How to create from 0 online business without no skills to sell, no knowledge to show, no experience?

27 replies
Hi guys!

My name is Bobby, I'm from Central-East Europe. It's my first thread here, so if I put topic in wrong place, please transfer it. My language is not so good, so sorry about that. I hope that my post will be understandable to each reader here

I have one big start question about doing business online. Firstly I give you some information about me:
  • I don't have any skills or experience, that I can monetize
  • I can't find any niche that I can say "This is it, I like it, I can be good at it, I can help somebody with my skills"
  • I don't have any hobbys that I can monetize (seriosly, I'm not kidding)
  • Every mega niche (online marketing, fitness and relationships) is not, that I want to work with, because firstly I didn't have any experience and knowledge, secondly two of three niches just not fit to me (lack of credibility, and lack of willingness to act in these niches - relationships and fitness)
  • I am a graphic designer (as a graduate) since 2009, but I found out along the way, that this is not the thing that I want to do in my life and earn money from it (when I started - I loved it; when I end it - I hate it to this day, and I left it)
  • Today I am looking for a job for seven months and I can't find anything
  • I have only $400 (in my currency, it's about net minimum wage in my country)
  • I don't have any experiecne in an international market
  • I don't have any contacts, knowledge about scripts, programming (I hate it) ect.
My biggest pain now is the fact, that I can't find anything that would interest me and would make me money in the process.

I want to learn one thing - making money online (internet marketing, fixed term membership sites etc.). But in order to make money that way I need some other knowledge (topic from other niche) that I could sell with the help of IM.

How can I make money online when I don't have any topic to use and sell it as a course for exapmle on Udemy orn in FTMS? (that's my biggest problem)

I had no experience, no knowledge, no skills or hobbys, no ideas how can I fill niche because of lack of credibility etc.

I don't want to sell not my products (affilate marketing) because I don't want operate in a niche, I don't want to work (not knowing their products). My dream is to generate minimum $5 000 per month from IM, but I don't know how to do it with the things that I described above.

I hope that you give some good advices, how to manage that problem.

#business #create #experience #knowledge #online #sell #show #skills
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    My best advice is to stop dreaming - it aint' going to happen under the parameters you've listed unless you are willing to change several aspects of what you've listed in major ways.

    Basically this is just the kind of junk that a troll - someone trying to cause trouble - would post. You don't know anything, don't want to do anything, don't have anything to offer, don't want to learn, etc. but want to make $5,000 a month. Okay good luck with that.

    Put your job search in high gear because that's your best route to making money.

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    • Profile picture of the author Bobby Best
      Basically this is just the kind of junk that a troll - someone trying to cause trouble - would post. You don't know anything, don't want to do anything, don't have anything to offer, don't want to learn, etc. but want to make $5,000 a month. Okay good luck with that.
      Yes, now I don't know anything. Yes, now I don't have anything to offer, because I don't have any skills that I can monetize (now). Yes, my dream is to generate that income, but I write dream. I'm not writing I WANT TO, thats the difference. I know, that this is hard to do, I know, that I don't have any skills to offer, but when I don't have any of it, what can I do? Learn niches (for example fitness or relationships) that I don't want, and doesn't fit me?

      I know that firstly is the market, and then creating product. That's why I create this thread to know, that is this possible in actual situation.

      Thanks for reply, I appreciate that.
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    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
        Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

        But still people answer it just to get their sig files seen.
        No wonder it's on the increase.
        I actually answered it to save the poor chap from making a big mistake. Several mistakes, most likely. As I'm sure others will do when they wake up and hop on WF. Having a sig isn't a crime; it's good marketing. I should also point out the obvious: sigs cannot be turned off within specific threads.

        - Tom

        I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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        • Profile picture of the author Bobby Best
          To be precised - im not trolling and I don't want to troll. My quesions are serious, but I don't know why, you all think that I don't want to work hard in order to achieve success. I sincerely ask for an advice on how to begin my journey within my actual situation.

          So thank you for your responses anyway. I really apreciate that and seriously think about your ideas to not engage in IM.

