Should I market my product or create another one?

52 replies
I have 1 product and I'm completely stuck as to marketing it. I have no one to help me, and I'm finding it extremely hard to find a way forward. So I'm wondering, in the spirit of "income follows assets", should I just forget about marketing and just make another product or two, and worry about marketing later? At least it would keep me busy, instead of twiddling my thumbs like I've been doing for the last 2 weeks.
#create #market #product
  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Why do you think you're going to get better results with your second product than with your first product? I'm not trying to be a smart ass (for once); I'm really asking: Is the second product better? Does it complement the first? Does your first product not stand on its own?

    In short: what's causing your first product not to sell and will creating the second product solve that issue? If so, create another product. If not, solve your actual problem.

    Doing work just to keep busy isn't likely to help.
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

      Why do you think you're going to get better results with your second product than with your first product? I'm not trying to be a smart ass (for once); I'm really asking: Is the second product better? Does it complement the first? Does your first product not stand on its own?

      In short: what's causing your first product not to sell and will creating the second product solve that issue? If so, create another product. If not, solve your actual problem.

      Doing work just to keep busy isn't likely to help.
      My first product isn't on the market. I have no idea how well it would do. My problem is that I suck at marketing. What I'm asking is whether I should create another product or two, and then worry about marketing. The alternative would be to rip my hair out and scream at how much I suck at marketing. I can't stand being inactive, I need to do something productive.
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      • Profile picture of the author violet0176
        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        My first product isn't on the market. I have no idea how well it would do. My problem is that I suck at marketing. What I'm asking is whether I should create another product or two, and then worry about marketing. The alternative would be to rip my hair out and scream at how much I suck at marketing. I can't stand being inactive, I need to do something productive.
        Take a marketing class, it's not rocket science.
        ALISON has free marketing classes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    Would you rather be busy, or would you rather get money? No amount of product creation will ever get you paid. But everyone who has never created a product, they buy into this myth. They think that if they could just get their product finished, they'll be rolling in the dough. Until they actually create it. Then they find themselves in your position, with the need to market it.

    I understand what you're saying. But a product isn't an asset. It's only potential power, like all knowledge. To be worth anything, you have to put it into action. In this particular case, that action is getting someone to pay for it.

    Putting off worrying about marketing it, later, isn't going to absolve you of the need to market it, later. So you already know it's coming. If you want to wait, that's fine. But let me ask you this. What's good about waiting?

    Give me a few reasons that waiting is a good thing. I want to write them down.


    How are you going to know if your product actually sells, if you don't try to sell it? When you put it in front of your target audience, and ask for money, that's when you find out, fair and square, if the price of your product is something that the marketplace would like to bear. All the money is in the marketing and selling.

    Not possession of product.

    Think about it. You own several things that are valuable. Maybe it's a guitar, or a vehicle, a house, or you're renting an apartment. You probably have food in your fridge. All of those things are worth a certain amount of money. You paid for them. But how much money are you getting for them? Probably none.

    The reason why is because they're sitting there. It's only potential value.

    If you suck at marketing, great. You probably also suck at playing the piano. Why? Because you've probably never taken piano lessons, and sat there and practiced, trained, drilled, and rehearsed hitting those keys.
    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Originally Posted by Marc Rodill View Post

      Would you rather be busy, or would you rather get money? No amount of product creation will ever get you paid. But everyone who has never created a product, they buy into this myth. They think that if they could just get their product finished, they'll be rolling in the dough. Until they actually create it. Then they find themselves in your position, with the need to market it.

      I understand what you're saying. But a product isn't an asset. It's only potential power, like all knowledge. To be worth anything, you have to put it into action. In this particular case, that action is getting someone to pay for it.

      Putting off worrying about marketing it, later, isn't going to absolve you of the need to market it, later. So you already know it's coming. If you want to wait, that's fine. But let me ask you this. What's good about waiting?

      Give me a few reasons that waiting is a good thing. I want to write them down.


      How are you going to know if your product actually sells, if you don't try to sell it? When you put it in front of your target audience, and ask for money, that's when you find out, fair and square, if the price of your product is something that the marketplace would like to bear. All the money is in the marketing and selling.

      Not possession of product.

      Think about it. You own several things that are valuable. Maybe it's a guitar, or a vehicle, a house, or you're renting an apartment. You probably have food in your fridge. All of those things are worth a certain amount of money. You paid for them. But how much money are you getting for them? Probably none.

      The reason why is because they're sitting there. It's only potential value.

      If you suck at marketing, great. You probably also suck at playing the piano. Why? Because you've probably never taken piano lessons, and sat there and practiced, trained, drilled, and rehearsed hitting those keys.
      I know, but I'm stuck. I know that I have to create a freebie, a landing page and set up the email marketing, and I've made a start on that. But then it dawned on me, how can I get people to see my landing page in the first place?

      I've tried PPC before and that was mostly a waste of money, and I dread the thought of having that happen again.

      And facebook sucks, it really does. I created a page for my product and I tried joining a few groups but now I'm blocked from posting until december 3rd. I can't put up with nonsense like that. I posted a video on my page and I want to share it but it won't let me. I detest facebook.

      As for blogging, I know people say it's a good idea, but 1) I don't want to blog about the topic of my product. Blogging is a long term thing but my interest in the topic is only in making products, I can't force myself to blog endlessly about it. And 2) from what I've heard, it's not even a good business model in terms of getting subscribers.

      I hope it's not coming across as laziness. It's just confusion and frustration. I spent just over 9 1/2 months on my product, and it was tough at times, but I always knew what I had to do next and there was nothing getting in my way. The easy part of marketing is making a freebie, landing page, and setting up a few emails. But getting seen is hard.

      Yes, it's true, I can only know if my product is any good if I can see whether or not people will buy it. But that's where I'm stuck. It's not that I want to forget about marketing completely. I'm perfectly happy to learn, but right now my days are empty and I feel so unproductive, which is really bad after so many months of being busy.

      Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhh! I wish someone could take me under their wing and just tell me what to do.
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      • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
        What is your Product?

        Is it any good?

