Do you use your REAL name?

38 replies
So I've been tinkering around with building my site and setting up my email etc. I got wondering if I should use my real name or a fake name on my website (like the about me page) and the emails??
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    This same question was just asked and debated at length recently.

    And it got stupid.

    And closed.

    So anyway, I think there's enough in the first third of the thread for you to make up your own mind.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevenjcampbell
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      This same question was just asked and debated at length recently.

      And it got stupid.

      And closed.

      So anyway, I think there's enough in the first third of the thread for you to make up your own mind.
      Well, I asked here and aside from one negative comment, there was some decent input
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  • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
    I vote for your real name. And yes, I use my real name on all my marketing materials, websites, squeeze pages, articles, blog post, etc. But that's just me.

    But a fake name could be a smart choice too, if you have legitimate reasons. Most celebrities, movie stars and rappers use fake names and it hasn't hurt them. Nor has it hurt one of the top online marketers on the planet, Eban Page or aka David DeAngelo.

    So, it depends on what your needs are. Why wouldn't you want to use your real name? Just curious.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
    Originally Posted by Darcey86 View Post

    So I've been tinkering around with building my site and setting up my email etc. I got wondering if I should use my real name or a fake name on my website (like the about me page) and the emails??
    I use my real name and my real email address and my real telephone number.

    What I don't do is disclose where I physically live. I maintain a rented mailbox for my business.

    For me, I find this to be a reasonable demarcation of what is public vs. what is private.
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  • Profile picture of the author Darcey86
    The only reason I'm opposed to using my real name is because of the fear of some crazy person hunting me down lol. I have the PO box, went that route for sure lol.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevenjcampbell
      Originally Posted by Darcey86 View Post

      The only reason I'm opposed to using my real name is because of the fear of some crazy person hunting me down lol. I have the PO box, went that route for sure lol.
      If that's all, use a pseudonym and your face. Don't disclose where you are.
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      • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
        Originally Posted by stevenjcampbell View Post

        If that's all, use a pseudonym and your face. Don't disclose where you are.
        With TinEye, if you use your real face, you might as well use your real name:
        TinEye Reverse Image Search
        Put MY voice on YOUR video:
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        • Profile picture of the author gvidass
          In most cases I use my real name, email and phone number. Most of the time, but not always, it depends on what I'm doing...

          But differenet story about my adress, I almost never use my real adress. So all in all i think its ok to use your real name if you know what are you doing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Boris Qs
      Originally Posted by Darcey86 View Post

      The only reason I'm opposed to using my real name is because of the fear of some crazy person hunting me down lol. I have the PO box, went that route for sure lol.
      There can be many reasons for not using your real name I recently wrote about this on my blog.

      If you have been writing on particular genres or niche and you want to switch to a different niche, using a pen name will make the transition easier for people who are already your followers. For example if you were involved in a weight loss niche, it will be easier for you to transit to say making money online niche using a pen name.

      There are many names from different countries or tribes that are way too difficult to pronounce let alone writing in plain English. If you have one of such names using a pen name will make things better for your readers or audience.

      Just google "teacher fired for writing book" and you would be shocked at the results displayed by Google. Go ahead try it now if you want. That is right many have lost their jobs by simply writing books with their real names. That is why if you think your writing will affect your offline job or career using a pen name will be advisable but make sure you start the process from the point of registering you domain name. It might cost a little but it is worth it.

      The list of reason, may be endless. However I admit there are also negative reasons for using a pen name for example you might not feel good when people start talking or giving credit to your pen name than your real name for the work you put out. That is why you have to take into consideration such out comes, before using a pen name.

      So to conclude I will think it all depends on you and what you want to do. I Hope that was helpful.
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    • Profile picture of the author evanpwe
      Originally Posted by Darcey86 View Post

      The only reason I'm opposed to using my real name is because of the fear of some crazy person hunting me down lol. I have the PO box, went that route for sure lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author nancy666
    You would really want to set everything up with your real name. You will want to build a genuine long lasting business. People want to get to know you, before they buy or subscribe to your offers, so you want to come across as transparent as possible.

    For more IM tips and strategies check out:

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Personally I use my real name for any business ventures that I need to have solid trust with my clients. AKA branding myself.

    On smaller ventures where there is no real one on one contact with clients, I will occasionally use a pen name.

    If you use a pen name (fictitious name) check with your local government agency that issues business permits (licenses). Most require you to file a fictitious name permit (license) This allows you to legally conduct business under a name that is not your own.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by Darcey86 View Post

    So I've been tinkering around with building my site and setting up my email etc. I got wondering if I should use my real name or a fake name on my website (like the about me page) and the emails??
    I use my real name. When I got started, it never even dawned on me to make something up - lol.

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  • Profile picture of the author @tjr
    Legend tells that if a thread on this topic gets above 20 posts, BigFrank will rise from the depths and raise hell.

    To sorta quote him: "no one can truly know if a name is real or fake. Let it go."
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  • Profile picture of the author jacklorin
    yes in most of the cases i do....
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  • Profile picture of the author austria
    Noone should ever use their real name online.

    People who use their real names online usually end up with their identity stolen.

    this is how the 64 millions cases of identities thefts are happening every year
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    • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
      Originally Posted by austria View Post

      Noone should ever use their real name online.

