Looking for help/ideas on advertising a jewelry website.
Just a quick backstory. A friend of mine owned a jewelry store for 20+ years. She decided to close her store and move her business online. Over the last 3+ years or so she has been selling jewelry through her Etsy store. While sales have steadily increased since she opened her Etsy store, most of the sales are still coming mainly from her old customers who she has gathered over the years of having her old store in California. She decided that she would like to move away from Etsy and get her own website. I created her a website for her shop through Shopify over the last several months. We just launched the website last week.
I personally know next to nothing when it comes to online advertising, my background is in finance, however i am actively looking to learn everything i can when it comes to advertising an e-comerce website which in this case is our jewelry website.. So we are looking for help advertising our jewelry website.
Only advertising that has been done to this point is a small email campaign during holidays to regular customers whos information have been gathered over the years using mailchimp. Also most recently created a facebook and instagram pages for the website.
So looking for any help and ideas on someways to generate max traffic to this jewelry website as well as a place for me to learn more about online advertising for a website of this kind. We are willing to put money into advertising so not looking for just free tips, just first and foremost looking for some help and ideas as we are obviously beginners when it comes to this. Any help is greatly appreciated!
PS: website has a great name for a jewelry website.
Again thanks for any help and looking forward to hearing some ideas.
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