        Does it help people?

        Have much are you charging?

        Have you tried to give it away free in exchange for email and learn how your product is helping people from feedback then charge?

        I see you tried a few places to promote your product but where do you hang out online?

        If you hang out at a certain place all the time advertise there...

        Start small and test and build and scale up what is working and dump the losers.

        I would say if you are truly trying and your not getting any results and no one is looking at your product either your not doing it enough or your product sucks.

        Just know that people just dont come online and buy anything...

        To compete in todays marketplace you have to have quality.

        Can't just get PLR and rehash it or put out junk and hope to be millionaire.
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        • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
          Originally Posted by Andre Slater View Post

          What is your Product?

          Is it any good?

          Does it help people?

          Have much are you charging?

          Have you tried to give it away free in exchange for email and learn how your product is helping people from feedback then charge?

          I see you tried a few places to promote your product but where do you hang out online?

          If you hang out at a certain place all the time advertise there...

          Start small and test and build and scale up what is working and dump the losers.

          I would say if you are truly trying and your not getting any results and no one is looking at your product either your not doing it enough or your product sucks.

          Just know that people just dont come online and buy anything...

          To compete in todays marketplace you have to have quality.

          Can't just get PLR and rehash it or put out junk and hope to be millionaire.
          My product is a guitar course for beginners. I think it's very good because I go into a lot of step by step detail on everything. I've dumbed it right down. There are 109 short videos and lots of illustrations. The purpose of the course is to teach beginners how to play 6 songs very competently, and also how to play the chords and change from one chord to another properly, so they never get stuck.

          I'm thinking of charging $97 (I think it's worth more) but I'm flexible on price.

          I haven't tried doing anything. That's the thing, I'm stuck. I'm happy to consider ideas like giving it away from free, or splitting it up and delivering it in emails.

          I could try promoting it on forums, but you know what most forums are like, they'd ban me for spamming. As for the subtle approach on forums, people simply don't pay attention. Most people don't care what others say. And between you and me, the temptation to spam would get the better of me. I don't think forums are good for marketing, people are too busy giving their own opinions.
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  • Profile picture of the author kimanierick
    it seems you had no well set plans when making the first product. that means, even if you make the second product you will get stuck. just solve the first product issues and see why you are not able to market it. have you tried marketing it? what feedback have you gotten from the market? and before you make the second product, it is important to have well set plans of where you shall market the product, how and at what cost. by these you will not get confused. all the best
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    The only situation where you should create another product, is to sell your first product. If you want to create a product as a lead generation tool, that would be a good marketing strategy.

    The first product can easily be promoted with your second. Content marketing at it's finest. Maybe you sell the second product at a significant discount, and pitch your first product within it. Marketing.

    Or you go around and "knock on doors" and ask other product owners to put your second product on their download page for their customers as a bonus. Their customers get value, you get traffic. Marketing.

    Marketing is not as difficult as most people make it out to be. All it is, is three things: the right message, that you put in front of the right market, using the right media at the right time. That's it. Period. No shortcuts.

    For example, a "bonus" report would carry your message, other product owners customers would be your target market, and the media you might use to deliver it to them at the right time, is right after they paid for this person's product, in the form of a PDF report, a video or audio.

    This formula literally never changes. Another example: same 3-step formula for a WSO - WSO copy carries the message, placed in front of target market e.g. WSO buyers, using the media of this forum. Or, forum posts is the media, sig link directs them to the message on your website, or WSO copy, target market is forum readers.

    Do first, learn second.

    All real learning takes place after making a "trial" or "go of it" and making mistakes, moving forward, falling short, and getting a result that you can measure. You'll only have intellectual "head space" knowledge of marketing until you pull that trigger. You won't discover, and really know, just how important this is until you actually start doing it.

    What media(s) are you going to use?

    What message will you tell?

    Who is the target buyer?
    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author erob
    I saw what you wrote about facebook you were on the right path but forget the groups. When you make a post you should have a boost post button on the bottom. This will let you advertise your post to people interested in your niche, and you can set your own budget starting at like $1.
    And when ever you ad a video upload it and don't use links like youtube facebook hates that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    It's not coming across as laziness. It's coming across as the unwillingness to do what you need to do. You should read the common denominator of success.

    Here's the gist: Successful people make a habit out of doing things that failures don't like to do. They don't like to do them either, but they do them in order to accomplish their goals.

    I just witnessed you talking yourself out of Facebook and blogging.

    Facebook doesn't suck, like you say. What would be more appropriate to say, is that you failed to get results the way you used it. Which is par for the course. Failure is the prerequisite to success.

    Doesn't change the fact there's thousands of people making bank on Facebook.

    If you're going to write off the third most visited site on the planet, with the third most traffic in the world, fine. But realize you're doing it according to your own likes and dislikes, prejudices and preferences.

    Not because it sucks.
    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Originally Posted by Marc Rodill View Post

      It's not coming across as laziness. It's coming across as the unwillingness to do what you need to do. You should read the common denominator of success.

      Here's the gist: Successful people make a habit out of doing things that failures don't like to do. They don't like to do them either, but they do them in order to accomplish their goals.

      I just witnessed you talking yourself out of Facebook and blogging.

      Facebook doesn't suck, like you say. What would be more appropriate to say, is that you failed to get results the way you used it. Which is par for the course. Failure is the prerequisite to success.

      Doesn't change the fact there's thousands of people making bank on Facebook.

      If you're going to write off the third most visited site on the planet, with the third most traffic in the world, fine. But realize you're doing it according to your own likes and dislikes, prejudices and preferences.

      Not because it sucks.
      When I say it sucks, I just mean it's tricky. I know people are making money from it, and I'd like to be one of them. I was looking forward to joining lots of groups, posting stuff from my course, uploading videos onto my page, and then sharing them with the groups, and then after getting enough likes, finishing my opt in form and putting on my page and taking it from there. But I can't do anything until I'm unblocked. But what if it happens again and again? I can't work like that. I just find facebook hard to work with.