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        • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
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          • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
            Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

            I'm pretty sure Mark had already done that.
            I'm sat here having my lunch and posting. When I arrived, no one else had posted. When I'd finally flung the words out, Mark had already posted. Shall I pass you a gun so you can shoot me? Big crime?

            Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

            Not when it's used in excess.
            I'll post as much as I like. I happen to enjoy it. Perhaps people will compare my posts to yours (a simple matter of clicking our names and selecting the "more posts" option) and decide which one of us should post less. Some people tirelessly, and without exception, spread unpleasantness, negativity, and hate that masquerades as "reality checks." Others are productive members of the community. I know which one describes me.

            - Tom

            I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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        • Profile picture of the author Bobby Best
          Thank you guys for all of your advices!

          I'm happy that you response so honestly in this thread. To sum up - now, in my situation I need to find a skill that I can develop, and can earn some additional money from it. It will by very hard, because I do it from a year now.

          And yes, I am a type of a man who does not have a special talents, passions, specific skills or hobbys.

          If in future I can't find anything about specific skills, that I leave away ideas to work in IM.

          Thaks a lot!
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            You don't have to be "special" - you need to be "willing".

            Willing to learn WHAT to do and HOW to do it.

            Willing to do things you might not "enjoy" at all times.

            Willing to start at the beginning and work to build something that will pay.

            You need to forget about 'passions' and 'hobbies' and identify your CAPABILITIES. It is up to YOU to find a way to monetize your time on the internet.

            Too often, new marketers view internet marketing as a type of work that is always enjoyable and flexible and rewarding. It's not always that at all.

            It's often long hours, repetitive tasks, frustrating software, small failures and even smaller successes.

            Drop the "can't", "don't", "won't", "no" from you vocabulary here - be realistic about what you need to do and to learn...and get moving. Stop focusing on what you want or the money you need. Focus on what you have to OFFER that people are willing to pay for. If you don't feel creative - focus on learning how to sell things other people have created (affiliate sales).

            And, NO, I don't think you should "write articles for others".
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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          • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
            Originally Posted by Bobby Best View Post

            Thank you guys for all of your advices!

            I'm happy that you response so honestly in this thread. To sum up - now, in my situation I need to find a skill that I can develop, and can earn some additional money from it. It will by very hard, because I do it from a year now.

            And yes, I am a type of a man who does not have a special talents, passions, specific skills or hobbys.

            If in future I can't find anything about specific skills, that I leave away ideas to work in IM.

            Thaks a lot!
            You know something, Bobby, you might surprise yourself. Your post above, totally unlike your original post, shows some determination and direction. Not quite enough determination or direction, but both are in evidence. The surprise for you might come when you realize that you do in fact possess marketable skills, knowledge, passions, and expertise. Someone suggested writing. I'd avoid writing. But consider your education. Whilst you might positively loath graphic design, there are many non-traditional areas where it can be applied in IM. I'm reluctant to mention one, since it happens to be one of my major interests, but go down the road of exploration yourself. You don't have to be creating stuffy logos and branding. Think out of the box. And graphic design is only one consideration. You might like a certain genre of book or TV show or movie. Maybe you've done something in your life like travel to Eqypt, overcome shyness, picked up girls in college, these things and many others. Point is - of the long ramble - almost everyone has the ability to make marketable something for which they have passion, experience, or skill. Just don't fall into the trap of throwing money at the problem. Avoid coaching. Avoid WSOs. Avoid any spending for now, other than spending your time thinking, learning, and then, if possible, putting together a plan of action and then taking action.

            - Tom

            I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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      • Profile picture of the author cash365
        Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

        But still people answer it just to get their sig files seen.
        No wonder it's on the increase.
        And yet you answer too, and still worse, without adding any value...

        Originally Posted by Bobby Best View Post

        Yes, now I don't know anything. Yes, now I don't have anything to offer, because I don't have any skills that I can monetize (now). Yes, my dream is to generate that income, but I write dream. I'm not writing I WANT TO, thats the difference. I know, that this is hard to do, I know, that I don't have any skills to offer, but when I don't have any of it, what can I do? Learn niches (for example fitness or relationships) that I don't want, and doesn't fit me?

