NEWBIES: I stumble upon a totally FREE AWESOME WEB PAGE BUILDER! No optin no affiliate nothing ..

4 replies
Hey fresh online marketers,

First let me tell you that this is not an advertisement and I don't affiliate with anything on this page.

For every newbie, I know that one of the most daunting task is to create your web page.
I don't remember where I saw this but this is really something: "mobirise" (Type in google)

1. Very professional and modern design,
2. Mobile friendly,
3. Very easy to setup (I could not find time to try it to the end, but it seems really to easy, just modify some parameters and text on the page, no special software needed)
4. You download it and use it as an app (supports both Windows and Mac)

I am sharing this only to help you.

You will thank me if you use it and like it


PS. Pls use this at your risk. I won't coach you for this software, I have nothing to do with this.
#affiliate #awesome #builder #free #newbies #optin #page #stumble #totally #web
  • Profile picture of the author Andy_UK
    I am quite impressed with this as a starter builder for responsive. I am old school and still build stuff in raw html with tables, so this is helping me get my head round the new way of building sites. I notice they have just brought out an HTML code editor module for it, and it is $69!
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMizOne
    Originally Posted by koksalatik View Post

    PS. Pls use this at your risk.
    If you want to scare away potential customers, this is how you do it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10397116].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by koksalatik View Post

    PS. Pls use this at your risk. I won't coach you for this software, I have nothing to do with this.

    You had me until this. Why is there Risk ? Please expound

    - Robert Andrew
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10397332].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post


      You had me until this. Why is there Risk ? Please expound

      - Robert Andrew
      Yea, what's up with the RISK???

      I've been marketing online for a long time, but I'm far from proficient with html5, jQuery, etc... I recently tried WP for the first time with a responsive theme and while I was able to build a nice site, by hacking a bunch of the code, I'm just not a fan of WP as it's a bloated pig for what the end result delivers. I still really favor stand alone html responsive sites. So it would be nice to find something that was easy to use based on my coding experience, which is probably much greater than the average marketer.
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