      I know that probably seems crazy to you because you know what you're doing. I wouldn't be surprised if one day I'll kick myself at how easy it is. But right now it's not letting me do the simplest of things and that's why I'm frustrated.

      I'm making excuses? For what? Laziness? Not at all. Anyone who can stick to a product for over 9 months is not lazy. My problem is that some aspects of marketing are hard for me, and I'm just being honest in acknowledging that because I need help. That's not making excuses. At no point have I said that I'm giving up. I'm going to prove you wrong if it kills me (it may take approx. 9 months).
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      • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        I'm making excuses? For what? Laziness? Not at all. Anyone who can stick to a product for over 9 months is not lazy. My problem is that some aspects of marketing are hard for me, and I'm just being honest in acknowledging that because I need help. That's not making excuses. At no point have I said that I'm giving up. I'm going to prove you wrong if it kills me (it may take approx. 9 months).
        Yes, those are excuses. Are you lazy? I doubt it. I didn't say that. You're working really hard at avoiding tackling and taking charge of going after one good marketing idea. That takes effort. Wasted energy but still.

        But look, if you want someone to help you, the only type of person who can help you is someone who is going to make you hold yourself accountable. They're going to want you to take full responsibility.

        No amount of "under their wing" is going to make you put in the work.

        You can't outsource your push ups.

        If your basketball coach told you to make 100 free throws today, and you made 12, he's going to ask you why you only made 12. And the only appropriate answer is, "There's no excuse. I just didn't do it." Not "I was going to, but..." And then he's gonna kick your ass, either way. But if you make excuses long enough, he'll cut you.
        Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    Here's a fun exercise for you: Go back and read your post and count the number of times you said the word "but" or easily, easily, easily could have said it.

    Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

    I know, but I'm stuck. I know that I have to create a freebie, a landing page and set up the email marketing, and I've made a start on that. But then it dawned on me, how can I get people to see my landing page in the first place?

    I've tried PPC before and (but) that was mostly a waste of money, and I dread the thought of having that happen again.

    (But) And facebook sucks, it really does. I created a page for my product and I tried joining a few groups but now I'm blocked from posting until december 3rd. (But) I can't put up with nonsense like that. I posted a video on my page and I want to share it but it won't let me. I detest facebook.

    As for blogging, I know people say it's a good idea, but 1) I don't want to blog about the topic of my product. Blogging is a long term thing but my interest in the topic is only in making products, I can't force myself to blog endlessly about it. And 2) from what I've heard, (but) it's not even a good business model in terms of getting subscribers.

    I hope it's not coming across as laziness. It's just confusion and frustration. I spent just over 9 1/2 months on my product, and it was tough at times, but I always knew what I had to do next and there was nothing getting in my way. The easy part of marketing is making a freebie, landing page, and setting up a few emails. But getting seen is hard.

    Yes, it's true, I can only know if my product is any good if I can see whether or not people will buy it. But that's where I'm stuck. It's not that I want to forget about marketing completely. I'm perfectly happy to learn, but right now my days are empty and I feel so unproductive, which is really bad after so many months of being busy.

    Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhh! I wish someone could take me under their wing and just tell me what to do.
    "But I don't like this, but they won't let me do that, but it probably doesn't work, but it's hard, but I don't know what to do, but now's not the right time, but I have nothing to do..."

    You're an excuse factory, bro.

    You don't want to do it.
    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    Dude, make a new Facebook. Problem solved. Next excuse. Line 'em up, brother.

    Pick something. Go do it. Don't settle for but.

    I hooked you up with a traffic formula that made me thousands when I got started. Get in front of other people's customers. It's tricky, difficult, a pain in the ass, and you're not going to like it. Do it anyway.
    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author jalal77
    Hi Johnny,

    My personal opinion is that first you have to ask yourself what's the reason behind this intention.. Is it boredom? and you wanted to have some sort of new excitements with new venture.. Or is it that the current project isn't converting as you wanted it to be? (I'm just guessing here).. but that determines your way forward.

    I feel that you should keep the current course and try to top it up with some other products that complement the current one. You may create another course for advance people, another for specific sub-niches like jazz/blues/classic etc, and another course where you teach people how to play certain songs (selections of songs can be packaged in one product). The latter can be done as multiple courses and as an ecommerce site where people can buy a certain song to learn. e.g. $10 per song. Youtube can drive lots of traffic for this I believe.

    A great lead magnet for your course can be Free+Shipping guitar picks.. you can order large quantities from sites like from china for very very cheap price. I believe this would be great L.M. to attract your prospects and build a high targeted list.


    ---- that's a C major chord
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

    should I just forget about marketing and just make another product or two, and worry about marketing later?

    Hey johnny how are you today?

    Its sounds like you have put a lot of effort in spending nine months on your production creation so that great well done for that. In terms of marketing, this area is one of the most important parts in your business and for your product. so don't forget about marketing challenge yourself to become a super traffic god. I am being serious, when you have mastered this you will make a lot of money.

    Here are some ways to get traffic:-

    • Youtube marketing
    • facebook ads (they do work) you just have to find the RIGHT information
    • PPC ads bing, google etc
    • Media buys
    • Social traffic
    But to name a few....there are hundreds of ways to get traffic!!! Go master them!!
    ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Originally Posted by shaunybb View Post

      Hey johnny how are you today?

      Its sounds like you have put a lot of effort in spending nine months on your production creation so that great well done for that. In terms of marketing, this area is one of the most important parts in your business and for your product. so don't forget about marketing challenge yourself to become a super traffic god. I am being serious, when you have mastered this you will make a lot of money.

      Here are some ways to get traffic:-

      • Youtube marketing
      • facebook ads (they do work) you just have to find the RIGHT information
      • PPC ads bing, google etc
      • Media buys
      • Social traffic
      But to name a few....there are hundreds of ways to get traffic!!! Go master them!!
      I'm ok. A bit frustrated, but I'm not going to give up. I can't, not after everything I've done. It's not an option. I'm complaining but that's just how I am. I just need to vent, that's all.

      I have a youtube account for my product, and I've uploaded some videos from my course. I've done my keywords for the channel and for each video, and I guess I have to wait and see if I get any traffic. I've also made a twitter account, but seriously I don't even understand twitter.

