Question about

4 replies
Hey what's up warriors.

Just wondering. Can you put an optin box in a blogger blog?

Like put it in the side bar?

Any help will be much appreciated

Thanks guys!
#bloggercom #question
  • Profile picture of the author Micheallatour
    Hmm.. I know what you mean I've seen a couple myself but could not
    tell if they were blogger or wordpress.

    Thanks anyways though alexa
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  • Profile picture of the author MeCanX
    You just put it in as a widget and text/html code...

    Go to Layout -> Page Elements -> Add a Gadget -> Html/Javascript

    That should get ya started...
    Of course you have to have the code for the opt-in box too.

    I teach people how to create a steady/stable income on the internet without all the hype. $19.95 a month get's you 24/7 Access to training videos + more that will teach you the same as the big guys. Niche Marketing Zorro -

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  • Profile picture of the author Micheallatour
    Great! thank you MeCanX!
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