Why everybody making money online but I cant

72 replies
I got two very good friends. Both of them working in internet and making 3000 - 4000 dollars per one month. I asked them about it. They give me a links to website builder like Site2you.com and websites for SEO companies. I always thought that they selling something here But looks like they making money in different way.
I ll try to be ownest, I dont like to work for 10 hours in a day and want to make money quick.
Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?
#making #money #online
  • I'm sure its possible but it depends on so many things.

    If you're just beginning, the first obstacle you need to overcome is the mindset that this is instant money. That's just the marketing of many of the products - selling the sizzle not the sausage.

    The question is what do you already know and then how you can use it. If you don't already have plenty of knowledge and you don't have the time to invest then my advice would be to scale back your expectations (but not your goal).

    Have a think about it though - if you put the time in and started clearing $10,000 - $15,000 a month, wouldn't the the 10 hours be worth it?

    What you may want to to get going is to look at the work of Michelle Adams as she writes a blog that I came across this morning which was really useful with some great free downloads. It's a good start. Then you might want to have a look at something that sets out a blueprint over a time period, similar to that which I've reviewed below. There are others as well. See what looks like it will work for you.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author NetInvestor
    Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

    I got two very good friends. Both of them working in internet and making 3000 - 4000 dollars per one month. I asked them about it. They give me a links to website builder like Site2you.com and websites for SEO companies. I always thought that they selling something here But looks like they making money in different way.
    I ll try to be ownest, I dont like to work for 10 hours in a day and want to make money quick.
    Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?

    i´m sure you can. But not at the beginning...ask your friends..they dit´nt earn this yesterday to today...it takes time till you are in this position to work only 2 hours a day..

    Try affilate marketing there is some quick money...but also not without work :-)


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  • Profile picture of the author Glenn Leader
    Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

    I got two very good friends. Both of them working in internet and making 3000 - 4000 dollars per one month. I asked them about it. They give me a links to website builder like Site2you.com and websites for SEO companies. I always thought that they selling something here But looks like they making money in different way.
    I ll try to be ownest, I dont like to work for 10 hours in a day and want to make money quick.
    Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?

    So let me see if I've understood you correctly,
    you want to put minimal effort in AND you want
    to earn money fast. That sounds like a recipe
    for success, so you won't even need any luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

    Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?
    No...Shortest answer I've ever given in any forum...EVER.
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

      No...Shortest answer I've ever given in any forum...EVER.
      LOL... that was funny.

      Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?
        sure - in your dreams

        I think the easy button is broken. I pushed it and no money came out.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1064391].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          sure - in your dreams

          I think the easy button is broken. I pushed it and no money came out.
          Press it again

          Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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          • Profile picture of the author Al Vaughan
            Originally Posted by Scott Ames View Post

            Press it again

            I love it I want one..will it grow in my garden?
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        • Profile picture of the author candoit2
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          sure - in your dreams

          I think the easy button is broken. I pushed it and no money came out.
          Did you check clickbank for a manual on how to fix the easy button? -)


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    • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

      No...Shortest answer I've ever given in any forum...EVER.
      Steven, I beg to differ... there are PLENTY of ways to make that much in a few hours quick and easy, with no experience... might not be legal, ethical, or anything you would want your family or friends to find out that you do, but there are ways... oh there are ways... :p



      Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author wisecrone333
    One of the biggest things I have had to overcome when I have been helping people try and make money online is the idea that easy money can come to a newbie with no skills and that yes they will make thousands in just a short space of time.

    I am sorry if I sound cynical but in my opinion, if you don't have many skills then you will need a heck of a lot of luck. I am online up to 18 hours a day, learning, creating, marketing and what not and I have yet to see any positive results. I know it can happen though, but it is going to take time.

    My 2cents
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  • Profile picture of the author Debbie Allen
    If you find a way to do that (work for 1-2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars), without putting in the work, effort, and journeying through the learning curve, you will be able to make a lot more than that amount with less work. Why - because you could package that information and it would sell itself. You would make millions!

