Clickbank - Now what's going on?

23 replies
The post that was published on their blog about these new changes has vanished and if you try to visit the URL from it, you get redirected to the marketplace.

And the bar has vanished from all pages suddenly...

Any one got any insider knowledge?
  • Profile picture of the author TweetPilot
    "this has been put on hold for the time being. You should be getting an email soon with more information."

    I've had that from a contact at CB so keep your eyes on your inbox.

    Got to say I won't believe it until it's 100% confirmed. Would be incredibly surprised but obviously happy too.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I would also bet that the debate in Miles' Original post about this might have something to do with it also. And, I would imagine that this conversation is taking place in other forums and groups that clickbank employees are part of as well


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
      i got an email from clickbank this morning saying the header will go live today and I have a header javascript code in my settings in clickbank, so it seems people are getting different things? Unless they have the email I and a few other people have?
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      • Profile picture of the author TweetPilot
        Originally Posted by shaunybb View Post

        i got an email from clickbank this morning saying the header will go live today and I have a header javascript code in my settings in clickbank, so it seems people are getting different things? Unless they have the email I and a few other people have?
        I had that a day ago but today it's vanished from people's sites when visiting through the hoplink and I've spoken to people are Clickbank about 30mins ago.
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        • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
          ok yes I also now want to know what happening!
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          You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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    • Profile picture of the author MilesBaker
      Here is an email I just received from ClickBank...

      We are listening, and we hear you.

      Our testing with the iframe to extend brand recognition has been concluded. The vendor pitch pages that were included in the test will no longer show in an iframe for hop traffic.

      As a reminder of our previous communications, the performance marketing industry is undergoing significant changes as a result of the increase in online fraud, coinciding with the rollout of new embedded microchip credit cards. ClickBank is working closely with the payment brands and our partners to decrease one area of fraud and risk, associated with the lack of recognition of the ClickBank Internet Retailing brand by consumers, due to our unique marketing model with you our clients.

      We need your partnership in this.

      The ClickBank brand must be part of the funnel and at the top of any screen with a ClickBank payment link, to reduce the volume of consumers who report their charges as fraudulent due to the lack of awareness of the ClickBank brand. This is a problem that affects you as much as ClickBank since you lose revenue from the buyer, affiliate commissions are returned, and the consumer ultimately opts-out of future purchases or subscriptions from you.

      We are actively evaluating the data we gathered during our test to see what iterative changes should be made to the format and content of the header, though we will not serve it through an iframe. As we make modifications to our approach, we will keep you updated.

      Thank you again for the feedback. Our desire is to adapt our solutions and offering to best accommodate the needs of affiliates, vendors and consumers. We value our partnership with you and look forward to the next phase of our growth together.
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  • Profile picture of the author MilesBaker
    The ClickBank brand must be part of the funnel and at the top of any screen with a ClickBank payment link, to reduce the volume of consumers who report their charges as fraudulent due to the lack of awareness of the ClickBank brand.
    Creating a pre-order page that recaps what people are buying and placing the paylink on there would solve this issue. That way the entire main sales page can be left alone entirely. This makes more sense to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author GamerZag
    This change was never about reducing fraud. It was purely to spread Clickbank's brand at the expense of all vendors. It just ended up that the expense to vendors was so high that Clickbank's bottom line was so severely impacted that the value of their brand appeal was not worth as much as Clickbank's loss of revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author TweetPilot
    Clickbank still believing their own BS then.

    The fraud thing is utter rubbish and as GamerZag and many others have said, it was there to push the Clickbank brand.

    "ClickBank is working closely with the payment brands and our partners to decrease one area of fraud and risk, associated with the lack of recognition of the ClickBank Internet Retailing brand by consumers, due to our unique marketing model with you our clients."

    That's also laughable. My refund rate fluctuates between 1 and 3% generally which is to be expected especially when there's a 60 day refund policy (am not moaning about that at all by the way).

