Selling Leads in Call Center?

2 replies
what websites/marketplace that can help me sell my leads directly to a call center.
I don't want to sell my leads to another broker who buy my leads in a cheap price and then they resell my leads to a call center in higher price.

#call #center #leads #selling
  • Most call centers do not buy small amount of leads they buy huge amount from brokers so you can sell to brokers if you can sell 1000 agents times 100 calls a day so you do the match...

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    • Profile picture of the author NetBizOnline
      Originally Posted by HelpingYouBeAnExpert View Post

      Most call centers do not buy small amount of leads they buy huge amount from brokers so you can sell to brokers if you can sell 1000 agents times 100 calls a day so you do the match...
      if i cant sell them small amounts my options to sell my leads multiple times to different brokers where i can get in touch with other brokers?any particular marketplace that brokers engage buy/sell in leads?
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