2 replies
I'm trying to figure out how they make this feature in a website work. I've gone to websites many times where when I click on a link it jumps me down the same page right to where the information is. For example, If I click on an answer to a question on someones website. Instead of going to a different page it just jumps me down the same page to the answer I clicked on. I know how to make links to other pages but I sure would like to know how they referance a certain part of the page to click on a part of the same page. I hope I claified my question ok. If you know how this is done. please let me know. I'm putting a website together now and I would love to implement this feature into my site. Thanks
#website creation
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater
    HTML Links

    Look about half way down the page and it explains how to do anchor links to a spot on the same page.

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  • Profile picture of the author b1ouva1k
    The way I do this is to use a 'tag' to name the area of the web to which I want to link. This is referred to as a named anchor.

    Next you create a link that enables users to access the named anchor on the web page. The name attribute of the tag identifies the named anchor. The value of the name attribute then becomes the value of the href attribute, preceded by the hash symbol (#).

    The code looks something like this:
    <a href="part1"> Para1...</a> <br>
    <a href="part2"> Para2...</a> <br>
    <a href="part3"> Para3...</a> <br>
    <a name ="part1"></a>

    ...And so on

    Trust you find this helpful.
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