Planning to start a health/lifestyle magazine/blog! Any ideas for a name to use?

13 replies
Hi guys!

I need your creative minds for this task. I am looking to start a lifestyle magazine,and I am looking for a catchy and awesome name for this initiative. Ideally,the name would be short,easy to remember and catchy.

If you guys have some ideas,they would be highly appreciated.

Some ideas I came up withThe reason Pin is included is because it is going to be launched on a Pin-based theme. Pin | Grid Personal Magazine)

#health #health or lifestyle #ideas #lifestyle #magazine or blog #planning #start
  • Profile picture of the author newxxx
    i always like this site to help find availabe domain names

    The Best Domain Name Generator Ever: Impossibility!
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      A couple of comments . . .

      I don't think it wise to focus on health . . . instead, focus on lifestyle (since, IMO, it includes health as one of its components). It will be easier to brand your business that way.

      A second thing is that I don't think having "pin" in your domain is necessary or a good idea. Even if you are focusing on "a pin based theme" that has little to do with what your business is all about. What if you decide on a different theme down the road? I think it's more important to keep your domain short and descriptive of your topic. is a good site to do some brainstorming of potential dot coms. Another is Lean Domain Search. Find a short descriptive name (two words if possible) that is memorable and professional. Stick with dot com and don't settle for anything else as this is a commercial business you're undertaking.

      You might want to narrow your topic down from "lifestyle" in order to more specifically address the exact needs or your proposed audience. Don't worry that the market will be too small. There are thousands of "lifestyle" businesses out there. You need to whittle down the competition some. So think about some type of "filter" that you might apply like
      • "lifestyles for singles"
      • "lifestyles for fixed incomers"
      • "lifestyles for the home bound"
      • "lifestyles for those with dependents"
      • "lifestyles for those who want to travel"
      • "lifestyles for those that don't own a home"
      • etc

      The point is, be different, unique, offer something that sets you apart from all the other lifestyle sites and yet your site is something that a specific audience will see that it focuses on their needs exactly. If I were on a fixed income, I wouldn't be interested in a lifestyle magazine that was written for the jet set (just as an example).

      The very best to you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author asdqwezxc1
    Here are some good ones:

    Just a example you can always find an alternative word.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    If you're having a tough time coming up with names, you can use the names OTHER PEOPLE have come up with in the past.

    That's right-use DROPPED NAMES.

    Here's the free dropped name database I use when I'm looking for names for new website projects:

    Of course, you need to run an ahref check on whatever names you'd like to resurrect.

    Make sure they weren't used for SEO spam before.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    Originally Posted by TobinBell View Post

    Hi guys!

    I need your creative minds for this task. I am looking to start a lifestyle magazine,and I am looking for a catchy and awesome name for this initiative. Ideally,the name would be short,easy to remember and catchy.

    If you guys have some ideas,they would be highly appreciated.

    Some ideas I came up withThe reason Pin is included is because it is going to be launched on a Pin-based theme. Pin | Grid Personal Magazine)

    Most of the guys that make a lot of money use .info domains and do like etc

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by ZephyrIon View Post

      Most of the guys that make a lot of money use .info domains and do like etc


      I don't know what you've been smoking, but I'd like to see proof of this assertion that "most of the money is in dot info domains." I think that's ridiculous.

      Go to the "top sites" section of Alexa and see what domain extensions the top 500 sites use. There are a few dot orgs, a few dot nets, some country codes, but the rest are all dot coms. There was not one dot info in the top 500.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author xnice
    Hire some people and ask them choose the name for you. It will save your time too.
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    • Profile picture of the author webmarketer
      Doesn't ".info" have a bad rep because that extension is mostly used by spammers?
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  • Profile picture of the author projecz lame enough to be catchy
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  • Profile picture of the author powerstone
    it really takes more time to get a good name~~
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