Is anyone else in the same boat as me?

15 replies
Hi Guys,

I'm in the process of building an online business, however I get the feeling that I am only person in my situation in the internet marketing arena. It seems like everyone either hates their job or is pretty much broke.
However the situation I am in, I love the full time job I am in, I earn a pretty decent salary, however it does provide me with what I really want, to be able to spend time with my daughter while she's in her prime.
It would be a great inspiration and motivator, to know if someone else is in the same boat as me or been through where I am now.
  • Profile picture of the author positivegirl
    Hi! No, i am not in your same situation since i decided to be at home for my kids but i do really love my profession (I am a doctor in pharmcy) as well as donig interent marketing. This is why i understand your feeling. I think you don't need to chose, at least at the moment, just enjoy both your two main activities ans then let time set your piorities.
    Good Luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      No, you are not the only person in your situation.

      Keep working in your job if that's what you want and love. You can always do IM as your discretionary time allows. That's the draw of IM . . . work as much or as little as you want.

      Get motivated and take charge of your life.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      It seems like everyone either hates their job or is pretty much broke.
      I think those people are more likely to complain on a forum - but many people here work jobs AND IM.

      Doesn't matter what others do. The biggest lie told about IM (by people who want to answer questions but don't know the facts) is that you have loads of free time...and it's simply not true when you are starting out. IN fact, it can take years before you can work part time and keep your online income flowing.

      Not sure what you mean by your daughter's "prime years". I raised two sons and every year was more prime than the one before. In fact, the older they get the more you want time (and money) to spend with them.

      There are many successful IMers who work full time jobs they love and are also building an online business. Others have been able to move to part-time offline work with online income as a supplement.

      What others do is not important - what you want is what you should do. If I had a job I LOVED I wouldn't leave it. Kids go to school and most jobs give us evenings/weekends/ don't always get THAT time when you start your own business.

      My suggestion to you is to start IM slowly and deliberately - and part time. A few hours here and there is enough to learn and start to put a business together. It won't take long to know if you enjoy that online work as much as you like your job - and whether you can provide financial stability if you leave your offline job.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
      ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author mathewsps
    I am almost in the same boat with a good job and now in in the IM arena where I feel and consider it as a hobby and passion.. I love to spend some time of the day with people of same mindset to do something different with real value generation than the normal Job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lazarov
    Hundred percents agree that IM requires lots of your time, if not even more than your 9/5 job. I'm also in the IM but have full time job, working almost 8 years on it and do not think of quitting it. My son (almost 3) also needs my atteniton and I do the best to provide him with most of my free time, even make compromises with the IM because of him and I think that's the right thing to do. So keep up! If you can expand your business and leave the 9/5 job, great, but do not rush it. You know, it all takes it's time … Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author newbie70
    Thanks guys, you really have inspired me, I really appreciate it.
    Would love to get a rough idea on how much time you spend on your business.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by newbie70 View Post

      Thanks guys, you really have inspired me, I really appreciate it.
      Would love to get a rough idea on how much time you spend on your business.
      Take this with a grain of salt because when you first start out it can be well over 40 hours work... but now I put in roughly 10 to 15 hours a week.

      Like I said much. much more when I first started out 8 years ago.

      And some people like Tom Addams who are building highly profitable "Corporations" put in 60 or more

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Liza233
    don't quit your job..... do internet marketing, but don't quit in your job....
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    I agree that starting out is the toughest part about your internet marketing journey. So many people have the dream of working part time from home while making thousands of dollars a month from affiliate sales. The reality is that most people work, have bills to pay, and struggle for ways to make extra money online. It is totally possible, but that will only be after putting in plenty of work adding quality content, building up your website traffic and ranks in the search engines, and trying to compete with sites that have already been established for years ahead of you. Keep working at it until it pays enough to replace your current income and at least enough to live comfortably without having to worry about what would happen if your traffic was cut in half or something. Best of luck and keep posting


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  • Profile picture of the author arojilla
    Nope. Broke. So I have nothing better to do at the time...


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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      You're fortunate to have a full time job and be involved with I.M. Many people are forced into it after they get booted off a job, get their hours cut or at the door of retirement. I'd wager to bet most people who have a full-time job they absolutely love - don't think about getting involved with an online business.

      My only caution is people who absolutely love their jobs and committing time to family (as admirable as it sounds) don't do as well in Internet marketing. Like any business, it's gonna demand commitment, time and effort - especially at the beginning (despite what the slick ads say).

      Caution: People who are "too comfortable" don't usually have the motivation to put up with the stuff I.M requires. Sure, it can make a nice hobby/income or nice diversion. But for the most part you have to be hungry if you want to it to be more than a nice hobby.

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      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Currently applying for web development jobs (and getting 100's of interviews). Yet here I am working on my MMO efforts, even though my online income is tiny compared to what my next salary should be.

    Yes there is a moral here, some people work relentlessly hard.
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  • Profile picture of the author maddyy
    I was In this situation a year ago, internet marketing was a great escape from
    The 9-5 routine! I loved my job in events but wanted more time for myself.... I still do what I love but working from home makes it easier! Inbox me if you want a chat
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  • Profile picture of the author RonandRhonda
    I was in a similar situation but, always knew there was something better. So when I was forced to not work(due to a drunk driver) I had to look for something from home. Finally Im with a company that provides me $1k, $3k,$5k and more commissions on a regular basis. Im in control of my own destiny. Its great.
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  • Profile picture of the author srisathvika
    I am in a digital Marketing field. But i am not working from home. I staying alone without my family. Feeling to stay without my family.
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