$100 - Where Can I invest? Any suggestion please ...

by nahid7
31 replies
I know that $100 is not enough to invest, but do you have any helpful idea to utilize this small amount?
I have quite clear ideas CPA (SOI, DOI), Pay per call offers, but confused that $100 is not perfect for paid traffic (PPC, PPV)
Actually, I never try PPC and PPV. However, just want your helpful ideas about anything where I can invest.
Anything in Internet Marketing!!
#$100 #invest #suggestion
  • Profile picture of the author Jonathongs
    Originally Posted by nahid7 View Post

    I know that $100 is not enough to invest, but do you have any helpful idea to utilize this small amount?
    I have quite clear ideas CPA (SOI, DOI), Pay per call offers, but confused that $100 is not perfect for paid traffic (PPC, PPV)
    Actually, I never try PPC and PPV. However, just want your helpful ideas about anything where I can invest.
    Anything in Internet Marketing!!
    IF you have experience about Forex you can try it.
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  • Profile picture of the author PopeMarketing
    If I was on a $100 budget I would:

    - Sign up for Aweber
    - Buy a domain + hosting
    - Create a niche website that I'd post fresh content to
    - Write a 30 page report solving a problem in my niche
    - Post Youtube Videos relevant to niche to attract opt-ins and downloads of my report
    - Post on Forums and blogs within the same niche for the same reason
    - Grow list and promote products
    - $$$

    Ah who am I kidding. If I had nothing but $100 to my name I'd either put it all on Red or I'd end up down the pub
    For The Highest Quality Traffic, Free Sales Funnel And List-Building Consultation, As Well As Free Video Training (No Opt-in),

    Visit www.PopeSolos.com. Results Guaranteed.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMizOne
    Depends on how experienced you are, since you are asking here I take it you're a newbie.

    Create a website, try different methods, invest the money when you really need it (buying domain, backlinks) and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Originally Posted by nahid7 View Post

    I know that $100 is not enough to invest, but do you have any helpful idea to utilize this small amount?
    Hi Nahid, I would advise you to 'keep' your money. $100 is not enough to start in paid advertising because you will need about 500 bucks (or more) to just start learning.

    If your on such a small budget, consider investing your time in FREE Traffic.

    You can use the search feature to learn about that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Olavski
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      Hi Nahid, I would advise you to 'keep' your money. $100 is not enough to start in paid advertising because you will need about 500 bucks (or more) to just start learning.

      If your on such a small budget, consider investing your time in FREE Traffic.

      You can use the search feature to learn about that.
      You don't actually need 500 USD to start learning. If you want to start learning about anything, just search it on google. If you want to start practising online marketing things, you should have a 500 USD budget, at least.

      Or you can start your business for free...well not actually for free, because you'll need a sh*tload of time.
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    • Profile picture of the author nahid7
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      Hi Nahid, I would advise you to 'keep' your money. $100 is not enough to start in paid advertising because you will need about 500 bucks (or more) to just start learning.

      If your on such a small budget, consider investing your time in FREE Traffic.

      You can use the search feature to learn about that.
      Many thanks
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10475322].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author youssefonline
      I would advise you to 'keep' your money. $100 is not enough to start in paid advertising because you will need about 500 bucks (or more) to just start learning.

      If your on such a small budget, consider investing your time in FREE Traffic.

      You can use the search feature to learn about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bennie Smithson
    I would probably buy some sort of software that helps you automate things.
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    • Profile picture of the author nahid7
      Originally Posted by Bennie Smithson View Post

      I would probably buy some sort of software that helps you automate things.
      What type of software? Any example please ...
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  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
    invest in Google Adwords...it might be a little bit costly but gives guaranteed results...

