Where to find a pet writer

38 replies

If i want to hire a writer for my new dog blog
where i can find writer with a good price and high quality.
#find #pet #writer
  • Fiverr is a decent place or try Freelancer
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  • Profile picture of the author @tjr
    Pet Forums: find someone who knows what they're talking about, vet them, pay them for their expertise.

    Yahoo! Answers: Find a high ranked user answering pet questions, vet them, pay them for their expertise.

    Dog Trainers (Online/Offline): Vet them, pay them for their expertise.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
      Originally Posted by @tjr View Post

      Pet Forums: find someone who knows what they're talking about, vet them, pay them for their expertise.

      Yahoo! Answers: Find a high ranked user answering pet questions, vet them, pay them for their expertise.

      Dog Trainers (Online/Offline): Vet them, pay them for their expertise.
      Best, no-nonsense answer you received right here.
      I wouldn't hire a cheap writer if I were you. If you expect great results, spend for a great writer.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Avoid the ones with crooked tales.
        I that results from giving them a 'shot' now and then....
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Refaat
      Originally Posted by @tjr View Post

      Pet Forums: find someone who knows what they're talking about, vet them, pay them for their expertise.

      Yahoo! Answers: Find a high ranked user answering pet questions, vet them, pay them for their expertise.

      Dog Trainers (Online/Offline): Vet them, pay them for their expertise.
      Big Thanks for you
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  • Profile picture of the author ldiaz117
    What price you looking for per article? I have a good writer who loves dogs. Contact me
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    • Profile picture of the author Bigpanda
      You can check out Freelancer, iWriter, Fiverr or Upwork. Should be able to find a good match for the type of writer you are seeking.

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  • Profile picture of the author storejvz
    you can google to find the person who writes articles, the service provides articles with fixed prices depending on the number of, 5-10 dollars / 1 post

    visit website product review

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  • Profile picture of the author mirbaharbd
    There are many freelancing market, you can hire from any freelancing market. It is not matter. But it is the main matter, Is the freelancer skilled? So you have to see the freelancer previous work history & feedback. Then you can hire him. So I am sure the freelancing market is not the main matter. Thanks for understanding.
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  • Profile picture of the author nick77jq
    I've written thousands of articles online. They include pet articles. I have to make two more posts before I can private message you, but I will. My rates are pretty reasonable considering the quality.
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    • Profile picture of the author newxxx
      Originally Posted by nick77jq View Post

      I've written thousands of articles online. They include pet articles. I have to make two more posts before I can private message you, but I will. My rates are pretty reasonable considering the quality.
      hurry up and make those 2 posts
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      • Profile picture of the author nick77jq
        Originally Posted by newxxx View Post

        hurry up and make those 2 posts
        This board's a little hostile, huh? I've already found three clients on here in my first day, so I'm doing fine with what I'm doing.
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        • Profile picture of the author @tjr
          Originally Posted by nick77jq View Post

          This board's a little hostile, huh? I've already found three clients on here in my first day, so I'm doing fine with what I'm doing.
          Your results don't make it less of a frowned upon (read: douche) move.
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          • Profile picture of the author nick77jq
            Originally Posted by @tjr View Post

            Your results don't make it less of a frowned upon (read: douche) move.
            Why is it a douche move? He is asking for something and I'm offering it to him. He could just as easily accept anyone else's offer. I've written pet and veterinary articles many times in the past. My work could be end up being very valuable.
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            • Profile picture of the author @tjr
              Originally Posted by nick77jq View Post

              Why is it a douche move? He is asking for something and I'm offering it to him. He could just as easily accept anyone else's offer. I've written pet and veterinary articles many times in the past. My work could be end up being very valuable.
              This area is meant for discussion. You're like the guy that goes to an AA meeting looking for an easy date.
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              • Profile picture of the author nick77jq
                Originally Posted by @tjr View Post

                This area is meant for discussion. You're like the guy that goes to an AA meeting looking for an easy date.
                A real salesperson is always selling, so I would be proud to be that guy.
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                • Profile picture of the author @tjr
                  Originally Posted by nick77jq View Post

                  A real salesperson is always selling, so I would be proud to be that guy.
                  I'd hate for you to develop a complex.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I write for a client who has a lot of dogs and also enters them in shows. I have 2 dogs of my own as well. If you can let us know what your "good price" range is for how many words (roughly) you may get some relevant pms.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author @tjr
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      I write for a client who has a lot of dogs and also enters them in shows. I have 2 dogs of my own as well. If you can let us know what your "good price" range is for how many words (roughly) you may get some relevant pms.
      Not even gonna go for subtlety here?

      Edit: Kay beat me to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author FarNext
    Originally Posted by Ben Refaat View Post


    If i want to hire a writer for my new dog blog
    where i can find writer with a good price and high quality.

    Hire some premium writer at iwriter.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I wonder if answers could be any worse in this thread. #3 is the only one that "answers" you.