    It's all about product quality. It doesn't take 30secs to go onto the CB marketplace and find some rubbish being sold, probably with a 20%+ refund rate. Perhaps if Clickbank was a little more selective on the products they approved then their network wide refunds and chargebacks would drop and they wouldn't be in the position they're currently in and come up with BS excuses.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
      Originally Posted by TweetPilot View Post

      It's all about product quality. It doesn't take 30secs to go onto the CB marketplace and find some rubbish being sold, probably with a 20%+ refund rate. Perhaps if Clickbank was a little more selective on the products they approved then their network wide refunds and chargebacks would drop and they wouldn't be in the position they're currently in and come up with BS excuses.
      True, but if all these scammers went away, what would happen with ClickBank's profits? I don't have stats, but I'm sure they would take a serious hit. Of course, in the long run, it would only benefit them and the whole industry: they would solidify their brand as a trusted retailer, and would force marketers to not downright lie anymore.

      But that takes time, and more importantly, it involves a loss of money. Plus, there's no guarantee it would ever work. So they've taken the easier choice: keep the rubbish products in place and try to someone please Visa or whoever complains.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      My experience tells me it went along these lines:

      CB hired an outside expert in an effort to "increase reach" - and the recommendation was "need more branding". This "header" was the proposed solution....and CB jumped on the bandwagon without feedback or testing.

      When vendors and affiliates started saying "I'm out of here" was time to QUICKLY "reconsider." So NOW it was a "test".

      Just be grateful they were paying some attention at least!

      In business I've seen "outside experts consulted" who recommended sweeping changes in a business without having any real knowledge of the business...and that's what this feels like to me.
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      • Profile picture of the author joelmandre
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        My experience tells me it went along these lines:

        CB hired an outside expert in an effort to "increase reach" - and the recommendation was "need more branding". This "header" was the proposed solution....and CB jumped on the bandwagon without feedback or testing.

        When vendors and affiliates started saying "I'm out of here" was time to QUICKLY "reconsider." So NOW it was a "test".

        Just be grateful they were paying some attention at least!

        In business I've seen "outside experts consulted" who recommended sweeping changes in a business without having any real knowledge of the business...and that's what this feels like to me.
        This 100% seems likely.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        When vendors and affiliates started saying "I'm out of here" was time to QUICKLY "reconsider." So NOW it was a "test".

        Just be grateful they were paying some attention at least!
        I don't think it was what people said since they went ahead despite all the threats. I think it's what the numbers said and I imagine the numbers on this spoke loud and clear from the very first hour.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I think reconsidering and pulling the plug on this abomination was certainly a smart move on Clickbank's part.

    I cannot for the life of me, however, figure out what putting a header across all of their vendor sales pages has to do with fraud.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pnigro
    I posted this on another thread but here it is again:


    This header thing is the stupidest idea I've ever seen.

    And I'm no newbie, I've been making a living off Clickbank for the past 6 years. Thanks to Clickbank I bought a new house and traveled around the world.

    First of all, from a copywriting perspective, having a Clickbank header is the equivalent of going to a clothing store and seeing a big Coca Cola poster at the entrance, seriously wtf?

    Second, customers reach Clickbank products because they are looking for a solution to their particular problems. They are not interested in browsing a marketplace. Clickbank is NOT Amazon or Ebay.

    Third, most customers don't even know what Clickbank is. If anything, they will get confused by the header, not knowing what the hell is going on.

    Fourth, the sales page itself doesn't work properly. I can't use my arrow keys to move up and down the page, unless I click first on the content. This damages the user experience greatly.

    Fifth, no reputable Internet company uses frames like that anymore. This is not the year 2000.

    Sixth, the URL looks way too spammy. It not only removes the domain branding aspect of the products, but it even scares people.

    Seventh, for foreign languages, when people click on marketplace they are sent to the ENGLISH version of Clickbank. This is obviously a bug, but the whole thing is just madness. Speaking of foreign languages, latinos have absolutely no clue what Clickbank is. It is difficult enough already to sell to them, but now you are making it way more difficult. I can guarantee you that latinos will never EVER start browsing Clickbank marketplace with the intention of buying additional products.

    Eight and last, this header will never work, period. People won't start using Clickbank like they do Amazon. Stop trying to become something you're not. This change is affecting us all. It makes no sense.

    Please, for the love of God, cancel this horrible idea.

    Thanks for reading,
    A fellow Clickbank vendor and affiliate
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  • Profile picture of the author Pnigro
    "The ClickBank brand must be part of the funnel and at the top of any screen with a ClickBank payment link, to reduce the volume of consumers who report their charges as fraudulent due to the lack of awareness of the ClickBank brand."

