How to create from 0 online business without no skills to sell, no knowledge to show, no experience?
My name is Bobby, I'm from Central-East Europe. It's my first thread here, so if I put topic in wrong place, please transfer it. My language is not so good, so sorry about that. I hope that my post will be understandable to each reader here

I have one big start question about doing business online. Firstly I give you some information about me:
- I don't have any skills or experience, that I can monetize
- I can't find any niche that I can say "This is it, I like it, I can be good at it, I can help somebody with my skills"
- I don't have any hobbys that I can monetize (seriosly, I'm not kidding)
- Every mega niche (online marketing, fitness and relationships) is not, that I want to work with, because firstly I didn't have any experience and knowledge, secondly two of three niches just not fit to me (lack of credibility, and lack of willingness to act in these niches - relationships and fitness)
- I am a graphic designer (as a graduate) since 2009, but I found out along the way, that this is not the thing that I want to do in my life and earn money from it (when I started - I loved it; when I end it - I hate it to this day, and I left it)
- Today I am looking for a job for seven months and I can't find anything
- I have only $400 (in my currency, it's about net minimum wage in my country)
- I don't have any experiecne in an international market
- I don't have any contacts, knowledge about scripts, programming (I hate it) ect.
I want to learn one thing - making money online (internet marketing, fixed term membership sites etc.). But in order to make money that way I need some other knowledge (topic from other niche) that I could sell with the help of IM.
How can I make money online when I don't have any topic to use and sell it as a course for exapmle on Udemy orn in FTMS? (that's my biggest problem)
I had no experience, no knowledge, no skills or hobbys, no ideas how can I fill niche because of lack of credibility etc.
I don't want to sell not my products (affilate marketing) because I don't want operate in a niche, I don't want to work (not knowing their products). My dream is to generate minimum $5 000 per month from IM, but I don't know how to do it with the things that I described above.
I hope that you give some good advices, how to manage that problem.
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