Getting Clients from Scratch

by hennen
10 replies
I've set up a reputable site showcasing my work. What is a fool proof way of getting my first paying clients?

#clients #scratch
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    The list is as long as your arm - and even longer if you have a very long arm. In short, though, think of your audience in terms of "market pools." Pools of water - or targeted, purchase-ready customers - who want what you have to offer and just need some level of convincing. Before taking action on traffic generation, set about the task of creating a traffic generation plan. Put together a list of locations and examine the locations themselves and how other marketers leverage them for traffic. Delete locations, add new ones, and by the time your plan is complete, you should have a very clear idea of what to do. At this stage, and assuming you're a relative newcomer, decide on one system alone. Take action. Get it working. Optimize it. Once it's running smoothly, learn to manage it smoothly.

    And then repeat the process.

    - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author Riki Stein
      For starters:

      1) Contact anyone/any business you know who could use your services, tell everyone you know to spread the word (best method).

      2) Try freelancing websites or micro job sites

      3) If you'd like to appeal to Internet marketers, try running a special in the Warriors for Hire section here on the Warrior Forum.
      Are you a newbie who would love to learn how to start making money online? Boy, do I have a free report for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
    Originally Posted by hennen View Post

    I've set up a reputable site showcasing my work. What is a fool proof way of getting my first paying clients?

    Hard work.

    You still need to work on your website if you are targeting internet marketers. IM experts need solutions to their problems on everyday basis and your website doesn't seem to 'talk' about them.

    To summarize it before, you are giving a bad impression to your future prospects due to the following reasons:

    > What is the ROI guaranteed on your services to an internet marketer?

    > Do you provide 24/7 support service or is it available only for the premium buyers?

    > Where can one request a quote from? Where is the quote form? (I am not interested in clicking on that 'Contact' page).

    > How would your 'Print Design' services help an internet marketer in the long run?

    > When I clicked to view one of your 'Portfolio' items, it led me no where.

    > Are you targeting internet marketers in some specific niches or have packages to choose from?

    > Do you have any collaborations with copywriters or simply content providers to discuss the 'content design' on a sales page?

    > Do you provide design split test services too?

    If you are able to answer the questions mentioned above and drive targeted traffic to your website, I'm sure you'll land your first few clients within 45 days of the running campaign.

    Some of the other things I found which shall not help you in the long run were:

    1- Slow loading website: It is taking forever to load the site (maybe it's the issue with the theme?)

    > Use optimized images on your website to cut the loading time as much as possible.

    > Get rid of the slideshow above. A good, HQ quality image with a solid message along with an optin-box would definitely attract more marketers to your site.

    2- Start off small then go big: When starting out, use websites like 'Fiverr', 'Upwork' or 'Freelancer' who are managing all for you as a freelancer as your 'testimonial generators'. Starting out with your own website without any testimonials/ past clients is in my opinion not a great way to begin a business with a solid start.

    3- Lack of creativity As a website designer, you have to blow the minds of marketers to be interested to do business with you. Right now, I can see that you are using the Bridge theme which I or other marketer can get him/herself and start working on it. Where's the creativity?

    As Tom stated above, I can go on and provide you with actionable steps but it is all up to you to understand who you are 'specifically' targeting.


    - Sana.

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  • Profile picture of the author kMatthews
    Traffic is easy. Conversion is the problem for most online business. by the looks of it you are in graphic design and so forth. I recommend you go to the reddit for hire section and start posting in there!
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  • Profile picture of the author leonguyenbus
    if i was you, here what i do:
    i need to make a research to find out
    Who is my ideal client?
    what are they look like? (their habit, ages and verything else about my ideal clients)
    what website, forum, blog they usually visit?
    what facebook group they are in and social network they are using...

    then i will look for biggest and very profitable competitor and see how they get their clients, how their website look like, how they sell their services... and everything else about them.

    then and only then i start to approach my FIRST client throught freelancer site, fiver ...
    at the same time run some ads (already proven to work thought research my competitor).

    this is how i build a long time business. hope this help
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  • Profile picture of the author ricericebaby
    Here's what's been working for me: I create valuable content for Youtube, teaching people how they can do exactly what I do, in small segments. I link my website in the video description, then people go to my site and hire me to do it for them.

    I started my channel back in June and did absolutely nothing to promote it. I just started uploading my videos and people started finding them, then shared them with others because of how valuable it was to them.

    After 3 months I've just recently reached a point where I'm getting leads and hires for new projects (from Youtube) nearly on a daily basis. That's only going to increase as my channel grows, plus I'll be making some AdSense money in addition. At the moment I'm averaging about $20-$30 per month from my channel's ad revenue, but that's going to grow as well.

    I have other sources of business (mainly referrals and repeat clients, which makes up about 70% of it,) but I'm pleasantly surprised at how effective my Youtube campaign has been so far.
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    • Profile picture of the author keiran
      The best way to get clients is by referral. I started off doing web design and development about fifteen years ago, and getting clients was a miserable business until I discovered this.

      By any other route prospective clients just want to know how cheaply you can do it, since your service just appears to be a commodity to them. The other problem is that they sometimes request a detailed proposal, which they just pass on to a developer they already know and you do all that work for nothing.

      After a couple of years I joined a local BNI group and everything was different from then on. Most of my work came via recommendation, which involved less lead in time, higher value projects and very few negotiations on price.

      You should still do the online marketing, but networking locally is invaluable.
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  • Profile picture of the author weddingsparklerstore
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by weddingsparklerstore View Post

      Thank You all. Nice post .
      Wow, what value you add to the Community

      Cole, I clicked on your Site and it almost took so long to load that I nearly clicked out.

      So that is something you may need to address.

      Personally I am not a huge techie and , I will have to say I do not particularly like the Slideshow.

      Just takes too long to get what I need. But that being it is very professional looking.

      -Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by hennen View Post

    What is a fool proof way of getting my first paying clients?

    In Internet marketing there is no such thing as "fool proof." You should know that. There are fools coming to the party every day. They're foolish because they believe all the hype and fluff thrown around in the industry about "guaranteed profits," "instant success," and "push button magic."

    You have done your market research already, correct? You did it so you would know who your best clients are and exactly what they are looking for. You did it so that you would know where to find them online, and how they prefer to be contacted. You know where and who your top competitors are and what they are offering.

    I think your next step is to get some great testimonials and social proof for your business. No one wants to pay for a service that may or may not live up to it's marketing message. Of course you are going to paint the prettiest picture of your business . . . but how do others see you? In order to get the first client or two, you may have to give a rock bottom deal to several of your "perfect clients" for the purpose of getting a testimonial and some "love" from your customers. Maybe you work for nothing for a week in order to get the ball rolling. Maybe you spend some money on paid ads to get your first client.

    The point is, of course . . . there are tons of ways to market your business. In the beginning it might be hard and you may not make anything from your efforts. But do whatever is necessary to push your business into forward gear so you can begin to be known in the industry.

    Good luck to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood

    Seek out people who are looking for web designers. Find them with paid advertising, and free marketing.

    The rest is easy if you get them to opt-in to your email newsletter, and then get them to fill-in a form or call you for a free consultation and assessment.
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