    The fact is that Internet Marketing can be very profitable, but you have to work at it. Your success does not happen immediately. In fact, for many of us, success does not come for several months or even years.

    I suggest that instead of you striving for $1000 in the beginning of your IM work, you instead focus on making any profit at all. Then, once you figure out a way of creating an income that works for you - simply build on that concept. I know it's hard to do, but try not to think only of the money. Instead, focus on the steps that will lead you to that dream income. This really comes down to having a business plan.

    Ultimately you will need to be able to offer something (a product or service) that people want and need. Focus on doing that well. Expect problems to come along and don't assume that your path to success will be a straight and smooth roadway.

    The good news is that with each problem you face, you learn a new lesson. And you will find that as your knowledge builds your business skills improve and eventually your income begins to grow.
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    • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
      sigh - I too am online 15 hrs/day average between building websites, marketing, social media, networking AND...this is the big one - LEARNING.

      I do have money coming in but not enough to sit back and coast on while putting in a few hours a day. I do see the fruits of the hard work in the distance though.

      There is a HUGE learning curve here for anyone who wants to be successful in IM, (imo) and not have to go back to work for "the man".
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  • Profile picture of the author dynameek
    Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

    I got two very good friends. Both of them working in internet and making 3000 - 4000 dollars per one month. I asked them about it. They give me a links to website builder like Site2you.com and websites for SEO companies. I always thought that they selling something here But looks like they making money in different way.
    I ll try to be ownest, I dont like to work for 10 hours in a day and want to make money quick.
    Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?
    Of course it's possible to make money online - even on here alone if you know how to go about it. I feel sorry for you though because if those guys are truely your friends like you said and they know how willing you are to make money just like them, then, they should at least show you a few tricks to get you started - something to earn you from $100 to $300 a week and you can build on it from there. But then, I'm not sure how close you are to them...
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    Just push this button:


    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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    • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
      Originally Posted by Scott Ames View Post

      Just push this button:

      YAY I'M RICH BABY! Time to take my family and friends on the most expensive vacations, buy the most expensive cars and houses, and a lot of crap that I don't even need!

      But seriously, I'm sick of all the people who claim that they work one to two hours a day and make money. I want to see video proof that they set something up in an hour or two then make money with it. Until then, I will say that I'm right. When I was flipping startups (when it worked back then), it would take me four hours just to build the site and another hour to hour and a half to customize it if need be.

      You can make money online, but you have to put elbow grease in it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Flaura78
        Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

        YAY I'M RICH BABY! Time to take my family and friends on the most expensive vacations, buy the most expensive cars and houses, and a lot of crap that I don't even need!

        But seriously, I'm sick of all the people who claim that they work one to two hours a day and make money. I want to see video proof that they set something up in an hour or two then make money with it. Until then, I will say that I'm right. When I was flipping startups (when it worked back then), it would take me four hours just to build the site and another hour to hour and a half to customize it if need be.

        You can make money online, but you have to put elbow grease in it.
        Yep, there's so many things to do. And be aware of plug-in systems cos they might not work for you, only for experts and you end aup paying them.
        After building up a business it it possible to put in minimum effort for maximum rewards but in the beginning it is the other way round.

        Online Marketing Agencies let you down? Leave it to Laura!
        Customized automated online marketing sales funnels for your business.

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        • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
          Originally Posted by Flaura78 View Post

          After building up a business it it possible to put in minimum effort for maximum rewards but in the beginning it is the other way round.
          The majority of the time, 'minimum' still doesn't mean as little as they claim.

          I was listening to a high profile copywriter who frequents this board at time, and he even said he has to put in 10 hours a day even now.

          And he makes quite a bit of cash from his copywriting.

          The truth is, there are no quick fixes, for anyone.

          I know of plenty of CEOs of billion dollar companies who still go to work before their staff and leave after their staff have all gone home at the end of the day.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
        Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

        YAY I'M RICH BABY! Time to take my family and friends on the most expensive vacations, buy the most expensive cars and houses, and a lot of crap that I don't even need!

