Paid for Internet Marketing Guru's Course

32 replies
Hi Guys

I paid for a course to learn internet marketing 4 weeks ago but have since regretted it because the content is very poor (youtube has better trainings). The "guru" (based in the U.S.) said he has a no refund policy.

I was wondering how this fits into consumer law as generally there is a "cooling off" period. Can anyone guide me to where I can read up on the law about this or get advice?
#guru #internet #marketing #paid
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Originally Posted by Mairin44 View Post

    Hi Guys

    I paid for a course to learn internet marketing 4 weeks ago but have since regretted it because the content is very poor (youtube has better trainings). The "guru" (based in the U.S.) said he has a no refund policy.

    I was wondering how this fits into consumer law as generally there is a "cooling off" period. Can anyone guide me to where I can read up on the law about this or get advice?
    You will need to check the law in your state but most consumer cooling off laws are 3 business days.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    Sad to say your money is gone.

    It's in a 1000 WSO's to just put out PLR and charge some poor person for access.

    Your one of many, so don't feel bad.

    Very sorry to hear about this, it's a shame there are so many scumbags in the industry.

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  • Profile picture of the author SalesGod
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    • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
      hey there that's is very bad and I am sorry you have been scammed but your not alone there are so many products out there that are rubbish. Did you look for the important legal factors such as money back gurantee? earning disclaimer etc? I am not saying its your fault but I can bet any money there was no mention of this on the sales page.

      People get scammed all the time and half the people cant get their money back but by all means try and do what you can. There are some members on here that can direct you to some legal things. Good luck!!!
      ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
      You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Mairin44 View Post

    Hi Guys

    I paid for a course to learn internet marketing 4 weeks ago but have since regretted it because the content is very poor (youtube has better trainings). The "guru" (based in the U.S.) said he has a no refund policy.

    I was wondering how this fits into consumer law as generally there is a "cooling off" period. Can anyone guide me to where I can read up on the law about this or get advice?
    Have you tried asking them for a refund? Sometimes even with a no refund policy, if you ask you can sometimes get one.
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  • Profile picture of the author kursat
    If you paid with your credit card you might be able to do a claim with them. Not sure if it works in every country.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      There's usually ways to acquire money back for various methods of payment.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    May I ask:

    Who is the person that you bought the course from?
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  • Profile picture of the author tifyminli
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Who is the person that you bought the course from?
      I am surprised you would ask that. You can't name people here or complain about a seller without getting the thread deleted (as it should be).

      There might be ways - but four weeks is a long time to use a product before making a decision. What is the duration of the course you paid for...was it more than 4 weeks?

      "Cooling off laws" are enforced in many countries - but they are for 3 days or so...don't cover you for four weeks.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author chyan007
    Originally Posted by Mairin44 View Post

    Hi Guys

    I paid for a course to learn internet marketing 4 weeks ago but have since regretted it because the content is very poor (youtube has better trainings). The "guru" (based in the U.S.) said he has a no refund policy.

    I was wondering how this fits into consumer law as generally there is a "cooling off" period. Can anyone guide me to where I can read up on the law about this or get advice?
    I am not affiliated to the course and i dont even know anything about it ,But of curiosity

    Did you try to implement anything that you learnt as some people just buy courses so that they can refund it later ,and call everything is a scam

    If the content was really poor ,then you can go for a chargeback

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    • Profile picture of the author robsterhews
      Contact the vendor 1st and ask for your money back.

      If they will not refund your money then -

      If you paid with PayPal or Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc- file a dispute. You will probably win and get your money back. Merchants do not want to fight with PayPal or the credit card companies.

      It is much easier for them to refund the money than to go through the dispute process.

      You should win....... without much problem.

