All you need is a dream, goals, and will power to succeed no matter what!
      That line is so overused by the dream pushers and at the end of the day it's total hogwash...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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      • Profile picture of the author martinp
        I wouldn't recommend dropping out of college. What if you never make it in Internet Marketing?

        You may decide to go back a few years later but believe me, it's not as easy when you're older. Especially once you're married with kids.

        I don't use my degree (it's completely unrelated to IM or any niche I'm in right now), but I'm still glad I have it. It's always there for me to fall back on, plus I did learn some valuable life skills during my university years.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    If you have a college background it can only help! To succeed with IM it takes a particular mindset and that mindset is actually taught in college. I did two years for an associates in automotive.

    I work full time from my home office and never had a job in automotive which is what I went to school for. Go figure

    I worked transplanting large trees for ten years while for the past three years of that job I took up learning IM. It's been 5, 6 years now. I just started making a full time income within the last year or so. I spent thousands in learning
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii

    You keep saying people are claiming that you HAVE to go to college to succeed. Nobody has said that. You simply give yourself a better opportunity to succeed with a college degree. Also, making references to 30 years ago is ridiculous. It was a different world then.
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    • Profile picture of the author alimov
      Education is the most important thing in our life. By graduating you will be success whether you're on IM niche or not. It's just studying at university will lead you to always think outside of the box. which is the most important thing on IM. University will give you knowledge and will increase your outlook which is important in your daily life. Telling about Bill gates and Mark Zuckerberg it's just guys who were the one to think outside of the box. If Mark didn't created social network like facebook. then certainly some would create it. It's just they are lucky ones who got the idea first. I think to success nowadays need only good ideas. If you have great idea then you can be instanly become billionare whether you're on IM or not
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  • Profile picture of the author @tjr
    Quite the naive way to look at the world. It is never as black and white as loud minorities would have you believe. You'd do well to learn that Zodiax.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    I'm not sure where egos fit into the equation. Why would I be butthurt if someone decides to drop out of college and pursue IM? I didn't even go to college. I went to trade school for 18 months.

    People arguing FOR college are simply looking at statistics, which clearly indicate that a degree increases one's lifetime earnings (on average).

    I'm a poker playerso I'll use a poker analogy:

    2-7 CAN win. A-A CAN lose. However, AA will win far more often than it will lose. 2-7 will lose far more often than it wins. So, why would I take 2-7 if given a choice between the two hands??

    There are no guarantees but being college educated gives you a better opportunity to succeed.
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