        But seriously, I'm sick of all the people who claim that they work one to two hours a day and make money. I want to see video proof that they set something up in an hour or two then make money with it. Until then, I will say that I'm right. When I was flipping startups (when it worked back then), it would take me four hours just to build the site and another hour to hour and a half to customize it if need be.

        You can make money online, but you have to put elbow grease in it.
        You know why those people 'exist'?

        Because we want them to.

        We want to live in hope that it is possible to make all that cash with so little work.

        And, as long as there are people who want the dream to be real, there will be people who will sell those dreams.

        That's an easy earner.
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    • Profile picture of the author nontemplates
      Originally Posted by Scott Ames View Post

      Just push this button:

      I nominate this for post of the month.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sissy76
      Ha! Fantastic! Just what I've been looking for.

      Originally Posted by Scott Ames View Post

      Just push this button:

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  • Profile picture of the author andas09
    last month i would say i done about 40 hours in doing articles, SEO and other ways to earn and it brought in about $195 additional income.

    I dont mind doing the hours as i am confident there will be rewards later on

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  • Profile picture of the author Pokerlover
    If you want to have control your work hours, you can try Odesk.com.. There are a lot of job opportunities available at that site so you can choose which job you will take and at what rate.. Just make sure you provide a good cover letter and make your profile presentable.. There's no required hours a day for some employers for as long as you can complete or at least work for a specific number of hours in a week.. I am a provider myself and I only work about 1-2 hours a day.. I can't however assure you of a very high salary unless you can do programming and such because lots get hired despite high rates.. Check the site out so that you will know..
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  • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
    While it may not be possible, I can sure understand how you feel.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jagged
      Q: Why everybody making money online but I cant ?
      A: Because you have the ill-conceived notion that Internet Marketing is easy......The term "sweat equity" isn't in your vocabulary

      Q: Why everybody making money online but I cant ?
      A: Because you haven't done your homework, your research, your long hours building your "foundation".....(how anyone thinks they can build anything without a strong foundation is beyond me).

      Q: Why everybody making money online but I cant ?
      A: Because you haven't built a "reputation" or a level of trust yet...that takes time....Your not willing to put in the time...so it's my bet (and a safe one at that) that you will be forever doomed to a life as a "wanna-be".

      Need I go on?
      I easily can....

      Dozens of "wanna-be's" show up here everyday...asking the same question....and the same dozens leave after a short time...after the illusions of "easy money" never appear....

      Good luck in your next profession....with your attitude...it's obvious IM isn't your calling.

      Best of luck,
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        With the exception of Ken Perry's post above (thanks Ken) everybody has
        been tip toeing around this issue.

        Well, maybe you need to get a real dose of reality. If this doesn't send you
        screaming from here for your mommy then maybe you might have a shot.

        When I first started to try to make a living online (over 6 years ago) I was
        clueless. It took me over 5 months (working 14 hours a day) just to learn
        all there was out there.

        THEN I finally started to make some money.

        It took me 6 years to reach a point where I now work about 8 hours a
        month. I just finished my 50th CD this morning (original music) and am
        having a blast.

        But those 6 years were 6 of the toughest years I ever had in my life. I
        wrote until my eyes were bloodshot.

        I made a name for myself. I prided myself on 24 hour customer service
        turnaround time (sometimes as quickly as minutes). I provided real value
        and priced my products fairly.

        I then went outside the MMO niche and made money off of health, dating,
        music, gambling, you name it.

        I got more pen names out there than Carter has liver pills.

        The people here who know me better than anyone have no clue how
        many things I'm really into. If they did, their head would spin like a top,
        eject from their neck and land somewhere in the pacific.

        I spit blood to get to where I am.

        Sure, you want to make $1,000 a month (I'm assuming you mean monthly)
        only working 2 hours a day?

        Here is what you do. It will take you a long time to get there but it can
        be done. Simply stretch out your time frame.

