Semi-retired & need some real income.

by Snikky
41 replies
Hello everybody. Newbie here.

So, been doing renovations much of my life, but reaching the point where it is becoming a serious strain on the old body. So, I'm looking for something else I can do for the next 5 years after which our pensions will kick in and we'll be ok.

I'm not looking for get rich quick schemes or any other such things. Not afraid to put in the time and effort, and lets face it, just about anything will be 'easier' than humping lumber or tiles or whatnot up stairs etc.

Problem is, of course, not sure where to start, or how to separate the real stuff from the scams.

I'm thinking this may be a good place to start....

#income #real #semiretired
  • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
    Hi Snikky. Welcome to the Warrior Forum.

    I suggest you spend some time just reading "stuff" and then decide which route you wish to take.

    My immediate thought would be that you could probably utilize your building / renovation skills by creating a website and writing informative, instructive articles covering a whole range of issues home-owners may need to deal with.

    You could maybe monetize this by reviewing and promoting various tools etc. sold on Amazon. To this end, I suggest you look at various WSOs from Erica Stone (username Sojourn here on the WF).

    Don't, however, fall into the trap of buying WSOs willy-nilly. I highly recommend Sojourn and also Jan Roos. There are just a few others I would recommend, but those two are the best when it comes to Amazon.

    If you ever need any help with anything, feel free to PM me.

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Hey Snikky,
    You have come to a pretty good place.

    Hang around for a little bit. There are some talented people here. Of course like anywhere in Life, there are some bad apples you will come across

    But on the whole I have always found this place informative and interesting and enlightening !

    You can use the Search Button here to find topics like Email Marketing, which I encourage to get up to date with.

    Also if you used Search and still need answers do not hesitate to ask your questions in a Thread

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuiebee
    Hey mate,

    Amazon really is one of the easiest and quickest ways of making money online. It's great for people that aren't technically minded also. As long as you've got a couple of K to invest, you can get started. it's something that you can scale up also to provide for you in your retirement. Being successful at Amazon requires more business savy than technical savy in my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Snikky
    Thanks guys. I've been doing some reading and I'll be doing a lot more it the days & weeks to come. Just let a large contract lapse, taking care of a large bunch of rental units.(reno and repairs)

    I'll look into these 'wso' things just as soon as I figure out what they are.(did I mention I was a newb..??)

    Fortunately, my financial needs are not severe, as $300-400 a week would more than meet my needs.

    I guess one big question to start off with, is this something I can achieve through here..?? (legitimately, of course)

    As mentioned, I don't at all putting in the hours...

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    • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
      If I were you I would try to keep your options open within your current industry. I'm sure you've already considered this, but shifting towards a contractor role and just overseeing the projects would be easier on your body.

      I'm just looking at the odds of successfully meeting your financial goals by tweaking your current operation versus beginning a new career based on advice given to you by "internet marketers."

      An internet-based business with a newbie at the helm is usually something that takes years to get kickstarted, but it sounds like you need money now. I'm not necessarily saying don't try it, but an accelerated effort to get cash coming in ASAP is going to require a huge time investment that is probably going to consume your life and have no guarantees.
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    • Profile picture of the author drexo922
      Originally Posted by Snikky View Post

      I'll look into these 'wso' things just as soon as I figure out what they are.(did I mention I was a newb..??)
      hi Snikky, i'm still new and learning from Warrior Forum too. I can't offer much advice but one thing I found is that this forum itself offers a lot of information, most of the time more valuable than many of the WSO's being sold.

      FYI WSO = Warrior Special Offer, you'll be getting lots of promotional emails from Warrior on those offers, "how to quick strike", "secret traffic" blablabla. If you're lucky you'll bump into something a bit useful, but I would advice to stay away from them unless it's referred to you by the senior forum members.
      You'll be information overloaded if you keep reading those (like what I've been through).
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  • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
    Hi Snikky,

    $300 - $400 is definitely achievable. But just to share my personal experience, it took me almost a year from the day i started before i actually created a stable income for myself. It took me quite a bit of effort and investment before i started seeing any returns.

