Why wordpress is better than blogspot or weebly?

by shafideaf Banned
19 replies
Last time I tried blogspot and weebly for free but not powerful! Then I bought domain then installed wordpress then it is better and google rank is good! But why not power for blogspot and weebly?
#blogspot #weebly #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author jogunn
    I think you answered your own question. Wordpress has more options to optimize your blog for search engines, so you're picking up more traffic - more traffic, the higher your ranking.
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    • Profile picture of the author shafideaf
      Originally Posted by jogunn View Post

      I think you answered your own question. Wordpress has more options to optimize your blog for search engines, so you're picking up more traffic - more traffic, the higher your ranking.
      I checked compare them! I do not understand blogspot and weebly for weak! My brother posted more times posts on blogspot but not improve traffic then he feels boring! So I ask you that is why!
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    But why not power for blogspot and weebly?
    "Free" tends to attract low quality.

    The Internet is like a city with different neighborhoods. Just like in real life you are sometimes judged by where you hang out and who you hang out with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Well you don't own BlogSpot nor Weebly. Plus Google can close down your BlogSpot account at anytime - for any reason... even no reason. Wordpress is flexible and just brutally stronger and more advanced than BlogSpot or Weebly. Plus you get to have your own domain name... instead of the default ugly addresses they give you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    Yeah, you're not in control of the other sites. That's a good enough reason to drop them. They have "rules". Plus, a free site just isn't as attractive to the end user.

    With Wordpress you can do almost anything you want. And they're super fast to install and customize when you want your own website that YOU own.

    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Amonmag
    In simpler words, the comparison between
    - Android apps - iOS apps - windows apps
    Android is an open, sources so the beginner also tries to get his hand in developing an open sources as comparative to iOS and windows app. So, everyday someone WordPress developers are trying to out rank their competitors.

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  • Profile picture of the author tomkidotiptrick
    if you are serious business, investments and host domain name was purchased right choice.

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  • Profile picture of the author VishalAgra
    Wordpress has thousand of plugins to optimize website. Blogspot lack many important plugins.
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  • Profile picture of the author LisaGrocke
    Wordpress simply have more tools and it’s compatible with huge amount of other platforms.
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  • Profile picture of the author michealkhobis
    The wordpress is more customization than the blogger. There are many theme which is usable to the Wordpress, that's why it is more reliable to the general people. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author 24INVEST
    Believe it or not. But I hate wordpress, I have had 2 wordpress websites and it has always been a hell of a job to customize the website. I don't know code and because of that it's a lot harder to actually make a good website. I have had an weebly website once and that just wonderful, very easy to make websites with. But problem with websites like weebly is they use flash and so it's harder to rank them. Nowadays I only outsource the job and I pretty much hate that too
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  • Profile picture of the author itos
    With WordPress I love all the customization you can do. Specially if you have your own hosting and use the WordPress.org version. With all the custom plugins and themes you can do almost any type of site not only blogs.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Originally Posted by shafideaf View Post

    Last time I tried blogspot and weebly for free but not powerful! Then I bought domain then installed wordpress then it is better and google rank is good! But why not power for blogspot and weebly?
    I think you have already experience three of them an find the differences between them.
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  • Profile picture of the author stackman
    A self-hosted Wordpress site will ALWAYS do better than a free "make your own web site" service such as Weebly. Such sites get no respect from search engines and are typically very amateurish.
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  • Profile picture of the author time4vps
    Blogspot is owned by Google, and there are chances that they can delete your Blogspot account without giving you any warning. WordPress offers more options to optimize your blog for search engine where as in BlogSpot you are limited to certain settings. WordPress is blessed with features like plugin and a strong community to get support. WordPress makes your life easy using simple plugins for everything you need. Blogspot- One of the simple reason is its free, and mass number of people are using it for Blackhat SEO, spamming and for affiliate landing pages. BlogSpot offers many templates but due to the commercial nature of WordPress, you will find unlimited free and Premium WordPress themes. BlogSpot used to be the best way to get your AdSense account approved, but later on it’s becoming tough to get your Adsense account with BlogSpot. With WordPress and your domain email address, getting your blog approved is very easy. Google strictly doesn’t allow reselling of BlogSpot blogs, but the case is different here with the self-hosted blog. You can always resell your self-hosted blog. Buysellads doesn’t accept BlogSpot bloggers.

    So, Wordpress is the king, seriously
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  • Profile picture of the author espot30
    Wordpress is built to be expansive for developers to add more features over time. Which allows your website to change with the times. However, Blogspot an Weebly doesn't have the same ability. They're both pretty much built in limitation. Google is forever changing so if you are on a platform that is reluctant to change you probably need to switch.

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  • Profile picture of the author gdi4life
    I simply do not trust Blogspot (Blogger) after they randomly, out of the blue shut down two of my well establoished blogs. Both of my blogs had been online working fine for over six months each, so needless to say I was devastated.

    Wordpress is the gold standard imho. Great monetization functionality with domain forwarding make it an absolute winner in my books.

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  • Profile picture of the author N8fighter
    can't believe that there can be any WordPress haters. It’s an awesome platform with the multiple ways for customization. yes, it has its minuses but there is no better choice at the moment.
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