        For example, it will probably take you about 24 hours to come up with a
        solid business plan. Working 8 hour days (doing all the research) I could
        probably come up with a solid plan in about 3 days. For you, working 2
        hours a day, it will take you close to 2 weeks. But no problem. At least
        then, you'll have a solid business plan...assuming you even know how to
        make one. Don't know? Find somebody who can help you.

        Prepare to pay him for his time.

        After you've come up with your business plan, the next step is to
        implement it. That means finding or creating a product or service, getting
        a sales page or main site, working on finding promotional avenues (these
        will differ depending on your niche) and building relationships.

        Working 8 hour days, I can probably get all this done in 30 days.

        Working 2 hour days, it will take you about 120 days or 4 months.

        Right now you're up to about 5 months working without seeing a dime
        yet, but it's okay. You're only putting in your 2 hours a day...provided
        you haven't gotten disgusted and discouraged yet because you've put
        in all this time and haven't seen a penny...at the same time spending a
        bit of money for hosting, domain, site creation (unless you want to learn
        how to do it yourself...that's another 40 t0 80 hours of study) and so on.

        Then, after you finally get your business running, wait...there is customer
        support. Depending on your business model, that can be a lot or a little.

        But hey, no problem...you're making money now so all you have to do is
        outsource your customer support from your income. That way you can
        still work your 2 hours a day...or heck, you can just retire like I've
        pretty much done.

        Have I painted a pretty clear picture of what you have ahead of you?

        As Ken said, this may not be for you.

        If I was a gambling man (oh wait, I am) my money would be on you
        dropping out of IM in about 6 months tops.

        Save yourself the trouble and go find a job that pays $250 a week.

        There's your $1,000 a month.

        Except to work 2 hours a day, it would have to pay $25 per hour.

        Hope you've got a skill...cause you're gonna need it.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Sure, anything is possible. You could win the lottery if you buy the right ticket. Is it going to happen? Probably not.

    If your "friends" aren't willing to help you, then maybe you should reevaluate their friendship. But forget about them if they are not willing to give you some insight and help. You are a member of the Warrior Forum. Spend time reading lots of threads here and eventually you will learn. You will probably find a few friends that can and will help you. And if you read enough, you will learn enough to make some money.

    You will probably earn a lot more than $1,000 if you work at it, but also, you will probably spend more than an hour or two to earn it. The information is here to help you, you just got to take the time to learn it and put it into practice.

    Good luck.

    Tim Pears

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    • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
      Originally Posted by timpears View Post

      If your "friends" aren't willing to help you, then maybe you should reevaluate their friendship.
      I was thinking the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author Echnaton69
    Everytime I see a "easy no-effort autopilot" strategy I will of course shy away from it ...

    1. More often than not .. these claims are just not true ..
    2. If its REALLY that easy you can expect it will be overcrowded in few weeks (or is already dead since months)
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  • Profile picture of the author ltdraper
    Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

    Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?
    Yes, but it involves Craigslist and constantly getting STDs.

    Nothing to see here, move along...

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  • Profile picture of the author ajeavey
    You can make money online. You just have to find what works for you. And as the others have said, it will take time to build up to that kind of income, but you can do it.

    "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. For thoughts are things, and what powerful things they are, so use them wisely."

    One thing you can do is to change your mindset to one of achievement instead of failure. Start saying out loud several times a day " I am a money magnet!". Say it with conviction and enthusiasm, and you will start to make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    First of all, not everyone is making lots of money, and
    many of those who are making sales have seen a big
    drop in the last year. Much of this can be attributed
    to the recession and the fact that people are holding
    on to their money longer.

    You need to ask yourself if you are targeting the right
    niche. The internet marketing niche in particular can
    be tough right now. Many of your potential customers
    are more skeptical and jaded than ever, and they
    analyze ever word in your emails or on your websites.

    You also need to make sure that you market something
    that your customers actually want, and in fact are
    already looking for. You can no longer find a product
    that you like, and then go out and try to convince others
    that it's something that they want. That's a steep
    uphill climb.

    You need to identify who your customers really are, then
    ask what's their most painful problem that they are willing
    to pay to solve, and then offer them that solution!