    There's tons of information that have been shared here and as long as you are willing to spend the time reading through, i'm sure you would pick up the essential points on how to begin.
    Updated With All The Internet Marketing Tips I Find
    => Check Out My Internet Marketing Blog <=
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Anne (above) has given you good advice.

      For someone just starting out, it is advantageous to select a topic for your effort that you already understand. When you "speak the language" and have experience in a subject, you can talk with authority and you know the issues, problems, and nuances of the marketplace.

      I would suggest you specialize where possible. As an example, if you choose the subject of "renovation" that is pretty broad and there are a whole bunch of sub-topics that could provide a nice income for you. When you specialize, you focus down so that your area of expertise is confined within set boundaries that will allow all your audience to get value from whatever you will be offering. So maybe you choose a sub-topic like hardwood floor renovation or DIY kitchen renovations or upgrading residential windows and doors.

      The point is, be specific. The reach of the Internet is global nowadays and there will be more than enough potential customers out there for you to specialize in whatever you want. Specializing gives you the advantage of being able to market your content, offers, and products to a very specific group of people that have very common interests. It's a laser-focused approach that is perfect for a solo businessman/woman who have experience and knowledge in a niche. You can surely be seen as an authority worth following. When your audience sees you as the expert in your field, they will be more apt to listen to you suggestions and recommendations on products and services in the niche.

      Begin by doing some investigation and research online to identify common problems, needs, and desires of people in your marketplace. You are looking for ways to help and assist these people by sharing what you know and have experience with. These people will pay you for your help and suggested solutions.

      Here's to your success online!


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author Carsten Tiensuu

        Website flipping selling starter sites or product creation would be my way to make money.
        [Newbie Training] MEGA DISCOUNT! Discover How To Earn Money in 24 Hours From Now - Income Guaranteed
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  • Profile picture of the author coach23
    Getting started is the the hard part. Find one person who had success and follow what they are doing,
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by atharahmed71 View Post

      it takes few time but at the end you will be happy
      Originally Posted by coach23 View Post

      Getting started is the the hard part. Find one person who had success and follow what they are doing,
      Good advice given by Anne ,DR and Steve...
      The top quoted answers are examples of people you should avoid, unfortunately WF is now full of them.... You'll recognise them by their meaningless one liners....
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    And just realize that you will need to invest money to make money. If you are looking for a free way to make extra money online, you will have a hard time and probably fail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by Snikky View Post

    So, been doing renovations much of my life, but reaching the point where it is becoming a serious strain on the old body. So, I'm looking for something else I can do for the next 5 years after which our pensions will kick in and we'll be ok.

    I'm not looking for get rich quick schemes or any other such things. Not afraid to put in the time and effort, and lets face it, just about anything will be 'easier' than humping lumber or tiles or whatnot up stairs etc..
    Hi Snikky,

    Welcome to the forum.

    One of my offline businesses is custom picture framing and there are many people with skills like yours that take that up for a lighter duty type of work that still uses some of your abilities.

    As previous posters have suggested there are many different avenues to capitalise on the knowledge you have acquired over the years.

    I applied some of my knowledge by taking what I'd learned as a picture framer and transferring it to internet marketing by creating courses and providing information for people who want to learn about picture framing.

    If you want any help or to discuss how to leverage your knowledge for ongoing returns long after you retire please message me and I'd be glad to help.

    It is always easiest to expand on what you already know and turn that into a product of value rather than necessarily pursuing things that require more work than they are worth.

    In one of your replies you mention you are finishing up a large contract for renovations and maintenance for a block of units.... how you got that you fulfilled their needs...the ins and outs of maintaining that relationship...

    ...that is the sort of information that would be valuable to a younger contractor starting out.