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by chyan007 View Post

      Did you try to implement anything that you learnt as some people just buy courses so that they can refund it later ,and call everything is a scam
      Okay, but if the content is rubbish, why would you waste time trying to implement it? That is just throwing more time and money away.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I might agree - but 4 weeks is a long time to decide it's "rubbish". Also, the length of the course is important and not stated. If the course was 12 weeks I might advise a chargeback (but we don't know if that's possible or not). If the course length was 4 weeks....don't think so.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          I might agree - but 4 weeks is a long time to decide it's "rubbish". Also, the length of the course is important and not stated. If the course was 12 weeks I might advise a chargeback (but we don't know if that's possible or not). If the course length was 4 weeks....don't think so.
          I agree. In most cases, if someone waits 4 weeks to decide they need a refund it is probably because they suddenly realized that it is gong to take work to implement what was taught (and they were dreaming of being an overnight millionaire) or something else came up that they need money for (not the seller's fault).

          I was just pointing out that the "Well, did you try implementing it" defense is just silly and in most cases stupid. My comment was more in response to chyan007's post than the situation of the OP.
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          • Profile picture of the author chyan007
            Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

            I agree. In most cases, if someone waits 4 weeks to decide they need a refund it is probably because they suddenly realized that it is gong to take work to implement what was taught (and they were dreaming of being an overnight millionaire) or something else came up that they need money for (not the seller's fault).

            I was just pointing out that the "Well, did you try implementing it" defense is just silly and in most cases stupid. My comment was more in response to chyan007's post than the situation of the OP.
            I dont buy on this y ,

            Here is thing ,7 months ago i joined a course ,When i joined there were 10 guys who joined along with me ,I m not boasting just stating the facts , 6 people left because there was too much work involved ,Everything was there in the course from PPC,PPV,List building ,you name it ,But people left saying that it was a scam ,But i have built my bussiness and have adopted a good mind set ,You said 4 weeks was a long time ,what about OP never checked anything in those 4 weeks, do you know anything about what he did in those 4 weeks ,Lot of people say These days product are junk ,Ok they could be Odds are 20 out of 100 ,But 80 of them would be good ,For eg there was a course on how to advertise on reditt... Just an example i liked it ,Will implement it on tuesday ,Lets see how it goes if i fail its my fault,Lot of us criticize each other for nothing

            Its about how much you can take and keep moving forward
            But it was a good healthy decision
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            • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
              Originally Posted by chyan007 View Post

              I dont buy on this y ,

              Here is thing ,7 months ago i joined a course ,When i joined there were 10 guys who joined along with me ,I m not boasting just stating the facts , 6 people left because there was too much work involved ,Everything was there in the course from PPC,PPV,List building ,you name it ,But people left saying that it was a scam ,But i have built my bussiness and have adopted a good mind set ,You said 4 weeks was a long time ,what about OP never checked anything in those 4 weeks, do you know anything about what he did in those 4 weeks ,Lot of people say These days product are junk ,Ok they could be Odds are 20 out of 100 ,But 80 of them would be good ,For eg there was a course on how to advertise on reditt... Just an example i liked it ,Will implement it on tuesday ,Lets see how it goes if i fail its my fault,Lot of us criticize each other for nothing

              Its about how much you can take and keep moving forward
              But it was a good healthy decision
              What I do know is that the OP said the content was rubbish. Again, if it was rubbish, it would be COMPLETELY ASININE of him to bother implementing what was taught.

              If I paid for a manual about how to build a tree house and the manual starts off by telling me how great of an idea floors made of balsa wood is, why would I implement something so stupid?

              Whenever one of these threads pop up, there are always the "Well did you really try to follow what was taught" responses. If I pay someone to teach me something and I can right away tell that their training is stupid, I'm not going to go ahead and just give it a whirl simply because I paid for it. That is a waste of time and just throwing away more good money after bad money.

              That being said, I also would not wait 4 weeks to try to get a refund, again unless as mentioned it was a course spread out over 16 weeks or something.
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            • Profile picture of the author discrat
              Originally Posted by chyan007 View Post

              I dont buy on this y ,

              Here is thing ,7 months ago i joined a course ,When i joined there were 10 guys who joined along with me ,I m not boasting just stating the facts , 6 people left because there was too much work involved ,Everything was there in the course from PPC,PPV,List building ,you name it ,But people left saying that it was a scam ,But i have built my bussiness and have adopted a good mind set ,You said 4 weeks was a long time ,what about OP never checked anything in those 4 weeks, do you know anything about what he did in those 4 weeks ,Lot of people say These days product are junk ,Ok they could be Odds are 20 out of 100 ,But 80 of them would be good ,For eg there was a course on how to advertise on reditt... Just an example i liked it ,Will implement it on tuesday ,Lets see how it goes if i fail its my fault,Lot of us criticize each other for nothing

              Its about how much you can take and keep moving forward
              But it was a good healthy decision
              Iam not saying that all Coaching is legit. I know there are a number that are not.

