Self Hosted Forum vs. FB Group Help
Target 1 is a typical consumer/individual group that probably does use FB. Target 2 is small-medium business owners with the focus on helping their business. These are separate products on separate WP based websites and no relation to each other except they are two new things I'm starting up about the same time. Both will be private for paid subscribers only even though I am considering a public type forum/group too or certain sections for public use and certain for paid members only.
Way I see it:
FB Group Biggest Pros
FB handles infrastructure and technical issues which is a big time saver
FB has the traffic and many of the target market are already using FB
Can test whether this target market wants a forum or will use a forum without much up front investment. Fact is most forums are flops.
FB Group Biggest Cons
FB can shut me down on a whim
Subscribers access their content on my site and then have to go elsewhere to talk about it
Privacy, security, and certain formatting (having different forum sections) perhaps isn't granular enough
Self Hosted Forum Biggest Pros
Complete control
Easier navigation/formatting, integration with payments, and ease of use if I can find a forum plugin I like to use with WP
Self Hosted Forum Biggest Cons
Need to get my own traffic if I have the public option
Deal with tech issues, upgrades, speed issues, hosting issues, etc.
Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.
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