    Chintan Mehta

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    • Profile picture of the author Roko4u
      I don't know about the ways that you mentioned, but would suggest you to open your own website and start working on it. Doesn't need to invest much but can be earn 10 times more than that money..
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    • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
      Originally Posted by reachintan View Post

      invest in Google Adwords...it might be a little bit costly but gives guaranteed results...
      I don`t really agree with you because Adwords is a little bit difficult to start with especially when you`re newbie marketer. Instead I recommend try Bing. It`s much more easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Unfortunately $100 is really enough to start with paid traffic, you may want to start with free methods - purchase your own domain and hosting and start building websites and look into seo, article marketing, video marketing, facebook pages, etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You should probably save alot of your money and do something easy first. Like start on Fiverr, Ebay, or Half .com. $100 is lunch money in business. Even in an "online" business. $100 is just enough to get you the essentials (site, autoresponder, content, $25 bing ads campaign, etc). What is your plan for MARKETING?
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  • Profile picture of the author xnice
    -Start a blog with a domain, hosting with a niche.

    -Blog daily with trend or find the long tail keyword with less competition.

    -Promote it, tweet, share it Facebook, bookmark it, do everything you can for get targeted traffic.

    -When your website has some traffic (100 visitors per day), you can try monetize with Amazon, Clickbank, other affiliation or even sell ads on your blog sitewide.

    -Get $, review the method again and scale it up.

    -With your budget, I think it the best way.
    Need Quality Backlinks: Check Out How To Buy Quality Backlinks in 2018?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10474942].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nahid7
      Originally Posted by xnice View Post

      -Start a blog with a domain, hosting with a niche.

      -Blog daily with trend or find the long tail keyword with less competition.

      -Promote it, tweet, share it Facebook, bookmark it, do everything you can for get targeted traffic.

      -When your website has some traffic (100 visitors per day), you can try monetize with Amazon, Clickbank, other affiliation or even sell ads on your blog sitewide.

      -Get $, review the method again and scale it up.

      -With your budget, I think it the best way.
      Thanks a lot
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10475329].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Augustinus
    Try different methods and by this way you will start your learning process ,if you are good writer start website about something like game cheats and monetize it with content locking.

    You can create free websites in wordress also you can find nice themes for that . So your investment will be like 10 for hosting per month and 10 for domain per year.

    But quite challenging will be to bring traffic to website , if this case you need to think long term, therefore if you are looking to just do quick dollar and you are not able invest more in website by the time.

    It will be better to look for something else
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  • Profile picture of the author chessmasterr
    $100? I would start playing around with some gigs on Fiverr my friend
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  • Profile picture of the author WWWorldwide
    Fiverr and upwork are your best friends
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    • Profile picture of the author nahid7
      Originally Posted by Engineer2Blogger View Post

      I'd save it
      Good idea man
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Maybe invest some time and research on what you are asking then just use the search tab where there are 1000s of threads on this very subject !!!! and most of them are new not old threads, why? because this question gets asked at least 2-3 times a week.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    You'll need an autoresponder (Getresponse or aweber) and a blog. Do keyword research and create unique high quality content daily. Build a presence on social media and you can use even just $10/day to boost your posts on FB to jumpstart your traffic a bit. If you're an affiliate, then sell that. As long as you get traffic, then it's a huge possibility people will buy. If you don't have anything to sell yet, just I'd recommend you become an affiliate first because you don't have the results to create a product yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by TheZafraGroup View Post

      You'll need an autoresponder (Getresponse or aweber) and a blog. Do keyword research and create unique high quality content daily. Build a presence on social media and you can use even just $10/day to boost your posts on FB to jumpstart your traffic a bit. If you're an affiliate, then sell that. As long as you get traffic, then it's a huge possibility people will buy. If you don't have anything to sell yet, just I'd recommend you become an affiliate first because you don't have the results to create a product yet.
      This is one of the normal answers that are given but never thought out!

      Whats an Autoresponder or Get response and aweber?

      How do i set up my blog?

      How do i Jump start FB?

      The old chest nut How do I get Traffic??

      Dont get me wrong you have posted some good answers but you forgot like most warriors is the How !! 99% of the answers on the forum are great but they asume the person knows what you are talking about but do they ?

      This is what the difference between the old forum and the new! the old one we explained the process
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10500126].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
        Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

        This is one of the normal answers that are given but never thought out!

        Whats an Autoresponder or Get response and aweber?