    Some of those things would be good to discuss in the sub-forums you will find here.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      First off, Oziboomer, it's against forum rules to direct people to your sig. In this case, you obviously had good intentions, but there are hundreds or thousands of members with lesser intentions looking for slippage in the rules. Just a heads-up...

      Snikky, you have some very valuable knowledge and experience. You've proven you know how to do something a lot of people wish they could do.

      You've been given a couple of very profitable potential directions.

      > You could create affiliate driven sites for the DIY crowd. Maybe add in actual project courses for specific things, from initial planning to final wipedown.

      > You could create professional level information - books or ebooks, courses, even coaching programs - for people wanting to follow your career path. It's made a grand business for people like Joe Polish (carpet cleaning) and Rory Fatt (restaurants).

      Given your five year time frame, you could easily do both. If you do, go back and read Steve's post about niching down to specifics.

      Welcome, and good luck to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author IncomeWitness
    Originally Posted by Snikky View Post

    Hello everybody. Newbie here.

    So, been doing renovations much of my life, but reaching the point where it is becoming a serious strain on the old body. So, I'm looking for something else I can do for the next 5 years after which our pensions will kick in and we'll be ok.

    I'm not looking for get rich quick schemes or any other such things. Not afraid to put in the time and effort, and lets face it, just about anything will be 'easier' than humping lumber or tiles or whatnot up stairs etc.

    Problem is, of course, not sure where to start, or how to separate the real stuff from the scams.

    I'm thinking this may be a good place to start....

    A really easy way to get started is by selling on Ebay. Buy a few items from your local garage sales and see if you can flip them for a small profit. Once you get the hang of things try purchasing a small lot of wholesale products from a liquidator. Obviously, the more you list, the more you can make.
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymagneto
    Since you are completely inexperienced with internet marketing go and read this book:

    "The Millionaires Fastlane" it's an excellent book on how making money works. The basic premise is that the most lucrative ways to make money are to build automated systems, not services, but automation.

    They all say choose a product to sell that you yourself would be interested in promoting. You can write a book, invent a "doo dad/gizmo" or help sell other peoples products through affiliate marketing which I think is more advanced. It's easy to just invent your own "thing" and then put it online. It will take you a few months to figure out the product you will launch and business plans, but it's worth it if you plan carefully.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

      Thanks for the heads up John...

      I was only directing for study Snikky could see ways to leverage his knowledge

      Happy to delete my post if against WF rules.
      Don't delete the post, as it had some good info. Maybe just delete the line about downloading your guide.
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      • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Don't delete the post, as it had some good info. Maybe just delete the line about downloading your guide.
        Thanks John...

        ...your photo reminds me I must get out on the water as soon as the new trailer for my boat is ready.

        Had another old timer...we''ll not old...just retired...over this weekend for dinner and he'd been fly fishing for tuna a couple of times last week and was off to fish the fresh for a sport fish we have here called saratoga this week...

        ...apart from the fishing...

        one thing I learned is he has started, run and sold multiple businesses in the food importing niche.

        When I asked him what he was up to and why he was retired...

        ...he told me...

        "It's temporary"

        "I'm just waiting for the next challenge."

        Hopefully I can help him with that challenge, learn from him, help him in an online sense and better yet do a bit of fishing together.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by Snikky View Post

    You're welcome. LOL. Welcome to the forum.

    Have you ever considered Ebay? Or a site called Fiverr? These are 2 simple and easy ways to get some easy money coming in daily.

    If you want to run your own site, then first learn about the different kind of products that you can sell, and the different kind of ways that you can sell them - and the platforms you can promote them on.

    Start in the War Room. It's not expensive (relatively speaking), and you'll find some great info there that can get you started. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz

    As you have seen already, you have a lot to think about. As one old retired guy to a fellow headed my way (retirement) here is a little bit more food for thought.

    THINK. Spend a little time and try to picture what you want your new income stream to look like.

    Sure, you could create a lot of content, much HOW TO type based on your experience, consider the TIME may (or may not) be worth it since you have a few years.

    You could TEACH, at local High School, check to see if they offer Adult Ed or How To courses, for that matter, even Home Depot type places bring in experts for workshops and seminars.

    So, the INFORMATION you use on a daily basis does have value...the downside is the TIME it takes to convert it to a wanted product and it may be worth your while for the long haul.

    But the main thing, in my old retired opinion, to do to take the time to see the possibilities, and their downsides, and PLAN what you want to do.

    We call that SPIDOG, Solving Problems In the Direction Of your GOALS.

    So, take some time to think about your goals, and make part of this time to look at the paths of least resistance for you, because here you will get a lot of ..

    this is how I did it...

    which may be great advice but totally inapplicable to your situation.

    Deep breath, dive in and Read...Study a little, define what you want (or don't want to do) and then pick and choose the advice which most resonates with YOUR ideal.

    Good luck,


    Originally Posted by Snikky View Post

    Hello everybody. Newbie here.

    So, been doing renovations much of my life, but reaching the point where it is becoming a serious strain on the old body. So, I'm looking for something else I can do for the next 5 years after which our pensions will kick in and we'll be ok.

    I'm not looking for get rich quick schemes or any other such things. Not afraid to put in the time and effort, and lets face it, just about anything will be 'easier' than humping lumber or tiles or whatnot up stairs etc.

    Problem is, of course, not sure where to start, or how to separate the real stuff from the scams.

    I'm thinking this may be a good place to start....

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

      Sure, you could create a lot of content, much HOW TO type based on your experience, consider the TIME may (or may not) be worth it since you have a few years.
      Yes, I have to agree. Im not retired but as I get older this thing called TIME becomes more and more relevant in Life.

      Its a good thing, really. To start realizing the truly most important things in Life cant be bought and in many cases have nothing to do with Money.

      Of course, money can be that 'vehicle' that gets you to that point of doing meaningful things in your Life

      So in that way Money will always be relevant in some form or manner

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author remy68740
    Hi Snikky,
    It seems you have a lot of knowledge about renovation and that you are a REAL expert.

    It's time now to monetize all this expertise. You should really create a website, start blogging, and write articles about the stuff you master. You might write and send newsletters to your subscribers, and provide them with valuable information. After you will have created a strong relationship, with your subscribers you can then promote renovation stuff and tools to them. It shouldn't be a problem finding companies that might accept that you promote their stuff.
    Go on google and do a little bit of research. You will find plenty of website with similar topic as yours. You can model after them.
    Let me know if you need a hand.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    Step one would be establishing yourself as an expert in your fiend with a blog. Get a blog on a domain you own—not tumblr or Blogger. Get a .com domain that contains "interior design," "remodeling" or something else that's very relevant. If you want to establish yourself as an expert in the field, using your own name as the domain is fine but you'll have to work a bit harder to rank.

    Creating a site with WordPress is very easy these days.

    But you won't be able to monetize a blog right away. You need to build traffic and gain some advocates from the social media world first.

    I think your niche would be a good match for Amazon Associates. You get 4 percent (I think) of w/e they buy after jumping to Amazon from your site. But that's anything they buy; it doesn't have to be related to interior design. So they might hop to amazon to buy some paint and end up buying a plasma TV. Or a gift for their 10 year old cousin, or a sex toy. (Happens more than you might think)

    Basically, if you send them to Amazon, you get a cut from w/e they buy within a 24 hour window.

    Unless you're starting a consultancy or something, don't worry about having perfect grammar. Just write from the heart. Your expertise will shine through, and ultimately, that's why people are going to come to your blog. Now, if you're starting your own business, grammar and typos do matter..a lot.

    If you do start a blog, look into guest posting once you start to get traffic. Find people in related niches and offer to write a post for them. In exchange, you'll get a link back to your site. This will give you a boost in traffic and a backlink. But don't go overboard with this. In fact, you might want to ask for a no-follow link about half of the time. Just Google that if you don't know what it is. But basically, Google wants the links you acquire to be natural. As in, they don't want you to do anything to get backlinks. But screw them.

    If you never guest post, you'll miss out on very productive partnerships with other authorities in your niche. Ultimately, these relationships can do more for your rank than a single backlink will anyway.

    Some people might tell you that you need to hire an SEO. I think that's overkill in your case. Just write high-quality, informative content and get it out to knowledge-hungry eyeballs.

    Once you've established yourself, you might consider creating a course on Udemy, publishing a book on Amazon or selling an Ebook through Clickbank.

    A YouTube channel would be another good option. It's the second largest search engine in the world.

    Any questions, just list 'em.

    Good luck! It's going to be quite the adventure!


    And yes, ultimately, automation is the way to make millions. But you can build a very stable and lucrative income offering a service.

    Edit 2:

    As far as WSOs, go, I would stay away. 95% of them are a waste of money.

    Edit 3:

    Stay away from Fiverr and similar sites. As a seller and as a customer.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Seriously excellent post.

      Just a clarification...

      Originally Posted by Ghoster View Post

      I think your niche would be a good match for Amazon Associates. You get 4 percent (I think) of w/e they buy after jumping to Amazon from your site. But that's anything they buy; it doesn't have to be related to interior design. So they might hop to amazon to buy some paint and end up buying a plasma TV. Or a gift for their 10 year old cousin, or a sex toy. (Happens more than you might think)

      Basically, if you send them to Amazon, you get a cut from w/e they buy within a 24 hour window.
      The starting level of commission is 4%, and is capped at that for certain categories (like computers). If you're in a country that offer the performance-based pay scale, that can go up to 8% based on the number of items you sell. Move enough items, even low priced ones, and you can up the payment on more expensive items considerably.

      One way to do this is to recommend a higher priced item (say, a battery operated tool set) along with a selection of accessories (drill/screwdriver bits, extra attachments, etc.).
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      • Profile picture of the author Dave Espino
        Hi Snikky,

        The fastest path to the cash flow for you is to teach what you know about renovations, remodeling, construction since you are clearly an expert in that field.

        I don't have to tell you that the field you've been in for decades is MASSIVE in terms of demand and in terms of consumer's ability / desire to spend money to know what works well and what doesn't.

        The more you can "consumerize" what you know, (put it in layman's terms and show your students the "inside scoop" & shortcuts on how / why you do things and how they can save money / avoid scams, headaches in the process) the better!

        You probably have enough experience / content in your head to create and publish dozens of short video courses on Udemy. (these don't have to necessarily be face-to-camera videos, these can be PowerPoint presentations where you narrate them and record them as videos - at least until you get in position to do actual demonstration videos)

        The reason I recommend Udemy as a course platform is because they are a marketing machine and they do most of the marketing / payment processing / fulfillment for you.

        So you create your course ONCE, but then receive ongoing, passive income from that point on.

        This results in ongoing, passive income for you as more and more students enroll in your courses.

        For someone in your particular position, this is far easier and more legitimate than many of the business models you'll find here in the Warrior Forum, so I urge you to check it out closely!

        Udemy currently has 8 million students and growing by the minute.

        I've published 32 Udemy courses and I can help you understand the Udemy world - it's different than traditional internet marketing in several ways.

        This is the easiest and fastest path to the cash for you, in my opinion. (as a successful internet marketer for 16 years)

        I make several $1000s a month (passive income) on Udemy and here's how YOU can, too...

        Get your FREE UDEMY MINI-COURSE here:

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      • Profile picture of the author jan roos
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Seriously excellent post.

        Just a clarification...

        The starting level of commission is 4%, and is capped at that for certain categories (like computers). If you're in a country that offer the performance-based pay scale, that can go up to 8% based on the number of items you sell. Move enough items, even low priced ones, and you can up the payment on more expensive items considerably.