        I know that firstly is the market, and then creating product. That's why I create this thread to know, that is this possible in actual situation.

        Thanks for reply, I appreciate that.
        Bobby: anything is possible if you want it, you just have to be prepared to pay the price to make your dreams come true.

        Your statement of "firstly is the market, and then creating product" shows you know 99% more about marketing than regular folks... keep on learning, but above all applying what you learn, which means that you have to change your whole attitude. There are no push button riches!
        Failing forward fast
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    The odds are almost insurmountably stacked against you, Bobby. For many reasons. If I were you, I would consider instead an offline career. Whilst on WF, ignore any and all private message solicitations, steer clear of purchasing WSOs, and in effect, hold onto your money. IM is almost certainly not the right career for you. I say "almost certainly" for good reason. To have a chance, and that chance might actually be one grain of sand in an entire desert, your entire mindset requires a fundamental alteration. I could expand, but I'll let others do it for me. Not to be unkind, then, honestly, think about the two options that I believe you have: forget IM or change your mindset.

    - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I don't think I've ever had a "give it up now" answer on the first reply to a post here. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, try to help where I can, try to be more positive than negative, etc. But your post hit me just the wrong way.

    It's kind of like saying:

    I've heard that being a massage therapist can bring in a lot of money. I want to get a bunch of money from doing massages. However here are the limitations:

    1. I hate touching other people's bodies - I think they are gross and I'm just not going to do that.
    2. I hate being alone with anyone except my spouse and I'm not going to do it.
    3. I hate being around anyone doing massages - it makes me sick to my stomach and I'm not going to do it.
    4. I don't understand losers that let strangers rub all over their bodies - what kind of sickos are they. I refuse to be around people like that.
    5. I don't know anything about the muscles or injuries or anything and I get bored to death trying to learn this. I am not going to waste my time reading about how muscles work.
    6. I am deathly allergic to any kind of oils, creams, or lotions and I cannot be around these things or I may die.

    Now, can you please tell me how I can make $5,000 a month with this? Oh I forgot to mention I don't have a massage license and am not going to study to get one either - I hate studying. I'll be waiting for your solutions.
    In other words not a snowball's chance of success.

    No one can tell you what you want or make you like something. You need to look inside and find your answers, make some decisions, and come back and then maybe someone will help you.

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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      I don't think I've ever had a "give it up now" answer on the first reply to a post here. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, try to help where I can, try to be more positive than negative, etc. But your post hit me just the wrong way.

      It's kind of like saying:

      In other words not a snowball's chance of success.

      No one can tell you what you want or make you like something. You need to look inside and find your answers, make some decisions, and come back and then maybe someone will help you.

      Couldn't have said it better myself. "But your post hit me just the wrong way." Exactly my reaction.

      Bobby, believe it or not, the replies from Mark and myself are likely to be among the most generous you receive in this thread. You did nothing wrong, let it be known, and we're not being remotely unkind. Having been around the IM block a few times, I would imagine Mark, like myself, is offering the kind of help that is full of good intentions. The road to success in IM, for an absolute newcomer, is a hard and steep one, and to have any chance whatsoever, you absolutely must start the journey in the right frame of mind. It is terrific to be aware of your own shortcomings. I am, too. I, for instance, am utterly hopeless at twerking. Recognizing this deficit in ability, you're never likely to find me making twerking videos; although it would be a riot. Recognizing your faults is one thing (healthy) but approaching a new career with overflowing "can't dos" and general negativity, coupled with "dreaming," as opposed to even a vague idea of concrete direction, is rarely - if ever - helpful. Which is why I suggested changing your mindset. To help you, take a look at this WF post. IM is truly not rocket science and people from all walks of life can succeed, irrespective of experience and education, but, to cut a long story short, you need to have the right stuff to start, or learn to develop it.

      - Tom

      I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author zaccks
    Internet marketing is all about getting customers to your product or services.

    since you don't have a product, you must then have a service to offer.

