How Do I ''license'' Marketing Campaigns?

5 replies

I'm learning bob serlings stuff about licensing. And i'm planning to build a business based on a couple of his methods. But i'm rather confused about something..

Does anyone know how to license proven marketing campaigns?

If i want to sell a company a marketing strategy or campaign.. Do i need to ''own'' that marketing strategy or campaign? Do i need to own that license and have proof that i own that in print before i can work with companies?

Lets say i read a great marketing book. Like one of jay abraham's. And lets say he describes a marketing strategy..

Can i use the same marketing strategy i just learned to sell it in my services to another company? Or do i really have to contact jay abraham and buy the strategy??

I'm totally confused on this. Any help appreciated big time.
#campaigns #license #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
    From my understanding of how intellectual property works, you can't license a strategy. You can license a marketing campaign. Here's the difference.

    The strategy is a series of steps. You may have learned the general steps from someone else. That's OK (in most cases).

    The campaign shows the execution of the steps. Here is ad #1, postcard #1, or Google ad #1. You do such and such with that, then drive people to this page, then you do X, then Y, then Z, and each step is accompanied by the marketing copy to be used.

    You need to have written the marketing copy yourself, or have commissioned it and own the copyright of it. You cannot include anyone else's marketing copy in the campaigns you are licensing except with their permission.

    Best to check with a lawyer before you launch.

    Good luck,
    Marcia Yudkin
    Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alphy3000

    There is this great marketing campaign called 4 Day Cash Machine thats included in the Mass Control 2.0 package of Frank Kern.

    I dont know if you ever heard of this but, Bob serling did a couple of interviews/video's with frank where those 2 basically learned students how to use the 4 Day Cash Machine Campaign to sell it to other company's.

    I want to start building my licensing business selling this campaign to businesses in my country (Holland). But i dont know if i OWN the license of this 4Day cash Machine Campaign. Thats where i'm confused.

    The 4 Day Cash Machine is a series of emails with proven copy. You can USE it in your own business but i don't know if you can SELL it to other businesses with his proven copy.

    By the way , Thanks for your help Marcia, i really appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Micheallatour
    What you have to understand is YOU'RE NOT SELLING THE CAMPAIGN,
    you are simply licensing it out. "His" proven email copy your not going
    to use that exact email because you have to customize it to fit "your" needs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alphy3000
    Thats a good point.

    Now i understand the big picture here. Thanks!!

    And also, do you know any other place i can get more information about licensing marketing campaigns specifically?

    Somehow there is not much info out there about this businessmodel.
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