    I blogged about this topic recently. You'll find the post
    on my blog at: http://WillieCrawford.com/blog2/


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
    Click To Go BIG!

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    • Profile picture of the author Hyaku_Man
      Hahaha. With that work ethic you'll never make any money. Even if your goal is automated income, at the beginning you'll have to work hard to set everything up and learn how to do it. Then once it's done you would be stupid to stop working and not build new income streams.

      No method will get you $1000 a day for 1 or 2 hours of work as a newbie. If you are a veteran serious marketer you could do it, but first you have to learn what you're doing and that takes lots of time and effort.

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      • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
        Originally Posted by Hyaku_Man View Post

        .... Even if your goal is automated income, at the beginning you'll have to work hard to set everything up and learn how to do it.
        I agree completely :-)


        Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
        Click To Go BIG!

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  • Profile picture of the author Shana_Adam
    Im afraid dear friend. In the beginning you need to do some hard work then you can use the money that you make to invest and create more money where you wont have to work that hard!

    No body magically becomes rich overnight every one pays there dues ie through working.

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    • You are all so funny guys. Lovely button EASY Scott and lots of need mesages. But how about Bill Gates? I dont think that in his time he thought how to make 5 dollars in a day All reach people dreaming about millions not about cents ))
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      • Profile picture of the author Glenn Leader
        Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

        8< snipped

        But how about Bill Gates? I dont think that in his time he thought how to make 5 dollars in a day All reach people dreaming about millions not about cents ))
        Bill Gates made it big by luck more than judgement. It's true he might have
        hit it big anyway, but he still had to put in the hours to be in the right place
        at the right time.

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        • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
          Originally Posted by Glenn Leader View Post

          Bill Gates made it big by luck more than judgement.
          Bill's big score was BASIC for the Altair. Here's what he did:

          - Called up MITS to tell them he had the product.
          - Made an appointment to show it to them.
          - Built an Altair simulator (Bill did not own an Altair)
          - Wrote the BASIC interpreter
          - Showed it to them at the meeting

          He found a hungry niche, pre-sold to his list, then made the product they wanted in time for them to buy it!
          "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    As Malcolm Gladwell says, you have to have your 10,000 hours in before being good at something just like the beatles did before hitting it big in the US.

    Do you have your 10K in for marketing, writing, graphics, sales, business? The people making the big money right now have that 10K in. If not, better find some other way to make $1000/hr.

    PS: Bill Gates had his 10000 hours in programming before hitting it big.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author HelenS
    money makes money so if you haven't got it... time it is!

    just my opinion
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  • Profile picture of the author alkeys
    I know how you feel. I have been online for a while and not made very much. But I enjoy doing it and always eager to learn new things. It comes with practice. Let's just say I know more now than I did then and anticipate to see the results in a few months. Stick with something that you like, has low to medium competition, has an adequate market size and a good target audience willing to pay for what you promote.

    To your success I'm cheering in your corner
    Whenever you feel like giving up, think how you would feel if you realized you were just a day away from the success you desire. Stay Motivated !

    Clickbank Newbie Affiliate

    IM/Make Money List of 310 subscribers (and growing) 60 unique clicks for Adswaps
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  • Profile picture of the author Carrie12
    This is the same question which I asked in many forums and to myself a while back but making money online is not everyone's piece of cake this is what I understood and realized.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Bheites
    Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

    Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?
    Absolutely. Google Cash, **** and Government Grants will make you Rich and Famous and you can make tons of money even while sitting on the toilet!

    have a great day

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  • Profile picture of the author Josef_Benjamin
    A recession is a mindset created by the masses and it's not a mentality you have to adopt.

    You can CHOOSE to believe your God-Given abundance is limited by what other people choose to believe. Or...you can choose to believe you can have any and everything you desire.

    As far as making money quick. It's possible. I know this because I live it.

    Will it happen the first, second, or thrid time you try doing it? not likely...but that's MY reality. That was my experinece. And you certainly don't have to experinece the same pitfalls and mistakes I have (education can help avoid most of them)...but trial and error is inevitable for anyone going after something worthwhile getting.

