WARNING Blog hijackers !
Here's the thing, I announced a couple of weeks ago on my blog that I was going to start a free weekly video training series to help anyone get started online.
The response has been amazing and the mood on my blog has been great over the last 2 weeks drawing lots of attention.
Then on the Saturday just gone I put the first short introduction video on my blog to get the series started. All was seeming well ...
Then yesterday while I was away from my computer some 'clown' decided to take a pop at me and really put me and my efforts down.... Including having a go at anyone that was following me !!
And the reason ? ( Wait for this ... )
I had spelt ONE single word wrong in my blog post !
Ok sure I hold my hands up I shouldn't have but this guy started some real fuss over it....
However like I say I was not online at the time to respond or remove this guys remarks, however many of my readers did respond to the remarks in my defence.
And this went on back and forth as this guy continued to come back to my blog and replying right back at everyone, imagine my anger after several weeks of build up to the start of this new video series to then have some fool come and crash the post !
After speaking with some fellow marketers it is pretty clear that this sort of thing happens and what these idiots do is basically try and take over other peoples blog posts and bring attention to themselves.
They do this by basically picking up on something, no matter how small, that is nothing to do with the blog post and start some silly argument.
Then something to watch out for as this is what this clown did....
He then tried to make out he was the one being abused and attacked and claimed he did nothing wrong !!
My only thought is that this guy wanted to then get some of my readers on his side to back him up. Sadly for him this of course did not happen but if it did then it could really turn messy on my blog post.
I thought I would share this experience to those like me until yesterday that had not gone through this. I just want everyone to be aware that there are really sad folks out there that want to do nothing than ruin other peoples hard work.
Just always be aware guys, my suggestion is when possible not to leave your blog unattended for long periods of time, by this I mean not leaving it for days unchecked. I luckily checked my blog after a few hours and was able to step in to stop this before it got too far out of hand.
Hope that may help some of you
Best wishes

"If you don't quit, you can't fail"
Success will follow.
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Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill
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When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
Beyond the Path