              But I think you hit it on the nail in a lot of cases.

              Many of these Coaches actually do a pretty good job, from what I have looked into.

              I just think a lot of these people who join these high priced Coaching Lessons expect that they will be given some " easy button " secret way too riches.

              When they find out it is something they will have to commit to and work and learn over a period of time, they are not motivated. And some may even resort to yelling "scam" just to get their money back.

              Think about it...they say to themselves " I'm not going to make money at this scheme because it is not easy like I thought and on top of that I lost 1K into this Coach".
              So panic sets in

              - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

        Okay, but if the content is rubbish, why would you waste time trying to implement it? That is just throwing more time and money away.
        Quite right. A large portion of what is being offered as "products" is rehashed BS and rubbish. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to implement rubbish. A lot of sellers use that excuse ... nobody implements anything ... to imply that there would be big money if only customers would just implement the material, which is often not the case at all. Looking over the WSO forum these days, there's not much that I would invest even a dollar in.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
          Since we don't anything about the course content, we can only speculate.

          Personally, I have been extraordinarily selective about my educational investments and have generally been very satisfied with them.

          However, over the course of the last decade I have paid for things that I realized after the fact were duds, and I have paid for things I never cracked open. In those cases, I accepted responsibility for my poor decisions and moved on.

          The only time I ever asked for a refund was when one of the major "gurus" out there based his pitched on something that was demonstrably false. I was disappointed, but had no trouble getting my refund because, frankly, he had no moral standing to dispute my dispute.

          Learn from every experience. Life is too short to spend time making others pay you back for your lack of diligence.

          Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

          Okay, but if the content is rubbish, why would you waste time trying to implement it? That is just throwing more time and money away.
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          Quite right. A large portion of what is being offered as "products" is rehashed BS and rubbish. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to implement rubbish. A lot of sellers use that excuse ... nobody implements anything ... to imply that there would be big money if only customers would just implement the material, which is often not the case at all. Looking over the WSO forum these days, there's not much that I would invest even a dollar in.
          How does the OP know it is rubbish? He hasn't explained.

          To a lot of people here, I suspect the term "rubbish" equals "this is a lot more work than I expected it to be"

          I am not defending the seller, as I have no idea who he/she is and what he/she is selling.

          I just think it is premature to automatically assume the buyer has been scammed, when we all know that most WSO buyers are not ever going to be successful with anything they buy in that section.
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          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

            How does the OP know it is rubbish? He hasn't explained.

            To a lot of people here, I suspect the term "rubbish" equals "this is a lot more work than I expected it to be"

            I am not defending the seller, as I have no idea who he/she is and what he/she is selling.

            I just think it is premature to automatically assume the buyer has been scammed, when we all know that most WSO buyers are not ever going to be successful with anything they buy in that section.
            Rubbish does not mean this is a lot more than I expected it to be. Rubbish means this is a lot less informative and helpful than I expected it to be. No one used the word scam. Scam is fraud and it sounds as if this course was just rubbish ... not fraud.

            I have purchased a few courses that I opened and instantly knew that I had just purchased rubbish. No need to go through the hassle of trying it out. Didn't do enough due diligence or was curious about it and got what one would expect without due diligence. Rubbish.

            There are hundreds of people selling here now who aren't in the least bit qualified to produce a real, quality product. They are drawn here by promises of making big money and throw together their rubbish to sell to unsuspecting newbies and people who don't do due diligence. They know all to well that if your promises are big, you'll make sales.

            This one was allegedly some "guru". Don't have a clue who he was and don't care. Don't even know if he is really a "guru" or the OP just considers him to be one. What matters is that he said there was better training available for free on YouTube for the subject matter, so he didqualify his opinion.