      I tried facebook ads a while back for an ebook that I wrote, and I recall having problems with the picture. There's a certain ratio limit for text in the picture and I remember finding it impossible to get around it. Also if I remember correctly it wasn't letting me establish my paypal details. So I ripped a few chunks of hair out of my head and gave up.

      I can't remember every problem that I've come across with the different things that I've tried, but I just seem to run into brick walls no matter what I do. If it's not one thing it's another. It's like the gods are conspiring to make it as hard as possible.

      I'm better at understanding concepts than I am at working through the technicalities of implimenting them. I'm also at my best when I feel optimistic. I just need some kind of breakthrough.
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      • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        I'm ok. A bit frustrated, but I'm not going to give up. I can't, not after everything I've done. It's not an option. I'm complaining but that's just how I am.

        You seem to have your head in the right place which is good I would just add be consistent and if something does not work look at it from a different angle or perspective!!
        ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
        You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    Johnny, You have done the right thing in picking a niche that has a ravenous following and will buy more, from what I hear. You have had some good suggestions.

    So here is a tip for you. Do what the other marketers in the niche are doing. Go to Clickbank and type in play guitar. On the second page in, there is a listing for someones affiliate page bluesjamsession . com. Go to his affiliate program page and read over his suggestions for his affiliates. You may want to become his affiliate, and then you would have some more offers to send out later on.

    That should give you some great ideas to move you forward.
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Originally Posted by Jeannie Crabtree View Post

      Johnny, You have done the right thing in picking a niche that has a ravenous following and will buy more, from what I hear. You have had some good suggestions.

      So here is a tip for you. Do what the other marketers in the niche are doing. Go to Clickbank and type in play guitar. On the second page in, there is a listing for someones affiliate page bluesjamsession . com. Go to his affiliate program page and read over his suggestions for his affiliates. You may want to become his affiliate, and then you would have some more offers to send out later on.

      That should give you some great ideas to move you forward.
      I appreciate your suggestion and I'm looking at his affiliate page now. But the question that comes to mind is, if I'm someone else's affiliate, that means I'm promoting / marketing their stuff, so wouldn't that keep me in the same difficult position that I'm in now? What I mean is, wouldn't it better to get affiliates for me, rather than the other way around?
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree

        It is an example of what your niche marketers have their affiliates do. But sprinkled in that is ideas and training that you can use for your current site or anything else you promote in the future. Use the training to to educate your self on how to promote yourself now and possibly his offer later on.

        Yes, it would be good to get your own affiliates. So his page also gives you an example of what you might want to include in your own affiliate contact page.

        In addition, you are building a list right? You need to have on going emails and offers to your list. If it takes 4 more months to put together another product, are you going to stop emailing for those 4 months?

        Many marketers promote some other offers besides their own to their list. You can sprinkle other offers in among your own as you build a list.

        Are you seeing the bigger picture now?

        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        I appreciate your suggestion and I'm looking at his affiliate page now. But the question that comes to mind is, if I'm someone else's affiliate, that means I'm promoting / marketing their stuff, so wouldn't that keep me in the same difficult position that I'm in now? What I mean is, wouldn't it better to get affiliates for me, rather than the other way around?
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        • Profile picture of the author Content Lane
          This is great advice.
          Is your content stuck in the slow lane?
          Order high quality content from Content Lane!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

    I have 1 product and I'm completely stuck as to marketing it. I have no one to help me, and I'm finding it extremely hard to find a way forward. So I'm wondering, in the spirit of "income follows assets", should I just forget about marketing and just make another product or two, and worry about marketing later? At least it would keep me busy, instead of twiddling my thumbs like I've been doing for the last 2 weeks.
    You have to drive traffic to your offers. There's no way around that. It does benefit you to have more products too though cause sometimes a different offer will convert much higher. You just never know until you make the offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Gotta face the beast sometime. You might as well tackle it now.. No sense in creating another product (even in a different niche) if you don't know how to market the current one you have.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

    . . . should I just forget about marketing and just make another product or two, and worry about marketing later?


    I think you know what you should do.

    Plain and simple . . . you should do whatever you have to in order to learn and execute what it takes to market your product. Putting off marketing is foolish - you're just postponing the inevitable.

    If you want to sell online you have to market. For you, maybe that means taking on a marketing partner if you don't want to do it yourself. Maybe it means hiring a mentor to guide you. Maybe it means a month of study and learning with your nose to the grindstone.

    If you can't do it yourself, get it done some other way. Being an entrepreneur is all about moving forward when insurmountable obstacles stop you in your tracks. You do have many options open to you, including focusing of non-marketing activities and letting others handle the marketing. But no one is going to take responsibility for your success.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author T S Chan
    There's no magic pill, is gonna take some time before you can see consistent sales.

    Keep focusing on creating new products, list building and generate targeted traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

    I have 1 product and I'm completely stuck as to marketing it. I have no one to help me, and I'm finding it extremely hard to find a way forward. So I'm wondering, in the spirit of "income follows assets", should I just forget about marketing and just make another product or two, and worry about marketing later? At least it would keep me busy, instead of twiddling my thumbs like I've been doing for the last 2 weeks.
    Why not try both options?
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  • Profile picture of the author bostjan33
    Market it like a madman
    No need to create product after product that just sits there and no one knows about it.
    Marketing is crucial for sales, no way around it.
    You can also do yourself a favor and go to Promobrite(dotcom), and they'll bring you customers, guaranteed or your money back. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
    I gotta tell you something man. I know I was blunt with you. But it's coming from a good place.

    Here's why: I've noticed that when I'm swirling with negative emotions, frustrated, blocked, and feeling held back, I've learned that it's usually because there's something I need to do. There's something I need to get done. There's something I need to close the door on. And I know I need to do it, but as long as I'm not doing it, the feelings never go away. They never dissipate. Not until I pull the trigger and stick to my guns. They only grow.

