11 replies
Does anyone know of a reliable local flyer distribution company that is affordable and has references?
#distribution #flyer
  • Profile picture of the author Braznyc
    Originally Posted by henryw1981 View Post

    Does anyone know of a reliable local flyer distribution company that is affordable and has references?

    "Local" where?
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by henryw1981 View Post

    Does anyone know of a reliable local flyer distribution company that is affordable and has references?
    A car and a driver is what I did 15 years ago with my sign business

    Saves money when you do it yourself and put up flyers on mailbox Posts
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    • Profile picture of the author EricBernard
      Check out Fiverr. You can find people posting flyers in pretty much every big city and a bunch of different colleges
      Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.
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      • Profile picture of the author chaotic squid
        Originally Posted by EricBernard View Post

        Check out Fiverr. You can find people posting flyers in pretty much every big city and a bunch of different colleges
        Haha are you seriously recommending that to someone? More like they just throw your flyer onto a pile or board smeared with dozens of other flyers and then take a few "photos" to prove they distributed your flyers.

        Really, what do you expect? Hiring someone to properly distribute flyers is going to cost more than $5. For 5 bucks, I'll walk down the street for you, but that's about it.

        Find someone local and pay them an hourly wage to pass out flyers in different neighborhoods, not that hard.
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        • Profile picture of the author djmill
          Take care in outlining exactly where the mail drop will take place.

          I've done this before for an offer to more affluent homes within a specific geographic area.

          Foolishly, I expected the flyers to be delivered to the biggest, nicest houses.

          Instead the delivery guy took them to the most populated (and least valuable) houses in the specified area.

          The campaign bombed. As the residents were average joes with little disposable income.

          Experience can be a real tough bugger at times.

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    • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      A car and a driver is what I did 15 years ago with my sign business

      Saves money when you do it yourself and put up flyers on mailbox Posts
      Good idea. Plus... instead of flyers, consider using business cards mixed with postcards - as this is obviously a direct mail campaign you're looking to embark on. Make sure you design them well. And make sure that people that you send them too (or your flyers) are people who are interested in what you have to offer. You might want to check out the SRDS too.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Just hire a temp. worker from Craigslist, it's already local.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    What I use to do was put the flyer in a bag with a rock and staple the bag closed. Then one person would drive and the other person would whip the flyer out the window into driveway's.

    This required more set up time, but I could just sit in front of the tv while doing it. Then by having the rock in the bag, you can drive much much quicker when delivering, because the rock gave it the weight needed to toss out the window. Also it would be far less likely to blow away and the bag was good in case it rained.

    I actually had two businesses when I did this, so I had a full 8.5 x 11 sheet printer (double sided) that when cut in half produced two flyers and one side of the flyer was one business and on the other side was the other business. Then I used a bag that the flyer fit in without folding or anything. So when people picked them up, they could easily see both sides.

    We would deliver the flyers in the middle of the night, when there was no traffic and usually put out 4-5K (if my memory servers me right - this was a long time ago) of them per night.

    If you don't have two businesses, maybe you could find another company that's non related, that would pay you to put their flyer on the other side of yours and reduce or completely pay to for all expenses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kherk Roldan
    check dor2dor dot com they served locally
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    Vista Print, i believe if u ordering the flyers through them, they actually offer u the option of distribution them for a small fee, you can also do it through the USPS small business website ( i never placed an order but i saw the promotion they have ), i would trust USPS to be able to deliver to the mail boxes

    I visited USPS, this is their website for distributing the flyers :


    They have an estimate per route / zip code, they also have recommended partners for printing ( no you are not limited to them so if the list they have is no promising i wouldn't use them ).
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