Those of you with sigs

34 replies
How much traffic goes from this site to your site through your signature?

How many opt-ins/sales/results do you get?
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I don't get any


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author munir ahmed

    Just a few but not really focusing on traffic,
    just here to learn from others...
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  • Profile picture of the author seogurus
    Originally Posted by IMstarter View Post

    How much traffic goes from this site to your site through your signature?

    How many opt-ins/sales/results do you get?
    I have a feeling most people will agree with Al on this one...little to no traffic...I myself still need to set mine up as the remote off chance you generate a click that turns into a sale lol

    The thing is the fact I myself have not set up a sig yet should tell you how high up the priority/effectiveness chain it is lmao.
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  • Profile picture of the author RS3RS
    It's not enough to even count as a source of traffic.

    I try to keep my more helpful blog posts there if I feel they might be of use, just in case anyone wants to read more of my ramblings.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
    2,704 clicks to my WF blog before I changed the sig to point to its current page.
    Put MY voice on YOUR video:
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  • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
    There is some traffic, but 100% of them are not even buyers. There are just looking around and then they leave. I don't know about other niches, but at least this applies to Warrior Forum. Yes, folks at Warriors especially newbies are not interested in buying, they're here to sell actually, by making lots of posts, asking certain questions and then open a WSO later on.
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  • just a few a day. nothing big but every once in awhile i get a client from it.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      What , you didn't know ?
      The 1,000 Post club ?
      When you hit this, you automatically receive 10K a month in revenue

      Geesh, I thought everyone knew about this
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      • Profile picture of the author IMstarter
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        What , you didn't know ?
        The 1,000 Post club ?
        When you hit this, you automatically receive 10K a month in revenue

        Geesh, I thought everyone knew about this
        Bet you can't wait to get to 5,000 posts
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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Originally Posted by IMstarter View Post

          Bet you can't wait to get to 5,000 posts
          Yes, but I at this level I had to sign a 'Non -Disclose' Clause that forbids me to discuss the monetary details of this
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      • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
        It is not intended to drive traffic to your site, most savvy Warriors know that it is a great backlink for Google because of the longevity and the page rank of the Warrior Forum. That's all it does.

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        • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
          Originally Posted by Tony Dean View Post

          It is not intended to drive traffic to your site, most savvy Warriors know that it is a great backlink for Google because of the longevity and the page rank of the Warrior Forum. That's all it does.
          Actually, signature from this forum doesn't mean anything to Google because it is nofollow obviously. Yes, newbies who don't know this fact will waste time posting here and there hoping that Google will rank them one day.

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  • Profile picture of the author 04real
    Some LOL but by no means can you rely on it as your sole source of traffic. That would be too easy and at the same time you wouldn't be able to survive just on sig leads.
    I wrote and published an 8,000+ word book in 24 hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    I've been here on the WF for almost 3 years but never had a signature until about a week ago. Since I have a signature I made 15 posts which resulted in 2 clicks to my website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Garymgar
    I actually posted to the forum this past Sunday and made a paid sale to one of my programs. Unfortunately , it was to an affiliate link which is not allowed. I should have read the TOS. Beginners luck I guess.
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  • Haven't tried it much on this forum but it's worked on other forums. That said, it'll never be a good primary or event secondary method to focus on compared to other things. Still, I'm the type of guy who likes to hand out or leave behind a business card in real life in case it produces fruit later on. I think of my online sigs as being the digital version of that.
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  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    I think it mainly depends on what you're posting here on the forum more than anything else. If you're helping folks out and showing them that you can deliver value, then they might check out your website. But if you're just posting one-line comments that are pretty vague, then folks can't really judge you and they won't click.

    When I was super-active on WF last year and offering folks advice daily, I was getting roughly 4k-8k visitors per month from my sig link. So don't think that it can't produce excellent traffic; it's just not common unless you really go out of your way to help folks. Note that I said "help" there...not "sell".

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    I might possibly get 50 visitors a month from my sig.

    Nothing to write home about. My videos on DailyMotion alone get me much more traffic (not to mention YouTube which packs more of a punch).

    Of course I don`t spend 8 to 12 hours a day posting on the WF and have thousands upon thousands of posts either.

    Perhaps I should...
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Originally Posted by IMstarter View Post

    How much traffic goes from this site to your site through your signature?

    How many opt-ins/sales/results do you get?
    I do not know if it is just me but when I visit Warrior Forum I never see anyone's signature at all.

    If you pay for a signature are you able to link/promote anything? What are the limitations for the paid signatures?