    In my own opinion you can write well, why don't you start with article writing?

    from there you can scale up and start promoting products as an affiliate or may build your own products. buy some good WSO's, they will guide you about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author PhilippaWrites
    If you have no skills and no knowledge, get some skills and knowledge! From there, you will gain experience.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      You are sabotaging yourself before you even get started.

      Is it just me or what... every other word you use is don't, can't etc..

      You need to first change this mentality and start using words like can and will.

      Thats number one for right now.

      You are subconsciously limiting yourself by doing this

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author anwar001
    Don't worry your situation is not as hopeless as it seems.

    If you don't have any hobbies or any niche in which you are good at, the least you can do is find someone who is good at something and team up with him. Pay that guy some money upfront to create a product for you in the area of his expertise or else partner with him to share profits if you are not willing to pay upfront money.

    But you have to first learn to do research and select a niche or a subniche (niche within a niche) which has decent profit potential and then find out the major problems people in that niche are facing so as to know what kind of products you can create. Any good product creation courses or WSO's can teach you that. But the difference here is that you yourself will not attempt to create the product but will just learn about product creation so that you can guide the person who is knowledgeable in that niche to help him create a profitable product for you.

    You also have to learn little bit of online marketing in order to promote and start selling that product once it is created. You can do forum marketing, video marketing, paid ads via Adwords or choose any promotion method which you like best and learn more about it.

    If you cannot find any person who is good at something within your friends, social circle or family then at least you can hire someone online and pay them money to get the product created once you have done market research and decided on a niche and product idea. There are many outsourcing sites online where lot of skilled freelancers are available whom you can pay money to create reports, video tutorials, software applications, plugins etc.

    I just wanted to give you a couple of ideas to demonstrate that it is still possible to make money online even if you don't have any knowledge or skills in any niche. Of course, many successful entrepreneurs are just skilled in marketing and they have products created in various niches which they then market using their marketing knowledge and skills.
    Get Hundreds of Super Targeted Traffic in Any Niche from Facebook - 3 Step Organic FB Marketing

    25 Guidelines For Massive Affiliate Success - Whether you are a beginner or an expert, read these principles and refer back to them many times
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  • Profile picture of the author SherimanAF
    Hi Bobby,

    You have no idea how immediately I can relate to your problems.

    Rather than commenting on everything you said, I want to give it to you straight.

    Find a coach. Right here in the Warrior Forum. GO AND FIND A COACH. Or you end up burn all your money, waste your time and becoming more depress.

    Do a search on Google ' Coaching'. And choose the first result.

    I'm working with a coach right now. And I can tell you, I'm like someone who have been in a maze alone for so long and suddenly found someone who are willing to guide me to the correct way out.

    Don't think. Just go for it.

    PM me if you like to know which coach I'm with now.

    Take care.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stuiebee
    Originally Posted by Bobby Best View Post

    Hi guys!

    My name is Bobby, I'm from Central-East Europe. It's my first thread here, so if I put topic in wrong place, please transfer it. My language is not so good, so sorry about that. I hope that my post will be understandable to each reader here

    I have one big start question about doing business online. Firstly I give you some information about me:
    • I don't have any skills or experience, that I can monetize
    • I can't find any niche that I can say "This is it, I like it, I can be good at it, I can help somebody with my skills"
    • I don't have any hobbys that I can monetize (seriosly, I'm not kidding)
    • Every mega niche (online marketing, fitness and relationships) is not, that I want to work with, because firstly I didn't have any experience and knowledge, secondly two of three niches just not fit to me (lack of credibility, and lack of willingness to act in these niches - relationships and fitness)
    • I am a graphic designer (as a graduate) since 2009, but I found out along the way, that this is not the thing that I want to do in my life and earn money from it (when I started - I loved it; when I end it - I hate it to this day, and I left it)
    • Today I am looking for a job for seven months and I can't find anything
    • I have only $400 (in my currency, it's about net minimum wage in my country)
    • I don't have any experiecne in an international market
    • I don't have any contacts, knowledge about scripts, programming (I hate it) ect.
    My biggest pain now is the fact, that I can't find anything that would interest me and would make me money in the process.

