Offering Free Ebooks and some low ticket items in Torrent sites work?

2 replies

I was thinking if this should be doable or not, essentially publishing to the top Torrent sites, some Free Ebooks or even some low end ebooks for free.

Sure, it will be distributed to the masses, but i think the links inside the books will bring me a bunch of traffic and probably sales.

The downside probably is the fact of not being very targeted, but there are some niches that should be highly targeted (gaming niche for example.... it should be nice to PPL offers)

Any of you guys tested it out?
#ebooks #free #items #low #offering #sites #ticket #torrent #work
  • Profile picture of the author Zoumhem
    I have done this in 2013 but not with torrents. I created a eBook based on Internet Marketing stuff, register myself on some random forum that was about internet marketing an posted download links there but told everyone, that this is a higly excluseive ebook that got leaked and cost normaly around $50 and some other Bla Bla Bla to get attention to it. The links inside the eBook (affiliate links) converted good.

    I have not tryed it with torrents but I´m sure, if you use the same marketing technique I have used, you will get tons of downloads.
    Internet Marketer and professional Webdesigner! Ask me anything you wan´t about Internet Marketing or Webdesigning!

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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    there are stacks of threads on the forum about this subject , this way of marketing has been going since I have been on here back in 2006 and people using Limewire
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