        One way to do this is to recommend a higher priced item (say, a battery operated tool set) along with a selection of accessories (drill/screwdriver bits, extra attachments, etc.).
        John is right. Once your site is more established it is easy to get to the 8% commission mark.

        Also, the DIY niche is very good and I have personally sold a ton of Amazon products in that niche and one of my students is also doing well in that niche.

        I say go for it. It is an interest of yours so stick to that niche. I have made the mistake of entering niches that I am not interested in and it becomes a grind after a while.


        I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

        Sign up for the free money mambas newsletter!

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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Essex
    What do you know? What skills what talents? You would be shocked by how much people will pay to learn a skill you think is simple..write down what you can do - make a simple site with a forum.. talk to people on other forums about what you know.. create a simple course in 10 steps . Charge $400 dollars..

    You will make a good living..
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  • Profile picture of the author leilani
    Take some suggestions from some who have shared with you here.

    Or, go through the Warriors Forum and find information.

    Or.find a course with a mentor.

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  • Profile picture of the author iangh
    I can relate to you after years of heavy lifting myself. I was made redundant and although at the time I didn't think the way I do now, but it was a blessing.

    I was forced to go down another path as I could feel and hear my body telling me enough is enough in the last couple of years before being made redundant.

    I was already making money with eBay so naturally I turned to the internet. At first foolishly thinking I throw a website up and the money pours in. Very common story.

    After a couple of years trying different things and not seeing any success I came across an opportunity to invest in myself and I used some of my redundancy pay and became an iPro partner.

    I had to be honest with myself after following Successful Marketers like Alex Jeffreys and learning where the big money is that I was not in any position to make any kind of info product never mind sell one and build a list of buyers.

    I saw an opportunity to get those big commissions and recurring income in an easier way, while at the same time being taught how to make squeeze pages, how to write copy etc etc etc.

    Some of us don't have youth on our sides and years to spend learning whilst earning little. I made the right decision for me and that was to invest and stand on the shoulders of a very successful marketer.

    I have made the best investment of my life with money making sod all in an isa account. I don't have to worry about anything, I drive traffic that is all my job is and for me I would rather be earning whilst learning.

    All The Best
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    • Profile picture of the author moravian
      As a newbie, you have several options as recommended and discussed in previous posts.

      Some others include, video marketing (fairly easy to do with many available software tools).

      PLR (private label rights) products (books,videos,systems, etc.) in almost any area and a niche you can think about.

      Many of these PLR products you can buy as being already done for you, just add your name and your are in the business. You do need to have your own domain name, blog,email, hosting and autoresponder.

      It looks like too much to do but it is not. As a newbie you can have a somebody do this for you, what is called 'outsourcing' for a reasonable fee. One of the popular places is called 'Fiverr'

      Hope this helps.

      >>> Reach More People And Increase Revenue, Using The Power of INSTAGRAM! Get your FREE eBook now,while it is available ...
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Hi Snikky:

    Start with what you know. Like, do a page of comparisons. For example, the Milwaukee Sawzall versus Porter Cable, Dewalt, Bosch. OK in your web page link back to amazon. That is so people can buy products you review.

    Stuibee recommends joining amazon and we agree. Becoming an affiliate is easy. Also, it does not cost you any money. When you start out, you make approx 4% commission... That is if you sell six items or less, but you get more commission if you sell more. Please remember, you can earn $3 for visitors that you get to sign up for amazon prime. This is a great program. Not only do you get free shipping, but also free movies. Most people who use amazon get prime. Each month amazon will do a direct deposit into your checking account of your commissions.

    Here are the steps for you:
    1. Create product review pages.
    2. Link your products to amazon.
    3. Drive traffic creating videos on you tube.
    4. Most of these videos are comparison mini movies.
    5. Finally do go on social media like twitter and mention your mini movies.
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    • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
      Originally Posted by seobro View Post

      Hi Snikky:

      Start with what you know. Like, do a page of comparisons. For example, the Milwaukee Sawzall versus Porter Cable, Dewalt, Bosch. OK in your web page link back to amazon. That is so people can buy products you review.