    I want to learn one thing - making money online (internet marketing, fixed term membership sites etc.). But in order to make money that way I need some other knowledge (topic from other niche) that I could sell with the help of IM.

    How can I make money online when I don't have any topic to use and sell it as a course for exapmle on Udemy orn in FTMS? (that's my biggest problem)

    I had no experience, no knowledge, no skills or hobbys, no ideas how can I fill niche because of lack of credibility etc.

    I don't want to sell not my products (affilate marketing) because I don't want operate in a niche, I don't want to work (not knowing their products). My dream is to generate minimum $5 000 per month from IM, but I don't know how to do it with the things that I described above.

    I hope that you give some good advices, how to manage that problem.

    Hey mate,

    Central-East Europe huh? I'm living in Budapest now thanks to online income...from Amazon!

    Get started on Amazon if you can. Easiest way to make a profitable business online for non-techies. I started with $2k about 3 years ago but you could probably just about do it on a month of your wages at $400.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomkidotiptrick
    Dear Bobby Best, I think you should register an account at marketing and up page to see these products to be released, when you find a pleasant product in jvzoo then send a recommendation to be marketed for that product. Once you are approved vendor, you should find out all the information about that product on google or on their own salepage page. Then you should learn how to create a website and post review of such products, marketing products on every social network you have, on every forum that you register.sorry for my english is not good so maybe it will make you hard to understand when reading this contain a comment.

    See more Products Reviews and Special Bonuses at

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  • Profile picture of the author khademul
    Without any skill it is impossible to earn money.You can try watch some video tutarial on youtube.
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  • Profile picture of the author mapadava
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    • Profile picture of the author chyan007
      Originally Posted by mapadava View Post

      Hi Friends, I just tried this out yesterday and it seems to be working!...
      Already made 295$ in a single day!
      Here's the snap shot..and the link...its free to join Earn 5$-10$ per 30 seconds tasks, Earn 1000$ monthly - Online Job for jobless people

      Do you know how to promote an offer ,, I cant even believe what the heck you are doing here....

      Do you know anything about providing value ,You are just coming and fooling others..

      Better delete your post for good

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10381442].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
        Originally Posted by chyan007 View Post


        Do you know how to promote an offer ,, I cant even believe what the heck you are doing here....

        Do you know anything about providing value ,You are just coming and fooling others..

        Better delete your post for good

        It is called spam that"s all , they just post crap all over the forum it is up to us and the mods to find and report it
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  • Profile picture of the author chyan007
    My advice would be to come out of your sleep and stop day dreaming

    can you please tell me what you can do because in your post you have only mentioned thing that you cant do...

    Seriously i want to know what you can do
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  • Profile picture of the author krithikai
    trying to be smart??
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  • Profile picture of the author Faris Khrais
    Originally Posted by Bobby Best View Post

    Hi guys!

    My name is Bobby, I'm from Central-East Europe. It's my first thread here, so if I put topic in wrong place, please transfer it. My language is not so good, so sorry about that. I hope that my post will be understandable to each reader here

    I have one big start question about doing business online. Firstly I give you some information about me:
    • I don't have any skills or experience, that I can monetize
    • I can't find any niche that I can say "This is it, I like it, I can be good at it, I can help somebody with my skills"
    • I don't have any hobbys that I can monetize (seriosly, I'm not kidding)
    • Every mega niche (online marketing, fitness and relationships) is not, that I want to work with, because firstly I didn't have any experience and knowledge, secondly two of three niches just not fit to me (lack of credibility, and lack of willingness to act in these niches - relationships and fitness)
    • I am a graphic designer (as a graduate) since 2009, but I found out along the way, that this is not the thing that I want to do in my life and earn money from it (when I started - I loved it; when I end it - I hate it to this day, and I left it)
    • Today I am looking for a job for seven months and I can't find anything
    • I have only $400 (in my currency, it's about net minimum wage in my country)
    • I don't have any experiecne in an international market
    • I don't have any contacts, knowledge about scripts, programming (I hate it) ect.
    My biggest pain now is the fact, that I can't find anything that would interest me and would make me money in the process.

