A way to do this in Wordpress? Maybe a plugin?

8 replies
For those of you who run websites (not regularly updated blogs) with Wordpress, how do you keep your content LOOKING fresh?

For example, if I come across a site and see the last posting was long ago, 9 out of 10 times, I close the window.

Is their a way to constantly update the post date in Wordpress so your site looks current? I believe it can be done in Blogger. Check out this example I came across:
Acting Auditions

Each posts post date has been updated to today's date, yet none of those posts were posted today.

#fresh content #plugin #post date #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Diamond
    When I'm building a more or less static site in WordPress I just remove the dates from the theme templates where necessary.

    Many of my sites have both static and dynamic sections. In those cases I use pages for the static parts (typically the page template doesn't have the date) and I use posts for the dynamic parts, where the dates are appropriate and will show that fresh content is being added.

    Mindfulness training & coaching online
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficGuy Claude
    You could also place a Javascript current date and time code in your theme template so all your posts look like they were posted that day.
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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    Look in your theme template. There could be a few files that need edited depending on your theme,((EX: single-post,main index,archives,search results.blog page...etc).

    Look for the date posted code
    <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y'); ?> or <?php the_date('l, F jS, Y'); ?>
    and replace it with
    <?php echo date('l, F jS, Y'); ?>
    Or you can simply remove the first part and show no dates.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    I use themes with the date removed entirely (see my sig for examples).

    There's a plugin around that will do this, sort of, but it doesn't work with all themes from what I understand.

    I also use Old Post Promoter to continuously recycle content.
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    • Profile picture of the author BinderGang
      Originally Posted by bgmacaw View Post

      I use themes with the date removed entirely (see my sig for examples).

      There's a plugin around that will do this, sort of, but it doesn't work with all themes from what I understand.

      I also use Old Post Promoter to continuously recycle content.

      Great resources everyone! Thanks for the help and I hope my thread has helped others who were wondering the same.

      bgmacaw, you hit it on the head with what I was looking for. These are great.
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      • Profile picture of the author mystarter
        Of course it helps others too...at least me

        Thanks for the thread and all answers.

        Originally Posted by BinderGang View Post

        Great resources everyone! Thanks for the help and I hope my thread has helped others who were wondering the same.

        bgmacaw, you hit it on the head with what I was looking for. These are great.

        Nothing to sell

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