screencast-o-matic and audio

2 replies
Hi all,
I have the pro version of screencast-o-matic. Can somebody tell me how to normalize audio with it?
I have many videos with audio taken with screencast-o-matic. I need to normalize the audio
#audio #screencastomatic
  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    Always when you have pro versions of any products, for any troubles go to their support staff.. they will gladly help you
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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    • Profile picture of the author qmt
      I have used Screencast-O-Matic. I don't think it does what you want in a one click step. More of a manual process of selecting a section of audio and increasing of decreasing the volume for that selection. You can select computer and narration separately, but not both at once. It is a high value $15 investment, but it is not Camtasia.
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