    Pretty soon, these negative emotions become habit. They become your "set point" in your daily life. It becomes comfortable and familiar. You get used it, you get used to the dysfunction. Being held back becomes daily routine. It starts to feel safe. It starts to feel like the way things ought to be. A mess. And with those seeds planted, those habits, those feelings, that comfort zone, the gravity of the situation festers and magnifies, but it happens so slowly and it's so subtle that we don't "wake up" and go "Okay, what the $#@$!? This ain't right."

    People getting into marketing go through the same thing, and it's tougher. I'd say it's tougher to get out of that comfort zone and set point. Because there is no one single action that will be as final as saying good bye. It's not as black and white. It's not as cookie cutter. There's so many different paths and avenues to take. There's so many different options and choices. And it's overwhelming. And before long, our "set point" becomes overwhelm and distraction. Changing course. Starting something 10% of the way, and looking for something that will work better, faster, quicker, easier. Pretty soon, those actions become a habit, and instead of results we could have gotten by taking the right actions and closing the door on distraction, all we got is the distraction and the roots are deep.

    We get used to the dysfunction. We wake up every, and if we're about to get started on something, all of a sudden it feels off. It's uncomfortable. It doesn't feel safe. "Not doing" feels safe and we feel like something's wrong once we start moving forward. And when the results don't come instantly, we start to doubt ourselves. Is this even the right thing I should be doing? The best advice I can give you, is that it's totally normal and natural to feel this way.

    But I got to tell you man, it can be reversed. When we self-discipline ourselves by taking the actions we know we should take, we sleep better at night knowing in our heart that we did the right thing. In this case, in business, the right thing is trying to reach another person, and impact their lives in a positive way with our message and our products. If you know in your heart that your product is good, then any effort you make to reach the appropriate person, you know it's the right thing to do.

    To break the cycle, all that needs to be done, is to focus on one way of reaching that particular type of person that you know you can help, and daily putting in those uncomfortable actions that feel off and feel unsafe and feel scary, and realizing that it's normal to feel that way. Your entire body will scream and fight and yell, when you go from doing nothing, to doing something, and accepting the fact that you might not get the results you want immediately. But it's doing the right thing, that you know is the right thing to do, and being totally free of the outcome, of whether you achieve it right away or not, that will set you free in the end.

    My advice to you, is to identify an action that you know will lead you down the path of reaching that person who you want to reach, and the more it freaks you out, and the more unsafe and uncomfortable it feels, then the more likely that's where most of your personal and business growth is going to come from. Then performing and repeating that action every day, seven days a week, for 30 days, regardless of how you feel, because it won't feel good at first. And tell me you don't wake up on the 30th day and feel like you're doing something wrong if you're NOT taking that action. Now your entire body will kick and scream and yell if you don't do it. But it won't kick and scream and yell as loud as it did before, because it's only been 30 days.

    You can do it. Those feelings can evaporate. Feeling blocked, and stuck, and frustrated, these emotions are sending you a sign. They're telling you that there's something you know you need to do. Something you actually want to do, deep down inside. That you know freaks you out a little bit and your mind will make up every reason in the book to go back to your "set point" today, and put it off and worry about it "tomorrow". Your mind will promise you the moon. It will be convincing. It'll tell you it's okay, you can do it later when you're ready. When you know for sure that it's a better time. That if you just wait, you won't make a mistake. That you won't fail. And I'm telling you that giving into those emotions is a mistake. They are nothing but a signal that there's something that needs to be done and it's not going to be comfortable.

    You'll save yourself a lot of grief when you identify some daily actions that need to be done. No matter how much these old negative emotions beg you to stop, stop what you're doing, beg you to take them back, tell you what you want to hear, that everything is going to be okay, that you can worry about it tomorrow and it'll all work out in the end, just know that listening to them will only make you feel comfortable in their dysfunction, and then when they've got you back, and they're in control, they'll play tricks with your mind, get inside your head, and the whole cycle of self-doubt and frustration will begin anew.

    Not doing what you must, will never remove the need to do what you need to do. What you know is right. What freaks you out. But doing it will take you where you want to go, six months down the road, if you keep at it. And don't worry, it's not your fault. It's just the way it is, and it happens to all of us when we're breaking out into a new reality that is the polar opposite of the one we're living. And you're not alone if you feel this way. Many people have room for improvement when breaking into something new. I know I certainly do. Lots and lots and lots.

    Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Now that's what I call a pep talk Marc. Much appreciated.

      While I was making the course, there were many times when I was stuck on some technicality, and it was frustrating. And other times it wasn't so much that I was stuck, but it was more that I had to do a bunch of boring things. I'm always at my best when I'm optimistic, not bored, or when I can see the end in sight. Also at the start of a project, because the enthusiasm is at its highest.

      I've lost count of the number of times I found myself yelling at how long it was taking me. I really didn't expect it to drag on for 9 months. But the way I look at it is that it's a pretty big 1st project, and I've done it, and it's a good start. I gave myself a mountain of things to do and I did them. At one point I got out a piece of paper and I wrote "I will not give up" 100 times, and I made sure that I felt the full anger as I wrote every word. I still have it and I'm going to keep it. Sometimes it's hard to convey that although I do complain a lot, it's just venting. When I say things like I wish someone would take me by the hand and tell me what to do, that's just me making fun of myself.

      I had to keep reminding myself that this isn't just a process of making a product, it's a personal process and a challenge. And one of the challenges was to shake things up and get out of my comfort zone, as you say. I guess that's why I'm so bored now. I've had a taste of massive ongoing productivity and I want more. I guess that's why I'm hoping for someone to tell me that making another course is the thing to do, because at least I would know how to proceed.

      Yes indeed there are so many options. It's overwhelming. And I get flustered when there's too much information in front of me. Clickbank is a whole world of its own. So is facebook. And google adwords. It's like every individual option involves learning a bunch of stuff, and the confusion that comes with it. It's too much. On the one hand, it's good that a person can now do everything themselves, but the downside is that they have to do everything themselves. I don't mind diversifying and learning new things but I'm more of a product creator than anything else, and sometimes I hate having to do other stuff too. In a way I think it's unfair because there are many people who are excellent at 1, 2 or 3 related things, but they have a hard time in other areas. In fact, I think that to be good at one thing, you have to suck at others.

