If you had $500 to spend on marketing a new site, how would you spend it?

14 replies
Let's say you've just set up a new niche site, and you have $500 to market it. What's the most efficient way to spend this money to build your first email list?
#$500 #marketing #site #spend
  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Lead capture pages that convert and match what you are selling for starters. I would invest in tools but take baby steps here.

    Work on stuff that can help you drive traffic organically because after you've spent that five hundred bucks, you'll be back to square one again unless you have consistent traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author DesignHackz
    Youtube SEO and PPC.

    Make few good videos in your chosen niche, optimize them using youtube SEO and start to learn youtube PPC. Build optimized youtube channel, and invest in good guide or mastermind about Video marketing.

    I think video marketing will only get bigger on 2016, so it's time to really dive deep into it.
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  • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
    Depends on the niche....but most likely FB ads only...

    Step 1: Fb page for 'likes' and get to 1000 VERY targeted followers ($100)
    Step 2: Ask them to shre, like, tag friends everyday with posts related to niche - Time
    Step 3: Set up mini, simple opt in page to collect email (only put benefits) - $50
    Step 4: Run FB ads to FB page with the goal of opting them in to your list with buying intention (discount, pre-sale, deals or w/e) ($250 should get you500+ targeted emails)
    Step 5: Email series to launch and create excitement + other factors to buy
    Step 6: Launch via email (free) and Fb ads ( $100)

    If Fb ads are successful, scale that! If the flow is successful scale that! If you break even, see why and improve. If you only fo $250 in sales....keep improving you'll get there. If you get 0 sales you messed up and start over in a new niche or product but pay attention to WHY you failed.


    P.S. I have done this above, I spend a bit more then $500 but that's what i would do

    Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Augustinus
    Create landing page and do PPC for it with google adwords or facebook, you can learn ppc on udemy where are a lot of useful courses for good prices when you find discount.
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  • Yes, I would invest the $500 to build a list around the site.

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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    Youtube & Getresponse/Aweber to provide continuous free tutorials on how to get profit with my niche.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinLee720
    It depends on the Niche but I would try to build a list around that niche, than i would do youtube, facebook, and all social networks but thats free. The only thing i would have to pay for is an autoresponder. I might do a bit of google ads or facebook ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author nadyavega
    Getresponse/Aweber to provide continuous free tutorials on how to get profit with my niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author dndoseller
    Build one page landing pages with an opt in form and use AdWords to test conversions. Just spend about $10 at a time.

    Once you find a page that converts, only then create an autoresponder series, blog and eventually your own product.

    If you dont get at least a couple real optins with $10 then drop it. You want to be in a niche that is super hot and people are desperate to sign up to get answers and solutions for their problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    For marketing with $500, i'd probably spend it all on PPC, joint ventures, or advertising on sites in your niche that aren't your competition - but has the demographic of people that you're looking for. $500 is chump change. I suggest you setup a small little campaign and find the best way to get people to convert to your list, and offer.... then scale up from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author biztike
    I would keep that $500 and learn free traffic first. If you can master that, you have won the game basically because whatever happens in the future, you will stay independent and will be able to make $$$$$$.
    It really isn't the easiest way but you have to start with it one day. if you really insist to invest that $500, I would do some courses on how to get #1 on youtube, create your own blog/website and test PPC with Google. Stay away from PBN's Solo ads, etc in the beginning. PBN's are bad since google is already blacklisting sites because of their backlinkings (There is a way around it already:-))).)\

    Solo ads I would stay away cause it will cost you money and even tho they subscribe to your email list, the moment you start to send emails you will see the real value is crap. If you want to build an email list do it with youtube for free or PPC.

    If you need any help let me know.

    Join my FREE course to make $100 a day within the first month. PM me if you want to be in the group. Yes, 100% free.

    Get rich with no money

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  • Profile picture of the author bsurb
    Facebook ads.
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    • Profile picture of the author PassiveIncomes
      Originally Posted by bsurb View Post

      Facebook ads.
      Facebook ads is too advanced. I would recommend you to build a site, get web hosting, domain name. Get all the SEO tools (you need these tools for all your work)! After that, do SEO on your website and make sure you hit first page of Google. Use those profits to buy Facebook ads, Google adwords ads, and more profit.

      From there, you become an advanced Internet marketers. Step by step don't rush!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    I would recommend starting with YT and Bing advertising. If you set up a new Bing account, they have a coupon for $100 free advertising.

    Google/Youtube has a deal where they give you $75 in advertising when you spend $25.

    perfectaudience.com has (or did have) a special where they give you $100 for signing up.

    That's $200 in PPC ads + $100 in retargeting for $25.

    Use these to learn, optimize and tweak your system, then move on to the more expensive options, like Facebook and Adwords.
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