    YOU have to have the "guts" to know that not everything you do will go as plan.

    I joined a Network Marketing business many months ago and it was mental bootcamp from hell. But it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've made MANY mistakes that helped me LEARN to accept mistakes as O.K. I took this training, applied it to affiliate marketing and ebay and my income skyrocketed.


    Because when I screwed up, I knew the power of Consistent Persistence from my training in Network Marketing.

    You don't have to join a NWM business, but for some ppl (like me) it may very well be the very thing you need to teach you skill of persistence & confidence even when things get bad.

    Making a $1000 a week is possible. But it all starts with the mindset. You develope that mindset through experience mostly.
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    • Lots of smart people here as I see Well lets make our discussion more interesting...
      I am not first day in business And not getting young from day to day
      Here the budget - 50 000 dollars. Is that make sense to use website builders? Is that enough to start online business? If answer yes, please say why, if answer no, also explaine your thinking.
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      • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
        Apart from the obvious observations people have made here about how you're expecting to get rich sitting on your arse doing next to nothing (which is really not going to happen)...

        The other side of this is that you're are being completely self centered.

        At no time do you ask how you might be of service to others or give value to them.

        All you seem to care about is making money.

        If you focus on bringing real value to other people then it's not hard to make a good income online.

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author cvetanski
    Yes, probably you can make money online, and yes, probably you can work for less than 3 hours a day,...BUT youreally have to have skills, talant and a little knowladge.
    Other than that it's just nonsense.

    1. You need to know how to create and maintain a website/blog or email list.
    2.You need to find a good selling/converting product.
    3. You need to know how to generate traffic that buys

    Everything else is Where and What.

    Where to find the traffic and What to sell. Because it is that simple YOU NEED TO SELL SOMETHING, AND SOMEBODY HAVE TO BUY IT FROM YOU

    You can 1/create your own product, you can 2/become an affiliate, or you can use PLR products and combine 1 and 2.

    You don't have to pay money to courses, seminars, or membership sites.
    Just be careful when google for free information

    Hope I hepled just a little a bit
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshuaG
    You CAN make that much money by working that little for sure.
    But would have to have the capital to start with and a solid business/action plan to follow.

    The idea would be to outsource everything. The problem is that you don't know how to create nor implement the plan.

    Bummer dude!

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    • Profile picture of the author TiborSzalay
      1-2 hours is too little effort, try 3-4 a day and you will see better results
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      • Profile picture of the author apple87jane
        There are no things start from easy, but you had choose the right place to ask this question. There are lots of warriors out there who can help you to give your dream come truth.

        Of course starting from difficult you will see the result at the end. Try to put some effort or ask your friend what is IM and there are lot of way to do IM. Understand first.

        I myself doing the article marketing, it's a good start and low cost for newbie like me. Kok choon warrior had lots of information on this and you can try to find his thread and read on. You'll learn lots.

        Hope we all success. Cover back the economy.
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  • Profile picture of the author LOM
    Ask your friends to guide you through the steps that they took in accomplishing 3k/4k a month. Maybe your learning curve wouldn't be as long as theirs had to be. It's better than what you got going on now.(Making no money). I would learn from those that are already bringing in additional income and rinse, wash, repeat!! It took me awhile to earn money online. But once you have the recipe, your odds become much greater to succeed.

    Ken Davis
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  • I think you should just stick to it. Sooner or later results will begin to show. I heard that gym memberships go up at the beginning of the new year. By March a good 80-90% of the new memberships have either been cancelled or are largely unused. Everyone wants quick results with little effort. You need to get all universal laws like probability working on your side. Probability will only favour you if you stick to it. So just stick to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author int-mark
    Remember that your friends may be making money but there are thousands of people out there that aren't some who have proabably been doing it a lot longer than you.
    Hope it works out.
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    • Originally Posted by int-mark View Post

      Remember that your friends may be making money but there are thousands of people out there that aren't some who have proabably been doing it a lot longer than you.
      Hope it works out.
      Well its not funny and its toooo bad that somebody here dont make enough money, but its does not matter to me. I want to make them and this is my target!
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      • As I said before I reached the target and start to make 500 dollars per each day. Ask me how
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        • Profile picture of the author Sissy76
          Ok, how? I'm sure the OP would love to know, as would many others.

          Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

          As I said before I reached the target and start to make 500 dollars per each day. Ask me how
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        • Originally Posted by independent.author View Post

          As I said before I reached the target and start to make 500 dollars per each day. Ask me how
          I create 50 websites, 30 of them got PR 1 and 20 got PR 2. All in the business niche. All got unique articles and the domains never dropped.
          Hope the PR will grow, the domains is new and its little beat hard to do, but I will try.
          500 dollars from posting articles and blogroll, sitewide and links on top page, is the good or not?
          Believe me is really EASY, lovely buttom dude ))
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          • Profile picture of the author jimbo63
            I ll try to be ownest, I dont like to work for 10 hours in a day and want to make money quick.
            Is there any online work, where you can work for 1 - 2 hours in a day and make 1000 dollars?
            I say a Big yes to this but I'm not doing 1k a day... just under half that amount

            How long would this income last with little or bare bones work.... I have no idea. For me a month or so no problem... as I have done it.

            I work 10 plus hrs a day. Is all that work productive? Nope. Lots has to do with research and just busy type work that means little to nothing at times. Lots of that information just get filed away.

            I think many of us do busy work just to say " hey I put 8 hrs in today"

            I know many will say bull**** but i really only need to work 45mins to 1.30 hrs a day to bring in the money i make.

            I don't own my own product yet..so when that happens then yes i feel much more work is gonna be needed. Until then.....

            I'm a big believer in tangible products that people can actually hold in their hands and feel they purchased a product with worth.

            "Worth" is gonna have many different meaning to may different people. This I understand.

            Don't get me wrong, I do work. Lots of hrs but there is this time window i need to do everyday to make my money. The rest of my busy work can wait. The wait can be days if needed...I just need my time window, used effectively daily i make money no matter what work is cleared off my plate or not.

            Now ask me, If this is a proper way to run a business?
            My answer is Hell No.

            Just saying there is ways to do minimal work to make money.

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            • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
              Originally Posted by jimbo63 View Post

              I know many will say bull**** but i really only need to work 45mins to 1.30 hrs a day to bring in the money i make.

              Can I only work about 45 mins daily to keep my business up &

              Probably yes, unless some unexpected problems arise.

              Can a newbie work only 45 mins daily and make a living online?

              NO! (By the term "newbie" I mean that the individual has no
              knowledge in IM whatsoever)

              Just because you can make enough dough to make a living
              in a short amount of time, that doesn't mean that others can.

              By the way that the OP is speaking, I can say that he has no
              experience in IM whatsoever. He will definitely need to invest
              some time in the process to start things off.
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              • Profile picture of the author jimbo63
                Can I only work about 45 mins daily to keep my business up &

                Probably yes, unless some unexpected problems arise.

                Can a newbie work only 45 mins daily and make a living online?

                NO! (By the term "newbie" I mean that the individual has no
                knowledge in IM whatsoever)

                Just because you can make enough dough to make a living
                in a short amount of time, that doesn't mean that others can.

                By the way that the OP is speaking, I can say that he has no
                experience in IM whatsoever. He will definitely need to invest
                some time in the process to start things off.
                I agree with everything you have stated.

                I did leave out "newbie" without any experience what so ever. My mistake there and a big one at that.

                Without any experience good luck - work hard.

                But a working model is very easy to run daily on minimum hours.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    You CAN make that much money by working that little for sure.
    But would have to have the capital to start with and a solid business/action plan to follow.

    The idea would be to outsource everything. The problem is that you don't know how to create nor implement the plan
    Exactly right. Substitute your money for your time. Either way, it's not likely if you don't have a clear business plan. This is where the long, 10+ hr days usually comes in, learning, testing, refining, testing and so on you find something that works, is replicable and is outsourceable.