      People who use their real names online usually end up with their identity stolen.

      this is how the 64 millions cases of identities thefts are happening every year
      This is just mis-information at it's worst.
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      • Profile picture of the author malikai
        You could use your real name , I have certainly done so . Now I simply use the initials of my first and middle name along with my last name . This works well for me . No one knows if this is the same person , except you .
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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Personally, I use my real name. But in the end it won't matter as no one will be able to tell if you are really using it or not.

          I could see with the advent of things like Google Earth for security purposes someone might use a pen name

          - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    Depends on how you want to go.

    See yourself 5 years down the road. Do you want to work with people personally? Do you want to leverage your personal name for things you are promoting? Then go for your real name, make it a personal brand.

    Do you want to build a brand? Then you can create a persona like a pen-name, or even a non-human company name.
    Tamal Anwar C.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoumhem
    To be absolutly honest, I think it depends on your business.

    If you are going to making contracts for services with clients, than I would use my real name. But if you are selling ebook, than why not using pen names? Like Boris Qs said, in different niches this would make sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author yogibeezy
    Literally yes, I used real name to get real followers too
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    If you're going to be doing this long term, I'd strongly recommend you use your real name.

    If your business takes off and leads to discussions and face to face meetings with people, it's going to be awkward using a pen name. It opens up complications that wouldn't otherwise be there if you used your real name from the outset.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

      If you're going to be doing this long term, I'd strongly recommend you use your real name.

      If your business takes off and leads to discussions and face to face meetings with people, it's going to be awkward using a pen name. It opens up complications that wouldn't otherwise be there if you used your real name from the outset.
      Although there are numerous long time Warrior Forum members ( as a Thread last month so clearly exhibits) who would argue against this, I totally think it is a valid point.

      It would just be weird as hell if I was a Corporate Executive and met Frank Kern in person and he shook my hand at a Mastermind Class ( to help Executives in Corporations with Email Marketing, which he has done ) and he actually disclosed his real name as Johnny Molasses.

      I know others will say big deal it shouldn't matter. But "weird" and "uncomfortable" would just be my gut reaction if this occurred !!

      - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        If you want to use a phone number, use something like Google Voice.

        Trust me, if you use your real phone number, it isn't all that hard to track you down. In one of my first "real" jobs, I was a bill collector. Part of that job involved skip tracing, finding people who might not want to be found but are not actively hiding. Even back then, you'd be amazed at what information was available.

        I remember one case where a guy ran up his card, then cancelled his phone and started couch surfing. Keep in mind, this was before the Fair Credit Collections laws. I basically canvassed his neighborhood, his former employer, etc. and followed the leads to an ex-girlfriend. She gave up his favorite bar, and even told me he was there at that moment.

        I dialed the bar and had him paged. When he came to the phone, I identified myself and asked when he was going to make his payments. He cussed me out, especially when I wouldn't tell him how I'd tracked him down, and hung up. But I must have struck a nerve, because he actually made a few payments before disappearing again.

        If I could do it in the early 1980s, imagine how easy it is now.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffreydale
    I have used different aliases in the past, but now I just reveal my first name and keep it at that. My username now is not my real name.

    Full-time entrepreneur | YouTuber | Ecom Coach | Social Media Expert

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Use your real name if you're in it for the long haul, and you want people to view you as a supreme expert within the niche. Whenever they hear your name, they will think about your niche, and immediately talk about you. Plus.... you get family recognition and acclaim. People will brag about how they know you in real life LOL.
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    • Profile picture of the author quadagon
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Use your real name if you're in it for the long haul, and you want people to view you as a supreme expert within the niche. Whenever they hear your name, they will think about your niche, and immediately talk about you.
      All of this applies to pen names as well, in fact they are easier to brand.
      I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author iangh
    Hi There,

    I will encourage you to be you and use your own name. Honesty is very important when selling or just in business in general, so start your business in the right manner by being you and being honest.

    Good Luck

    Ian G. Howarth.
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  • In the warrior forum I use my real name, in my 40+ niche sites I use different pen names.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    I think it's a personal preference sort of thing. There's little to no difference in the amount of success that you have because of your name. Whether it's real or not. Nobody will bash you for using a fake name.

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  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    I just recently made an internet marketing blog, and decided to use my first and last name as the domain website name.

    I figured that if I end up getting big down the line, it would be prudent that I had decided to brand myself using my real name.
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    • Profile picture of the author quadagon
      Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

      I just recently made an internet marketing blog, and decided to use my first and last name as the domain website name.

      I figured that if I end up getting big down the line, it would be prudent that I had decided to brand myself using my real name.
      Of course if you can't get your own name then you might want to consider a pen name. Carefully selecting the right penname will mean you can do a land grab on social media sites, get the .com domain name and easily set up monitoring tools for reputation management. Something you can't do if you are called John smith
      I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author yossi yagudaiv
    real name - always !
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I am huge on transparency and building trust Darcy

    I may be the Blogging from Paradise guy in some circles but I am always Ryan Biddulph.

    It depends on your brand/persona, ultimately.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author mdshahazahanbd
    Here there are many people who use their real name as me. Though I am a new in the IM section, I have been using my Real name in my blog. I think there is no problem to use the Real name. So it is right to use the real name, but you can use your pen name also. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author duncanmacgibbon
    Always use your real name, it took me years to understand how important it is.

    Duncan MacGibbon
    Ultimate PopUp Software!

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