            The only time I've ever requested a refund is when there was fraud involved. On the rare occasions that I purchase something that I consider poor quality and regret buying it, I just learn from that experience and move on.
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            • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
              Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

              Rubbish does not mean this is a lot more than I expected it to be. Rubbish means this is a lot less informative and helpful than I expected it to be. No one used the word scam. Scam is fraud and it sounds as if this course was just rubbish ... not fraud.
              Your definition (and mine), but I have seen nothing to inspire confidence that the OP shares it. Instead of automatically assuming he is capable of identifying rubbish, I would question his credentials.

              The majority of the WSO section would fall under the "buy me and I'll make you rich" category. When purchased, if it does not pan out that way (which of course it never does), then is that rubbish or fraud?

              And, importantly, does it really matter?

              The lesson here is to stay away from ridiculously shiny objects without really good sunglasses.
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              • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
                Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

                Your definition (and mine), but I have seen nothing to inspire confidence that the OP shares it. Instead of automatically assuming he is capable of identifying rubbish, I would question his credentials.

                The majority of the WSO section would fall under the "buy me and I'll make you rich" category. When purchased, if it does not pan out that way (which of course it never does), then is that rubbish or fraud?

                And, importantly, does it really matter?

                The lesson here is to stay away from ridiculously shiny objects without really good sunglasses.
                Absolutely, and I agree that there's plenty of confusion about whether false income or other wild claims are fraud or just par for the course for Make Money Online courses. To me, much of what is being peddled is little more than a pyramid. Buy a Make Money Online scheme and then teach Make Money Online to others and round and round you go. It's why I don't and never have bought Make Money Online courses, with the rare exception of something that was pretty cheap and I was curious, so figured I was throwing money away but didn't care.

                The kinds of courses I have always bought are the type that teach you to do something necessary ... an example being for me personally, was several excellent courses on ecommerce ... how to source products to sell, where to sell, how to get traffic ... legalities ... no income claims ... just great information that would be time consuming to dig up from all over the place on your own. And those courses were from people who make a killing with ecommerce rather than with selling Make Money Online courses.
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              • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                The problem with threads like this one is the info given by the OP - is sketchy - he has not returned to answer questions or clarify facts.

                People start taking sides - and there isn't info from the OP to take any side.

                We don't know how the long course was for - if he tried any part of it - how much he paid (or whether he used a CC or not) or why he did not ask about refund policy before buying.

                All we know is seller is in US and buyer isn't - and he's hoping US laws will force a refund. Probably not.
                Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I doubt cooling off periods cover digital products, since you can never really return them and they wouldn't cover you for 4 weeks. They normally cover for 3 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    Did you do any research on your "guru" before purchasing? A little due diligence can go a long way.

    What is it about the training that you consider to be "poor"?

    How do you know it is poor? What would you consider to be acceptable?

    As another poster asked... did you try to implement anything the training was trying to teach you?

    Or are you so blinded to the content because you don't like the style that you refuse to benefit from it at all?

    It is much, much easier to blame the course for your failure than than your own inaction.

    You bought it. Now make the best of it. Learn the lessons to be learned (both the materials in the course and the experience of buying the course) and keep moving forward.
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    • Profile picture of the author chyan007
      Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

      Did you do any research on your "guru" before purchasing? A little due diligence can go a long way.

      What is it about the training that you consider to be "poor"?

      How do you know it is poor? What would you consider to be acceptable?

      As another poster asked... did you try to implement anything the training was trying to teach you?

      Or are you so blinded to the content because you don't like the style that you refuse to benefit from it at all?

      It is much, much easier to blame the course for your failure than than your own inaction.

      You bought it. Now make the best of it. Learn the lessons to be learned (both the materials in the course and the experience of buying the course) and keep moving forward.
      Great Comment Jack ,In most of the cases we blame the product creator,without actually implementing any thing ,and there continues a never ending race for Shiny Object Syndrome.....

      Have a great day
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    I am surprised you would ask that. You can't name people here or complain about a seller without getting the thread deleted (as it should be).
    For people who do not know, or those who should but apparently don't:


    If you have a problem with another Warrior, a Guru, or God, take it up with them directly. Not here. No exceptions.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    I find it rather ironic the OP posts, gets 24 responses (excluding mine) and vanished like Houdini - kinda paints an obscured canvas.