      But, now that I've spent so long on this thing, and gone through the challenges involved, maybe I can do the marketing too. It's true, I have to do it. I still think blogging isn't the best way, and right now I can't do much with facebook, so I'm going to look into some kind of PPC. Not necessarily google though (I'm going to see if I can find the cheapest alternative). I'm going to quickly finish my freebie, upload it to mailchimp and set up a brief welcome email, finish my landing page, but I'm not going to bother with follow up emails just yet, I'm going to see if I can get subscribers first. If that works, I'll do maybe 3 follow up emails.

      There's a saying and it goes : to become something you have to go through something. I guess this is the bit where I have to go through something. I keep getting the feeling that marketing is one of those things that when you crack it and develop the knack for it, it becomes so easy that I'm going to look back and laugh. Sometimes I wonder why people aren't more specific with their advice. Maybe it's because they want you to figure it out for yourself.

      One reason why I find marketing intimidating is because every time I hear the word, I picture a bunch of suits having a meeting in a boardroom, which is totally not me. I still think of business as being all about offices, suits, titles, meetings, factories, phone calls, etc. So when someone says you've got to do your own marketing, I'm like oh shit, no. And all the terminology makes it even worse.

      Anyway I'm just going to get on with it. I'm going to try the freebie / landing page / mailchimp / PPC thing and see how that goes. I have no idea how I'm going to upload almost 4 GB of videos (aka my product), but that's a problem for another day. First I want to see if I can get a system going for getting a few subscribers.

      EDIT : I've done everything except PPC. Is it ok to link to my landing page?
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      • Profile picture of the author Marc Rodill
        Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

        At one point I got out a piece of paper and I wrote "I will not give up" 100 times, and I made sure that I felt the full anger as I wrote every word. I still have it and I'm going to keep it.
        That's a good exercise. It's also great to write down the same goals over and over again. Not the things you have to do, but the bigger picture. What do you want? What's the outcome? Write that daily.

        I guess that's why I'm hoping for someone to tell me that making another course is the thing to do, because at least I would know how to proceed.
        True. It's enlightening that no one offered that advice.

        Yes indeed there are so many options. It's overwhelming. And I get flustered when there's too much information in front of me.
        Yessir. That's why we got to hunker down and pick one thing.

        ...maybe I can do the marketing too.
        Naw, you CAN do it.

        ...not going to bother with follow up emails just yet, I'm going to see if I can get subscribers first. If that works, I'll do maybe 3 follow up emails.
        That's a good idea.

        I keep getting the feeling that marketing is one of those things that when you crack it and develop the knack for it, it becomes so easy that I'm going to look back and laugh.
        Even the absolute best marketer's in the game fail more than they succeed. Don't sweat it.

        Sometimes I wonder why people aren't more specific with their advice. Maybe it's because they want you to figure it out for yourself.
        It's just because there's so many options, and it's hard to know which one is the best for you. People only share what they know. On top of that, the finer details can't really be explained. It's knowledge work. There really is no assembly line approach. You first have to determine what you want to accomplish, and then what you're going to do. There's probably millions of combinations.

        One reason why I find marketing intimidating is because every time I hear the word, I picture a bunch of suits having a meeting in a boardroom, which is totally not me. I still think of business as being all about offices, suits, titles, meetings, factories, phone calls, etc. So when someone says you've got to do your own marketing, I'm like oh shit, no. And all the terminology makes it even worse.
        That's funny to me, because usually these suits aren't very good marketers. They're managers. Typically the marketer builds the business, and the suits take over and dull everything down.

        Anyway I'm just going to get on with it. I'm going to try the freebie / landing page / mailchimp / PPC thing and see how that goes.
        I say commit to it, and then see it through. Creativity follows commitment. Get the absolute best course information you possibly can on PPC, and give it your all.

        I have no idea how I'm going to upload almost 4 GB of videos (aka my product), but that's a problem for another day.
        Load them all up to YouTube as unlisted videos. You can embed those files in whatever member's area site you want, or drop the links to your customers. They won't be available to the public to find.

        EDIT : I've done everything except PPC. Is it ok to link to my landing page?
        This is where I would say to go get the best PPC information you can find. Learn from someone who has already mastered it, and learn from their failures. Each search engine and PPC source has it's own rules.
        Long Lost Warriors! The Secret Sales System! Act Now! Buy Now! Right Now!
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        • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
          Originally Posted by Marc Rodill View Post

          Load them all up to YouTube as unlisted videos. You can embed those files in whatever member's area site you want, or drop the links to your customers. They won't be available to the public to find.
          I can certainly do that, but there's a huge problem if I do. Something that I emphasize in my course is that in order to best practice the exercises, they can slow down the videos, or speed them up once they get good at the exercise, or set up a playlist, or choose exercises to do at random by setting the playlist to shuffle. These are things that as far as I know can only be done on windows media player, and not on youtube. If I put the videos on youtube they won't be able to do any of that.

          Due to copyright issues, it's not possible for me to make available videos of me playing the songs taught in the course unless it's done freely and to the public, which is why I have those particular ones on youtube already.

          I know that there are sites or software where you enter the URL of a youtube video and you can download it. I could mention that in the course, but I think it would be too much hassle for the customer. If it was just a few videos that would be fine, but there's 109. It just seems like a lot to ask of them. Or maybe not, I don't know. Honestly I'm not trying to look for problems, I'm just thinking that the customer probably won't want to spend all that time just to prepare to do the course. Unless of course there's a super fast way of downloading the whole lot (4 GB) in one go, but I haven't found it yet.

          It's not a priority for me right now, but sooner or later i'm going to have to find a way around this.
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    • Profile picture of the author ddpromo1
      Your Advice Is Helping Thousands!! Keep It Up!
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      • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
        Originally Posted by ddpromo1 View Post

        Your Advice Is Helping Thousands!! Keep It Up!
        Your attitude is helping millions!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave37
    If your objective is to make money selling your product, then spending your time creating other products while the one you currently have is not even being promoted doesn't sound like a good idea at all. You will risk putting yourself on a "product creation with no promotion" routine.

