Need some clarification from ClickBank vendors
I am about to launch my first CB product and i have some questions for the existing vendors here:
1. After purchasing, do customers get directly redirected to the thank you page or do they get a email with the 'thank you page' link?
2 (sub question) If they are on the 'thank you' page and click download but instead of saving the file they instantly open it (pdf), wont they come whine afterwards about how to get the file agian?
3. Do i need a OPTIN on my thank you page to collect a list of buyers? Or does CB allow me to pull a list from my vendor account?
4. What kind of promotional tools do i need to add on my CB vendor page for affiliates? (only banners?)
5. i read a lot of commotion about CB affiliates not beeing able to use FB ads and such for CB products.. does that also count for me if i would try to promote my own product without an affiliate link? (straight domain link)
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Sid Hale
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