        How do i set up my blog?

        How do i Jump start FB?

        The old chest nut How do I get Traffic??

        Dont get me wrong you have posted some good answers but you forgot like most warriors is the How !! 99% of the answers on the forum are great but they asume the person knows what you are talking about but do they ?

        This is what the difference between the old forum and the new! the old one we explained the process
        I gave the idea and what they need. All the other stuff they need clarification with can be researched. If you really want to learn, then you'll put the effort to learn.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10500251].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author nahid7
          Originally Posted by TheZafraGroup View Post

          I gave the idea and what they need. All the other stuff they need clarification with can be researched. If you really want to learn, then you'll put the effort to learn.
          I know all the above things. I just mentioned that I am new in paid advertising.
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      • Profile picture of the author nahid7
        Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

        This is one of the normal answers that are given but never thought out!

        Whats an Autoresponder or Get response and aweber?

        How do i set up my blog?

        How do i Jump start FB?

        The old chest nut How do I get Traffic??

        Dont get me wrong you have posted some good answers but you forgot like most warriors is the How !! 99% of the answers on the forum are great but they asume the person knows what you are talking about but do they ?

        This is what the difference between the old forum and the new! the old one we explained the process
        I know all the above things. I just mentioned that I am new in paid advertising.
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  • Profile picture of the author enjamulahsan
    Originally Posted by nahid7 View Post

    I know that $100 is not enough to invest, but do you have any helpful idea to utilize this small amount?
    I have quite clear ideas CPA (SOI, DOI), Pay per call offers, but confused that $100 is not perfect for paid traffic (PPC, PPV)
    Actually, I never try PPC and PPV. However, just want your helpful ideas about anything where I can invest.
    Anything in Internet Marketing!!
    Invest for eating. Thats the best option. Eat all the things you do like.
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  • Profile picture of the author tinhsuccess101
    do you want to create a successful online business or being a successful online marketer RIGH NOW?

    - the first option: a successful online marketer
    i suggest you keep 100$ in you pocket and NEVER EVER spend it, keep add more if you can then go and look for a person that make at least a million dollar a year as a marketer and sped your time learn everything that he know, read everything he write and you will know more than probably 80% online marketers in the world.
    then you will know how to spend your 100$ better than most people here.

    -second option: a successful business owner
    100$ is MORE than enough to start an online business. i suggest you start with E-commerce dropshipping.
    use aliexpress as your supplier and use a site like shopify to create a store, get a cheap domain at name cheap and you business to ready. the total cost should be LESS than $50
    use pinterest as your primary advertising method, i will not go to detail but search for pinterest training and you find some training very good. you will be surprise at how many FREE visitors you can get !!!! and why some business out there get more traffic from pinterest then all SEO, FB ... combine together.

    Good look!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10500176].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nahid7
      Originally Posted by tinhsuccess101 View Post

      do you want to create a successful online business or being a successful online marketer RIGH NOW?

      - the first option: a successful online marketer
      i suggest you keep 100$ in you pocket and NEVER EVER spend it, keep add more if you can then go and look for a person that make at least a million dollar a year as a marketer and sped your time learn everything that he know, read everything he write and you will know more than probably 80% online marketers in the world.
      then you will know how to spend your 100$ better than most people here.

      -second option: a successful business owner
      100$ is MORE than enough to start an online business. i suggest you start with E-commerce dropshipping.
      use aliexpress as your supplier and use a site like shopify to create a store, get a cheap domain at name cheap and you business to ready. the total cost should be LESS than $50
      use pinterest as your primary advertising method, i will not go to detail but search for pinterest training and you find some training very good. you will be surprise at how many FREE visitors you can get !!!! and why some business out there get more traffic from pinterest then all SEO, FB ... combine together.

      Good look!
      Most effective answer; many thanks mate
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  • Profile picture of the author OussamaBusiness
    i think you create a facebook page and buy perfect course for facebook ads in Udemy.com and start to create facebook ads and get like and get traffic in your page and after you have great likes and you create your website and start earn with adsense
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