How to know the most asked questions in my niche?

8 replies
As the title, How do you know the most asked questions in your niches? the most common problems i mean? Just asking how so i can create a good lead-magnet.

#asked #niche #questions
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Do some research. Look around. Dig into the niche.

    There is no button you can push that is going to spit out the answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Boris Qs
    Originally Posted by AhmedFouad96 View Post

    As the title, How do you know the most asked questions in your niches? the most common problems i mean? Just asking how so i can create a good lead-magnet.

    Forums will be a good place to start.
    Yahoo answer also is another Q&A sites in general.
    Keyword tool also gives you some of such questions
    comment sections of your niche youtube channel

    The bottom line is to hang out where those in your niche hangs out and you will start spotting those problems and questions. Hope this is helpful.
    Learning and Growing as an Affiliate Marketer with My Secrete Tube Mechanic Notes
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelAppleton
    Hey Ahmed, before starting out in niche you should have a general idea at least of what that markets pains are, this is what your lead magnet needs to be build around.

    Your lead magnet needs to solve a problem for your customer and most importantly add value!

    Research your market in forums, blogs, Yahoo answers, Google groups, YouTube, Facebook groups ... the list is endless but you should get the picture.

    What topics are other blogs / websites using as lead magnets, this will be a great indication.

    Another thing to take into account is how your lead magnet will be delivered, PDF video, software ... again think about your end customer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by AhmedFouad96 View Post

    As the title, How do you know the most asked questions in your niches? the most common problems i mean? Just asking how so i can create a good lead-magnet.

    The easiest ways are to find forums in your niche. More specifically, you need to find the one with the most traffic. Not only can you use it to find the most common questions, but you can use it as a traffic source once you have your site set up. You can also use a keyword tool like the Google keyword planner (free) to find questions in your niche. Search for popular products in your niche. Usually, you'll notice that people tend to ask the same questions.

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    • Profile picture of the author ppetri
      The best way for understanding your niche is to send out a survey to your target market and ask them. This gets to know them and also gets them to know more about you... Simply ask them what particular level they are at, what interests them, how can you help, etc.

      --Email to your list. Studies have found the highest survey open and click-through rates occurred on Monday, Friday and Sunday respectively.
      --Promote online. Several survey programs (like Survey Monkey and Poll Daddy) have an option that helps you with this.
      --Embed in a post on your own blog and as a guest blogger
      --Link to your survey on social media. Again, some survey programs have a code that lets you embed the survey easily into Facebook. (Make sure to click the "Like" button after you post because this will allow it to go viral faster.)
      --Post your survey on LinkedIn
      --Post a short video on YouTube explaining why you created the survey and encouraging your audience to take a few minutes to complete it. Give your viewers the URL and also post a link under your video on YouTube.

      You don't need hundreds of responses for a survey to be valuable. If you're still working to build up your list, create your survey and reach out to ten friends or colleagues that you think would be your ideal customer. Ask them to fill out the survey, and also to pass it on to just one other person they know like themselves. You can learn about who your audience is from just a few people filling out these questions.

      In addition, you can use Facebook Ads to promote your survey. Or you can put links to your survey in your blog post and guest blog posts. When you're getting ready to make your blog post live, make your opt-in the survey. Offer readers an incentive in exchange for taking your survey-a chance to win something, a link to premium content, a limited-time membership to your service, something like that.

      Finding out what your target market needs will direct you to what products and services you need to create to fill the demand. Also, those who answer your surveys are now big potential customers because you are providing a product that they need.
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  • Profile picture of the author AuthorityBuilder
    Try Yahoo Answers and search niche-related forums to find the most common questions real people ask in the niche.
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