8 replies
Hi to all,

I am Ankitha, the new warrior member. I would like to know about affiliate marketing and its benefits. Is it good for joining as an affiliate?
#affiliate #marketing
  • If you are asking whether or not you can make money with affiliate marketing, it's a big yes. Is it easy? No. Is it for real? Yes
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    • Profile picture of the author maniarora
      Welcome to warrior forum

      If you are new to affiliate marketing, here's a quick definition - "Affiliate marketing is an online business model where you can earn a commission for selling someone else's products. You do not own the product or the service you are promoting on your website. But you do receive a piece of the pie for every paying customer you send to the merchant."

      For example - When you are interested in buying a new home, who shows you around? A real estate agent. But does the real estate agent actually own the property he or she is trying to sell?

      No, but the agent does receive a commission for every home sold

      The best part about affiliate marketing is it's simplicity:-
      • You don't have to buy inventory.
      • You don't have to store goods.
      • You don't need to figure out how to accept credit card payments.
      • You just have to send visitors to another website.

      Hope this helps
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    • Profile picture of the author Ankitha Krishna
      If you are asking whether or not you can make money with affiliate marketing, it's a big yes. Is it easy? No. Is it for real? Yes
      Could you please explain the tasks? Is it time consuming process?
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  • Profile picture of the author koksalatik
    Pls read below to learn what affiliate marketing is about: (a bit long, but as you are a newbie, i think it helps

    Affiliate marketing consists of a performance-based method of marketing in which businesses and affiliates work together to create profit.
    In this marketing method, a business rewards affiliates for every customer or visitor brought in by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

    For Businesses: Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to generate sales and increase your revenue. It is performance-based, which means that affiliates promote your product, and then you reward your affiliates for each click, lead, or sale.
    Affiliate marketing is the single fastest growing industry on the internet. Commission Junction, Amazon and ClickBank are just a few of the businesses running top affiliate networks, and they are making huge amounts of money from affiliate programs.
    For Affiliates: Affiliate marketing allows you to earn money with your website by joining one of the many affiliate programs. These businesses offer affiliate programs to generate traffic to their websites. They generally offer high commissions based on the traffic and sales that are generated via your link.
    Affiliate marketing is a very powerful and cost effective channel; you only have to pay when a successful transaction happens.
    Affiliate marketing consists of four essential players:
    ➢ First comes the vendor, who is also known as the retailer, merchant or major brand.
    ➢ The network consists of the offers of vendors from which the affiliate chooses, and this is also where payments are made.
    ➢ The affiliate, who is also known as the publisher or digital marketer, is the one who does the marketing work.
    ➢ Finally, the customer purchases the product or service, and the profit is shared by the vendor, network and the affiliate.
    Affiliates use advertising methods to bring customers to the vendor, and they are rewarded for their efforts. These advertising methods may include:
    • Search engine optimization (SEO),
    • Paid search engine marketing (PPC Advertising),
    • Social media marketing,
    • Email marketing,
    • Content marketing,
    • Solo Ads,
    • Reviews,
    • Blogging,
    • Display advertisements, etc.,
    and many more..

    kind regards,

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    • Profile picture of the author Ankitha Krishna
      Thank you Koksal.
      Is any time limit or other conditions for selling products? Please tell me good affiliate marketing site..
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  • Profile picture of the author koksalatik

    Conditions are determined by the vendor or the affiliate network if there is any.
    I am sure you can find good courses about affiliate marketing if you search it on Warrior Forum.
    Join jvzoo as an affiliate and look at the marketplace. You will see tons of products to promote. See the conditions in their affiliate pages.
    I hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Harris
    Here's a way to you can promote an affiliate product:

    Buy the product and put what you learn into practice. Then put a video on YouTube saying that you used the product and have results to show for it, showing off those results. That'll then be a genuine review/testimonial and you'll also get the attention of the owner of the product that could come in handy for business later on.
    Free Video Course
    How To Sell Affiliate Products
    Find out how you can get instant traffic to an affiliate offer and be making sales within an hour!
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