8 replies
I have no idea about niche market? But it is a popular words in this time. Can you give me the easy and effective definition of niche market?
#market #niche
  • Profile picture of the author nmwf
    Well, your signature is a pretty good example of a niche. ::eyeroll::
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  • Profile picture of the author Jennifer Boyatt
    It means you have a narrow subject of service or product. For example, you could sell grills and only grills. Or you could have a little wider niche and sell all things related to outdoor cooking.

    Or, hmm, like, in fitness but instead of saying *fitness* (way too broad), you could present yourself as the expert on creating the best biceps (if you actually know how to do that!). That's quite narrow. But it will help the people who really need you to find you.
    Happy Cash Tribe. A community for new and growing entrepreneurs. A meeting place for inspiration, education, resources, and support.
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  • Profile picture of the author rejaulalam
    Thanks to both of you
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Quite literally, a niche is an ornamental recess in a wall designed to show off a statue or other decorative object. Here is an example:

      When applied to Internet Marketing, a niche is a specific segment of a larger market. Think of the wall in the photo above as the marketplace and the niche is the recessed area that has been carved out of the wall in order to position your business.

      When you think of a niche as something you create or you define, a small area of the broader marketplace where you are going to operate your business, it makes sense that you don't really "pick a niche" as so many people usually say. Every niche can be different depending upon how you choose to focus and define your own business.

      Really, you are setting the boundaries of your business operation. You are "carving out" a specific place or target where you want to do business. You define your own products that you will sell, your business plan to sell them, the audience you want to target, and everything else related to what and how you're going to sell.

      Two business owners may say they are in the "organic tomato growing" niche, but in actuality, their businesses may look very different. That's because they have each chosen to "position" their businesses differently.

      One owner has an authority site where he sells reports, ebooks, and other digital content on how to grow organic tomatoes. A second business owner has chosen to sell tomato starts, fertilizer, canning jars, tomato cages and other accessories. Each owner has created, defined, and carved out his own niche in the marketplace.

      Certainly, this is more than you need to know about what a niche really is in Internet marketing. But it's important to realize that a niche is a very specific segment of the overall marketplace and that you, as the business owner, will create and define your own niche (often by default), because of how you position your business (what and how you sell).

      The best to all of you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor Carr
    In internet marketing terms, the niche market is the area of interest such as:

    ~ Weight loss
    ~ Internet marketing
    ~ Forex trading
    ~ Dog training


    Here is the definition courtesy of Wiki:

    A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. The market niche defines the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intended to impact. It is also a small market segment.
    Niche market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hope that helps

    All the best


    Originally Posted by rejaulalam View Post

    I have no idea about niche market? But it is a popular words in this time. Can you give me the easy and effective definition of niche market?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kingston34
    IM/MMO are the most popular
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Niche market is a sub-segment or a larger market. Of course I can only explain this with an example:

    LARGE MARKET that everyone competes in: Marketing

    NICHE MARKETS to make a name for yourself: Direct mail, newspaper advertising, yellow book advertising, magazine advertising, classified advertising, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author leilani
    Making Money Online or Offline:

    Always Starts With A Profitable Niche Market You Can Target

    Your First Step To Success Is To Know Who Your Customers Are

    Your Main Objective is to HELP Solve Problems!

    The Easiest Way to Find A Niche?

    Target Desperate Problems!!!

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