    Then just change the credit card statement!!!!!

    On top of that, they can change the order form to something like "Order through Clickbank".

    I don't know, there are so many things that can be done, just don't mess with the sales pages.

    Also, chargebacks and refunds are more related to the quality of the product. I wouldn't mind if Clickbank gets more strict with product guidelines.
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  • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
    The ClickBank brand must be part of the funnel and at the top of any screen with a ClickBank payment link, to reduce the volume of consumers who report their charges as fraudulent due to the lack of awareness of the ClickBank brand. This is a problem that affects you as much as ClickBank since you lose revenue from the buyer, affiliate commissions are returned, and the consumer ultimately opts-out of future purchases or subscriptions from you.
    I don't know how often people charge-back because they don't recognize ClickBank on their billing statement, but I'm struggling to believe it's that much because nowaday's many people statements are full of generic things like "PayPal", - plus many vendors rarely get charge-backs (I don't remember the last charge-back I had).

    But if ClickBank are genuinely concerned that people might charge-back because they do NOT expect ClickBank to appear on their credit card statement, there is a really easy solution which does not require changing the entire sales funnel..

    1. Put in prominent text (not some tiny grey footer) on the clickbank's payment form the following text: "This purchase will appear on your credit card statement as being from ClickBank"

    2. Put the same text on the post-payment page

    3. Put the same text within the email receipt that they send to customers

    4. Ask/Require vendors to put the same text on their thank you pages

    This will have virtually no effect on conversion or SEO, doesn't break existing websites, doesn't cause technical problems, doesn't destroy vendors brand/identity. And I doubt anybody would have real objection to suchchanges.

    There's also one more thing they could potentially do. A few years ago, I asked at a meeting with ClickBank why they don't put the product name (which ClickBank knows) on the customer's billing statement. e.g. so instead of "" appearing on the statement it would say "ClickBank - Weight Loss eBook" or "ClickBank - Internet Marketing Course by ...." or whatever. I was told this was possible, but would cost them some extra money. Maybe they should look into this again. I did notice without something else I purchased recently through another online retail system, that they didn exactly that.
    ClickBank Vendor?
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    • Profile picture of the author Stefan Vee
      Originally Posted by SunilTanna View Post

      There's also one more thing they could potentially do. A few years ago, I asked at a meeting with ClickBank why they don't put the product name (which ClickBank knows) on the customer's billing statement. e.g. so instead of "" appearing on the statement it would say "ClickBank - Weight Loss eBook" or "ClickBank - Internet Marketing Course by ...." or whatever. I was told this was possible, but would cost them some extra money. Maybe they should look into this again. I did notice without something else I purchased recently through another online retail system, that they didn exactly that.
      Clickbank - Penis Enlargement Program by ...
      Privacy is the reason why they don't
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      • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
        Originally Posted by Stefan Vee View Post

        Clickbank - Penis Enlargement Program by ...
        Privacy is the reason why they don't

        The person who sees the credit card statement is the customer - i.e. the person whose credit card it is and presumbly knows what they purchased, but just may need reminding.

        That aside I'm sure it would possible to either implement some bad word filter, or in a few special cases agree with the vendor not to put their product name on the statement.
        ClickBank Vendor?
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      • Profile picture of the author Pnigro
        Originally Posted by Stefan Vee View Post

        Clickbank - Penis Enlargement Program by ...
        Privacy is the reason why they don't
        No need to include the name product, they could just include the product's category.

        For example: Clickbank Men's Health Product or Clickbank Dating Guides Product.
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        • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
          Originally Posted by Pnigro View Post

          No need to include the name product, they could just include the product's category.

          For example: Clickbank Men's Health Product or Clickbank Dating Guides Product.
          That doesn't work (and might actually be counter-productive) for vendors who have multiple products in 1 account.... which is probably more vendors than you realize.

          ClickBank eBook or ClickBank Software etc. might be a better solution if they don't want to use the actual product name - since the type of product is recorded on a per-product rather than per-account basis.
          ClickBank Vendor?
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  • Profile picture of the author joaquin112
    I was researching a Clickbank alternative this morning. Glad they reconsidered as overall I'm happy with them.

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