Squeeze page > sales page > blog all in one WP blog. Possible? Good idea?

5 replies
Hi everyone,

I want to set up a sales WP blog. I'd like to put a squeeze page as my landing page, linked to a sales page (on that blog), all with a standard blog in the background (accessible but not the main page) for some google love. Is that a good idea?

If so, is this easy to do for free? Or can anyone suggest a product that gives me a quality sales funnel using WP, preferably with unlimited use for a one-time fee?
#> #blog #good #idea #landing page #page #sales #sales funnel #squeeze #squeeze page #wordpress blog
  • Profile picture of the author flugjoshi
    You can easely create your wanted site structure with WordPress...
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  • Profile picture of the author inetmilionaire
    Thanks Flugjoshi. Can I import a fairly "complex" HTML sales page into WP and display it "as is"? I thought WP pages were PHP, so I am wondering...
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Honestly, I would use a simple optin box on the side of the blog rather than a straight out Squeeze Page.

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author expressg
    This can easily be done with an affiliate purposed theme like the ones from Thrive Themes. Personally I run my blog on a main domain and use a sub-domain for my landing pages and offers. I keep my download area secured on yet another sub-domain. I do this mainly to keep things neat and organized
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  • Profile picture of the author inetmilionaire
    Thanks for ideas so far - something to think about.

    Can I put a squeeze page html into a WP page and make it my default page?
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