      Run an ad on a freelance site - or in the 'help wanted' sections here on this forum.

      Advertise for writers who specialize in animal/pet work. There are many people who write from KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE in the pet niche.

      I would not hire ANYONE who would PM me (unless I asked them to) or promote himself in my thread as "hire me". When I was freelance writing - pets were one of my specialty fields and I know there are good writers in that area. All you have to do is advertise for them, pay them decently and require samples of their work.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author leilani
    Hired writers on Elance and iWriter. On iWriter, you can have them write articles before you buy them. You have the choice of accepting or declining. Cost is reasonable.

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    • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
      Take a good, in depth look at the pet / dog / cat etc. articles on Ezine Articles; there are thousands.

      When you see some examples you like, initiate contact with the author to discover if he / she might be interested in doing some writing for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author nick77jq
      Thanks for that because I signed up as a writer. My question is, do we still get paid even if the article is rejected? The rejection rates are extremely high for most of the articles. To date I've written over a thousand articles on other sites and only four have been rejected, but it's mostly because I use quality sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
    You can find a pet writer at a pet store. Make sure you check their teeth and their immunizations. It's also important to avoid any pet writers that were raised on pet writer mills; their conditions tend to be questionable. The ideal pet writer will quietly sit by your feet and won't eat very much. Avoid the ones with crooked tales.
    Put MY voice on YOUR video: AwesomeAmericanAudio.com
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    • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
      Originally Posted by David Beroff View Post

      You can find a pet writer at a pet store. Make sure you check their teeth and their immunizations. It's also important to avoid any pet writers that were raised on pet writer mills; their conditions tend to be questionable. The ideal pet writer will quietly sit by your feet and won't eat very much. Avoid the ones with crooked tales.
      No, no. Far more humanitarian if you adopt one from a shelter. Adopted shelter writers will faithfully love you for ever.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    I could write some article for you in the pet niche if you need some help. Just pm me and I will get back to you and let you know what we can do.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    For articles in the pet niche, I'd try to start out with volunteers and people working in your local animal shelters and organizations if possible.

    You want people who take an actual in interest in dogs (or cats) and are able to write from experience. This kind of experience will carry through in the article and isn't easily replicated by some writer who only has general knowledge of the pet niche. What's good about working with people local to you is that it could lead to further projects that would be a lot more complicated to do without meeting in person.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author nick77jq
    It's nice to know you care.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Refaat
    Thanks for help
    I found writer.
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  • Profile picture of the author hannahlist
    You need CREDIBLE content.

    You need content from someone who has a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of writing HIGH QUALITY USEFUL dog care and dog info.

    In other words, you need to hire a DOG BLOGGER-someone who already runs a blog.

    But aren't they expensive?

    Not necessarily.

    There are many people who run FORGOTTEN (ie., not much love from search engines and not much social media traction because they don't know how to adequately do on-page seo/outreach/social marketing) BLOG but crank out QUALITY content.

    They are not doing too well trafficwise.

    They are starving for attention or desperately want an outlet.

    However, they are passionate about their subjects.

    These are prime candidates for QUALITY AFFORDABLE CONTENT.

    Don't waste your time on Fiverr or content mills.

    Those people are just simply writing to get paid.


    How do you implement this advice?

    Simple. Get a VA to do the research and outreach. You do the actual analysis (never ever outsource analysis)

    They are quite affordable. $75 OR LESS should do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Originally Posted by Ben Refaat View Post


    If i want to hire a writer for my new dog blog
    where i can find writer with a good price and high quality.
    I had to read this thread to find out what a "pet writer" was. I thought this
    was a "tame" writer and was wondering why you didn't want a "wild" one?

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author kajay
    Do keep track on quality of articles you get. Quality is always better than quantity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    I dunno. This is kinda...ruff

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    where i can find writer with a good price and high quality.
    You can find a writer who charges a fair price and returns high quality. I don't know about a good price, if by good you as cheap as possible.

    These are prime candidates for QUALITY AFFORDABLE CONTENT.
    Maybe in the short term. But if they are really producing quality they will go back to their own blog with renewed confidence sooner rather than later. If the quality is there, then the lack of traffic is due to something else, and they will want to find it.

    I'm all for hiring an expert, but just because someone is an expert in something doesn't mean they can write. Writing is a craft. It's a skill. Sometimes you have to hire a writer who can do research and who can collaborate with the expert to create something readable.

    You can check out Freelancer, iWriter, Fiverr or Upwork.
    Waste of time and money in the long run. Quality will never be consistent. Voice will be all over the place.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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  • Profile picture of the author weblyspeaking
    You can get very good writers on Freelancer.com or Elance. The key is giving the writer clear requirements:

    1) specify a word count for your article
    You can get a good article for $8 -$15 for 500 words

    2) specify a title, headings, and sub-headings
    You can't expect them to read your mind, mention all the topics/issues you want them to cover

    3) keywords you want in the article (this is good for SEO)
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