What not to do in MLM v.2
Hey Warriors!
I am into MLM marketing, and i am fairly new to it, and i would just like to hear your guys' experience with MLM, and specifically, what not to do in this form of internet marketing, and ultimately all forms of internet marketing.
Now i am going to try not to be a complete value leech and post some tips from my experience so far:
1. Don't expect too much, too fast: Now this is advide that applies to pretty much everything in life. Kinda like how if you just starting working out, you should'nt expect within the next week to look like a greek god.
2: Use social media: Now this advice applies more directly to MLM. Thing is if it were just basic affiliate-marketing, you would just send a message to a friend, maybe ask about their situation in something, fitness, marketing, anything, and get them to buy the product, but with MLM you get them to but but then keep being with them, so that they get a bigger income from marketing so you do too.
Again guys i made this post mainly to get you to write your experiences, so that people like myself will avoid tons of time on mistakes, thanks!
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources