Make PDF Rebrandable (And Offer Clients To Resell Rebranding Rights)

7 replies

I have 2 questions:

1: What is the best way to make a PDF rebrandable, so my clients can rebrand it with their own affiliate links?

2: Is there a way to sell rebranding rights o my clients, so they can offer rebranding rights to their clients?

Thanks in advance!
#clients #make #offer #pdf #rebrand #rebrandable #rebranding #resell #rights #software
  • Profile picture of the author IMDealBox
    1. If you google Rebrand PDF you get all sorts of software. I've seen some is free and offered as bonuses. Just use the Google or search here on WF.

    2. If you buy a developer/whitelabel version of software, you might be able to do that.
    I.M Hound: Intelligent Business Solutions & I.M News
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    • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
      I don't know how others do it, however, I would do it this way:

      I would always maintain "control" of the rebranding process - gains me emails and an initial measurement of growth.

      Create a membership website for those wanting the rebranded PDFs and for their clients to request their own re-branded titles.

      I would start rebranding manually (find & replace in doc. editor) and convert to pdf (free and easy using OpenOffice).

      Set a download page for each member and place in their download list.

      You can then create a plethora of downloadables, offers and new membership offers using this platform as your base.

      After it becomes profitable, I would then hire a php developer to automate the whole rebranding and member download process - then move on to other projects.

      FYI - researching carefully, you could probably find a membership plugin that would pretty much handle most of this process automatically for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    Yes, the best way to do this is to just offer them the actual file that you typed it all up in. So if you made in in word, give them the word file so that they can just edit what they want, and then export it in PDF.

    As for the rebranding rights, yes. In this space, what you are referring to is called master resale rights (MRR) and it's quite popular as well.

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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    Software product Magic,

    Did this years ago with this program and made some good money as WSO and on JVzoo.

    Pretty sure you can still get it, its an awesome piece of kit.
    Are You Missing Out on an Opportunity?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Dougp had a fantastic WSO called ghost script.

      The link to buy it is no longer working, but if you send him a PM you might find out if it is still available.

      You can test and see how easy it works (his test link) : Your JV Page

      It's very cool. Put any url in to test.

      He might be giving it away free now as I saw another URL on it which is varied from the original, but not sure that is his.

      He does have some other current wso's running, so he likely checks in every now and then.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author velvet
    Hi lookielookies,
    I used Software Product Magic to create a brandable file to give away free.

    Basically you set up tags to replace any content you may need to in the document template.

    You can set up the rights documents and the instructions too to be rebranded so you can offer a complete solution.

    You can then sell the document re-branding tool, and also sell the rebranding tool to rebrand the rebrander so your clients will end up with a free document with links, and a rebranding tool to sell, both branded in their own name.

    I guess that is sort of a PLR product.

    You can password protect the tools as well.

    This is just one of many things that software will allow you to do.

    I created the file offered in my sig this way actually.

    cheers, Mal.

    Here is a Free Gift for you! :>) It's a great list builder too!

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