    There are many ways you can go about promoting your current product, but before doing so, you must get the whole system ready first (autoresponder, sqieeze page, sales letter, download page and so on...)

    Do your best!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
    No you need to spend the time learning how to market effectively. You could make products until you are blue in the face but if you cannot effectively market them to get them in front of customers ready to spend money. You will never make this work.

    Study marketing. Study sales. Study copy writing learn the most effective skills that will put money into your pocket as soon as possible.

    I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex65
    I realize that when something does not work and I'm stuck, stop everything, I do other things for a couple of days, and then start over again as if it is a new thing and eliminate words like but,however ....

    good luck!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Originally Posted by Alex65 View Post

      I realize that when something does not work and I'm stuck, stop everything, I do other things for a couple of days, and then start over again as if it is a new thing and eliminate words like but,however ....

      good luck!!!
      Yeah but...

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      • Profile picture of the author rjd1265
        Why not, you know, try a few things and test it out?

        Instead of spending all your time here or wasting your time writing "I will not give up" 100 times create some videos and put them on YT, or create a few ads and put them on Facebook....or BingAds, Adwords.....I dont know, DO SOMETHING!

        The time it took you to write that garbage 100 times you could have instead set up a FB page, created 4 different ads and ran some test.

        I feel your pain bro, I really do. This is a frustrating game we are all in but if you "suck" at marketing, maybe you should not be an online marketer.

        The only other option is to become the teacher and not the student. What I mean is create the product and....

        A.) Sell it to someone who can market it and make money by selling your products
        B.) Sign up with JvZoo or Clickbank and advertise to get affiliates who know what they are doing to promote the product for you.

        I really wish you the best of luck. I hope I did not bust your stones to bad
        You Are A Snowflake
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        • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
          Originally Posted by rjd1265 View Post

          Why not, you know, try a few things and test it out?

          Instead of spending all your time here or wasting your time writing "I will not give up" 100 times create some videos and put them on YT, or create a few ads and put them on Facebook....or BingAds, Adwords.....I dont know, DO SOMETHING!

          The time it took you to write that garbage 100 times you could have instead set up a FB page, created 4 different ads and ran some test.

          I feel your pain bro, I really do. This is a frustrating game we are all in but if you "suck" at marketing, maybe you should not be an online marketer.

          The only other option is to become the teacher and not the student. What I mean is create the product and....

          A.) Sell it to someone who can market it and make money by selling your products
          B.) Sign up with JvZoo or Clickbank and advertise to get affiliates who know what they are doing to promote the product for you.

          I really wish you the best of luck. I hope I did not bust your stones to bad
          I don't think it's a waste of time. It works for me. Everyone has their own way of dealing with things. This is a psychological game as much as anything else. Anyway I'm not spending all my time here. As we speak I'm uploading my product to Gumroad and I've made a start on my sales page, and today I set up my google adwords ad and so far I've had a whopping 1 clicks.

          That's right. 1 entire click. This thing is moving faster than I ever dreamed.
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          • Profile picture of the author Content Lane
            Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

            I don't think it's a waste of time. It works for me. Everyone has their own way of dealing with things. This is a psychological game as much as anything else. Anyway I'm not spending all my time here. As we speak I'm uploading my product to Gumroad and I've made a start on my sales page, and today I set up my google adwords ad and so far I've had a whopping 1 clicks.

            That's right. 1 entire click. This thing is moving faster than I ever dreamed.
            If you are only receiving one click, try changing the keywords and ad a little. Keep tweaking the ad until you get more clicks.
            Is your content stuck in the slow lane?
            Order high quality content from Content Lane!
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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    I choose good marketing with few products
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Well I waited until I was unblocked from facebook, then I tried sharing my video post again and it worked. I have no idea why it didn't work the first time. I started getting views almost immediately, and a few likes.

      Then a few days ago I created an ad, and I got a few more views (but not that many) and a few more likes. But no one has clicked on the sign up app and I don't have any more subscribers.

      A few days ago I was blocked again, and they sent me a text with a number for me to enter to get unblocked, which I did, and everything was fine.

      Today I put up another video post and I tried to share it but now I'm blocked again, and this time I don't even know how long the block will last. That's now 3 times that they've blocked me.

      Facebook sucks ass. In theory it's good for marketing, but in practice, it's terrible. They keep making everything hard. I can't work like this. I can't tolerate being blocked again and again for no reason. I don't know how anyone can work that way.

      As for google adwords, they won't accept my landing page because they said it didn't have enough words on it, i.e. very little value from their point of view. So I added more, but still it wasn't allowed. Then I added more, and they still won't accept it. I can't keep adding more stuff onto the page because 1) landing pages are supposed to be simple, and 2) I can't add more without giving away what's in my freebie which they have to sign up to get. It's ridiculous. I'm completely stuck.

      I also tried advertising with Bing. I created an account and then I logged out before finishing my ad, because I had to think about how to do it. but then when I tried logging back it it didn't let me. I called them and they said create a new account. So I did, and now it's the same thing.

      This is bullshit. I'm trying, but it seems that there are always really stupid, ridiculous obstacles in my way, and now I just spend my time refreshing my facebook page to see if there are new views and likes.

      Previously I was saying that I didn't know what to do, but since then I've been trying, and now I'm stuck as usual. All I have is facebook, but I can't share my posts or join groups.

      I'm venting, but I'm not going to quit. But this is hard. I can handle the time and effort and challenges involved in creating a product or an ad or whatever, but marketing is a whole new minefield. So much nonsense to put up with. It's hard enough as it is without being slowed down by not being able to log into Bing or use facebook or adwords. It's very demoralizing.
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      • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
        Google adwords wasn't working because I forgot to include all of my keyphrases on my landing page. Oops, my bad. It's fixed now but for some reason I've only had 1 impression, which is bizarre.

        I've had an idea and I wonder if anyone can tell me if it's worth trying...