    In short, you have not returned (or applied effort) to engage or respond to those who you 'blindly' seek direction from... No wonder the end result of your 'guru internet marketing course' didn't work.

    While, I have been 'scammed' one or two times, one thing positive remains, I learned to conduct research, do my due dilligence, and if the product or service failed to match it's promise (which most are worded wisely, especially, the crap being sold by the scammy sales-folk...) - I either get my money back, or pulled up my big boy panties and took it like a man, lol.

    Seriously, How much of an investment are we talking about here?

    Probably not enough time or money invested by the OP to waste 'our time' responding to the continuum of 'blind justice' - 'revenge seekers' who piss away money faster than they give up on IM - the moment they realize; "there's no magic recipe" -or- "one step to success method" - and just a. wild guess here; my money's betting on this being another 'shiny object experience'.

    Do nothing... Get nothing. Simple.

    Best thing that ever happened to me was "getting ripped off" for a whopping $86 on a one-time $1 fake GOOGLE sponsored product.

    Learned real fast, what not to do. If the OP did get ripped off, s/he could have at least gave some broader scope here(not naming names of course) just insight as to validate their professed victimization of being 'robbed'?

    Another fun filled image painting an obscure canvas in the minds of those who 'know not' the inportance of RESEARCH.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author megalinktraffic
    your experience gained will be helpful for your future.. don't worry just move forward..
    all you need to learn is that before you press the buy now make all the research needed..
    there are Good Ones too which can be found by reading the thread completely wherein other warriors ask and get clarifications and also provide their feedback after they had bought it. Based on the above concrete research now you can decide on ..
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    If the guru told he he had a no refund policy that should have raised a red flag in your head. You should always check if the product has a refund policy before purchasing it especially if it is a IM course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mairin44
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I forgot to mention that I got access to the course information 2 weeks after making payment. Yes, I did ask for a refund and was sent the sales page that states no refunds. I paid via paypal. Anyway, I'm thankful that it wasn't a great deal of money ($300) as it could easily have been a thousand or two so I'll just move on. Lesson learnt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    A guy bought a downloadable product from me from my website for $10. He paid with paypal. This was a few years ago and I don't offer this type of product anymore.

    However, I did set that product to be 'accessible' for download right after paypal collected the payment.

    The buyer put in a complaint to paypal stating that he didn't get what he paid for and that he was, wait for it...


    I checked my tracker and saw that he actually didn't even visit the download page (that paypal redirected him to after making his purchase).

    So I assumed that he must have closed his browser after paying for my product (without waiting for the download to page to appear).

    The product was an download containing over 30 E books for ten bucks.

    I immediately went into 'mediation' via paypa'ls dispute center where they could see our conversation if they had to 'arbitrate'.

    The guy didn't even answer to my question when I was trying to find out why he didn't get his product download.

    He actually didn't reply at all until I told him (through paypal resolution center) that I would just send him the download link again (but this time manually) and that I would also be 'tracking' his IP Address and would know if he actually made it to the download page.

    PLUS I would be providing paypal with all of my details.

    Guess what happened?

    He finally replied to my resolutions (his only reply) after he visited my download page and got his product.

    The guy replied with 'Thanks' but still didn't CLOSE the 'escalation' process.

    If the buyer doesn't manually close it, then paypal will then release the funds to the seller assuming that the buyer is content.

    This buyer held my sale up for about 4 weeks and gave me some stress, all for what?

    Ten Bucks?

    There is always two sides to every story.

    Not saying OP did anything wrong.

    We don't really know all the details.
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    • Profile picture of the author rickstooker
      I always thought courses have to have a minimum 30-day refund period, whether they like it or not. It's required by law. Maybe I'm wrong.

      Check out Federal Trade Commission:

      Getting Your Money Back | Consumer Information

      Though if you're not a US citizen or resident, I don't know what they'll do. You might at least draw their attention to a problem that's also affecting US customers.

      And why not dispute the payment with PayPal? They'll tell you to write to the guru, but you might get a refund.

      If the FTC and/or Paypal get too many complaints about this seller, they might act.

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