    I want to learn one thing - making money online (internet marketing, fixed term membership sites etc.). But in order to make money that way I need some other knowledge (topic from other niche) that I could sell with the help of IM.

    How can I make money online when I don't have any topic to use and sell it as a course for exapmle on Udemy orn in FTMS? (that's my biggest problem)

    I had no experience, no knowledge, no skills or hobbys, no ideas how can I fill niche because of lack of credibility etc.

    I don't want to sell not my products (affilate marketing) because I don't want operate in a niche, I don't want to work (not knowing their products). My dream is to generate minimum $5 000 per month from IM, but I don't know how to do it with the things that I described above.

    I hope that you give some good advices, how to manage that problem.

    Hello Bobby,as a new beginner with little experience in Online marketing and money making,you should first of all be specific and know what you are most talented at weather its sponsorship or advising people about new products,posting videos on youtube educating people about something you thing is interesting etc... That would be a good start to think what you want to invest in using the internet to make money.
    Good Luck and if you need any help i'm here!
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    If the OP's still following this thread, I think you need to find every miniscule amount of gratitude you can in every dark situation.

    I've often found that some of my worst experiences have revealed some powerful lessons, and although nobody likes being down, you can be grateful that your not married to an 80 hour per week job that leaves you drained, broke, and helpless like many others are experiencing in todays job markets. Plenty of people have to work 2 jobs, just to keep their chin above water.

    But, if you change your perceptions and look at the opportunities available online, in 3-5 years (of hard work & disciplined effort) you could 'visualize' and navigate yourself to abundance and ultimately 'free yourself' from the financial and mental bondage your 1st post resonates.

    Don't get your panties in a wad, and strap yourself out... If you want more time, money, and ultimately; FREEDOM -You're gonna need to put in some time, money, and effort.

    Here's a reality check (a priceless awakening)...

    Go to ANY one of these sites below and 'Sign Up' for FREE!

    4.) (Commission Junction)

    Now, imagine; Damn near ANY product or service you can imagine will pay you commissions to publish ads or direct potential buyers to their products and/or services FOR FREE.

    Not only will they pay you commissions, many will offer FREE TRAINING, and supply all the promotional materials you'll need to start making money.

    But, you need to change your 'mindset' and start getting creative by thinking like a buyer would... Could be something you want, need, or desire, and find a quality product or service that others (like you) would find benefit or value from if and when they purchase said item.

    Forget about you, your money problems, and all the mind cluttering bullshit, and visualize yourself becoming a solutions provider.

    Fing gratitude in helping others find their solution(s).

    You have entire 'shopping malls' of free inventory that you can promote (for free) and the only expense will be some time, money, and effort finding the knowledge, tools, and resources to 'make it your reality!'

    Yes, you will need to buy some key items such as;

    - A domain
    - Hosting
    - Autoresponder
    - Advertising on Paid Platforms
    - Maybe some web tools, themes, or plugins...

    But, for mere pennies on the dollar... You can start learning & earning money online.

    I would 'sign up' to one or more of the affiliate networks above, and start conducting a ton of research on affiliate marketing... You don't need products or a degree in rocket science...

    Use what's available, and for the love of God man, get your ass of the 'Pity Pot!' - Nobody cares if you suceed or fail... That my friend is entirely up to YOU!

    Lastly, you need to stay focused on the end goal - HELPING OTHERS, and you may need to work shit jobs, or make sacrifices while you research, study, and learn the ropes...

    So be prepared to fail, and get yourself ready for a 3-5 year plan, as you are where I was 4 years ago when I entered the online arena!

    All the Best,

    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author cl7
    Hey Bobby, hope everything is going well for you. I just want to pitch in my 2 cents here and let me tell you, I didn't have any skills either in the beginning. I didn't want to go back to what I was doing so I learn and learn. I learned how to drive traffic and things began to fall into its place. It's only a matter of time so don't give up.

    learn as much as you can while you're here. If you really want to make money online, you will learn how to. It all come down to how bad you want it. Good luck!
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