    Even Steven above who gave the shortest answer he's ever given and said "NO", could easily do that, (I'm making an educated guess, I don't know anything about his list) by sending out one email. How long does that take? But.. and it's a big but, he didn't build his list overnight. Again, you're back to the long days or substituting your money for your time and letting someone else do it for you.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Sober
    oops, I really gotta start checking the dates of the original posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author tissaweb
    There is no way of making money fast that is one of the biggest scams on the net today and will be for a long time like any business you have to work at it to make it online yeah sure once you have made it it gets easier but starting off takes time and effort, you need to find a project that you will enjoy so you dont get fed up of waiting for the money to come in, when you start out in the internet marketing world dont think of the money just enjoy what you are doing and the money will follow, for some ideas go to tissaweb .com Good Luck !!
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  • Profile picture of the author David Snape
    The truth is there are NOT that many people making money online. As you notice in this thread there aren't many people claiming to make a lot. There are several who claim to work a lot.

    You have to try many different things and test, test, test. When you find something that is working, build on it.

    I've even gone so far as to write a book - a real, sincere, book - and that took some real time and effort.

    Making money is not easy and it is not nearly as easy as many want you to believe.

    In fact, there are a lot of scammers out there and on this forum too.

    in 50 or 60 years or maybe 100, you might not be here anymore. At that point, whatever money anyone made, including you, means nothing. - Don't lose sight of that and don't sell your soul to make a few bucks. Time here is short.

    Find a legit way or don't do it at all.
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    • Profile picture of the author premiuminvestor
      Originally Posted by David Snape View Post

      The truth is there are NOT that many people making money online. As you notice in this thread there aren't many people claiming to make a lot. There are several who claim to work a lot.

      You have to try many different things and test, test, test. When you find something that is working, build on it.

      I've even gone so far as to write a book - a real, sincere, book - and that took some real time and effort.

      Making money is not easy and it is not nearly as easy as many want you to believe.

      In fact, there are a lot of scammers out there and on this forum too.

      in 50 or 60 years or maybe 100, you might not be here anymore. At that point, whatever money anyone made, including you, means nothing. - Don't lose sight of that and don't sell your soul to make a few bucks. Time here is short.

      Find a legit way or don't do it at all.

      Well said!!!

      Truth is nothing good comes easy. You will need to put alot of work into finding the right system that works for you. 1-2 hours won't cut it , at least not in the beginning.

      YOu must be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work!!!

      There are lots of free reports on affliate marketing and cpa marketing on this forum, that should get you started.

      personally I make a regular income from article writing and domaining [$1000+] monthly

      Find what works for you and create a system out of it!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Let me say this once and for all & I really hope
    that you get it through your head.

    You will NEVER get rich without doing anything.


    1. You come from a rich family & they either share their
    wealth with you, or you inherit their wealth in time. *

    2. You get really lucky & win a lottery
    or something like that.

    * Still though, someone before you would've WORKED
    to become rich.

    And as for No 2, lool, I really wouldn't count on it....

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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Rushton
    Look remember the shampoo commercial. Its not going to happen overnight but it will happen!

    However, you need to keep working! No one gets anywhere doing nothing and although it can be frustrating when you are first starting, you need to keep the end goal in mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Meirndorf
    Yes, you can use the internet to sell yourself full service on craigslist. $1000 a week with 1-2 hours a day.

    Be who you want to become, every second of every day. Make it true!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Lowe

    I think it's unwise to come to the internet in the hope it will be the quick fix. If you think like that you may be dissapointed.

    I think you need to get a solid foundation in the basics first.

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  • Profile picture of the author jimbo63
    Yes, you can use the internet to sell yourself full service on craigslist. $1000 a week with 1-2 hours a day.
    There you go !!!

    It could not get any simpler then that.

    Craigslist = easy money.

    Learn the secrets of running ads on Craigslist and your golden.

    It's a great start to bring in money while learning the ropes.

    Something so simple yet so effective.

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