      Stuibee recommends joining amazon and we agree. Becoming an affiliate is easy. Also, it does not cost you any money. When you start out, you make approx 4% commission... That is if you sell six items or less, but you get more commission if you sell more. Please remember, you can earn $3 for visitors that you get to sign up for amazon prime. This is a great program. Not only do you get free shipping, but also free movies. Most people who use amazon get prime. Each month amazon will do a direct deposit into your checking account of your commissions.

      Here are the steps for you:
      1. Create product review pages.
      2. Link your products to amazon.
      3. Drive traffic creating videos on you tube.
      4. Most of these videos are comparison mini movies.
      5. Finally do go on social media like twitter and mention your mini movies.
      Excellent advice above for you to follow Snikky.

      Posting videos on YouTube would be a great way for you to share your knowledge, and doing comparisons of different products you use and are very familiar with is an excellent way to go. I would bet you would be earning some nice Amazon commission checks fairly quickly.

      Udemy, as also mentioned above, is another effective method to share your knowledge with the world (and get compensated for it). I am enrolled in an Udemy course right now as a matter of fact and learning some valuable info.
      Free 40-page eBook "How To Earn With CPA Offers"
      + 14 Free Traffic Training Videos -
      Click here now. (no opt-in required)

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Yunker
    Hey Snikky,

    First off.. Congratulations! Even posting on here is a first actionable step to get started making a second income source! That's incredible!

    Throughout my experience "Email Marketing" has been the way to go for beginners! It teaches you all the fundamental skills you need to know to run an online business which isn't super hard, but it just takes some time getting used to..

    The way you can do this is build an opt-in page so people have a place to give you their email and in return for their email give them a high value item (eBook, video series, pdf, etc.) about your topic.

    Then pre-make an autoresponder series using aweber and send them step by step emails on how to get over a common problem that everyone in your industry faces.

    At the end you can let them know if they want to learn more give them your affiliate link to a product you truly believe in and some will go on to buy and you earn a commission!

    Then once that is all setup all you have to do is drive traffic to your opt-in page.

    Hope this helps
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10317762].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Last Activity: 22nd September 2015 08:54 AM
    Join Date: 22nd September 2015

    Just a post and run. Probably for the best. Didn't really sound like taking big risks was right for his situation.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10318124].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      Last Activity: 22nd September 2015 08:54 AM
      Join Date: 22nd September 2015

      Just a post and run. Probably for the best. Didn't really sound like taking big risks was right for his situation.
      Or probably wanted to start Post jacking to get to that Sig level. But found out even that was going to take some work LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10318549].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan S
    There are as may ways to make decent income online as the number of niches around. Just determine your passion, where you can do best and if suits you best. All the best!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10318136].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Sign up for the war room. You can learn various business models and methods to make money online and build a profitable online business from scratch. Once you find a business model you like, go all in and don't hold back. Fail forward, or if you have the funds, invest in a coach to shortcut your path to success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10319002].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Trey Morgan View Post

      Sign up for the war room. You can learn various business models and methods to make money online and build a profitable online business from scratch. Once you find a business model you like, go all in and don't hold back. Fail forward, or if you have the funds, invest in a coach to shortcut your path to success.
      I dont know Trey. I like the War Room. I got it paid for by a fellow warrior years ago. But honestly, I think it is over priced now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10319183].message }}
  • Would it be easy to make the transition to a much less physically challenging job like property manager?
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10324047].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nexstair
    Good to see how we help each other to be come successful.This is how things work.You are actually creating a chain when you give a good advice.

    @ Snikky, my core expertise is website development so whenever you need any help i would be there to support you.That is best i can offer from my side.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10325955].message }}

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