        1) I give away the whole of my course for free on my facebook page. By that I mean that I post a video from the course each week, with some brief text from the course that is relevant to that video, and a link to the youtube video itself, plus links to free downloads of each of the PDFs that make up the course.
        I have over a hundred videos so I can keep posting the whole course over and over, forever. Result : people view my youtube videos, making me easier to find when people do a search on youtube.

        2) When they download the PDFs from facebook and do the course, each lesson has a link to the relevant youtube video. Result : more youtube views.

        3) On every youtube video, I put a link to my landing page.

        The idea is to use my product to drive traffic from facebook to my youtube channel, and then from there drive traffic to my landing page, and then eventually I pitch my course to my subscribers. So in other words I'm using my facebook audience to create a youtube audience, and that youtube audience will be my customers (whereas my facebook audience will be a tool to get attention to my youtube videos). So I'm using my course to drive traffic to my landing page, to sell the course. My course becomes its own marketing tool, indirectly.

        Is that crazy or would it work?
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        • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
          Originally Posted by Johnny1975 View Post

          Google adwords wasn't working because I forgot to include all of my keyphrases on my landing page. Oops, my bad. It's fixed now
          You solved a problem and overcame an obstacle.

          The more time you spend doing that, and the less time you spend writing on forums that you're feeling demoralized, the more quickly you'll accomplish your goals. In my view, forums are best used for asking specific questions for which you won't easily find an answer using Google. You want to spend the rest of your time actually moving pieces on the board.

          I've had an idea and I wonder if anyone can tell me if it's worth trying...

          1) I give away the whole of my course for free on my facebook page. By that I mean that I post a video from the course each week, with some brief text from the course that is relevant to that video, and a link to the youtube video itself, plus links to free downloads of each of the PDFs that make up the course.
          I have over a hundred videos so I can keep posting the whole course over and over, forever.


          The idea is to use my product to drive traffic from facebook to my youtube channel, and then from there drive traffic to my landing page, and then eventually I pitch my course to my subscribers. So in other words I'm using my facebook audience to create a youtube audience, and that youtube audience will be my customers (whereas my facebook audience will be a tool to get attention to my youtube videos). So I'm using my course to drive traffic to my landing page, to sell the course. My course becomes its own marketing tool, indirectly.

          Is that crazy or would it work?
          Why would they buy it when it's available for free on Facebook?
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          • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
            Originally Posted by Jon Patrick View Post

            Why would they buy it when it's available for free on Facebook?
            The idea is not for the facebook crowd to buy the product. The idea is to quickly attract a facebook crowd by offering the whole course for free, no sign up, no strings, so that when they do the course they'll have to go to my youtube channel to watch the videos of the exercises, which will increase my views of those videos and hopefully make them easier to find. Then, the youtube viewers who find me will be given a link to my landing page, and it's those people who will be my customers.

            I'm not saying it will work because I don't know, but I was just trying to think outside the box and come up with some way of generating traffic to my youtube videos --->landing page.
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  • Profile picture of the author badassmarketer
    The reason you are struggling with marketing is because of your lack of information.

    A) You either don't know where to find the information to master a certain avenue (or)
    B) You are following the wrong information

    You're probably like, "Thank you Mr. Obvious." But it seems like no one has even mentioned this. Come on people. Help a brother out.

    I'm about to hand over my technique on how I become an expert at any niche. In this case the marketing niche. Remember marketing is a niche. You are a consumer of marketing. You want to learn it, and you want to implement it. So how do you learn the marketing niche?

    Follow the top marketing "gurus" on the internet. Simple right? I'm talking about people who have a track record, and are currently making bank through their marketing skills. And best of all, they blog about their techniques. Follow them on Twitter, follow them on Facebook, and follow their blogs(key note). But there is a way to keep all this organized. It's my secret weapon.

    I am about to take you by the HAND like you requested.

    1)Make an account on
    2)Go to the search bar and type "Facebook Marketing;" or any type of marketing you want to learn. You can even type in Internet marketing.
    3) If you type in Facebook Marketing, next you select Facebook Marketing Sites.
    4) All the top blogs on the niche will pop up. Start following the top blogs. The more subscribers the blog has, the higher reputation they must have.
    5) Now that you are following the top gurus, it is time to study!
    6) Download the Feedly app on your phone. And log in.
    7) Scroll through your feed. When you find a title that you think will help you in your marketing journey, tap and hold it. It will save it for you to read later.
    8) When you have time to read your saved content, read it. Study that s***
    9) Do that every day.

    If you follow this not only will you be ahead of the pack, but you'll be the first to know of new trends. You'll be the first to know what is working today. You'll also be the first to know the policy changes on the media that you are focusing on.

    It's all about research. Just like someone had to tell you what the C chord was when you started playing the guitar, marketing is the same thing. Find the right information, and study it.

    It's fun for me. Because it gets me excited when I run into a new technique that I know is going to make me bank.

    Remember you are doing this to make money. To have freedom. And most importantly to work from your computer. Get to work. Come back and report if this has helped you.


    At least not this one. Make other smaller products that are informative but leave a lot to be desired. That will push people into buying your $99 course.

    Best regards,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10439291].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      Originally Posted by badassmarketer View Post

      The reason you are struggling with marketing is because of your lack of information.

      A) You either don't know where to find the information to master a certain avenue (or)
      B) You are following the wrong information

      You're probably like, "Thank you Mr. Obvious." But it seems like no one has even mentioned this. Come on people. Help a brother out.
      It's true. I'm lacking the right information. There's too much stuff out there to read and it's hard to know what is right. Anyway I've done everything you said and i'll see how that goes. Thanks for the advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author mario23
    Marketing is a big part of getting your product out there, if you just keep putting out products with no marketing you will end up with a lot of products and very little sales.

    Try getting Jv's to jump on board when you launch your products, its the best way to go, because they will promote for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny1975
      In the last few days I've had 473 impressions of my ad on google, and 17 clicks, and 0 subscribers.

      Is it ok to post a link to my landing page? Would anyone be willing to have a look and tell me if there's something that needs improving?
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  • Profile picture of the author karenwilliams
    You must do smm for promoting your website.
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