Help Setting up Forums/Online Community

2 replies
I received this offer to bid on a project and need someone to point me in the right direction as far as where to go (website I can use to start these) in order to set them up:

"We currently have the websites we need but are lacking in an online community for our members, families and friends to keep up to date on club happenings, share their own photos & stories and a place for us to offer club products, trips and real estate for sale. We also need a forum for our professional staff of guides and instructors to share their expertise."

Where on earth would I start with this? I would LOVE to be able to help them out as it could be a long-term relationship.

It appears he wants to set up 1) a forum for the instructors (which I assume would link back the member site, and 2) a place where the members can all gather and chat and share, etc.

Any idea as to what type of online presence would fit #1 and then the other piece #2?

Does anyone know if there is a website or place online which allows you to set up these types of places which is easy to use in order to set these up for someone?

Help! Thanks
#community #forums #forums or online #online community #setting #social media
  • Profile picture of the author John Hixson
    Originally Posted by DianneH View Post

    I received this offer to bid on a project and need someone to point me in the right direction as far as where to go (website I can use to start these) in order to set them up:

    "We currently have the websites we need but are lacking in an online community for our members, families and friends to keep up to date on club happenings, share their own photos & stories and a place for us to offer club products, trips and real estate for sale. We also need a forum for our professional staff of guides and instructors to share their expertise."

    Where on earth would I start with this? I would LOVE to be able to help them out as it could be a long-term relationship.

    It appears he wants to set up 1) a forum for the instructors (which I assume would link back the member site, and 2) a place where the members can all gather and chat and share, etc.

    Any idea as to what type of online presence would fit #1 and then the other piece #2?

    Does anyone know if there is a website or place online which allows you to set up these types of places which is easy to use in order to set these up for someone?

    Help! Thanks
    Do you mean just setting up forums?

    Vbulletin is, I believe, the most popular and powerful forum creation tool, but costs.

    If you are looking for free options phpBB is a free one that is very popular and SMF (simple machines forums) likewise (also what I use).

    If the hosting has fantastico then these can be installed in a directory with one click of a button and then tailored with free themes much like wordpress

    DOMINATE Your Niche with this AMAZING Creation Service for HUBPAGES and SQUIDOO

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    • Profile picture of the author DianneH
      Hi John,

      Thanks for all the great info.

      I actually did run across vbulletin as one of the musicians I work for has a couple of great forums going using that program.... You are right. Kind of pricey but not too bad for what it does. I will have to check out the others you recommend.

      When I bid on the project, I never heard back from them! Imagine that???? I think they wanted something for nothing. Oh well. On to the next bid!

      Thanks again!

      Dianne Humphries

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