    At the end of the day do you Warriors feel the paid signature service is worth the $60?
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168

      I remove my signature...

      anyone there are profile you can put your links

      signature wise of course easy to let people see that all.
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    • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
      Originally Posted by DURABLEOILCOM View Post

      I do not know if it is just me but when I visit Warrior Forum I never see anyone's signature at all.

      If you pay for a signature are you able to link/promote anything? What are the limitations for the paid signatures?

      At the end of the day do you Warriors feel the paid signature service is worth the $60?
      Would you look at banner ads these days? If it makes my browser slow, I would rather install a plugin to block it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I never see anyone's signature at all.
        That would be due to have the "box" unchecked in your control panel. It's been mentioned here many times.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
    Who's counting???

    I occasionally get a sale from a someone who has indicated that they heard about my product here, but those are very rare.

    I doubt that I get more than a handful of sales per year as a result of any exposure my sig link receives here, but that's OK as it is provided to allow others to understand who I am - not for the express purpose of generating sales.

    Sid Hale
    Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Everybody is different. Its about optimizing all the time
    Working to achieve higher results...
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I dispensed with my sig a long time ago when I realized that my posts here can be more effectively leveraged by referencing them within other marketing venues and sales promotions.
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  • Profile picture of the author monica29312
    I found some traffic is coming from my signature. But if you think the Signature is not working at all. It is not right. I am sure the signature creates back link. It may be at Do-follow link or, No-follow link. By which your Traffic & Page rank will increase. The Do-follow link will increase your site traffic & Page rank at the same time. Os it is necessary to do. Thanks for understanding.
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  • Profile picture of the author MindShifted
    I don't think a lot of people test their sig copy because they don't think it makes a huge difference.

    I read sigs out of sheer curiosity, and most people's sigs suck (quite frankly).

    Company names? Suck.

    Name of a blog? (Visit my blog.) Sucks.

    Telling what you do instead of the benefits to the potential customer? Sucks.

    If you're on here and you're posting and you have a sig, the least you can do is make it worth your while and create a sig that makes people want to click.

    A sig is like a headline. If your headline sucks... you've already lost the battle.
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    • Profile picture of the author IMstarter
      Originally Posted by MindShifted View Post

      I don't think a lot of people test their sig copy because they don't think it makes a huge difference.

      I read sigs out of sheer curiosity, and most people's sigs suck (quite frankly).

      Company names? Suck.

      Name of a blog? (Visit my blog.) Sucks.

      Telling what you do instead of the benefits to the potential customer? Sucks.

      If you're on here and you're posting and you have a sig, the least you can do is make it worth your while and create a sig that makes people want to click.

      A sig is like a headline. If your headline sucks... you've already lost the battle.
      Very true. After seeing some people say that they get results from their sigs and others saying they don't see much in terms of results I think it basically boils down to: 1. how much of what they're promoting is in demand and 2. whether the sig makes people want to click over.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Currently I don't have a link in my signature, but recently I have and one thing I can say for sure is that the amount of traffic that clicked on my sig link was considerably less than what it used to be 2-3 years ago. I remember several years ago getting as many as 30-40 visitors a day from the WF but the last link I had in my sig I kept there for an entire 10 days and only got 58 clicks.

    I generally don't put links in my sig now as a rule unless I have a new WSO. I guess it's worth it even if it only ends up resulting in 1 or 2 sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author sogeshirts
      I've gotten some subscribers from here and made a few sales here and there. People read warrior forum blogs more than you think.

      You can't link directly from them to a squeeze page but you can link to a helpful blog post which can give people the option to join your squeeze page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I've gotten sales from my signature image that advertise my WSO, but can't
    say it is a major source of traffic to my websites. But little is better than

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    My sig actually gets me alot of leads who convert into customers.

    That's the point of it right? Promotion, right?

    When i track my subs from this site, a large portion of them buy my frontend product from me relatively fast (within 30 days). If you know how to twerk it, it can be a better investment than the $100/day banner ad at the top.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      If you know how to twerk it, it can be a better investment than the $100/day banner ad at the top.
      Some people know how to twerk it, other people know how to tweak it; two very different skillsets!

      Sorry, Randall; I couldn't resist, but I also know you can take a gentle ribbing. At least I spared you a twerking video!
      Put MY voice on YOUR video:
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      • Profile picture of the author IMstarter
        Originally Posted by David Beroff View Post

        Some people know how to twerk it, other people know how to tweak it; two very different skillsets!

        Sorry, Randall; I couldn't resist, but I also know you can take a gentle ribbing. At least I spared you a twerking video!
        A saying I hope doesn't catch on...
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