Help needed with Micro Niche Finder..

3 replies
I have MNF and I'm having a problem that I'm getting '0' results in "Exact Phrase Counts" where theres should be 1,000s.

I'd like to ask someone who has the software to PM me so I can share the keyword to see what results they get. I'll likely respond later today as it is nearly 1am here in the UK and I need to be a good boy and get to bed


#finder #micro #needed #niche
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable

    I've got it. Happy to help. Same thing happened to me the other day. I THINK it was because Google was irritated with me for querying their system too frequently, Seem like I tried again the next day and set the speed (Search Engine Courtesy) to the lowest setting. If you want.. PM me the search term and I'll have a go at it.

    LOL when that first "0" came up, I got really excited. Then reality set in.

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    • Profile picture of the author NicheCowboy
      Download the latest update and the problem is fixed.
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      • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
        Originally Posted by NicheCowboy View Post

        Download the latest update and the problem is fixed.
        I realised two things when I woke up this morning. I have a copy of MNF on my laptop, and when I opened it, I saw the update and consequently, the reason for the update.

        Thanks Chris & Niche Cowboy. I'll be sending you both a PM as soon as I get an opportunity.

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