My exact same website on another domain (unauthorized). What can I do?

by 14 replies
Hi, while looking through the backlinks of a website I am working on,, I've come across an exact duplicate of the website, on another url

I checked the whois, and nothing comes up.

Each page you go on in this imposter url is the same exact url, not a subpage...

How can I take this down?

Can this be considered duplicate content in Google's eyes?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #domain #exact #unauthorized #website
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • if someone just copied and paste your content on his site ,..this could be duplicate content but as i know google knew which one appears on net first
  • do exactly as E. Brian outlined. This is unfortunately a common practice. I've even seen some sites that scraped content from other HUGE legit websites such as ehow, and I've seen my work stolen and reused, complete with my name on it, on these scammy scraped sites.
  • Are they using Pay Pal to collect money? I couldn't see and wasn't going to go through the checkout process to find out.

    If they are, you can report them to pay pal, they have a infringement document you can print, fill out and fax. It won't get the site taken down, but cuts off their money. Least it's something. Be sure to point out they are defrauding visitors using pay pal payment system. Might have to do it more than once.

    Pretty sad and gutsy to leave your sites name and links in.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • I believe everything is still going to us... that's the weird part.
      • [1] reply
    • This is a good point. Let virtually every website you know about copyright infringement about this - including Paypal. They be trying to make you look good for free, and then months down the line... slander everything about your business and try to get rid of you. I wouldn't take this chance of "free help" from someone you don't even know.

      There's only 1 Slim Shady. Make him stand up.
  • quiet funny, they are using a free domain name, only a silly person is going to buy from them, their site will die its natural death,
  • Very odd, there is little you can do, though realistically, how much traffic is a poor quality scraped website getting? Google is smart enough to know that it saw the content on your website before it saw it on theirs and if they have links to you and you are not linking back, it's pretty blatant.

    Unless you see dramatic SEO effects or it is causing you problems, I would ignore it and let Google bury it when they get around to it.
    • [1] reply
    • They got them!!!!
      Domain name: XTREMESOUNDS.CO.NR - Suspended.

      It means this domain name / account has been suspended probably because of the violation of CO.NR Terms of Service and/or Basic CO.NR Account Rules, or due to some other reason according to CO.NR Registration Agreement.

      If you are the owner of this domain name account, please check for the email with the instructions on how to resolve this issue at your signup email address.
  • Have you tried contacting the domain/website owner? that would be the first thing i'd do, see what they say.
  • I've had the same thing happen for articles and reviews that I've written, and filing a DMCA got 'most' of them takendown.

    The person keeps ranking on page one with a 'blogspot' (free blog) and the only thing he changes is the affiliate links, and removes my name.

    Recently, I noticed a few more on page one with my articles in the 2nd and 4 th positions... and while he's no longer using my article word for word, he's ranked #3 using a portion of my content, and I'm guessing other writers content.

    I plastered comments all over his pages asking him to 'stop' stealing peoples work, but never did get any response.

    What kills me, is google is ranking these sites on page #1 against the original articles... Aggravates the hell outof me!
  • I also had my whole skincare website taken and reproduced on their website. You could go to Who Is and contact their hosting co. If you can prove the content was on your site first, their hosting co. could disable their website entirely and keep them from getting another hosting account.
  • Banned
    File a DMCA with their hosting. It'll be down in no time if they host in a country that recognizes DMCA. I've submitted them to numerous offshore hosts and had the content removed within 24 hrs.

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